Super SIMPLE sausage and mash recipe with onion gravy

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you know what this flippin virus can do one it can do one now we've been put back in lockdown and we're well my city has and for the benefit of those who don't know I live in Leicester which is a large city in the middle of England and basically because of a surge in cases we've been put back into strict lockdown so all the non-essential shops are closed again pubs can't reopen this weekend we're just kind of like this little pocket in the middle of England everybody else is going out and doing stuff and we can't I'm not going to the reasons why because it's just there's no point you can meet the newspapers you can read the news find it on YouTube but it's really we are I've got a cub on it the minute ah you know I supposed to go fishing this weekend with my dad's and our cards come stuck stuck it lets go so I figured today I need some comfort food and that's gonna be some bangers and mash or sausage mash sausage mash and onion gravy whatever you want to call it it's delicious all the same now if you new here please hit that subscribe button and also make sure you click the bell icon allow all notifications that way when I upload a new video you get notified because honestly it does help me out you subscribing you watching my videos helps support this channel but I'm watching you yes you with your adblock anyway let's crack on get your face down here and have a look at my sausage right let's talk about sausage I'm not going to go into great lengths but the simple rule is buy good sausages don't go out to the supermarket and buy the cheapest and áthis ones you can find because you're going to end up with a cheap enough dish at the end of it you want a nice meaty sausage of about 95 percent upwards of pork and if you can't visit your local butcher you know especially right now the supermarkets are doing just fine but it's our local independent places that really need the support right now so if you can visit a butcher go ahead and do it so what I'm going to do now is take the sausages we're going to brown them off right okay so what we're gonna do is brown off these sausages first thing I'm gonna do is get this pan on I'd say about medium-high then to that I'm going to add a bit of vegetable oil is it vegetable no this is olive pomace oil blend idiot man read labels that would be really clever wouldn't it as a pan warming up we're going to go in and add the sausages so I'm gonna fry these for about one to two minutes on a medium heat get some nice golden color on all sides and then I put them to one side we can move on to the next step [Music] so brand them off leave them to one side because we're going to finish the cooking in the onion gravy itself now why do you do don't throw this pan away all of that stuff in there is goodness all right we're going to use that to make our onion gravy which we need to crack on and do because it's nearly dinnertime and I'm starving right okay so we need to get on and make the onion gravy so I'm going to use two medium sized onions I know it seems like quite a lot but you've got to remember that onions contain a lot of water so it might look like a lot to begin with but it's really going to kind of concentrate and shrink down it's all I'm gonna do is just peel these onions up okay and once I've peeled them I'm just going to slice them in half then all I'm gonna do is just finely slice them you want slices really because you don't know tiny little bits of nonsense you actually want to sort of know that you're eating onion okay so the onions are sliced up we've got our pan from earlier that we browned off the sausages in there's still plenty of oil in there so I don't need to add any more what I'm going to do is put that into a very low heat well sort of low medium low but you want it fairly low and I'll explain why so we're going to add the sliced onions got my trusty wooden spoon here very stained with turmeric actually I've made a lot of curries recently but I'm just going to kind of start to break those up and what we want to achieve here is really nice soft caramelized onions and that takes time you cannot rush this step the amount of times I've seen people make an onion gravy and they try to rush it what you end up with is semi raw or onion this kind of got these charred out of black bits but you'd normally see in a cheap cheeseburger down at the car boo we don't want that what we need to do is to do this slowly slowly slowly slowly it's gonna take about 30 to 40 minutes for them to really go nice and soft you know just stir them every five minutes or so you just want to hear like a gentle sizzle right nice and gently you know if you want good food you've got to put in the effort sometimes it's not a case of running around doing frantic chopping thousands of ingredients it's just time just take your time don't rush it so I'm going to lovingly 10/2 these onions for about 40 minutes but by the power of video editing I'll be about half a second for you okay so after about 40 minutes this is what I'm talking about now those are what you call caramelized onions okay they're not burnt they're just nice and golden and sticky so what I'm going to do now is for the last or five minutes or so I'm going to add about a teaspoon teaspoon and a half of sugar and I'm just going to let those continue cooking out that sugar dissolves and it's just going to really enhance the sweetness and what it's doing that we need to get the spuds on ready for the mash [Music] okay for the mashed potato then very very simple in fact I've got a video up showing you how to make mash three different ways I'll put the link up for that as well but just gonna run through how I make my mashed potato I've got about 450 grams of potatoes here that is plenty for two people and I'm just gonna peel them and once I've peeled them I'm just going to cut them into smallest chunks just so they cook faster you know sort of that sort of size and once they're chopped I'm just going to get them into a pan that then I'm going to fill this up with cold water and what I've done is put it on the largest hob and I'm going to bring that water to a boil and a good pinch of salt and once I bought this water to the boil I'm gonna move it to the back hob to continue cooking whilst we get on and finish making the onion gravy see British food gets a bad rap doesn't it everyone has little digs don't know you just start there your foods rubbish oh it's bland it's beige it's actually very good our food is good it's simple okay and it's not gonna win any beauty prizes that's for sure but our food is good stuff and anyone that disagrees can shove a banger right up their backside why is it called a banger why is it bang as a mesh let's find out hey Google why is it called bang as a mesh according to Britannica the term bangers supposedly originated during World War one when meat shortages resulted in sausages being