Chicken casserole with leek and potatoes | Comfort food recipe | Chicken casserole recipes

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happy Monday folks and welcome back to another episode of Adams eats I hope you had a fantastic Easter weekend met up with some family you know at some nice food also if you're lucky enough you might get the Bank Holiday Monday off as well so you can relax even further I can't because I work in retail so I've been dragged in and I thought today's recipe I'm going to do a chicken casserole it's kind of a slight variation from my spring chicken casserole that I did last year which is quite popular a few of you have made it mr. Crocker sent some pictures when his wife made it so it's a slight variation because that one is very much lighter more in tune with the spring weather but at the minute is still quite cold so I still want that lightness for me say something like a beast you it's quite heavy and dense but I don't want it too light I still want that nice comforting warming kind of feel to it but it's very simple it's really easy I believe chicken thighs we're going to put some veg in there some herbs some nice AeroMax it's going to be really delicious and really simple so without further ado if you look down below the description you can get a list of what you need and also if you press that pause button now you can get a list of them there as well and the first job we need to do is to prepare the chicken thighs [Music] Mark's I've got my chicken thighs here as you can see I've done all of them except for one just cuz I'm going to show you for demonstration purposes I have removed the skin I'm trying to watch my fat intake trying get rid of this but if you're not concerned about that leave the skin on make it nice and crisp it's gonna be delicious so it's going to pop that one side so I'll just quickly show you with this chicken thigh and all it's a case of doing is just removing the skin it's really simple it just kind of peels off like paper pull it off and then I'm just gonna trim off just a little fatty Nuggets off of there cuz I don't really want too much fat in my casserole and then I'm gonna flick it over and then just using a sharp knife just cut either side of the bone okay until you kind of reveal the sides and then you want to get your knife underneath work it underneath the bone till it comes out at the other side and then just trim off the other end now sometimes you'll find there's a little bit of cartilage just left over it's all you need to do is just trim that off and then all I did was just flip it back over and then cut each thigh in half like that so you got two nice big chunky pieces so get that in there go to watch my hands next thing I'm going to do is to season up the chicken making you salt and pepper that's fine but I'm going to use this a adobo seasoning that Brenda rigged and sent me in my care packages don't go too heavy on it because it's quite salty and then just mix all that through and it's all coated I once you've done that we now need to brown it off once I've got a pan here with just a little bit of oil in there and I'm gonna get this onto a fairly high heat and once it starts to get hot we're gonna get the chicken pieces in now you may want to do this in batches because you don't want to overcrowd the pan otherwise the chickens gonna do rather than kind of get a nice golden brown now I've also done it's got my casserole dish ready about ready for the chicken to go in now what we're looking for is a very light ish kind of color you don't want it really dark brown not like a beach jus next we're trying to achieve something different here so I'm gonna fry these off for a minute or so till they take on the right color and then we'll get them in the [Music] but I'll finish browning off the chicken that's the kind of color you're looking for you can see it's not super dark but it has got that nice golden brown tinge to it what I've also done at this point is preheated the oven to gas mark 5 ready for the casserole to go in and now what we need to do is go and prepare the veg I've got my Betty's here that we're going to use in the casserole I'm just gonna get those out of the way for a second because what we're going to do with these potatoes very very simply is we're just gonna cut them into chunks roughly the same size and once you've done that they can go straight into your casserole dish with the chicken I don't need to do anything else for those and then we're going to tackle the leeks I'm going to fuse my carving knife because it's the sharpest one I've got it in it and now you're sitting there going sharpen your knives I'll get around to it promise so all I'm going to do with these is just take off the outer layer because that can be a bit tough and chewy and I'm going to take the end off and then just the tip and I'm just going to cut the leek into little rounds now what we're going to do is put these in a colander and give them a good old wash because as you can see we might be able to see that they're quite muddy so I'm going to give these a quick rinse and then we'll get them in the pan [Music] right so I've rinsed the leeks I'm going to get them into the same pan that we fried the chicken in and then what I've got here is three medium-sized carrots and all I've done is just peel them and then just slice them at an angle I've also got a stick of celery here which are finely diced we're going to add back to the pan as well and then I've got my two bay leaves here which I'm going to pop in the pan with the potatoes and the chicken and before I slice the garlic I'm going to get the pan onto a low heat oh here we go here we go thank you very much much obliged now there should be enough fat in there from the oil and that's come out of the chicken but if there isn't just add a touch more oil and watch that's coming up to the temperature it will deal with this garlic I've got two nice fat clothes and we're just gonna lightly bash them just take off the skin usual drill and then all I need to do is just slice it nice and thinly and then all we need to do it's just to finely chop it again don't need to be too funny with it so that's the garlic chopped we're not gonna add