Chicago GTC 2021: Day 3, Morning Session

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[Music] my favorite place to be is to worship at your feet and linger in your presence all day long my favorite thing to do is to spend my time with you and live my life to praise you with my oh song my favorite place [Music] my favorite thing to do is [Music] i feel your presence in this place just like the morning [Music] oh yes i do my favorite place to be is [Music] oh precious jesus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] i will live my life to praise you with my songs hallelujah [Music] we glorify your name [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah amen praise the lord don't you love jesus this morning come on let's give him one more big praise offering his good to us hallelujah we love to worship him in spirit and in truth and praising with our song hallelujah we're going to have lamont and sharon lead us in a powerful psalm this morning for it's a hallelujah come on we're going to raise a hallelujah no matter what we're going through i raise a hallelujah in the presence of my enemies come on you know this song sing it with us come on i raise a hallelujah louder than unbelief louder than the unbelief hey i raise a all hallelujah praise is a weapon that's right come on i raise i raise it [Music] heaven comes to fight heaven [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] with everything inside of me with everything inside of will me the darkness flame somebody say amen come on right in the middle of the mystery here we go we're going to sing [Music] i [Music] is [Music] [Music] is oh yeah this is what we do whenever the enemy comes against us we're just going to sing right in the middle of it sing a little louder [Music] my enemies the is come from [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] i raised hallelujah [Music] i'm going to sing i'm going to sing in the middle of the story we give you praise in the middle of the storm because we trust you jesus [Music] you're gonna hear my praises [Music] death is defeated the king [Music] is alive hallelujah [Music] we worship you jesus [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] our hearts rejoice in you [Music] we trust your home come on let's say that together [Music] our hearts rejoice in you [Music] we trust surrounds us [Music] with your favor you have crowned us your love remains above everything we put our hope in you are [Music] hearts rejoice in you we trust your holy days [Music] [Music] cause your love remains above yes [Music] lord we worship you lord we will trust us [Music] sing that out we will trust we will we trust in you we will trust in your [Music] i will trust in your unfair [Music] hallelujah [Music] our hearts rejoice in you we trust your holy name surrounds us [Music] thank you [Music] we put our hope in you [Music] we trust your holy name oh we [Music] thank you jesus you are where our help comes from for you are the most holy almighty beloved you're the savior of the world for you are the most holy almighty be loving [Music] every day every day [Music] and worship [Music] every hour [Music] [Music] oh yes it's true [Music] for you are the most holy almighty [Music] [Music] i come to you lord every day [Music] [Music] we wish [Music] every day [Music] [Music] the most holy almighty [Music] [Music] come on [Music] the savior of the world so holy most holy [Music] you are almighty [Music] [Music] holy [Music] with [Music] holy almighty [Music] [Music] you're the savior oh [Music] let's do that today [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] thank you jesus for you are the most holy almighty beloved [Music] the savior of the world for you are the most holy almighty beloved [Music] we magnify your name [Music] we worship you lord jesus you're so holy lord you are high and lifted up so beautiful holy holy [Music] you are so beautiful [Music] me [Music] just picture yourself [Music] is there true [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so holy [Music] holy are you [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you're so worthy [Music] oh yes you are [Music] [Music] it out [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh he's coming soon hallelujah [Music] [Music] not so beautiful [Applause] [Music] you're so beautiful [Music] you were the word at the beginning one with god the lord most high you're hidden glory in creation [Music] what a beautiful name is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ [Music] [Music] down [Music] what a wonderful day it is what a wonderful day it is the name of jesus christ what a wonderful name it is nothing compared to this what a wonderful name is the name of jesus what a wonderful day it is the name of jesus we thank you father we thank you for the name the name of jesus hallelujah the name above all names there's no other name that is greater than any sickness that any disease than any diagnosis then any symptom hallelujah there is no other name glory to your name and death could not hold you oh no before [Music] the praise of your glory for [Music] yours is [Music] the and nothing can stand against what [Music] side [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] the name of jesus [Music] what [Music] [Music] [Applause] no other name but the name of jesus glory thank you come on and give him a shout hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] oh we worship you we worship you we worship you in worship hallelujah [Music] what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is jesus the name of jesus come on everybody [Music] what is [Music] [Music] is amen amen thank you jesus thank you lord jesus thank you for your love your power your anointing thank you there's healing in your name god thank you deliverance in your name thank you we're set free born again brought into a new kingdom hallelujah thank you you've given us your name god to go into all the world and preach the gospel in your name raise the dead speak in new tongues heal the sick hallelujah cleanse the leopard in your name jesus the name that's above every name hallelujah we give you praise lord we give you honor thank you for that authority in your name [Music] hallelujah [Music] your precious name lord jesus we thank you for our lord god thank you for what you're doing in this place thank you for touching people's lives changing people's lives healing the sick secret throughout this whole place in jesus name we thank you for amen oh amen come on can you shout amen [Music] the name of jesus he's healing today healing the sick hallelujah receive it praise the lord well god bless you give somebody a handshake high five elbow fist bump whatever you feel that to do let them know you love them hallelujah it's the truth about the word the instructors the way they teach it it's very simple for me to learn and understand i love that how they're down to earth they're funny i love everything about carrots to be honest with you but what i love best is the teaching that i'm receiving from charis i love charis by college because it gives you the truth of god's word and and it has built god's character in me even the more i've learned so much i learned who i am i learned more about the principles of god's word how to use it and how to apply it and how to distribute it among others [Music] i have to say well i like to um so this is how what happens at paris we're like that was an amazing class and i love you know pastor lawson or greg moore and then we we have a class with someone else and we're like oh my goodness that was awesome too and so on and i really cannot honestly say that i have a favorite one i love them all they're awesome today at noon discover charis meeting come and see karis final college see you there yeah discover today you need to come to discover charis meeting today at noon [Applause] [Music] in the history of andrew wommack ministries this is the most comprehensive product we've ever presented we have taken all of the revelation that we have collectively and have put it into this product entitled healing university we wanted to give this to you in all forms and aspects it is a teaching and it's an outline plus then there's question and answers plus points to ponder and then dozens of scriptures in each lesson so you can meditate on it plus you're going to see real life testimonies of people getting healed so we want to encourage you to check it out and get our healing university thanks guys and also this healing university that they were advertising boy this is a huge product right here and it's got not only the audio it's got printed material it's got dvds it's usbs it's got everything so that you can take advantage of this did you know that when we were first announcing this at our 2019 healing is here conference we had the panel with all of the different speakers in it uh ashley and carly were there and we were discussing it and promoting it encouraging people to get it and a woman came forward and her 14 month old baby had died during the service and she put this baby right here on the front while we were discussing healing university and so carly grabbed the baby and daniel amstets had his hands on the baby's chest and got to pray and i mean in just a minute or two that baby i mean it was totally lifeless its arms were laying down and it just revived and came back to life and so now the very first day that we promoted this we saw people raised from the dead and also on this uh we have put all of our healing journey testimonies which raquel gave a testimony last night she's on there uh hannah teredes ashley and carly are here today and their daughter is on there and i think we have all together either 35 or 40 different healing testimonies i was praying with people this morning and there was at least two or three that i told him you need to get the healing journeys and send to these people because we've had a lot of people get healed just through watching these things they're faith builders and you know if you just start reading the bible which i'm definitely in favor of reading the bible but if you just start genesis and go all the way to revelation it's going to take you a while plus to get all of those scriptures and connect the dots and make the connections uh it's just it's a it's a huge process which we do need to go through but these healing journeys these people will talk about the scriptures that god used to quicken them and they just put it all together with it illustrated through their own testimony and it's we've seen hundreds thousands of people heal through that so i really encourage you to get that and the healing journeys is on uh all of this they're interspersed among all of this teaching so anyway that would be a great thing for you to get you also saw advertise that we are having our charis bible college interest meeting right after the morning services and i'd like is julianne harrison here someplace where is julianne she's all the way in the back wait wait a plan julianne i don't guess i i don't think i told her i was going to call her up here but julianne she's the radical one that came up with this strange promotion that they just did have you got a mac for julianne she's a character i tell you when julianne first came to school she needed help [Laughter] and she got help she's now a first-class blessing but tell them what's going to happen at the meeting today oh so we are going to discuss discuss all the different options that you can do karis bible college um it's planning it's the power of the seed of the word of god what we've been hearing but it's a systematic way of doing it and listen there's absolutely no reason why you're not doing keras bible college and yes ahead andrew always likes to remind me of what a mess i was no i just you i love your testimony it is it's only the goodness of god you're a trophy of god's grace praise god i am yeah my life was changed forever and i'm telling you you guys charis bible