BOI Weekly | 08/10/2020

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to boi weekly i'm kaide allendy the bank of industry takes national food security very seriously and that's why year on year it continues to expand its intervention in the agricultural sector and these interventions are found across the country today we are in nasarawa state we are visiting a nine hectare integrated farm located somewhere along the abuja cafe highway now what makes this story beautiful about the bank of industries intervention is that this farm is able to stock extra 27 000 laying birds and the import of this intervention is that this farm can collect at least 25 000 extra eggs every day i understand that the chief promoter of this business is somewhere in these pens that you're seeing behind me i want to go see him and talk to him so that he can tell us about this beautiful story of intervention by the bank of industry once again i'm kai delandy come with me [Music] well done yes sir after the exchange of pleasantries we were asked to observe the biosecurity protocols to ensure the birds are not unduly exposed so i assume the water is treated right treated with chemicals like microorganisms fungi then here you have to take your hand to make sure that all the things that you are carrying out is treated in this water [Music] all right i see [Music] okay [Music] we are welcome into interactive farm uh it's a farm that we started here since 2017. we started with the two pens and then considering the market we decided to let us expand but we had no resources we will now approach bangkok industry for resources to expand and graciously they offered us a facility that led us to expand these two pens we have expanded our capacity from twenty thousand to forty five thousand uh beds these two pens alone gave us twenty seven thousand so we have moved up almost two hundred percent and that has increased our egg production yes i understand that this farm is is an integrated farm yeah so apart from poultry can can you tell us the other forms of agriculture yeah where you do yeah we're into cropping too we do a lot of crops uh we are not soya beans you can see when we are going out maize particularly maize is a major component of our raw material for our feet so we do that down behind the pencil that's where we do much of the the maze cultivation and then this side then also we do yam farm here too well you do yes so if i last year we bought over a thousand two two bucks of yams yeah wow and then we do a lot of uh beans last year we bought uh 25 bags of beans last year also we got a 120 something bags of uh mace so it's an integrated farm what we're doing we want to also go into uh other forms and we do fisheries too that's impressive yeah yes i i understand that you're from benue state and uh that's the food basket of the nation yeah and you also have farms there can you tell me about those as well yeah where i'm i'm naturally original from an agrarian state as you said my my family were all my family far four fathers were farmers i grew up knowing nothing more than funny in fact i use the farming to educate myself so i'm into farming right now i have farms all over in makodi i have a palm plantation of five hectares which i'm hoping to start a family me in the next two three years by the grace of god and i do a lot of i have a big epigraphy farm there too but embracing some small hairs or peeps this is a four-tier cage 40 minutes one two three four four that case or two rows and then fully automated automatic feeding automatic uh air collection and automatic water system you don't have to use anything manually to feed them everything goes automatically so it saves us the the manpower it saves contact with the birds it saves us the the feet because there's no more feed wastage if you are doing it manually you will see that feed will be dropping on the floor every time but now the automatic system makes it a lot easier but it's very expensive if you don't get funds from bangladesh like this is very very very expensive to do this kind of thing that's what not not many farmers can afford to do that so i'm very grateful to bangkok industry for that i'm going to achieve it and it makes a lot of work easier for us so you use the word expensive meaning that the uh the operation is capital intensive yeah it is now tell me about the value of the bank of industries intervention and what you used those those funds for yeah the the total value for the bo intervention is about 55 million naira which uh basically for the equipment the solar panel which was to supply a standby additional power i caught about 12 million error and then the equipment [Music] cost the 42 million naira thereabouts which comprise of a automatic air collector the automatic feeding system the silos for storage we have each pen has a phyton silo for the storage outside there that then moves the food through the auger into the feeding system for automatic transmission and serving of the fence so basically the the equipment aspect of the cages and the solar panels could make the 55 millionaire and vancouver industrial trading is said that we must have uh alternative sources of power uh i said back because we actually need power here and solar because it's it's a bit cheaper uh we feel that once you have solar you have less expenses for maintenance and all that that's why but it serves it serves itself very well especially for lightening so we don't put on the generator 24 hours when we're only on lightning we use it in the solar and when we have to use the equipment because of the the fault you know you can't take all the four pens at the same time then we just use the generator when and when there is a puppy power supply from aadc we use it but we hardly get that up to 12 hours in a day but how did he learn about the boi intervention well yeah a friend of mine a friend of mine told me told me about the bank of industries intervention in agriculture so from when i was looking for a facility i was actually looking for with the cbn when i now told me that back industry are doing funding for small-scale agriculture say okay now let me try it and then i applied though it took a long time because