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[Music] barbecue pit boys chop-chop today we're cooking up some chicken dragon eggs at the pit and it's real easy to do all right for this recipe you're gonna need some chicken breasts there's a whole skinless boneless chicken breast those you're gonna need yourself some pork belly bacon and to make the dragon eggs you're gonna need some cream cheese here we have some shredded yellow cheddar cheese you're gonna need your favorite seasoning like a rub and here we've got the jalapeno all right let's put it together now you've never made a jalapeno popper before we'll check this out all you do is you take a good size how they'll pay them it's fresh one like that you cut it down the middle and this here is pitmaster privilege you want to remove some of the meat some of the seeds right because there is the heat the hell opinion most of you know that right so you can optionally leave some of it in or remove most of it it's totally up to you now the seeds don't have the capsaicin the actual heat but it's the membrane around the have you all right now we're gonna take this whole boneless skinless chicken breast and we're gonna split it you want to flee it out spatchcock flatten it out simple to do use your old hickory or what knife you have simple enough [Music] now we're gonna take some ordinary plastic wrap because what we want to do here is we want to flatten this out and you do that for a couple of reasons one is so you have a consistent thickness of the meat so it cooks evenly and you also are able to tenderize it by using a meat mallet like this it doesn't take much flattened out tenderize it but most of you know all about now if you've never had dragon eggs before you gotta check it out this is some good eating at the pit now first standard Hal opinio popper you take your cream cheese and you can use a seasoned to cream cheese use your own favorite mix recipe you just slowed up that jalapeno [Music] this is gonna be good I'm to better make a few of these you're gonna want some leftovers all right now we're gonna take that shredded cheddar cheese and use the shredded it melts better and faster put it in there you want to use the cheddar it's perfect like this and it looks like an egg right wait perfect dragon egg John now I'm gonna take the dragon egg and we're gonna wrap it with your pounded out chicken just like that yeah that fly back there is gonna get wasted just waiting so we good a good wrap and this is what's gonna hold it together you don't need any string or anything like that you just need some bacon and as many of you know the bacon as it cooks it constricts like a serpent like a snake the longer it cooks the tighter it gets and keep all of this together there's a good quality bacon and there's some good news out there you kidding me as I've said before this looks good enough to eat already don't I'm gonna throw it on the barbecue cooking just right now we could have gone a lot faster with this but we've said before it's kind of like doing this so if you uh this is not fast enough for you hit that fast-forward button right there right in front of you all right the chicken breast stuffed with a jalapeno it's been wrapped with bacon and we're gonna trim it up just a little bit to make it look really pretty just like that now take your favorite rub something like a chicken rub here we're using one of our rubs you give a good generous dose of it all over the top now we're ready for the grill now we've got the grill fired up to about 325 degrees Fahrenheit more or less stay in that range and we're gonna place it on the grill indirect away from the hot charcoal because we want it to slowly bake like a wood in your own you want to burn the bait and it won't take long to do all right we're getting near done on this you want an internal temperature of about more or less a hundred and sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit internal so it's fully cooked the chicken and here we're gonna hit it with some sauce grab some sauce your favorite sauce you start basting it you can do this several times during your cook and in the miracle of time this chicken dragon egg is done pull it off the grill and it set just for a few minutes [Music] we're eating good tonight Martha eat your heart out boys tender and this is the part where the pitmaster is going to apologize unfunny maybe he won't so the next time you're looking for a recipe at your Pitt checkout Barbecue Pit Boys give us a thumbs up follow us subscribe we appreciate your support [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BBQ Pit Boys
Views: 1,100,304
Rating: 4.9057894 out of 5
Keywords: recipes, bbq, recipe, grilling, food, channel, tv, pitmasters, chicken, barbeque, howto, smoker, meat, steak, POPPERS, PEPPERS, bbq pit boys, cooking
Id: C37tCtyvnhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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