college is the way to go so that's what it's about hey man so where are we meeting uh so it will be in the lilac room so you'll basically go through the lobby it's kind of like a zigzag and we'll have signs out there and so as soon as the session is over please head that way and we're gonna do a sharp quick meeting to get you all your options so that you can head to lunch so that you can be back here for the meeting at three so we're good thank you appreciate it and uh so anyway we encourage you to come check out this meeting because there's many ways we've made it so easy that you don't have any excuses not to come to karis bible college how many of you if you didn't have any other concerns if you didn't have to think about money how am i going to take the time to do this how much effort driving in traffic whatever your reasons are if you could just ignore all of those things how many of you would love to come sit under the word of god and just have your life changed did you know every one of you ought to be in this meeting because i promise you we've taken away every one of those objections we've got ways for you to do this and they will be telling you how to do it and so i encourage you to please come check it out it's going to really be good i've got some giveaways here this is the effects of praise i tell you this is a powerful book i don't teach on this as much as i should but my whole november newsletter is going to be about this i've got david barton he's going to write an article with me and we're just going to talk about all of the great things about this nation we've got people pointing out every rotten thing in this nation and amplifying the differences but i tell you this nation is an awesome nation it was sold on godly principles and we need to be highlighting the good we aren't ignoring that there's been problems because people are in this nation you know that's like staff here's a scripture that i use a lot and it says where there are no oxen the crib is clean but much strength is by the increase of the ox and i have to remind myself of that we got 730-something employees and i guarantee you you get 730 people together you're going to have a few messes but there's a lot of things that get done and you have to focus on the good and not the bad i've heard people say ministry would be awesome if it wasn't for people what a dumb statement there wouldn't be ministry if there wasn't people yes you're gonna have some problems but man you have to deal with it anyway this this is not really just talking about this nation but this is talking about how you have to focus on the godly things and you need to become thankful in a person of praise you can check your spiritual pulse by how much thankfulness and praise you have if you are a person who's focused on the problem you're sick if you it doesn't matter if you have a problem but if you're focused on the answer you're healthy things will get better so this is a great teaching i'm going to let matt give that to somebody that looks like you really need help praising god and i recommended this today to someone who was saying that they've heard us talk about the victory and how awesome things are and she says i'm just not sure i've experienced that and she said she came from a legalistic background this book is about harmonizing the old testament law with the new testament grace and they are not compatible they aren't contradictory the old testament law led to the new testament grace there's a reason for it but if you don't understand that god is a god of love there is a reason that he poured out his wrath there's a reason that he revealed himself against sin but that's not who he is he is love is what the scripture says in first john chapter four so this harmonizes this and shows you the real nature of god this is a great book so i'll let matt give that to somebody and then we have this is a cd set on the power of imagination and you know very few people really understand this but this revolutionized my life back in 2002 the lord spoke to me i was limiting him by my small thinking and that's just another way of saying that my imagination i wouldn't allow myself to see god really blessing me and using me the way that he wanted to because i thought it was proud it was arrogant or it was fantasy i just was gonna deal with reality and god showed me that i needed to start seeing on the inside what god had spoken to me and i tell you this has revolutionized my life this is an awesome teaching every person in here needs this i can promise you and i've got in book form too the power of imagination so please get those things they would be a blessing to you real quickly steve would you come up here steve castle i need him to tell people where i'm going to be tomorrow this is uh pastor steve castle beloved church and i'm going to be with him tomorrow where's that all right so if you want to come to beloved church where you are greatly loved you you will go you're accepted in the beloved you will go west on 90 for one hour and then when you get to rockford you will go west on 20 for one hour and then they'll be highway 73 you'll go north about two miles and you'll be in the town of lina and then we're hidden inside the town of lena so you're gonna probably have to gps it from there if you haven't already so we will be uh super honored to have everybody especially andrew to be joining us so you're welcome and so steve is the one that i mentioned the other night that he never did shut down when they did all these copic restrictions and sued the government and one we appreciate your stand brother that's awesome it's really on uh it's really a blessing for you guys to applaud us because when we first made this stand uh we were definitely the villains of the entire country so having you guys applause for us it's it's really refreshing because sometimes we were concerned about people making noise behind us when we filed the lawsuit so and also obviously andrew um did his part too and but you know we closed down for a little while because i they said two weeks to flatten the curve and so i just naively thought they meant what they said but steve he never taught andrew everything about the government yet but steve he stood from the very beginning so man we appreciate that that's awesome god bless you amen hey amen um ashley and carly would y'all come up here real quickly and just tell people where you're going to be this is ashley and carly terrades their daughter is the one there's a stairs over here if you want them their daughter is the one who was healed uh in england back man what 14 15 years ago and uh they're one of the very first healing journeys and man they now are out on their own they work for me they came to the states and went through our bible college for a while they're from england if you need an interpretation i'll explain later but they came over here worked for me for over a decade and now they've been out on their own for what two and a half three years and i tell you god is just doing miracles in them they are seeing awesome things happen so you're going to be ministering in the area tell them where it is it's in your thank you andrew it's in yorkville which is about i think 45 minutes restored church so it's called restore church in yorkfield pastors uh jild and melissa gash so we'll be there i think it's 9 30 and 11 32 services so come on out if you want so it's about 45 minutes away i think so say something carly so they can hear your accent jesus is lord lord lord please god [Applause] andrew partners of andrew mcminister is here any partners of android ministries praise the lord okay i just want to thank you i can't help it so thank you for partnering with evangelic ministries you know our daughter was healed as andrew said in 2006 she was given one week to live and now she's 18 years old 100 healed not one thing wrong with her she's dating they got to get married isn't she dating but he's a third generation carris graduate like we're third generation coach coaches anyway the partners of andrew rowick ministries made that possible so thank you for sending those resources to us so that we could receive our healing for our daughter so thank you partners you know i remember wait a second i remember the night that hannah was healed and uh ashley after uh we prayed when in the morning or something and then they went out and she had never eaten solid food she went and ate kentucky fried chicken everything you could throw at her kentucky fried chicken what french fries desserts all kinds of stuff and ashley came running around during the praise service with hannah on her on his shoulders because she was only three and a half years old and just dancing and so i stopped him and i said tell him what happened and he told about the healing but then from the very beginning he said thank you partners because it was a free tape that was sent to carly's parents 15 years before and her dad wouldn't listen to me because of my accent he says i'm not listening to this guy and he just threw this cassette in the back of the deal and they rented a car that didn't have a cd player it they only had a cassette so they asked do you have a cassette and he gave it to her and that's what turned her life around and partners are the one that sent this free tape from the us to the uk 15 years before that it's now been 30 years ago did you receive the offering okay yeah sure i'm going to ask him right now to receive the offer and ashley's got an anointing on him for finances and these people when they were over here working for us and they couldn't even work because of their immigration status he was giving us two thousand dollars a month in offerings and it's not because they were independently wealthy but man he just believes god and he was selling things on ebay and doing stuff and i tell you what these people are blessed and in less than uh two years of being out on their own they've given a hundred thousand dollar one-time gift to this ministry through their ministry they are prosperous so you want to stay careful believe me she's gonna leave me [Applause] i'm going to stay up here so that he can preach and take all of my time so if you need an envelope we have envelopes envelopes or envelopes depends where you're from for andrew you won't mention or if you're from north carolina envelopes envelopes if you need an envelope then the ushers will give those they'll pass right now they can pass those out right now and make your checks payable to andrew womack ministries or awm andrew wrong ministries of awm million is spelled m-i-l-l so if you turn your bibles real quickly proverbs 3 proverbs 3 um let's look at this real quickly it talks about not leaning on your own understanding but i like what it says here in proverbs 3 if you drop down to look at proverbs 3 verse 9 says honor the lord with your possessions and with the first roots of all your increase so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will be overflowing with new wine you know have you know we have a crazy 18 months or so that recently happened and as andrew said we're a travelling ministry we have a media ministry we're on television and we travel around do conferences and go to churches and in march 2020 they told us you can't travel you can't go overseas you can't hold any of your conferences you can't go to churches so i was like well what are we going to do we've got a bunch of staff to pay we've got them staff have kids to feed i was like what are we going to do and you know how many of you know everything changed right in 2020 everything changed so i was at church that morning and i said lord what do you want me to do and he said doug what you're giving so i said i can't hear you lord it must be the it must be the devil telling me to doubt my giving i said i said let me explain to you the situation it looks like there's no way for our ministry to have income anymore i have these staff to pay what do you want me to do you know like