of the processes but eventually we got it i applied as early as that 2017. i was able to get it desire by 2019 completed in 2019. you know the usual problems of security corroder all that back and forth trying to get chorotra and i had no no experience of taking a facility before so i had no color trying place before i had to go and put my my house and titles in order to come and meet up with that so it took a long time actually one of the beautiful things about these pens is that the battery cages are installed on a raised platform the droppings of the birds are landing way below the cages into a large pit ensuring that the birds are safely kept away from the waste afterwards the waste is evacuated and this system ensures there is no waste in the farm as the bird droppings are salt and also used as fertilizer for other farming activities abdul malik mohammed is the poultry manager here and has been working on this farm for years he talks about how far the farm has come and how better they're able to manage it with the new intervention actually with the battery cage at least the manpower has reduced and the work has become so efficient so easy for us to handle without the battery cage it will be very hard for me to use three staff in this particular pen as well to pick my eggs it will not be easy so with the bacteria with the automated system everything becomes very very easy for me to operate in terms of feeding the beds collating of the egg even cleaning the pan so everything was so marvelous and so easy for me with greater capacity comes more customers the farm manager kabir zakari says with the new intervention inter asa is able to satisfy more consumers and egg distributors in abuja and other towns in the middle bells region from the laying points is the major source of our income and at the same time the second part is the umbrellas and i believe so far since when we started the production is favoring us and then the customers also enjoy our service and the way they relate with us we are also happy doing business with them most of the customers do come from cafe and most of them abuja at the same time and then those are the places that our egg normally the egg that we are producing also the customers are also enjoying what we are giving out because when it comes to the especially the york it's most yellow and you know the customer they prefer yellow yolk so due to what is coming out of our bed at least make them to keep patronizing us they are giving give good a recommendation in fact about our product [Music] have you ever imagined a time when you could apply for and get a loan from the comfort of your bedroom or prayed that the processing time was shorter well it is now a reality with the fast and swift bank of industry real-time online loan application initiative the boi online loan application portal is designed to deliver access and convenience to prospecting sme customers by ensuring that applicants need not have to physically visit the bank applicants simply have to submit all necessary documents via the online portal with the liberty to select their preferred boi state office wherein their applications will be processed how it works simply search the keyword bank of industry and download your mobile app from play store for android users blackberry app world for blackberry users and apple store for iphone users click on the apply button click on register to register your account a verification link and tracking code will be sent to your registered email address click on the verification link to facilitate login once logged in you can complete your application submit and click on continue to start tracking your loan application an email will be sent to your email address confirming receipt of the application with this initiative boi has reduced its loan application and processing turnaround time start applying for your loan right away bank of industry transforming nigeria's industrial sector [Music] to succeed in the poultry business you need to pay careful attention to the handling of the birds this includes regular physical checks adherence to vaccination schedules and other safety measures this way you ensure that the investment is protected and that's why interasser hired a technical consultant a veterinary doctor i comes in every week to inspect the best to see their health status how healthy they look and then be able to look at the viral signs as part per their health i'll look at their wattles their calm their alertness their appetite their ability to eat because these beds are producing egg if they didn't eat they will not be able to produce and i have to look at also the feet the quality of the feet and then i will also look at their defecation the color of their feces i'll look at their physical body because they're in a cage if there is fatigue you will notice it even through their their their legs you'll be able to see if there is fatigue and then you could be able to render the necessary uh help you could be able to give them so that they will relieve the stress of fatigue so these are basically the activities i undergo here on the farm we have the virus diseases which are causing a lot of harvard to the poultry industry in general especially here in the tropical mid part of this country especially abuja the first one is new castle disease newcastle disease poses a lot of risks to the poultry farmer because it affects the whole production the production will collapse and thereafter the beds will start dying that will have a lot of mortalities and then it becomes complicated because of the weather we have a temperature which is extreme the beds could not be able to eat they could not be able to rest they would not be able to produce and then these become complicated because of the heat stress so this is basically the most major challenge that farmer go through in this uh business and the other ones which are not common is the avm flu which is um it's it's not really common but the major risks is the new caster which affect basically all farmers who are into this business this is a challenge whereby it is preventable because it is a viral disease prevention is better than cure so we have vaccines that