Chicken And Shrimp Fajitas On The Blackstone Griddle!!

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hey guys welcome to another episode of big A's backyard bistro today we're going to be making a bejita fiesta and so let's take a look at our ingredients here first tray we've got our peppers and onions and you can see they're already have they've already been marinating for about two hours a little bit of taco seasoning and some canola oil we've got our chopped chicken there we've got our two kinds of cheese our queso in the back and then our Mexican blend here on the side we're also gonna throw some shrimp in here and those are peeled deveined tails off and those have been marinating also for about two hours in a taco seasoning dry rub and then we have our flour tortillas so let's get started alright so the first thing I'm gonna do as always a little bit of canola oil now you know a little pop in there I'm all about a medium heat maybe a touch more we'll go ahead and get these veggies down and again I these are peppers and onions for this I used red peppers and yellow peppers you know it's completely your preference Green adds a nice color to it these are a little bit sweeter than the green so I like that but again you can add whichever peppers you would like let's go spread those out a little bit and even though I didn't marinate it a little bit and that taco seasoning I'm gonna hit with just a little bit more this is a McCormick taco seasoning mix I've used a Noel Paso that's really good before to whatever you got on hand I'm a big mccormick fan myself I use their fake season a lot as well [Music] just gonna get these going for a couple minutes did what we're gonna do is we're gonna fly these to the side and get our meats down and some people like to keep the peppers and onions separate from the meat because you know not everybody might want peppers and onions but I like screw it all together because I think when you cook it together with the meats it gives the meat just that added flavor from the peppers [Music] good luck always when you're cooking peppers onions any kind of veggies like this I like to leave them with a little bit of crunch you don't want to overdo it because in this dish you know they're pretty much the only crush we even saw tortillas of course that the meat will be soft and tender the cheese is soft so the veggies are kind of the one thing that gives it a little bit of crunch and you want that textures contrast [Music] again that's one of the best smells on a black phone grill and peppers and onions [Music] all right so about ready we'll go ahead slide these over to the side here and I'm actually going to turn this side down just a little bit more of a medium load just to let these continue cooking but yeah I don't want to overcook them I don't want them to be mushy I'm going to get our chicken down first so that's going to take longer to cook then your shrimp very important with the shrimp that's always the last thing hold the grill the last thing in the pot I said it you know in the last video I did but you don't want to overcook your shrimp they get tough chewy they're only gonna take three to five minutes whether you're doing it on the grill like this while you're blowing them these chickens already strike and get that nice little bit of crust on it [Music] love that I'll hit that a little bit of oil here too and chickens another thing you know people are real leery about cooking chicken because you know is this undercooked you can get really sick it's not like a rare steak or something but when you're cutting it up in little pieces like this you know you don't have to cook it for for 20 minutes or something hey small pieces like this we're going to cook quick if you overcook them they're gonna dry out there's all that dried chicken before we want just kicking the B uses tinder so we definitely want it cook through again you don't have to learn and remember I'm cooking all on a medium basically heat maybe a medium plus one a lot of people on these griddles like to crank it up you know all the way hot puzzle goes that's fine as you're searing a steak you know maybe doing a smash burger but most everything you're going to cook in a medium range lower because you don't want to scorch the outside and not get the installed in some of I throw some peppers and onions in with this chicken [Music] we've only got a couple minutes here and the chicken will be done alright so again my chickens over here not basically I'm gonna turn this burner off this is this is all done cooking that's just gonna stay warm over here I'm going to get my shrimp down and it's only gonna take you know three to five minutes again these things I bought were already peeled deveined tails off I used to do that myself but I found these and save me a little bit of time over there trouble these are raw by the way they're not precooked you can use precooked shrimp but about three to five minutes becomes you know one to two because at that point you're just eating them up putting a little bit of char on a fair hearty when I can I like to use the raw shrimp so they took so fast anyway you know I thought you saving much time by buying already cooked shrimp so since they cook so fast I'm going to throw my peppers and onions in here with them the ones I have left over go ahead and slide my chicken all the way over whoo sweating out here today guys if you're watching from pretty much anywhere in the southeast or definitely the Southwest - you're probably sweating - you're outside clink the holidays about 90 to 93 those dew points are way up there trying to cook a little early today this is actually lunch for our family today but uh trying to beat the heat and the storms a little bit but say I didn't quite beat the heat meet the storms though it's a beautiful day you look in the sky you couldn't tell supposed to be some pretty nasty storms this afternoon but you know how those summer storms can be all right someone give those about one more minute then I'm gonna do is I'm gonna slide them over with the chicken on the side that's off and at this point you got lots of choices you could scoop it right into a flour tortilla here leave it like a taco top it with cheese salsa sour cream guacamole you know whatever toppings you want but what I'm gonna do today my siding to the side I'm gonna make a few quesadillas over here I'm gonna make a cheese one for my daughter she's kind of picky she don't walking in this stuff and then we'll make one for me this got a little bit of everything all right we'll go ahead and slide those over and again this left side of the grill this left half is off okay but it's plenty warm it's plenty warm keep it warm for it I said good 20 to 30 minutes this is great to do for parties and things you know you can just kind of leave it on the griddle here and people will make a little bit of a taco bar and people will come by and make their own so I'm gonna go ahead and get a couple of quesadillas down [Music] I'm gonna put two down and just fold them in half after I get the toppings home so again they're not gonna take long and of course everything over here is already cooked so you're basically just melting cheese at this point I'm gonna do one for my daughter back here it's just cheese what you can do just flip that over I brought my smash burger press I'm just gonna put that on top of it and I'm gonna turn this burner all the way down not off but turn it all the way down to low and that's just going to flatten that paste be out make it nice and pretty go ahead and flip this one just cook quickly that one might be a touch overdone let's lie down over here off the heat for a final get some cheese on mine that bad boy covered up there all right so I think this one's ready to go let's take a look there oh yeah that looks delicious and what I'm gonna do is actually put it back on the griddle real quick forgot to cut it up I just use a pizza cutter and you can use that right on the griddle it's not gonna hard of thing and then you got this nice there's my daughter's cheese you can see all that cheesy goodness there I'm just gonna hit this with some of that queso and this is the Gordo brand okay so by the way all right so I got my griddle completely off now let's give this a taste test it's gonna be hot I know that it's gonna be messy but what else is new for big guy right I'm actually gonna go get it fork all right so I'm back with my fork it's a little too hot to handle with this case oh and everything on it and like I said it's gonna be a mess but it's gonna be a good mess all right so here we go the shrimp I put just perfect the crunch from why I toasted that quesadilla and pressed it down there for a couple minutes a crunch on that tortillas awesome that taco seasoning that I used you know used on everything the veggies the meat it's just in every bite but cheese you know I got the shredded cheese on the inside and of course I got that Gordo okay so on the outside got a little bit of kick to it but not too much chickens tender grape flavor hmm awesome so this is one of my favorite meals to do for like a big crowd nice don't get one more bite here and it's got a little bit of everything the peppers chicken but it's great for crab it's a crowd-pleaser people love it they can customize any way they want the toppings I mentioned earlier so give it a try sometime thank you for watching we'll see you next time on big eggs backyard Bistro
Channel: Big A's Backyard Bistro
Views: 9,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pUVYhHOuVzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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