god's gonna change his mind he was like double your giving see the fact is is god's trying to get more to us he's not trying to take from us and if we honor the lord of our finances when our finances come in however your finances come in however you receive money if you honor god first with that he's not doing it to take from you he's doing it to increase you so your barns will be filled and your vats will be overflowing that's the whole point of giving and receiving so i went for it i said okay i'll do it i was like well we're going to go broke anyway you might as well go broke quicker than later so i went for it in faith in faith you're gonna go broke all right i thought you know what we're all in now so in faith we started doubling our giving it was already given a decent amount we started doubling our giving and by faith guess what happened we had more opportunities we started doing things more online you know on the live streams and things like that we saw more people healed more people set free more people born again salvation we had muslims receiving the lord we had more people saved more people healed more people set free we started an online bible academy we started all these new things all in 2020 and we prospered like never before we went from i think we had six full-time staff then to 20 full-time staff in one year the whole play the whole ministry just exploded with growth and i'm not taking any um the credit goes to jesus because what happened was is when we trusted him there's no limit with him he's not limited he's not limited if you give to him he's going to increase it back to you praise god and if we ended up finishing 2020. and i'll say this people get offended if i say amounts but if i come up and said my knee hurt and i had a healing it's a specific healing so why can't we be specific about financial miracles hey man that's what i do so anyway 2020 we end up and andrew's on my board of directors andrew romack's on there and billy epih so they can verify this but at the end of 2020 for the year of 2020 we gave away to other missionaries other ministries other missionaries and things like that we gave away five hundred thousand dollars in one year praise god that's awesome that's awesome and then i'll end with this real quick story because i love this story i went to meet someone the other day it's a friend of mine and um he's a worldwide minister you'd know him if i talked to you about him but i want to protect his identity he said i want to meet you for coffee so i drove and met him at starbucks and i get there and on the way there i thought you know what i've received a lot from this man you know if you've received anything from andrew romeck ministries from pastor dwayne sheriff you've received during this meeting it is right for you to sow materially first corinthians uh i believe it's first corinthians nine verse eleven first corinthians nine verse eleven the apostle paul says if you've received spiritual truths you should reap materially so i thought i'm going to send him an offer and i'm going to give him an offering so i was going to write a 500 check but i wrote a thousand dollar check and i get to the starbucks and i gave him this check and he just took my check and put it straight in his pocket and he said i've got a offering for you actually i was like that's a bit weird like he's the man of god i'm going to receive from him but he's given me an offering i said and i was a bit nervous because i never met with him one-on-one before so i was like so i i said i wonder whose offense bigger that's a dumb thing to say i don't want to say that and he just looked at me dead straight and said my orphan's bigger than yours and i was like how does he know he hasn't even opened my offering yet so he went and got his coffee set at the table he pulled my check out opened my check and went hmm so it's a thousand dollars pulled his checkbook out and wrote me a check for four thousand dollars praise the lord now first of all i was like well praise god i gave him a thousand and not five hundred okay i just got i bet he said to me he said to me actually he said god told me that if you gave me anything today i was to quadruple it back to you that's what god told me i was like praise the lord and then he said would it have changed if you'd known this beforehand would it have changed how you gave to me i said what do you mean he said well if you'd known that whatever you give to me today i was going to give you four times back would it have changed and i said sir i've got to admit if i knew that ahead of time i would have i mean i would have got every bit of money i could have done i would have gone to the i would have got the kids piggy banks out i mean i would have everything i could have done if you guaranteed me four times return yeah and he said well here's the problem then he said you don't really believe the word of god he said god never takes he said he only multiplies it might not be interesting but everything you put in the kingdom of god god is going to multiply back to you praise god that's the word of god that's the truth honor him with your finances and he is going to increase you and multiply you praise god amen everyone ready to give praise lord amen father god i thank you for this offering hold your offerings out and uses the point of faith if you if you're texting to give or giving online or whatever hold your phones up but this is a point of faith right now lord in jesus name i thank you for this offering lord i thank you that every single dollar in this offering is going to spread the gospel i thank you lord for andrew womack ministries lord we call them we call them blessed i thank you all for big influence big a favor i thank you lord every dollar here is going to set people free we're going to see healings just like hannah we're going to see salvation we're going to see miracles i thank you lord for multiplication on this offer and i thank you everyone giving by faith today is going to receive a multiplied harvest back to them so they can be even greater givers i thank you all for debt release i thank you all for promotions i thank you for business increase with inventions i thank you right now this is a breakthrough financially in jesus name everyone said amen amen you can receive the offering amen amen awesome thanks ashley man that's awesome you know just like ashley said and i've heard this from steve castle and from every person i know who believes and preaches prosperity 2020 they increased and yet did you know that we have a man that works for us he's our uh cfo and he also works for the largest accounting firm in the u.s and they handle a lot of non-profits churches and stuff like this and he says that the average evangelical church that doesn't preach healing and prosperity and things like this they were down 45 last year and he said that there's probably 23 000 churches that will not reopen which in a way is bad but if they weren't preaching the word and if they weren't believing god there's a shaking and we're getting rid of some of the chaff and i tell you what ashley's talking about works you need to believe this man when you are in trouble you need to give not not horde that's awesome that took a lot of my time but that's well worth it amen i've been teaching on the fear of god and i hadn't even got time to go back and verify the things that i was saying but uh the first night i talked from psalms chapter 36 verse 1 that the transgression of the wicked says within my heart there is no fear of god before his eyes and so i've been teaching on the fear of god and talking about how we need this in our society and in our own personal lives the people that don't know the lord personally should not only have a fear a reverence for god but they ought to have a dread of god if they don't accept jesus there is coming judgment and hell is a real place and so if they had that i use this other scripture proverbs 16 6 it says by mercy and truth iniquity is purged and by the fear of the lord men depart from evil fear of god knowing that we are going to be accountable to god would restrain evil in people who aren't even born again if they knew that someday they were going to be accountable they wouldn't have mass shootings and then shoot themselves thinking that they escaped judgment they would know that they just ushered themselves into judgment so anyway i've talked about those things and there's so much there's literally hundreds of verses in the bible about the fear of the lord it talks about the fear of the lord is a key to long life did you know you'll live longer if you fear the lord and this is talking to believers if you'll reverence god man there's just so many scriptures let me use some here today to make this point in psalms 100 and 11 verse 10 it says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom a good understanding have all they that do his commandments his praise endureth forever and let me just read these others because they're basically saying the same thing in just a little different way proverbs 1 7 the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge it's the beginning of knowledge it's the beginning it's the start of knowledge if you don't have a fear of god you aren't even to first base yet and yet we've got people today who are doctors and heads of these education facilities that they don't have any fear of god and yet they're proclaiming that they are teaching knowledge it's degenerated to where our institutions are just propaganda machines now there may be some exceptions to that but very few did you know that harvard yale princeton were all started as divinity schools and they used to you had to attend the chapel you had to read the bible there was codes of conduct nowadays if you aren't an atheist when you go to one of those places the chances are you will be by the time you get out statistics show that 70 to 80 percent of all christian youth renounce their faith in god after one year of college that's statistical facts 70 to 80 did you know if we were sending people into battle and we knew that 70 to 80 percent we're gonna die i guarantee you you couldn't sustain that we would change we'd do something different and yet christians are sending their children to these secular colleges that are just indoctrinating people teaching this critical race theory woke stuff all of this stuff that is completely against the word of god they're teaching socialism which i mentioned this last night but or yesterday but socialism is covetousness which the bible says covetous colossians 3 5 is idolatry it's idolatry for you to sit there and covet what somebody else has and say you've got too much and so we're going to take from you we're going to tax the rich and give to the poor that's a socialist mentality and it's anti-god thank you for that thunderous silence and i'm saying this in love but there are many of you that have listened to this stuff and you bought into it and think well these execs shouldn't be billionaires while there's people over here struggling i'm not saying that they shouldn't give but it should be voluntary it's you it's wrong for you to go and take money from somebody else for biden to pass all of these things and say we're going to tax the rich to pay for it that's wrong it's a disincentive for the rich you know we got a lot of money that comes into our ministry and stuff and people criticize me over that but we pay for we pay 735 people salaries and we we're we're supporting lots of people and if they go to taxing me and if they take away our tax exemption they may sit here and think well you shouldn't have this money it's going to affect every one of our employees we will lose well we won't because i'm going to believe god regardless of it but i'm saying it's wrong for you to sit there and say this person makes too much money you don't have any right to tell what another person can make or not make instead of you pulling people down to your level you need to