made with a number of fillers notably water that caused them to explode when cooked well thanks for clearing that up you learn something new every day Russ the potatoes are continuing to cook at the back they're gonna take about 10 maybe 15 minutes to cook we need to crack on and get this onion gravy going so gonna get that back onto a heat and then to that I'm going to add about a tablespoon of butter and then in and I'm just gonna let that melt down for a second and then I'm going to add about a tablespoon of plain flour and like you see me do many times before we need to cook out that flour it's gonna get rid of the graininess and you don't want that flour taste in your gravy it's gonna take about a minute or so and once you have cut the flour out we can start adding the stock I've got my beef stock here which we'll talk about in a second just a little bit at a time again like you are making a sort of bechamel sauce you want to add it in stages don't add it all at once because you're gonna get lumps now there are so many different stocks out there and whatever stock you use is gonna change the flavor of your gravy dramatically for reference I used this one Knorr beef stock jelly pots and this is the rich beef variety I'm obsessed with noir stocks okay I'm not sponsored by them all right they don't give me any money but if they're watching they should be right send the cheque send the cheque really honestly I've got these in my cupboard I've got some lamb ones there I've got some vegetable ones as well the jelly pots are just fantastic okay if you haven't got time to make your own stock these are really good add a touch more now for me personally I don't like my gravy really really thick okay I like it quite semi runny sort of in between thick and running okay and the rest of it then we go it looks quite runny now but trust me it is gonna reduce down I'm also gonna add some fresh thyme what I'm gonna do is just pinch the little leaves off and you're gonna want about a couple of sprigs worth it will equate to around about teaspoons worth of time next I'm going to add some Worcester sauce this is just gonna give it a really nice acidic kick I'm gonna go in with about four teaspoons because I really like it so what I'm going to do is just leave that to cook probably for another 5-10 minutes just to reduce a bit more and then we'll put the sausages in right okay so onion gravy has reduced a little bit more what I'm going to do is just season it with some salt and pepper bit of pepper in there and I'm just going to quickly taste it first because depending on the stock you use depends on how much salt you need so I'm just going to taste it for salt only needs a pinch I think things will be fine what we're going to do is pop the sausages back in that we browned off earlier and they'll finish cooking in that gravely so they're going to add flavor to it as well and just on a gentle simmer just cook those sausages out they're going to take probably ten minutes to finish off potatoes are almost done I'm gonna get the peas on the go so I'll leave them to do their thing now and when we're nearly ready we can finish the mash off and flipping my leaves right okay the sausages are pretty much ready now we need to make the mash so what I've got here is a potato ricer you can use just a traditional master if you've got it but I like these because you end up with a really smooth mash and all we do is just plop your potatoes a few at a time into the ricer and then what you do is just take the handle press it down and out comes mash they're really inexpensive I'll put a link down in the description below where you can buy one and they just make life a bit easier because you don't got to stand over forbidden mash and potato by hand for ages and it turns out really smooth every single time okay into the mash I'm going to add a couple of tablespoons of butter I like quite a lot of butter in my mash because it just adds a really nice flavour start mixing that through I'm also going to add some white pepper there's some reason it just works very well with potato you can use black if you want it's entirely up to you yeah work that through and work that butter until it melts okay what's the butter is melted I'm just going to add a splash of milk not too much just to kind of loosen it a touch probably a couple of tablespoons at most okay just kind of loosens it up stops it being a bit too sticky and at this stage you can mix it up you know you can put some mustard in there cheddar cheese add some chives spring onions whatever you like okay so let's give it a quick taste for seasoning definitely need salt it's quite a bit of salt I think okay there we go so the peas are boiling now they're ready to go mash is ready sausages are cooked we can assemble this and eat it I saw Wendy's we are from a so loves free live free speak your piece stay humble stay humble any reason any chase playground parks with the trees and the class brownstone buildings with the kids on approach mirrors on the walls for the wise that we perhaps it's a thing of beauty that's it's a thing of beauty just got a tuck in the sausage bit of onion gravy bit of mash let's go in shut up and kiss me honestly it's one of the most comforting delicious things you're ever gonna eat that gravy is sweet savory got a bit of kick from the Worcester sauce the mash is super creamy and it's really important to use good sausages all right don't scrimp on them it won't be half as good and it really pays to make your own gravy okay don't go out and buy some cheap packaged stuff there's just going to end up being disappointed make your own gravy and honestly you'll have a crack in bangers and mash I mean it's a simple meal to knock up yes the onions take time to caramelize and develop and get their natural sweetness out but honestly to assemble the dish itself is really really simple kids all of it it's a nice little family meal and again you can scale this up I mean I recommend about three sausages per adult maybe two maybe one for a child but you can scale it up to make it for more people I'm going to wrap up this video by saying thank you for watching and of course leave a comment down below let's talk about this bangers and mash and as always I'll see your gorgeous faces in the next video and bye for now [Music]
Channel: Adam Garratt
Views: 41,166
Rating: 4.9110494 out of 5
Keywords: bangers and mash, onion gravy, bangers and mash recipe, sausage and mash, how to make, onion gravy recipe, mashed potato, adam garratt, sausage and mash recipe, bangers and mash recipes, best bangers and mash, easy bangers and mash, simple bangers and mash, simple sausage and mash, recipe for bangers and mash, home made bangers and mash, english bangers and mash, english sausage and mash, british bangers and mash, british onion gravy, how to make onion gravy, mash potato
Id: zaGVNIq8g6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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