Chicken Casserole & Crispy Dumplings

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hello again my name is john i'm a retired chef from the northeast of England in the UK and welcome to my latest video and in this one I'll be making this delicious winter warmer it's chicken casserole with crispy dumplings you can view the ingredients list and full written method for this recipe on the recipe page on the channels website I leave a link in the description under the video or you can click on the I icon top right of the screen to take you directly to the recipe page before I go any further I'd like to give a quick shout out to this week's patreon and PayPal donators and they are Genevieve Evelyn David Stoughton Peter almond George Wharton apostle David jr. Ray Kelly Jonathan Gooch Gesner yaku Paul McGann T Maurice Mahone Kim Mullins Nicola kristef Sylvia Lyon Daniel Morrison Sheena King Nick Hale and Simon Trigg thanks again guys I really do appreciate all your support and with that out of the way let's get on with today's recipe the first job is to make up the dumpling mix and I'll start by finely chopping the spring onions next I sift in the flour and baking powder I'm using self-raising flour for mine but if you want you can use plain or all-purpose flour but you'll need to add an extra 2 teaspoons of baking powder time toward the butter gently rub it in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs are shown in real-time this only took about three minutes by the way this is my homemade butter if you want to know how it's made I'll leave a link in the description box to my video it's really easy to make next ingredients are the finely chopped spring onions followed by the beef suet you can also use vegetable suet these are easily accessible in the UK but if you can't get hold of it where you live simply add an extra hundred grams of butter in the previous rubbing in stage it's not ideal but it will work no lightly toss all that together using your fingers [Music] and the final ingredients are the large egg and milk you don't need any salt in this as the baking powder has quite a salty taste you can always add salt to the dish on the plate but if there's too much in you can't take it out now using an ordinary dinner knife gently cut the mixture together as shown keep going until it becomes a sticky mass then stop don't over mix it this also took about three minutes to do you can use a machine with the dough hook but once again don't over mix or your dumplings will turn out on the heavy side once it's all come together cover with a dry towel and not all happily sit at room temperature for two to three hours so you can't make me some well in advance okay I'll start to cut the vegetables beginning with the league make sure you wash all of this sandy soil from between the leaves of the leek I like to chop them up first get them into a strainer and give them a thorough rinse under the top try to keep everything around the same size at least 12 millimeters or half an inch if you're using turnip or Swede you only need about a half 1 I'd cut it as shown for the easiest way to peel it then it's a simple matter of dicing it up right I'll just let you watch your while while I peel and dice up the other vegetables and a recap of the vegetables I'm using is leek turnip onion carrot parsnip and potatoes but you can pick and mix any root vegetables that you like really okay get them into a bowl and give them a good mix cover the bowl for now this is another job you can do well in advance and this is another great use for a shower cup it saves wasting on plastic rubber it's not just handy for proofing door these are on sale and a website shop - it all goes towards keeping the channel going now onto the chicken I'm using this puck of three chicken breasts but skinless and boneless chicken thighs will do just as well a lot of my customers have always said that thigh meat as always tastier than the breast meat now I'll dice these into approximately one inch or two point five centimeter chunks and get them into a separate Bowl right that's everything prepped and nut didn't take very long at all and now I can start to put this wonderful dish together and don't forget after preparing raw chicken make sure everything's washed and sanitized before you do anything else and if you do that it'll reduce the chances considerably of any cross-contamination okay now it's over to the stove on a medium heat I'll add two teaspoons of vegetable oil and 40 grams that's one and a half ounces of butter and just let it melt to stir these ingredients it's easier to use a rigid wooden spatula you can get these in the website shop - they're very cheap and assure you that you're getting your money's worth I've been regularly using this one for the last thirty years most of that in a work kitchen and the first thing to fry off is the chicken this is bare need to separate the pieces so they don't all clump together and once the chickens all separated and just about turned white I'll add the vegetables and give it all a good mix it really doesn't get much easier than this I'm using quite a large pan for this it makes it easier to stir everything without it flying out of the pot and I'll just mention that this recipe would serve eight adults so if you want to scale yours down a bit that's okay and in goes the half teaspoon of salt [Music] there's a few ways you can make the stock for this dish of course you can make your own if you've roasted the chicken lately or you can buy ready-made stuff like this which is very good but can be a bit expensive or you can use three or four of these stock cubes added to the water in the recipe I'll be using these stock cubes in my chicken broth and dumpling recipe in a future video for what I'm gonna use in this recipe is these chicken gravy granules they're nice and easy to use very tasty under thicken the casserole just right now this couldn't be easier I'll add the water to the pot bring it to a simmer and simply mix in the granules [Music] [Music] once it's thoroughly all mixed in turn the heat down law put on the lid and set your timer for 15 minutes and ignore the seven seconds that somehow appeared on the timer and while our cooking I hope you don't mind if I give my very first recipe book a bit of a plug the book has lots of our favourite recipes from our kitchens in it and is available in the channels website shop along with loads of other equipment I use in the videos it's just another way you can support the channel I leave a link in the description box below the video or just click on the I icon top right of your screen if you want to order a copy today [Music] right that's the 15 minutes up but before going any further pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius that's 355 Fahrenheit or gas mark 4 [Music] okay now I need to carefully transfer the casserole to the baking tin and the tin dimensions are on screen and make sure that you scrape it all out of the pan now even it out with a spatula right time to add the dumpling mix now with a dessert spoon portion out the dumpling makes us Shawn dip your spoon in the gravy first this prevents the mix from sticking to it don't make these too big as that will double in size in the oven out of this mix you should get about 12 decent-sized dumplings right now carefully get the tin into the preheated oven and a recap of the temperature is a hundred and eighty Celsius 355 Fahrenheit or gas mark 4 and now set your timer for 30 minutes [Music] and knocks it it's done and ready to serve straight from the oven [Music] I like to serve this with some steamed broccoli and the broccoli was stamen for only 10 minutes so get your timing right so what all finishes cooking at the same time now our spoon oh one of the dumplings in casserole into the bowl and have a taste when doesn't that look absolutely delicious as you can hear unsee the outside is golden brown and crispy on the inside is wonderfully light and soft the chickens tender and the vegetables are perfectly cooked and the whole thing smells heavenly just the job for a cold winter's night and the kids like this dish too and it tastes absolutely gorgeous and is always had a big thumbs up from our customers and I'm sure you'll enjoy it too and once again please consider supporting my patreon appeal for as little as $2 per month or if you prefer you can make a one-off small donation using my PayPal page it really does go a long way towards ingredients and production costs as every penny pledged goes back into my videos and whether you've donated or not thanks again for your wonderful support in watching the channel well thank you again for watching please like share comment and subscribe by hitting the circle above if you do subscribe activate the bell icon next to the subscribe button on my channel page and by doing that he'll be automatically notified every time I upload a new video and in the meantime here's a few of my other videos and playlists that you may wonder watch so until the next time be safe in the kitchen and bye for now you
Channel: John Kirkwood
Views: 79,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chicken casserole, crispy dumplings, Chicken and dumplings, chicken casserole and dumplings, flour, suet, suet puddings, spring onions, comfort food, Casserole, Chicken breast fillets
Id: F1Ik_Z6hx64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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