raise up to their level amen so the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge and people who don't have any fear of the lord people who are saying that they're atheist or agnostics amen oh i'll say this but they're fools the bible says in psalms chapter 14 and 53 it repeats it the same same psalm is repeated 14 and 53 are the same psalm was just a couple of words different and it says the fool has said in his heart there is no god any person who doesn't believe that there's a god when heaven is just screaming at them every day the heavens declare the glory of god the firmament showeth his handiwork did you know that those words in the hebrew it means to score with the mark for ownership if you had something and you put a mark on it that this is my seal this is my insignia to show that this is yours god has put marks on creation creation is just shouting at people every day that there's a god any person that can see even excluding the animal life in humans if you just look at the natural creation and think that this all happened accidentally and that we came from slime what was it you said dwayne from ooh to the zoo to you if you believe that that happened you're dumber than a bag of rocks i love you i love you and i i was in chicago and said this and a whole row got up and left you're free to leave you you're free to have your opinion but i'm not gonna agree with you or we'd both be wrong i'm telling you that god created us and heaven is declaring this and yet the majority of the people did you know that in the u.s uh population there is less i think it's uh five percent i've heard some varying but five to ten percent maximum or call themselves atheist but did you know in you universities among the staff it's 95 percent our atheist it is inverted from what the regular thing is and we are sending our kids there and paying big bucks and going in debt that it takes them 20 and 30 years to pay for this indoctrination i'm telling you brothers and sisters you ought to send your kids to charis bible college amen and even if they have to become a doctor or a lawyer or something where they have to go to some secular school they ought to come and get grounded in biblical worldview so that when they go into this toxic situation they'd be able to stand the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge and if you skip this anything you learn isn't knowledge it's propaganda it's lies it's deception i'm preaching better than you're listening proverbs 9 10 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the holy is understanding there is no wisdom apart from fearing the lord god is the source of all wisdom and knowledge and it starts with him you know i use this verse the other night but it says in thy light shall we see light i forget exactly where that reference is now but the word of god is light it says in many different places and only through understanding what the word of god reveals about god can we truly understand anything if you start with a false premise you're always going to come up with the wrong answer and our society the educational system by and large has rejected god has no fear of god and these are the ones that are teaching our children not only in graduate schools but in our schools critical race theory all of this stuff that stuff is a lie it's a lie it's contrary to the word of god in proverbs 15 33 the fear of the lord is the is the instruction of wisdom and before honor is humility man the last part of that is amazing this is contrary to what 99.999 of all of the people believe they believe that humility is something to be avoided that's for losers that's for weak people but this says before honor is humility in first peter chapter five and also james chapter four they're basically the same things written by different authors but it says that god resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble and if you want more favor it says he gives more grace to those who humble himself if you want more favor more grace you need to operate in humility which isn't just thinking bad about yourself thinking low it's recognizing god exalting god and recognizing your place that you are submitted unto him a person who is doing their own thing and leaning under their own understanding is a proud person pride isn't just arrogance pride is dependence upon yourself pride is doing things your way like ashley said that the lord told him double your giving and his first thought is i'm not hearing you see that's pride of course ashley submitted and he he's just sharing with you his first thought but ashley's heart is submitted to god but when you when god tells you to do this and you say but god i need to do this that's pride you're dependent upon yourself you're exalting your wisdom you're making yourself god i can't even understand i can't relate to people who come up to me and say god told them to do this but i had a guy from chicago that came to my office in colorado springs and he says god told me to come to charis bible college but and then he said his parents when he told them about it they said we've never heard of this andrew womack so they went to their pastor and asked and he said oh that guy's a cult stay away from him and so the parent says no you can't go and he was working for his parents and he was going to inherit the business from them and they said if you go to that place we'll disinherit you and you don't have any inheritance coming plus he was engaged and his girlfriend went to that same church and she said if you go to that school i'll cancel the engagement i won't marry you so he stood to lose his parents lose his inheritance lose his prospective wife and he says god told me but and he told me all this and so after this he says so what do you think i should do and i said you lost me the moment you said god told you i said if god told you do it and he says but what about all this i said who cares about all that you know there are many of you right here that i can guarantee if you knew god told you to do something but it was going to cost you your family it was going to cost you your inheritance it was going to cost you your potential mate there's many of you that wouldn't do it you know why because you fear people you fear failure you fear poverty more than you fear god you probably wouldn't call that pride but that's what that is you're going to exalt yourself you're going to promote yourself at all expense before honor is humility look at this in psalms 119 99 and 100 both of these verses psalms 119 99 and verse 100 i have more understanding than all my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation and then verse 100 i understand more than the ancients because i keep thy precepts if this is true which it is true then to go to some place that completely ridicules faith and the bible and godly principles and submit to them you aren't getting smarter you're getting dumber you have more understanding than all of your teachers when you meditate in the word of god day and night and you understand more than the ancients because you keep god's precepts man that's awesome i'm telling you the word of god will make you look good without me going into a lot of detail on this you know i'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer i'm a college dropout one of the reasons we aren't um accredited we do have accreditation but we're accredited by a group that has like i don't know 2 000 schools it's credited but it's not recognized by the secular people and in our local newspaper i just had an article come out about me last week about that we are unaccredited and people need to stay away from us and they're criticizing all that but one of the reasons i'm unaccredited is because you have to have people with degrees to teach in your school i wouldn't even be able to teach in my own school if i was accredited plus you have to do all of these things and you have to learn their woke philosophy and i'm not going to do it i don't care about that stuff [Music] i'm guaranteeing you the people that come out of our bible college know the word of god they don't know everything but they've got a good foundation and it makes a difference and makes them wiser than all of their teachers and understanding more than the ancients and so anyway i'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer and i haven't done everything right uh billy epperhart we just held a business summit and we had john maxwell there one of the most influential men in the world and anyway the teaching that they gave it was all good i loved it i actually took notes which i don't normally take notes but i was impressed i took notes but i haven't done a thing that they teach i don't set goals i don't discipline my i don't do any of this stuff but you know the one thing i do i love god and i keep my nose in the word of god and just like these verses god has told me what to do and it makes me look good it makes me look smart i'm really not that smart but you know what i i can hear god and when i obey god everything i touch just turns to gold i'm blessed you know i looked at my reports this morning and we are 8.749 million dollars ahead of where we were last year and last year was the biggest income we've ever had our calls are up 75 000 more calls than we had last year and last year was 88 000 for the entire year 88 000 above the previous year we're going to have close to 1 million contacts this year everything i'm doing is just blessed blessed blessed not because of me and my smartness but because i meditate in the word of god and god's word he will tell you what to do he'll make you look good if you put half as much effort into the word of god as you do into all of your other stuff that we occupy yourself with i guarantee you you'd begin to prosper supernaturally amen so let me illustrate this to you i want to use the book of daniel daniel and his three friends it says here in daniel chapter 1 it says in verse 5 and the king appointed them this is talking about daniel and his three friends let me just set this up by saying that nebuchadnezzar conquered jerusalem four times you know it's sometimes hard to understand this and if you just read scripture without really studying this it could be confusing because he conquered jerusalem and then put one of the kings in place and that king rebelled and he conquered jerusalem four times before he finally took all these people captive uh i in my living commentary it took me one week to write one note on that daniel chapter one verse two and it would explain all of that you ought to get that living commentary it's awesome and anyway it says here that these four people daniel and his three friends were taken captive and it says that they were made eunuchs so get this picture they had been conquered by a foreign country probably their families were killed if not their families were killed certainly their friends or many of their friends families were killed in conquering jerusalem they took these four guys and made them eunuchs if somebody was to do that to me i might have a problem with that they were made eunuchs and then they were put in this situation and yet you see daniel and his three friends loving god serving god not having a bad attitude again our society has gotten so far away from the word of god that if somebody just does something a little bit wrong you feel justified in just having a temper tantrum and going out and causing a ride and burning things and looting and doing stuff because somebody did you wrong these people had been done wrong more than anybody you know plus they had castrated all of these guys and yet in this situation look at daniel and his three friends it says in verse 5 it says and the king appointed them a daily provision of the king's meat and of the wine which he drank to nourish them three years that at the end thereof they might stand before the king now among these were the children of judah daniel hananiah michelle and azariah unto whom the prince of the