the beds could be able to take right even from the source of the beds you have to inquire is these beds are coming from a reputable hatchery which you are being vaccinated and if they have been vaccinated from that hatchery we continue as the veterinary professionals to continue with the vaccination proper again we start with the normal las sota and then the commodore and then the three in one which covers the layer beds from this disease basically since we are into a production cycle uh we stock these bets at point of lay we make sure the bets have undergone this virus vaccination but routinely on monthly basis we took who take their their blood samples to run to see the immune their immune immunity if the immunity comes down in less than four weeks to six weeks we now revaccinate them again for lassot against laszota so every four to six weeks we have to give them a booster dose of lasota to cover them against this new castle disease even though mr sava has been able to secure the bank of industries intervention he is however concerned about other entrepreneurs in the sector who need the much needed intervention he therefore makes an appeal to the government on their behalf well bri is by by all standards it's a very good policy of government i've been hearing of bureau even when i was a student i never knew that i also became a beneficiary but now i'm a beneficiary i believe that it is that good work they're doing and also i'm beneficial and i believe that tomorrow they will continue and do better other people too will benefit from it i just want to say that the government most of these government policies are as good as their implementation becomes an issue which i have said over and over in my interaction with them that they should make things easy for people to assess these interventions they make it so difficult and they keep saying that they too they're borrowing the money they're borrowing them and that's why they cannot give you free i said no it's not about you government should intervene government should guarantee most of these people so your own portfolio or management is still intact but then government should intervene guarantee most of these beneficiaries who may not be able to meet up the conditions that you provided if government can guarantee most of these countries these conditions it's a very good policy that that can promote small scale industries agriculture and everything and you know what that means a country that uh has a growing smoker industry is the one that has a higher gdp you know because they form almost 70 percent of the gdp of a growing country virtually every sector of the economy took a bashing from the kermit 19 pandemic including the poultry business mr seva is delighted about the bank of industry's response in providing sucker to his business frank conway 19 had came with he came he came he came on unannounced and no business prepared for kobe 19 no no business will tell you that they had planned for covenanting so all of us are affected every business and particularly we in the greek industry where we need attention every day in fact it started with the lockdown which we could not even come out to to visit our farms on a regular basis it was i'm lucky that i had all my staff on the farm so they were able to stay here during the lockdown for doing the lockdown they were able to say but it affected us greatly because i wasn't coming myself secondly there was no movement so moving the feed to our farm also was also a big problem and then it affected our customers they were not able to come and pick eggs so in the first two weeks we had a glut that we have to destroy eggs it was a very bad situation what i did at that time was that we used the the unsold eggs as palliative to the community as a part of our corporations reliability so we get them out of the community here but that affected our revenue greatly so it was viewed in response to this that we approach the bank and the bank on a general level the bank so told that they will now slice the interest rate on the loan for one year by two percent so that has actually helped reduce my interest payment monthly interest payment for the time being i think without that i would have been paying at the same interest because i'm not started paying the principal yet depending the interest being able to stop 27 000 more birds in two fully automated battery cages mr joseph sava has been moved not just closer to the poultry business of his dreams clearly he still has a long way to go but he is no doubt where he used to be for this he is immensely grateful to the bank of industry as all of our tourists we always ask for more we only got the facilities for the equipment and as in this business there's a lot uh is required in terms of working capital and discussing with your people with their office and how to get working capital to keep us in business i really appreciate backup industries for the good work they have done and i pray that they will do for more as most industries too [Music] i hope you can see how much support a business can get when they decide to pick tents with the bank of industry the bank of industry is open to supporting your business no matter what it is that you are doing whether you are in the agricultural sector you are in i.t whatever it is you are doing visit the bank of industry today and seek support and they are willing and able to support you remember you can apply for boi loans online simply download the boi sme loan app from the google play store and follow the instructions remember you can watch previous editions of this program just go to and type boi weekly in the search area and there you go and that will be our package for today many thanks for watching i'm kai delaney bye now [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Channels Television
Views: 28,376
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Keywords: Channels Television, Channels TV, Africa News, Top African News, Breaking news, Nigerian Top Stories, COVID-19 Pandemic
Id: sUP2sR3YKQc
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Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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