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Let's make Chicken Cordon Bleu. So it sounds so grandeur, right? But I'm sure that many of you know this already. So the Chicken Cordon Bleu is actually a relative of snitchzel. It's a breaded meat: pork, veal, chicken, beef. Right? Popular in Germany, Austria, and in Switzerland. It's so fancy, right? But when I taste the original Chicken Cordon Bleu in Switzerand, I have noticed that our version is way more cheesier. So it's really good that your version is cheesier, right? Your version is way cheesier, right? So let's prepare it, it's very very simple. First. I know that... So here, a disclaimer. Many of you already know how to make this. This is my simple version that I'm sure that would may help you, right? I prepare first a spice mix. This is salt. This is garlic powder. So I'm combining that: Salt and garlic powder. This is Spanish paprika and thyme. The thyme is optional. You can also use rosemary. Okay. So this is my spice mix. And then what I put inside my Cordon Bleu, I have here ham slices. This is pickles, just the sweet pickles that you can buy in can and this is string cheese from Eurorich foods. What I like about this is that it's sliced already. So you just cut it in the middle, right? If you also don't like string cheese, you can use Cheddar cheese or any easy-melting cheese. And then we have here chicken breast fillet, making this Chicken Cordon Bleu is very simple. The first step is you get a clean wrap. Okay, just like that. One piece of clean wrap and then you get your chicken, right? So normally one quantity of this, half of the breast. One piece of a whole breast, right? You put it on that clean wrap and then you season it with your spice mix. Don't be too generous on seasoning, just enough because of course, you're also putting other flavor components. And then cover it again with clean wrap. To those anti-plastic, you can use parchment paper or wax paper and using the clean wrap you put and a rolling pin, So there, you just hit it. There it is, right? You can also use a mullet. The mullet is the hammer-like with pointed things on it for pounding beef. I just myself find it more gentle if you use this. "But I don't have a rolling pin." Then you just use a heavy surface that you can find in your kitchen. Right? So you just want to pound it. What I like about the rolling pin is you can also use this to make it even. It's fantastic, right? You just pound it in a size a bit bigger than the ham and with the cheese. Okay, you may cut it like that with the cheese. See? Okay. That size. And then take off the plastic that you put on top. You're going to recycle that. You put your ham, you put your cheese, and then your pickles. It's delicious with pickles. But if you're not fond of pickles, as usual, you don't put some. But you can put also our Pimientos, you may put some Pimientos and then you seal the sides first. Okay, for the cheese to get trapped inside. You trapped the cheese into the kitchen and then you roll it going to you. You just roll it like that. My clean wrap just got big, my sincere apologies. And then after rolling it, you compress it properly. Using the clean wrap, you seal it already. This is how I do the Cordon Bleu. And then this one, you put in refrigerator or freezer for an hour so that it would set before you put the breading. There it is, right? You won't get stressed. Let's say for example that you have order to prepare for tomorrow or the other day, you make a lot of this and then when you are ready, right? You bread it and then that's the time you cook it because I don't recommend that you are to bread already. Let's do one more. That you are gonna bread a lot because when in breading, it's texture will change. The texture of the crumbs became soggy when you left it long inside the freezer. Right? So it's better that it's always fresh. So you get again your chicken breast and then you're going to season it with your spice mix. If you want salt and pepper only, you don't want to follow my spice mix or you have your own spice mix that you use. So there. Push! What I like about the Chicken Cordon Bleu, It's pronunciation is even fancy. Is it's very easy to make but it is fancy. It's fancy, right? That's why you can sell a lot of this. You're not selling it in a high price because the ingredients are expensive but of course, this is labor of love. Just look at here, you're hitting right? So there. Check with the ham. Size of the ham slightly bigger than the size of the ham. You put your cheese. Your pickles. You don't like pickles? It's fine. You trapped the cheese. Because when you're frying and the cheese have shown, that's what makes the oil contaminated, right? And then you roll. Because other recipes when you chopstick it- Chopstick, my apologies! Why did the word chopsticks crossed in my mind though? Because other recipes, right? What they will tell you is to use the toothpick. But me, since I have watched maybe a video wherein a toothpick is left inside the cake then it has caused accident. It seems I have become afraid of putting pointy things on my products, right? So I'm going to continue pounding this and then after that, let's bread! So now, I'm ready to bread the Chicken Cordon Bleu. With accent, right? It's fancy, right? So I'm seasoning my bread crumbs. This is Japanese bread crumbs or Panko. You can also use those fine bread crumbs. I think in Switzerland, what they use is fine bread crumbs. So to those who are in Switzerland, right? Then you use fine bread crumbs. So just season it with salt and pepper lightly. That's very important. Because every component of your dish should be well-seasoned. And this is just eggs, I've beaten some eggs. This one is for the snitchzel for I don't have ham anymore. So I have just pounded the chicken breast left. So 1 kg of chicken breast will produce you around 8 pcs. 8 to 9 pieces of Chicken Cordon Bleu. So remove it from the clean wrap and if you are to refrigerate it overnight, it will firm even more. So look how nice, right? And then you just roll it in a flour. You shake a bit. You roll it in egg. Beaten egg. Remember the golden rule: Keep one hand clean so like here, I have scratch my eye part. So I have use it without any cross-contamination because it is dry. And then you roll it in bread crumbs. Just like that. And then I don't recommend deep frying this. So what I am gonna do here is just like shallow-frying. My pan is already hot so I can put it directly already. Okay, again. I don't recommend... Why am I not recommending deep frying? Because your Chicken Cordon Bleu might open and I also do not recommend that you'll put the plate where you do the breading inside the freezer. It's good that, anything that you will