eunuchs gave names for he gave unto daniel the name belle to shazar and to hananiah of shadrach and to missiel of meshech and to azariah of abednego you know what they were doing they were trying to change their identity they had been conquered they had been taken to a foreign land and they took the ones it says up here earlier that they had no uh blemish in them they were uh handsome people they were physically strong they were smart and everything and they were going to re-educate them in the babylonian system and use them to prosper babylon and so they were trying to change their identity to get rid of their jewishness and they change their names i guarantee this is what our society is trying to do with us to get rid of our christian heritage in this nation to get rid of the morality that was established upon christian principles and it says uh in verse 8 but daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with a portion of the king's meat nor with wine which he drank therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself and the eunuch prince of the eunuchs went on to say but you know you'll look sickly and poor and the king will come and i'll be persecuted for and daniel said you just try us you give us pulse to eat and then you come and check us and when he checked them they looked better and fatter and and healthier than the other people and so they allowed them to do it there people often use this to promote some kind of a diet that you need to be a vegetarian and anyway i'm not going to go there but i don't think it might have included some of that but this was about them defiling themselves with meat that had been strangled and blood was in the meat it violated the jewish kosher stuff it wasn't really about whether it was meat or pulse or stuff like this it was about violating the laws of god they feared god and they were willing to put their life on the line and they were not going to give up their jewish roots they weren't going to give up their jewish names daniel as he writes this he refers to these other three friends as shadrach meshach and abednego but he always calls himself daniel in this thing they kept their identity and this was them fearing god and putting god first and refusing to give up their identity in god and so anyway after they had done all of this and after i think it was three years they had been taught the babylonian language they were brought in before nebuchadnezzar and he gave them questions to check them out and see how they had done and look at this in the first chapter in verse 19 it says and the king communed with them and among them this is talking about all of the people that he had done this to not just these four but all of the people from all of the nations he communed with them and among them was none found like unto daniel hananiah missiel and azariah therefore stood there before the king and in all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired of them he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers and that were in all the realm and daniel continued even under the first year of king cyrus most people believe that daniel lasted through three different kingdoms probably 60 years because of the favor and the blessing that god put upon him but just like these verses i was reading the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom it's the beginning of knowledge and because they put god first and kept their mind stayed upon him they were ten times better than anybody else i'm telling you brothers and sisters this is where we should be we should be fearing god and exalting god's word and standing on what god says and standing against this stuff that's going on in our society if you haven't noticed man you'd have to be blind and deaf to not notice but our society has lost its ever-loving mind to where people can't even figure out which restroom to go into [Applause] did you know that science teaches science teaches that every person has either two y chromosomes or an x and a y chromosome women have two y chromosomes men have an x and y chromosomes that right and so on a cellular level every cell in your body is either male or female and it doesn't matter what you feel like i don't care how you feel i don't care how messed up your thinking is every cell in your body is either male or female you could take people that have been dead for 100 years dig up their body and examine their bones and you could tell if they are a male or a female after every genital part is gone you are and i don't care what you say you are and will ever be a male or a female in this life in heaven we don't have that i don't think we aren't given in marriage and stuff i don't know all of that but anyway in this life in this life you are a male or female that is so basic and science proves it and yet people today are so screwed up in their thinking that they can't figure this out they can't figure out that two women can't have a baby and two men can't have a baby that's dumb to the second power that's dum-dum i love you and dwayne's gonna come smooth all this over he'll be nicer than i am but i'm telling you that how dumb can you get and still breathe people are crazy today and christians are listening to this and listening to all of this stuff being pumped at us and it's taking away the fear of god you need to fear god man this is wrong i need more time let me turn over here to daniel chapter 3 and i just want to illustrate the fear of god they don't use that terminology right here but this is what it is you know the fear of god is used hundreds of times in the bible but there's hundreds maybe thousands of times it's illustrated without using those words and here in daniel chapter 3 is where nebuchadnezzar got so lifted up with pride he made this huge statue out of gold of himself and proclaimed that everybody had to bow down and worship it everybody's got to wear a mask everybody's got to get vaccinated we still have the same thing happening today and if you don't do it you're going to be thrown into a vaccination colony did you know that they're doing that in australia i just read that today that they are taking children 24 000 children parents will not be allowed in there and they're going to vaccinate them and they've got the police standing there to keep the parents from doing it man that's terrible so anyway he said when you hear the music you've got to bow down and if you don't you're going to be thrown into a burning fiery furnace and so shadrach meshach and abednego were three of the leaders in government because they had honored god and god had promoted them and so when the music played there was thousands maybe tens of thousands of people that all fell on their face and followed the king's command i guarantee you those people knew that that idol wasn't god but they were fearful of the king and so whatever the government says you just bow down and obey and they didn't have a constitution that guaranteed them rights man we there's no excuse for us just falling in lockstep and let and letting them lead us like lambs to the slaughter but anyway shadrach meshach and abednego they stood standing and because of it the king brought them in front of him and he says if when you hear the music you'll bow down i'll let you live but if you don't you're going to be thrown into the burning fiery furnace and look at this in daniel 3 16 shadrach meshach and abednego answered and said to the king o nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter in other words we aren't afraid of you we don't have to give an answer to you i don't care what you do look at this next verse it says if it be so our god whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us out of thine hand o king i believe that they believed god was going to protect them but the next verse says but if not be it known unto the old king that we will not serve thy gods nor worship the golden image which thou has set up man that's awesome these people feared god and honored god and they said king you're a nobody he ruled the world nebuchadnezzar was the most the most powerful man that had ever lived in history up to this point and they said we aren't careful to answer you we aren't afraid of you our god is able to deliver us from you but even if he doesn't be it known that we aren't going to bow down and worship your image here's a lot of people that if they were guaranteed that god would protect you and that everything would work out well then maybe you'd stand up if you had a guarantee that it was going to work but you know what there's a lot of people that like when steve stood up and everybody turned against him and critic i guarantee you that there was a temptation i hadn't talked to him but because he's human he probably had a temptation to think man i don't like this and to think maybe i'll change but praise god he stood strong there's a lot of people that will stand as long as they're guaranteed that it's going to work but you know we aren't guaranteed that we're always going to win when i made my stand and sued the government the government sued me and sent the police after us with cease and desist orders and things when when that happened i guarantee you i thought man do i want this no i don't want it but you know what it didn't matter whether it worked out whether they put me in jail whatever they did i was going to stand and do what god told me to do i had a woman come up to me today and she says you know the other night when you were talking i've never made that decision that i'm going to serve god regardless and she says i can see the benefit of doing that because you don't have to debate it once you get into a deal you've already determined you've already settled it and man she said it had just set her free most people have not determined that they are going to stick with god come hell or high water whether it cost you your life whether it cost you your family whether it cost you anything you are going to serve god and because that when you come into a crisis then you've got conflict because you've got to make a decision i've already made my decision shadrach meshach and abednego had already made their decision and they said our god is able to deliver us we believe he will deliver us but even if he doesn't i'm not going to serve you you know what that is that's fearing god in action there are many of you in here that know enough of the word of god that you know many of the things being pushed on you are not right you know it's not right you know they don't have the constitutional right and yet you wouldn't stand up i'm saying this in love i'm not critical of you but i'm saying you fear men more than you fear god i had a woman come to me that they were going to force her to get vaccinated to continue to be a nurse and she says what am i going to do and i said well i said do you think you should get the vaccination and i'm not against people who do if you've got vaccination that's your choice you can do whatever you want i'm not against you but i'm saying forcing people to do it is wrong and they do not have the right to do that and so i asked her i said what do you feel you need to do and she says i don't i believe that it's she's a nurse and she says i believe it's dangerous i'm not taking this vaccination and uh i said do you believe that's what god wants you to do and she said yes and i said well then do it and she says but what look what could happen i could lose my job and i said do what god tells you to do and either they will want to keep you enough that they will change and you will help other people that didn't have the guts to stand up or if you lose your job god will give you something better but i said i never determine god's will based on what i think the outcome will be i can't even imagine living that way i may be one of the few in this room that thinks this way but most people it's it's debatable what's going to happen to me and that promoting you and protecting you is paramount in your life