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as a youthful farmer the number of people that have come to the front beat old or young are in sped for reasons known to them but most of them are surprised that a young person like me is about to do this and it's never too late to start and it's never too early to start you you can just if you have the dream surround yourself with people that can help you attain that dream it is hard to tell a gentleman who is older than me continuously to do it the way you want it to be done and that is why we end up employing women because we understand and we talk to them as women so when you wake up you work and the actual a trick that poetry is family but a gentleman will just treat it as a business and that's one of the problems I faced workers and the other thing that I would be facing 56 years old I graduated from Meharry in a Bachelor of Science in economics I majored in statistics and mathematics and I started this project in my second year seven years ago yes when years ago and I started with the internship money but they paid us and from that that is wide loads this big project and the operations manager Claude L limited annex fun we have cattle poultry motoki mangoes oranges but my make a major project is called she currently we have 1,800 buds so we have 2,000 pounds plus the elements how do you have 2,000 buds and it has taken us like a really long time to reach that it's been a journey of seven years we started with 50 buds in the garage alex has taken a vision of the girls 50 bucks in the garage 50 Crayolas and from that we kept on moving between Kayla's two boilers to paper to multiply the money and continuously but we started with the government funds for compass compass internships type in yes that's what we started from [Applause] currently it's the chicken themselves chicken and we have a chested harvesting might okay the other crops I currently it's chicken the most key inputs would be fins I I go to the meal I go with my formula to the meal and they do the measurements as I'm seeing and then a mix from there the bill is about 10 kilometers from here I learned how to align my thoughts with the action business plan because before I just okay I want to do this and this and this and this but I never had it on paper so it helped me focus on what I really wanted to do how where I wanted to take the farm [Applause] we end up we give manure to the many farms around at a subsidized phrase because most bugs about 10,000 we give it to them at around six thousand we provide that we use our old trucks so we don't later on these are all such become they pick up and then putting their funds we have about four firms you're supplying right now yes then for the gentlemen around we use the boys cause we are women only watching in de um we call them they can't come and offload when when you bring food when you bring feeds they hope as a flood and that's pretty much it also we help the women sorry I'd forgotten that Cloverdale has made partnerships with the many women around who are doing poultry who are lacking market and were able to open up a shop in cheng'er who opened up a shop each Inger so we do the pickups on Mondays we supply the three schools we supply to educational center we supply alien kindergarten and therefore Loren's a genius group I'm st. max college nama Gome and we supply them then on the where we nuts actually on the way then we put the remainder shop my challenge accessing funds as the youth would be our lack of physical Cola like filter collateral they need land they need cutting onions and while we are right now we have interests that level only guarantees and also when we go to the banks as the years we fail to get them because they don't consider us serious even only present that cash books in they feel like there is always a floor so they owe it it takes longer to get the funds they have to keep on sending someone over and then after that they tell you you know what we're going to give you less funds and for a shorter period of time than you had asked for and it becomes inconvenient so we end up not getting [Laughter] [Applause] the kind of investments that we are looking for is cash investment we are looking for 250 million to help us procure there all chicks from Navision sauce to procure those they're all chicks and be able to increase our spoke at a lower cost it's becoming hard to increase top because my chick currently is 4,600 and honestly if you need a thousand bucks that's 46 well yeah four million six hundred thousand and you end up spending most money procuring the buds and yet you still have to feed them and the biggest cost is their feed yes that's why we plan on checking if you want to procure their all chicks increase our stock and also sell at the sub at a subsidized price to the to the youth to people that want to start our culture it's becoming it's scary to start because they tell you I mean you need all this amount of money to just like yes the technical assistance that the home would need would be in accounting as much as we might have our books I feel like if someone Oh more expertise Kevin it won't actually be bigger if I hear we'll just our Mia accounting you did actually do a very good thing and it would help us follow through with our plan with our business plan [Applause] we do require keeping when it comes to the eggs collected we do this is for the older chicken and it helps you figure out which percentage you are on I will see what the uncle if there is something if there is a declining the egg production or an increase you can know like here we had 38 38 I mean we did the do only the increase to 30 May 13 I like that so you can know the effect of what you are doing even the vaccination elimination when someone still be missed in this business because it's a lucrative business one the population is increasing we are continuously going to fill people the fun for me is the new is I don't even know but it's supposed to be lit candles you have to continuously feed the growing population one until there's so many youth unlucky job opportunities and imagine someone starting a business at a locus they actually be more encouraged to join funny which would push many people to join farming the challenges I faced as a farmer is one cost of the old chicks cost of the or chicks to the the costs price of things increases the cost of production our prices are so uneven and literally they're just escalating I don't see any anything going down here time soon so as a farmer those was and also diseases but this is not really major to me yes diseases and as I youthful farmer workers this had to tell a gentleman who is older than you continuously to do it the way you want it to be done and that is why we end up employing women because we understand and we talk to them as women so when you wake up you work and they treat that poultry as family but I'd gentleman will just treat it as a business and that's one of the problems I faced workers and the other thing that I would be facing finances finances because Lisa's taken me seven years now imagine I had the finances how long do you think I would actually get this if the land is there and everything everything is in place the systems are in place majora Tower doing that really we used timber 4x2 and work it down and then we used the smallness and she can mesh here to make the cages and it has helped a lot because the the things don't disturb each other there is no spillage in things so you end up monitoring they are progress for budget I will come up if you can be clean when you're free option and you check your budget every single China enough honey but don't late but that don't eat because others are bullying bill now you get them put them aside for the minute it better give them their own special care give them enough for the Minnesota and do kind of exactly that have not been eating and I see so so good to put them aside as well and you figure them you figure out a solution for them as a youthful farmer the number of people that have come to the front old or young are is bad for reasons known to them but most of them are surprised that a young person like me is about to do this and it's never too late to start and it's never too early to start you you can just if you have the dream surround yourself with people that can help you attain that dream go for training strainings are usually on weekends the weekends are days for party get time off and focus on that go for the trainings made differently for bunch of different funds learn so much and especially their youth we always have different things like recently with Google you can find so many things and in the chicken house you're going to find something that I what off-line and incorporated into the system being at the farm is not really a failure it actually makes you feel like you own something and as a woman if you own something you can do so much you feel like you are undefeated like if you can do a lot a lot if if once you own something it inspires you to own more and more and more until you stop yourself [Applause] [Laughter]
Channel: AIM Agriculture
Views: 88,664
Rating: 4.8648429 out of 5
Id: qdtMdVzzuug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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