bread. Whether it's Katsu, whether it's fish or anything. It's nice that the breading is fresh. For it becomes soggy. The crunchiness of the breading decreases when you put it in the refrigerator or the freezer. Okay. And then the advantage of having one hand dry is there. It will quickly turn brown since it's first to be cooked so just be careful. The beauty of doing this way, that's it's wrapped with clean wrap is you can control the size. So the size is really even. Because what I've noticed in some Cordon Bleu, it seems like there are times it's big and there are times that it's small but of course, that would also heavily depend on the size of the chicken. Okay. So don't maximize the flame too much, I have minimize it to make sure that it's really cooked up to the inside because what you want to avoid is for the inside of your Chicken Cordon Bleu to be raw. That's why you need to estimate the temperature. Not that too hot. If you're to deep fry it, make sure you have a basket. So that it will be resting, not just that it will open or if you want to do it in traditional way, you put it some toothpick. Just make sure that before serving it, you will be able to remove the toothpick. That is really what I am afraid of, right? Of course, me as a customer, when I see things like that. I really understand why it's left but the problem sometimes, when the one who will eat quickly eats it, right? We already forgotten that it has toothpick. You just have to rotate it for even cooking. Beautiful. My Chicken Cordon Bleu is really cooked fairly, right? Professional, amazing! Of course, this is chicken. So after working with the chicken, please make sure that you will sanitize your hands and your station to prevent cross-contamination. For example also that this would be for dinner: You may bread it on morning, you just put it on refrigerator. Right? What I don't recommend is that it will last more than overnight with the breading in the refrigerator. The texture would really be different. I know I keep saying things again but it's just because like me, as someone who loves eating, I will know and I will notice if the breading has been in the refrigerator for long. It's crunchiness would be different. Okay, let's check this. It's nearly done. I am going to bread my snitchzels. It's just a breaded chicken yet the name became grandeur, it became snitchzel. We are on Europe today. That's why we have the accent for the "Cordon Bleu". We're in Europe, right? Why does it have a tissue? The paper towel will absorb any excess moisture to prevent the breading from becoming soggy because if it will be soggy or it will have extra moisture that is not a need for the recipe, it's consistency is going to change. It will not become crunchy nicely. The moisture you only want for that is the moisture from the meat and the moisture from the eggs. Okay? So I'm going to clean this and then let's continue frying. I am gonna change my tongs already too. I am frying the last batch of the Chicken Cordon Bleu. I am very proud because the sizes are really equal. This one just got a bit smaller. There it is, right? The chicken may have a diet that's why it's chicken breast's size decreased, right? So let's continue frying this but here, let's prepare the sauce. This is just the classic sauce of the Chicken Cordon Bleu. This is just the Béchamel. So you put butter. And flour, just all-purpose flour. Let's just make it fancy a little bit because we are on Europe as I have said before. So our Béchamel sauce, let's make it Truffle Béchamel. It's fancy. Let's put it Truffle Salsa from Eurorich foods. So I'm cooking the flour and the butter. Béchamel sauce is just white sauce. Right? It's name just sounds fancy but it's just white sauce. So butter and flour, you are making the roux. R-O-U-X So the equal mixture of the butter and the flour. You cook it until aromatic. You put the fresh milk. And then you keep on mixing it until it thickens. I will just out the Truffle at the last part so that it's nice flavor would really show and then you just season it with some salt. You have to constantly stir this to prevent lumps. The Truffle is not required, okay? If you just want to make it fancy. Because I know that many of you are doing food tray businesses, right? And the common problem is: "All of us is already doing Chicken Cordon Bleu." Then you put a bit of sophistication that wouldn't hurt the budget. Right? When you hear that noise, the cheese is going out. So here, I will remove it already since it seems to be cooked. My Béchamel sauce is thickening, as you can see. I'm going to season it with some salt. I will cook my snitchzel already. Oh! So there it is. Oh my! My apologies. I was shocked by that. The chicken separated, it nearly fly. So there, snitchzel. The chicken said: Because of doing anything to me, Cordon Bleu or Snitchzel but hard to pronounce. So there, it already boiled, turn off the flame and then you just put your truffle salsa. It can also be truffle oil, about 1 tbsp. only. This sauce of Cordon Bleu is on another level. It's delicious. It's delicious. I will put it a bit more of salt. It can also be mayonnaise. You just put a bit of mayonnaise and a bit of mustard. So there. So I can taste that one already. Super achieved. So there, with pickles Right? And look at the cheese. Oh my God! Look at the cheese. Right? And look at the layer, the layer is so fantastic. Let's taste it first without the sauce. The cheese is amazing. It seems like I need to have a jacket. I feel like I am on Switzerland. My God! I am really filled with cheese. The pickles made something different and the spice mix really made it so grandeur. It's delicious. This is not your usual Cordon Bleu, it is the grandeur Cordon Bleu. And you can see, it looks like... It's like the cookies, the cookies with design. That's why look at me, I'm eating it like cookies, right? I am eating it as if... What do you call this? It seems like cookies that are packed. So one more time. The only thing left to do is to put it in the bag. Really so good especially the part with the pickles. So there, really so good. I may burnt this one, the Snitchzel will feel down. So there. Let's remove it already so there's no hassle on tasting it. So let's taste it with the pickles and with the Bechamel sauce. So delicious. Make this already. Now already because it's so delicious and I'm going to see you in Switzerland. Okay? So take care, happy cooking and enjoy :)
Channel: Chef RV Manabat
Views: 2,140,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef, chef rv, recipes, mukbang, food, food recipes, celebrity chef, pinoy, pinoy vlog
Id: 16Mgi_Igzww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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