i'm saying this in love brothers and sisters i don't know any better way to say it but that's idolatry you love yourself more than you love god you love yourself more than you love people you love yourself more than you love what's right and so you're gonna you're gonna do whatever is best for self regardless if it's wrong if you have to lie if you have to compromise if you have to do something wrong i'm gonna take care of me man that's a terrible way to live there's things that are more important in you you know if you live 80 years here on this planet that's just like the snap of a finger to eternity you're going to live in eternity forever and if you compromise down here to prolong this brief life and if you make that your focus and your priority you'll regret it throughout all eternity now god is going to come and wipe away all tears from our eyes but i don't believe that's because we all limp into heaven and we just get there and we're so miserable he has to wipe tears from our eyes i believe it's when we get to heaven and we know all things and we see how awesome god was and we see how weird all of this was and how we were intimidated and how we stayed sick when you could have been well and you were poor when you could have been rich i think that christians are going to be crying and he's going to have to come wipe away tears when we all of a sudden know all things and realize how substandard we lived when we had everything of god on the inside of us man you're short-term thinking well i could lose my job who cares i can guarantee you if something happened to me and if i lost this ministry i'd go to mcdonald's and i'd be the best worker they ever had i would i would manage that thing and i'd start owning a string of mcdonald's in a short period of time i'm like cream i rise to the top because god's blessing is on me i'm like a cork you can take me to the bottom of the lake and i'll rise again because god's blessing is on me god is my source not my job not all of these other things you know when they came out with these restrictions they they closed everything and did all of this stuff and they had this i forgot what they call it but anyway they'd give you money uh to pay your employees and stuff and uh my staff came to me do you want us to do this and i said no i'm not taking any money from the government they aren't gaining an in-road to me so that they can tell me what to do god's my source and i'm not letting the government pay me anything it turned out later that if you have over 500 employees you didn't qualify but my staff even came to me and said we've got keras and then we've got awm we could divide those two this is what planned parenthood did they have tens of thousands of employees but they only have 40 or 50 employees in one place so they divided them all up and they took billions of dollars into planned parenthood because they've got a technicality it's illegal they should be thrown in jail for that but anyway we could have separated awm and we could have separated cbc and we could have qualified but i wasn't going to do that god is my source and not somebody else man forgive me for even starting on this and not able to finish it but you know what they they just said we aren't afraid of you do whatever and so he it says nebuchadnezzar his the visage of his face changed that's talking about his face facial expressions i believe the devil rose up in this guy that somebody how dare they say that god is more powerful than i am i'll show them and he heated the furnace seven times hotter how hot do you have to get a fire to kill a person this was irrational did you know much of the stuff that they're doing in this nation it's totally get vaccinated and then wear two masks [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] get vaccinated and then 50 percent of the people that get vaccinated get the virus what's the point it's totally illogical and to stay six feet apart and i'm not you know you can do whatever you want to but i tell you what that's just crazy and then you touch the same door handle that all the other unvaccinated people did you're doing it's just crazy it's crazy and anyway he heated this furnace seven times hotter and he took his mightiest man and they wrapped themselves in all of their clothes and the fire was so hot it killed them they burned up he killed some of his mightiest warriors in his whole thing to just punish these three guys and they threw them into the fire and they were bound when they entered the fire but when they got into the fire all of their bonds were loosed did you know when you take a stand for what's right when you fear god more than you fear man i guarantee you it'll set you free from the worry of all of these people living in fear of people is bondage our forefathers says that i would an american would rather die on his feet than live on his knees that's the attitude that caused this great nation to come in to be in and yet our their descendants are sitting there willing to live on their knees rather than sit there and take a stand you fear men more than you fear god and nebuchadnezzar looked into the fire apparently he was up looking down into it and he saw four men not three but four and the fourth one was like the son of god and they walked around in the fire and they weren't burnt and they didn't even have a smell of smoke on them everybody wants this kind of a testimony man we want to testify about what god has done but nobody's willing to take a stand when you don't know what the outcome's going to be and i wish to add time but over in the sixth chapter the first one through three it says that daniel was promoted and he was exalted and darius thought to make him ruler over the whole realm because he had more wisdom than all of the ancients more wisdom than all of his instructors because he feared god more than he feared man and the other people became jealous they put out this law they tricked darius into saying that nobody could pray to any god or ask a petition of any god for 30 days except for darius and darius signed it and it says after he saw the writing and knew the command he prayed as he did every day with his windows open towards jerusalem did you know he could have closed his windows he could have prayed in private this is civil disobedience he intentionally did it in a way that put him in the crosshairs of that command because he feared god more than he feared man and he didn't do it in secret you don't have to pray publicly you don't have to open the windows you don't have to let everybody see what you're doing but he did it publicly he stood up because he feared god and of course you know the story goes on that that he was thrown into the lion's den and god protected him and he lived and the people who threw him in there they were thrown in and they were devoured before they even hit the ground the lions were so hungry god supernaturally protected him and daniel went through three different kingdoms and outlasted them all and god prospered him because he feared god i'm telling you brothers and sisters the fear of man brings a snare it's a terrible way to live worrying about whether you're going to be punished criticized whether somebody's going to roll their eyes at you if you stand for what's true you need to get to a place where you love god so much that you really don't care i had a person come to me one time and walked down the island he just started criticizing me and saying all kinds of things against me and i just stopped him right in the middle of it and i said who died and made you god and he looked at me and says what are you saying i said you aren't god i don't care what you think god loves me i said i don't do everything right but god loves me and i'm growing and and i said i just don't care well you should and i said i don't i said compared to god you're nobody i said you're a nobody we met with our officials in 2020 before one of our conferences because they were trying to close us down and i said no we are going to have this conference and we met with them and they were they one of them says you have no integrity you're you're a liar and just they they blasted me with all kinds of things and and i sat there and let them criticize me and finally i told this one commissioner who was just ragging on me i said look i've been criticized by a lot more important people than you and i said i don't care what you think people think that's arrogance it's not arrogance it's just that i love god so much that compared to god you're nobody compared to god the supreme court the president anybody else is nobody and i'm gonna honor god and fear god and because of that god has blessed me i believe he'll continue to bless me but you know what if he didn't if he didn't deliver me and if they came and got everything i've got i'm going to do what's right because i'm going to spend eternity with god in heaven and i'm not going to regret the decisions i make because of short-term thinking man we need to honor god amen let's take a 10-minute break that you'll try and stretch into 20 minutes because you don't fear andrew but let's take a 10-minute break and come back as quickly as we can and we're going to have pastor dwayne's sheriff we'll have our prayer ministers up here if you would like prayer for anything please come and we'll pray with you [Music] if everybody could come in and take a seat we shall get started in the next session we'll keep praying for these people until we get through we don't want to rush that but have you enjoyed pastor dewayne sheriff hasn't that been good man it's awesome you know in my estimation which everybody's opinion is like a nose everybody's got one usually has a couple of holes in it but in my opinion i think pastor dewayne's one of the best ministers around nowadays god through jesus blessing thank you jesus and so uh again do you have any materials left oh oh in my book thank you do you have some materials left yes the books i'm out of my cds but they can order those online okay so i want to encourage you to please get his materials i tell you i've ministered with dwayne many times and also we're having a conference on destiny teaching about how you can find out what god's purpose for your life is and then how to fulfill it and that's coming up in september you can go to our website and find out the exact dates but dwayne and i will be ministering together then and it's just going to be a great great time so let's welcome back pastor dwayne sheriff as he comes in thank you so much thank you so much it would have been so easy to yield my time to the honorable senator of the kingdom hallelujah but that was pretty awesome did you get anything out of that man i i'm i'm uh just amazed at the spirit of god in our lives and i i just stand in awe of the revelation that god has given andrew and just the parallels why i don't believe my revelation is at that level it is just amazing the parallels i'm in the process of writing a new book that our publisher asked me to write which was the biggest honor of my life to be asked to write a book on the counter culture and it's a book based on critical grace theory being the answer and solution to everything we're facing and how that the church has to be a counter culture we we can't have all this hate in the church we can't have all this death in the church and we can't have all this darkness in the church we're we're the counter culture and so anyway there's a chapter in there and i covered uh daniel and his situation shadrach and me shaq and abinago and their situation of how that we have to make a stand no matter what the cost and that to to bow to all that's going on is idolatry and i mean it's just i'm sitting there hearing this and it's just it's better than what i wrote but it it's good what i wrote you need to get that book when it comes out but let me just say that this is uh one of the books i haven't promoted we want to sew this one uh on better together and we designed this for no matter where