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dear Sam the cooking guy we dare you to make our new Cheesesteak pizza sincerely all of us at Pizza Hut [Applause] [Music] wait shake my hand shake my hand come on you gotta tug it in no that's a you issue oh pickle juice on the burger Jack's body is shaking he's so nervous so here we go I don't know [Music] he says model pose oh do you you dare us to make this this your wait for it boom your Cheesesteak pizza hmm boys what do you think I like the idea I like the idea too I think the X fly just went right past it didn't land it's telling me something well here it is huh okay I say we give it a go shouldn't be too difficult actually some beef some vegetables we'll deal with the interesting part is that the cheese layer on the crust is a couple things one is an alfredo sauce that is cheesed by parmesan I kind of like the sound of that I don't know how they make theirs but we'll have a little garlic in ours and then there's you know mozzarella on the top at the end maybe with a little extra parm I think it'll be good I'm gonna cook it in the uni it Cooks in about a minute and a half that'll be fun Axel gets some beautiful shots of that the whole thing will come together pretty quick oh yeah we got the slicer slicers coming out we've got some steak to slice because it's got to be thin I think it needs to be thin and we haven't played with it nearly enough so it's a fun day we got the uni going we got an alfredo sauce going we've got the slicer coming out there's something else vegetables cooking no we're eating like fat guys so first up a Cheesesteak pizza would definitely have some onion pepper component and this one is no different so in the pan on my left or right we're going to put some sliced green pepper and some sliced yellow onion and these will begin to soften you know they're not going to go in the oven for very long so if we get them really wibbly right now they'll just be they'll be like a limp dip by the time they come out of the oven Little Mix don't need to inundate with oil it's enough all right let this happen and now to the pan on my right your left we're going to start with a tablespoon of butter let that begin to melt and to this we're gonna add some minced garlic I've got four cloves here and this we just want to start getting fragrant fantastic Max barely has to move everything is happening right in front of him vegetables coming along beautifully yeah we'll season them in a bit not yet to our cooking garlic we're gonna add some flour I have three tablespoons here we mix this in it gets super dry and Sandy do you want to do this for about a minute really what you're doing is you're getting rid of that raw flour flavor that you don't want and unless of course your flour then maybe you do like it and after the minute we're going to add a cup of chicken broth like this and I'm now going to switch from my spatula to my whisk this I want to mix until it's fairly smooth and my vegetables over here are Perfecto these guys I can take off they've done all the hard work they need to we'll give them a break now there we go keep your mixing and at this point I'm not going to come back to my spatula because it'll help me get these little clumps out just flatten them like that we've got most of it done now we'll add a cup of milk and I'm not sure everybody's aware but one of the ways to make an alfredo sauce is with heavy cream and it's certainly easy but it's also way heavier and way fattier on your belly I like this if we can get this to where we want it and we can and this is a great option and we have cheese coming and we haven't seasoned it yet so there's all good things still to come nice so get all your milk in bring it to a simmer we're going to let this go a couple minutes so it's thickened then we'll add some cheese look how gorgeous this is we always talk about this you drag your spatula across when it doesn't fill in you can see how beautifully thick it's becoming I love that okay I'm gonna add some red pepper flakes not too many I think a little bit of heat in this would be nice mix that gonna go a little pinch of salt not too much because cheese is inherently salty and we're about to add that in a second next in about a half a teaspoon of Italian seasoning already mixed beautiful oh basil oregano thyme I don't know what else is in here but not only does it smell great but now look how pretty and now our cheese and I have some finely shredded nice parmesan and that will look like this like snow oh my God okay just give me a spoon give me a spoon and I'm happy we like our work is pretty much done with this only thing left to do let's have a taste a little bit of steam wow there's no possible way that Pizza Hut alfredo sauce is this good boys I must it would be mean if I didn't one and one and wait let me just re-taste along with you one two three oh wow delicious all right I'll take this kill the heat set her off to the side warm it up a little bit when we need it but our vegetables are done our sauce is done my dough is ready let's cut some meat we got to use the slicer all right beautiful look at this this is a prime New York strip it's been in my freezer a couple hours this is a tiny bit of give to it but the best way to cut on a slicer is when it's very cold or frozen like this we do this at the restaurant with our short ribs for our Korean short rib Taco so put the marbling that's what you want that little those little ribbons of fat are what bring the extra delicious flavor and I say it all the time I would rather have a great piece of meat once a month rather than a mediocre piece of meat once a week so let's get this kid up and on and try not to cut the out of ourselves it's not exactly even it might take me a couple swipes