it to the pan just yet cause I don't want it to burn first I've got the veggies here again on a fairly low heat and all I'm looking to do is to just soften them slightly just gonna help with the cooking process I'm gonna lift off any bits of chicken off the pan as well and it just hopes bring out the natural sugars in the veg as well which helps for the sweetness helps with the flavor so I'm gonna cook these gently for about three to five minutes til it goes slightly soft and then we'll move on to the next step I'm about four minutes into cooking this veg I'm not going to add the garlic and then I'll cook that out for another further minute all right next thing I'm going to add is some olive oil you could use butter but again I'm trying to watch my fat intake so I'm using olive oil instead you want about half a tablespoon or the equivalent amount of butter which is in British terms a small knob I suppose next thing I'm going to add is a tablespoon and a half of plain flour that's going to act as a thickening agent to our casserole so just mix that through now you need to stir it and cook the flour out for about a minute if you just throw it in mix it all up and the ticket straight in the casserole you'll end up with a powdery chalky taste to your casserole which nobody wants so I finished cooking this out and then I'll add it to the casserole [Music] so what you found at the bed to get the pant back on the hole and turn up the heat and then we're going to add a nice big generous glass of white wine and they're just using a spoon just scrape up any last remaining bits of chicken and flour anything that's stuck to the bottom so what we want to do is to reduce the wine by half it takes out the bits that alcoholic taste mellows it out won't take too long and take about 30 seconds to a minute so I'm going to carry on with this and I'll see you in a bit well so I've added the wine before we add the stock and it goes in the oven what I'm going to do is add some tarragon this is a really nice herb that goes with chicken what about a teaspoon you can always add more at the end but it's a very very strong hope so you've got to go careful with it then I'm going to add this same again of English mustard this will just give it a little bit heat and will help a bit with a color as well I'm not gonna have any salt at this point because there's gonna be salt in the stock and also we season the chicken at the beginning you know you can always add at the end you can't take away so just remember that right so now we're ready for the stock you wanted to just cover everything you don't want it swimming because as it cooks there's gonna be juices that will come out of the chicken as well where are K so that's thoroughly mixed I can now pop the lid on and that's now ready for the oven [Music] now I need to cook in the oven for about an hour to an hour and a half basically until the potatoes are cooked through because they're gonna take the longest you want to stare at about halfway through just so everything gets mixed together so once that's cooking away I'm gonna get on and do the washing up then if I've got time I'll have a bit of a snooze right so I think the casserole is done it's been in the oven for just over an hour and a half so let's get it out and have a look well okay so here it is the finished chicken casserole now to took the lid off for the last half an hour just to kind of reduce the liquid down a bit it was a bit too much now I'm just gonna check it for seasoning to kill a bit of that broth doesn't need any salt or pepper there's plenty of tarragon in there as well that's why it's really important to watch your seasoning at the beginning but I spot-on doesn't need anything else but I am going to finish it with just some parsley I'm gonna mix that through so all that's left to do now is for me to go and take a picture and then we'll dish them up and took it right okay so I've taken the thumbnail got a nice big fat bowl here let's tuck in and give this a whirl I try and get a bit of everything there we go I mean it's delicious it's fresh it's simple and recipes like this to cook comfort food for a reason when you feel like the world's on your shoulders you're feeling a bit low and everything's just kind of getting on top here which is storing my life for the minute let's be honest this is just gonna sort your eye out again and it makes you feel happy inside it's nutritious it's tasty what more could you ask for well there we have it guys a really simple chicken casserole cheapest chips taste really good and because we're approaching the warmer time of the year it's not as heavy as something like a beef stew but it's gonna warm your cockles of it because it is still a bit nippy out but yeah give this one a go guys really simple to make and it tastes wizard - well as you guys are used to we're now coming to the end of the video so I just want to finish by saying if you like the video then please stick a like down below leave a comment show across your social media platforms and if you'd like to show you some love then please hit that subscribe button and also if you click that little icon next to it every time I the video will get notified and as always if you stick around at the end there'll be some links to some other videos and if you'd like to subscribe there'll be a button for that as well so I'm going to end this video here so thanks again for watching and I'll see your beautiful faces next time for more tasty fun and frolics and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Adam Garratt
Views: 116,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chicken and leek casserole, chicken casserole, chicken casserole recipes, chicken thigh recipes, chicken thigh recipe, chicken thigh casserole, delicious, best chicken casserole, how to make a chicken casserole, homemade chicken casserole, home made chicken casserole, recipe, recipes for chicken thighs, cheap recipes for chicken, easiest chicken casserole, best chicken stew recipe, adamseats, british food, british recipes, best chicken recipes, food, ultimate chicken casserole
Id: 1Kl6HZ1oku8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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