you are in your marriage relationship this is a blessing and will help you and this comes out of over 30 years of marriage seminars where and then even walking people we've estimated probably over 300 people through an affair and adultery and when you when you engage in people's lives like that as a pastor if you're just awake you learn things you discover things and i just began to see seven major marital breakdowns that everybody that was in trouble was weak in these areas people that had been through a divorce were usually weak in all of them and about to repeat the same mistakes even and so we did a a series on areas of marital breakdown and we put that in a book that these are common to every marriage and we've actually for the past 20 years used these areas for pre-marital counseling so this is this is something i believe that that churches when they discover what's in here that we'll be we'll be sewing these books into churches so that they can use them for pre-marital counseling it takes you through the seven areas that are common in a breakdown in a marriage then it gives a workbook at the end of each chapter with questions to help you to help you integrate what you just read where are you at with this it also prepares you then to do a small group and to help people with their marriage you want to get in ministry some of you are wondering what's your ministry and you can't seem to find a place of ministry i'm telling you people are hurting in the area of marriage and if you'll just start reaching out to people in the area of their marriages you'll have plenty of ministry so this is called better together and we truly we truly are matt would you sew that to someone who looks like they're about to collapse in their marriage you're rubbing off on me sow that into somebody that's happily married that wants to be even more happily married amen let's let's go fast father thank you in the name of the holy child jesus for all the good things that are happening for the season that we're all coming into for this conference and the opportunity to assemble together to break bread together literally the bread of life jesus you are more than enough and i just thank you that you're the gardener of our hearts and that you unlike adam will not fail because you are the author and finisher now of our faith thank you for a great harvest in our lives individually and i believe in the kingdom of god in jesus name i pray amen mark chapter 4 i want to pick up where i left off on the mystery of the ground the mystery of seeds and how that we need to learn how to reap our harvest at another level this is something that i'm experiencing this is something that's happening in my life i've always understood for 40 years to a measure seed time and harvest but i can look back over my my life and see where i received revelation of seedtime and harvest and it took me to another place of reaping my harvest and i believe we're coming into a season and i'm a part of that season of a great awakening and i believe personally i'm seeing seed time and harvest and my harvest come in because i'm recognizing my harvest i'm learning how to put the sickle in now and reap my harvest both personally and in in my ministry so that this this this can be very helpful man there's so many things i know the frustration of feeling like you just can't get things out fast enough in this type of of setting but i really appreciate the feedback years ago i really struggled with people coming up to me after i would minister and tell me how much it blessed them and it was just terrible i i just had to renew my mind it was terrible i felt like there was some kind of pride involved if i receive any appreciation or accept a thank you because i knew if they got blessed it was the lord in me i just knew it i didn't have to be taught it i knew it if you got blessed it wasn't me it was the word of god in me it was jesus and so i struggled with receiving i'd sit there and squirm it was just terrible i'm embarrassed to share it but it was like a nine-year-old boy that a girl is about to kiss it was just terrible and i remember going to the hotel room after a meeting and people had just thanked me and thanked me and i was asking the lord how do i deal with this i want to keep my heart right because i knew i have to keep my heart right for the seed in order to get the harvest god wills for me to give and i'll never forget this it was amazing i'm praying i'm waiting on some deep revelation help me deal with this and respond right and god said in plain english he spoke in english this is amazing he said to me try saying thank you [Laughter] and it was like and so i couldn't wait for the next night to try it and what the lord began to show me was look it's the lord in me blessing people but it's the lord in them thanking me and so i began to be able to handle that and last night i don't know this is why you've got to walk by faith and not by sight i don't know why i was so frustrated i don't know why i felt like i just didn't connect or i didn't land i didn't put the dots together but i can't tell you how encouraging it's been with the response of people coming up to me not after my flesh and helping me with my flesh but really knowing that something went off on the inside of you and i promise you you will not be the same i promise you something took root and jesus the gardener is going to guard if you just choose to believe if you just choose to give to the living word jesus the gardener of your heart will not fail like adam felt in the garden not to guard it not to keep it and lost it jesus is going to till your ground jesus is going to if you yield to him run the devil off when when mary saw him and supposed he was a gardener in john chapter 20 he was standing there with a five gallon bucket of roundup a rake and a hole that'll hit the rest of you later i may not get a thank you from god on that one but he's the best weed killer that has ever ever graced this planet and he loves you so much that he is he is as you yield to him wanting to kill all the weeds bad things you've sown deliver you from all the guilt and condemnation and just receive your forgiveness even for bad seeds and then oversee the good seeds so i want to tie this in with faith and a different direction that i had planned but i think we need to bring some things together in the last session as best i can but all of us are going to be seeking jesus for quite a while over over this truth of seedtime and harvest because i believe it is a message from the lord i'm not saying i'm the only one carrying that message i'm saying there's a great harvest coming and jesus must be speaking to people on how to reap the harvest and so mark chapter four let's talk about faith because one of the things i said and the questions have been excellent by the way the questions have just been excellent but one of the things i said is a seed has to be sown and die or it abides alone and i don't have all understanding in this i haven't arrived in it but the lord has shown me and taught me that many times i'll receive the word the seed i'll sow it but i don't let go of it i don't mix faith with it in the sense of trusting god for the harvest many of you sow a seed one one precious man said to me look i've got these employees even and i'll sow a seed of kindness but i'm not getting kindness back see that makes us the lord of the harvest when we demand what the seed has to look like when it comes back and how it comes back a part of that seed dying is you releasing it knowing paul said in first corinthians chapter 3 i have planted apollos watered it but god gives the increase because remember a seed can be sown in one form but it comes back in a different form and this this this has blessed a lot of you confused others i said in my last meeting that people will come up to me and say that i confused them and i've just got a standard answer for that i have never confused anybody in my whole life you were confused when you came and i brought it to your attention [Laughter] there's been confusion over this and i'm not confusing anybody i'm not saying now you can sow corn and reap apples i'm not saying that but i am saying we've been confused and thought we can sow corn and the only form the only harvest will be corn what if god matthew chapter 9 verse 38 what if jesus and god is the one that gives the increase what if jesus is lord of your harvest what if you're not lord of your harvest what if you're sowing corn and you're just expecting corn and you're expecting it at a certain place in a certain way but what if god has a feed store for you you won't even you won't even see your harvest you won't see the opportunity that all of a sudden the feed store just opened up and you can get it for a song and a dance but bless god i sowed corn and i'm not getting anything back but corn well how do you know the form it comes back in eating thousands and thousands of dollars of bags of corn to sow into other farmers see we tend to hang on to the seed we tend to manipulate the seed we tend to demand i sowed it and it has to come back this way that seed never dies but when you mix faith with the seed when you mix faith as a mustard seed faith is not a seed per se but it's as a mustard seed it is mixed with seed and when it's sown and dies meaning i sowed kindness but that harvest is in the hands of jesus and how he gets it back to me i may never get kindness back from the person i sowed it into but all of a sudden i've just got this harvest of kindness over here coming in that i sowed it in one form but i'm reaping it over here in another form and so i believe the lord has at least convicted me that many of us are missing our harvest because we don't have eyes to see we don't understand a seed is sown in one form it's reaped in another form and so this is a part of faith what does it mean look at look at mark chapter 4 again now verse 30. this is after he's taught on the parable of the sower so in the word this is after he has taught on my first session not that jesus taught on my first session that would have been awesome but he taught on what i taught on in my first session on how that the whole kingdom of god operates on seedtime and harvest this is how we breathe this is how we live this is how we walk by faith and not by sight is everything can become a seed in your life when mixed with faith and so verse 30 he goes on to say to what shall we liken the kingdom of god what's the kingdom of god like how does the kingdom of god work if you saw it what would it look like what is the kingdom of god like to what shall we liken it or with what parable shall we picture it how can i paint a picture of what god's kingdom looks like here here's here's an observation of it here's how you need to see it so that you can imagine this is how god works and i'm gonna i'm gonna work with god in partnership now in seedtime and harvest he said it's like a mustard seed which when it is sown on the ground it is smaller than all seeds on the earth but when it is sown it grows up and becomes greater than all the herbs and shoots out large branches so that birds of the air may nest under it think about that for a minute that the kingdom of god here and what does it look like it looks like these mustard seeds that are the smallest seemingly insignificant seed and yet when it is sown in one form in one thought of being small it is raped as this huge refuge for the fowls of the air that's how god's kingdom works that's how faith works he ties the kingdom of god to seeds again you got to see that that's elementary but small seemingly insignificant seeds i can't tell you i know you guys are awesome i've enjoyed meeting you it's been cool but boy i have struggled over the years with certain things and one of the things i struggled with even was with my faith always feeling like i needed more faith always feeling like i didn't quite have enough faith i can remember times that god would say things to me and my