to get even pieces coming off but contact and I've got this dialed down at like a two I think a one is gonna be too thin let's see how this looks standby I think maybe a little thinner what do you think I just want to eat that but look how gorgeous this is by the way we could make our own steak em oh my God super thin pack them together oh my God okay let me take this off put it here let's come down to one and a half and see how that looks that's it I think this is what we want so I'm just going to give myself a few of these I'm only making one pizza I think we have enough one more all right turn it off fantastic let's get this happening and we're ready that's our peel yes that's what they're called called A Pizza Peel and or dough that I made last night so now a little extra flour we just want to stretch it out oh so it's gonna be good this was a 225 gram ball of dough and it will make one nice you know 10 8 ish 10 inch pizza roughly if I had pizza dough skills that were better maybe it would make a 12 inch and perfectly thin but you know me well not everybody can be perfect at everything right sorry about that okay so my next not perfect it's not my shit's never perfect so now I'm gonna put these cornmeal on here it acts like little wheels it acts like little bowl bearings watch that's what we need we need it to roll off into the oven which is soup getting super hot right now all right a little fin in the middle but we're gonna be fine so now we do this now we come in with our alfredo give a just a lovely little base layer here oh my God I'm I'm in I'm just in in smell Heaven by the way this recipe this Alfredo will make dos pizzas so when you got a nice base layer we do this I'm trying to get it nice and round for Maxwell now we've got stuff to put on I'm sure you remember the mushrooms and the peppers let's just do a little bit of this and don't forget we still have our steak and some cheese I'm pretty happy with what this is doing right now maybe a little bit more onion around there we go we're good okay our steak and our steak is gonna look like this we want to take little pieces of it just rip it up it's gonna shrink a bit but we don't need to cook it because it's going into a oven that's somewhere around 700 degrees so just like when you use pepperoni on a pizza if you put what looks right it ends up shrinking and then it ends up looking wrong looks like you cheaped out so we don't want that to happen so let's just do a few more and this little bit of fat Edge on this is is going to be glorious okay last but not least just a little low moisture mozzarella that we shredded we don't want too much don't forget we've already got that beautiful layer of Alfredo all right we're making a nice Edge all the way around then I'll show you what we're going to do all right ready for the oven let's go and with the uni about uh 900 Degrees we're going in we're not going to be in lawn I can tell you that and that means we're going to go about 20-ish seconds and then give it a little turn [Music] is about now so let's get this kid [Music] and you can see it's cooking beautifully so what we want to do just give it a little turn and back we go let's do that again this is what you want this gorgeousness here back we go beautiful [Music] I don't know if I could be anyhow here there's a little more color on that side 900 Degrees does not take long to cook a pizza and I think we're there look at that that is smoking and gorgeous and here we are wow wow wow wow and let me just show you this here's what I like this spotting underneath you see that that's a good thing that's the way you want your crust to come out oh my God I'm so happy with this we've got a tiny bit more of this shredded parm this good parm this is not the green canned parm I think that has its place but here no that's not for us okay so it's cut more all right let me show you one thing there's ours yes I got a little aggressive on the edge but theirs ours I think this looks better actually for theirs this is my point if you put beef on and you go that looks fine by the time it Cooks it shrinks and it's not fine that's why you need extra beef just like you need extra pepperoni and that's why I need a freaking bite right now and I want this guy this guy it's got the green pepper it's got steak Alfredo oh my god oh and this leopard spotting on the bottom is what it's called is a good thing you know what's crazy it doesn't eat like there's alfredo sauce floating all over the bottom it just eats oh man if you don't have a slicer still throw your piece of meat in the freezer give it an hour depending on how big it is this was in a couple hours that way you'll be able to slice it thin because when it's sliced thin even if this was a regular oven at 500 degrees it would have taken maybe 10 minutes but still would have cooked perfectly no need to pre-cook and I don't know but that looks like it was cooked once and then thrown on the pizza and then throw it into the oven but what do I know I don't work at a pizza place all right thanks for hanging with us we love that you're there don't eat the same thing all the time don't make the same thing all the time and hit subscribe like and leave a comment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see what you've done to me you my head look at me I call a piece for Mom
Views: 239,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sam the cooking guy, cooking, sam cooking, sam the cooking guy pizza hut, pizza hut, sam the cooking guy pizza, sam the cooking guy cheesesteak, sam the cooking guy cheesesteak pizza, sam the cooking guy best cheesesteak pizza, sons of sam the cooking guy
Id: IANucZEss1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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