first thought wasn't faith i've gotten better i'm doing really good right now i didn't want to say that out loud mess it up but it's not always been that way that god would say things to me god would show me things and my first thought wasn't faith and that i have enough faith my first thought would be i need more faith now i know i know you don't face things in your life where you have a feeling i need more faith i get it so pray for me amen most people i deal with it seems like they are constantly feeling like their faith isn't enough i need more faith if i just had more faith even when problems hit word and faith people don't go there that wasn't nice even when problems hit people just assume they've got all these problems because they don't have enough faith they even hear in their head if i had more faith maybe this wouldn't happen to me if i had more faith maybe that bad thing wouldn't and so i appreciate the lord sending me to share this with people that aren't here because it just got quiet it was like so i needed this i'm so glad i came i need to hear me today amen because i don't want to be i don't want to be a person that doesn't understand the simplicity of faith and how i have to mix faith with my seeds in order to reap the harvest god wants me to and i don't want to live with my first thought being i don't have enough faith i want to continue to live in the vein i'm in right now that i have more than enough faith for anything god asked me to do i just need to mix that faith with seed i need to act on the faith that i have and of course jesus operated in seedtime and harvest to perfection he created the laws he he was he was the creator of the natural laws that govern this world and the creator of the spiritual laws that govern the kingdom of god and he walked in it in perfection and i shared the story of the little boy's lunch out of matthew chapter 14 and how that that little boy offered something so small it was like a mustard seed and yet jesus mixed faith with that small seed and we saw immediately the harvest the harvest many of us really believe what we have is insignificant it's not enough and yet the bible continually admonishes us in the area of even faith that the faith we have is not a mustard seed it may be as a mustard seed but the faith that we have is the faith of the lord jesus christ himself if you're born again you have the faith of the son of god who loved you and gave himself for you galatians 2 verse 20 and yet many of us haven't been taught that much less how to mix faith with with a seed you can mix your faith with anything and it become a seed that can be sown in one form and you reap again in another form go to luke chapter 17 in luke chapter 17 deals with offense and learning to forgive people and jesus taught these things and many times we see them disconnected but remember in mark chapter 4 when we went over the ground that the stony ground was those that hear the word receive it with gladness but persecution and affliction arises for the word sake and immediately they are offended new king james bible says they stumble it took me years to realize oh my goodness when i take offense that is the devil stealing the word of god out of my heart and so jesus taught unforgiveness often because he's the gardener of your heart and he knows you have a choice when you're done wrong you have a choice when you go through trials and tribulations you have a choice when you are persecuted for righteousness stake sake to get offended or to not take offense and yet many of you i love you but you have carried offense for years not realizing that is messing up your ground which ultimately messes up your harvest and god wants you to forgive for his sake and your sake and yet how many christians have i dealt with that even refused to forgive we got christians in our churches that are carrying unforgiveness for something that was done to people they didn't even know a couple of hundred years ago well we don't go there hallelujah it's like i don't want the spirit of andrew to come on me but that is dumb dumb you're offended and caring generational office and you and you wonder why you have no harvest and the blessings of god are hindered in your life and not flowing and you don't have peace and you're filled with hate and how can we read mark chapter 4 and not realize with all the afflictions and with all the persecutions will come the opportunity to be offended either at god or somebody that's persecuting you and you have to forgive them and yet after all these years and the maturity i believe the church has come into a lot of christians don't even know how to forgive they don't even know what it is and i did outline a chapter in that book better together on the simplicity of forgiveness how simple it really is and the importance of it because we are not going to reap the harvest out of the ground of our heart if we choose to take the weed of offense and even cultivate it some people are proud of their offenses and they nurture them they cultivate it they develop it they impose it on others see people that are messed up and demonically possessed are not happy destroying their own lives they want to destroy everybody else's too and so jesus in many passages is teaching us to forgive and like andrew has been ministering there's a point where if you have any wisdom at all this isn't debatable anymore in your life this isn't anything you even wrestle with you develop a ground that is quick to forgive because you want a great harvest in your life and you want to be a blessing and you don't want to be filled with hate and anger and resentment you don't want to be in the streets destroying people's lives and so here he's teaching on offense and and the deadliness of it we'll pick it up in in verse three take heed to yourselves well that right there if i was pastoring we would spend some time there some of you i love you but your life is a wreck because you're taking heed to everything but yourself you're judging everybody else's ground everybody else's hearts even instead of guarding your own ground instead of yielding to the gardener of your ground and it's destroying your life he says take heed to yourselves keep your heart with all diligence for out of it are going to flow the issues of your life proverbs 4 23 and then in the hebrew that word keep means guard just guard your heart yeah but these people are this way leave those people alone deal with your attitude about those people okay andrew's just better at this bam i kind of bam [Laughter] if your brother sins against you rebuke him did you hear that if your brother sins against you rebuke him other scriptures talk about if you're if your brother sins against you go to your brother and him alone don't go to the streets go to your brother and your brother alone and reconcile with your brother don't even offer a gift to god at the altar if you even think your brother is offended at you if your brother sins against you rebuke him see it is love and and neither one of us have had enough time to really massage and explain how how it truly is love to correct someone it's love to point something out that could destroy them now you can do it in the wrong attitude and it not be love we've seen that modeled quite a bit but god wants us to model how does this really work how does a brother now sin against me and i confront lovingly rebuke him and if he repents forgive him and if he sins against you seven times in a day and seven times in a day returns to you saying i repent you you you need to forgive him another teaching of this and if you put them together peter asks the lord one time how how often should i forgive my brother seven times evidently he had heard this message and his point was can i fry them to the toenails on eight can i be angry at eight can i burn their business down at eight can i teach their children a false identity that'll lock them into hell itself amen and jesus said i don't say unto you seven times but seven times seventy is that right seven times seventy that's 490 times that's 490 times in the context in a day now some of you that i've met you you can pull off a high number but not 490. let it go just let it go let's try this say i love brother dwayne i feel better nobody's going to be able to sin against you in one time or in one day 749 times 700 490 times thank god i'm healed of dyslexia i believe i receive amen look at the response typical response and the apostle said to the lord increase our faith think about that for a minute in this context he said just seven times you need to forgive him and they're standing there going we need more faith increase our faith i don't think we've understood this in its totality jesus gave them a lot of commands that would challenge anybody jesus told them to heal the sick he put no qualifications on it he just said heal the sick and they said yes sir cleanse lepers that was unusual in this time lepers being cleansed and jesus said you cleanse the lepers yes sir you raise the dead yes sir you forgive your brother oh god oh god i need more faith help me jesus [Applause] i got too dramatic right there but i'm trying to make a point people collapse when you say i tell you what let i tell you how we can fix this problem we can fix racism i got the answer hey pick me pick me pick me forgive your brother oh this has been generational you can't expect me to forgive people all sin is generational those that were sinning 200 something years ago it was generational sins of thousands of years of evil and yet even in the church we don't understand how easy it is once you commit a fearing god he goes on to tell a story that should tell you that we don't have a choice some of you think you have a choice to forgive or not forgive well that's powerful he went on to teach about masters and servants and said what master thanks the servants for doing what's expected of them and what servant expects to be thanked for doing what's expected of them and it comes right after they said increase our faith the bottom line is jesus is saying we don't need any more faith just do it thank you for that thunders applause some of you are fighting this right now just do it and if you still feel like you can't i've got teachings that teach you how simple it is to forgive we don't even again know what forgiveness is we think it's an emotion and it's possible to forgive and still have problems in your emotions we think it's trust man it's possible to forgive and not trust somebody see i don't want to say that that just everybody just faints when i say well forgiveness and trust are not the same thing there are people i have forgiven but they have not repented i have forgiven them and i do not trust them and it's wisdom not to trust them not a lack of forgiveness [Music] i was taught i'm not being mean but this is cruel this is cruel i was taught you haven't forgiven unless you forget that is terrible to say to somebody that's been molested that's terrible to say to somebody who's been through an unwanted divorce and they lost everything now you can't forgive them till you forget there's just some things in life you're not going to forget but that doesn't mean you're locked into unforgiveness and there's a way to remember that's redemptive paul remembered the things that he had done that were bad but he had a redemptive memory he looked at his past in the light of the grace of god and the blood of jesus and where god had brought him from where he was and he drew wisdom and the ability to share with others and even identify i know what it's like to be the least of all the apostles because i persecuted the church but he wasn't condemned by it he didn't let his past define his present or sabotage his future you don't have to do that either you can choose to forgive you can mix faith settle down duane real simple you can mix faith as a seed with forgiveness and jesus heal your emotions and jesus teach you how to do reconciliation now if possible and on and on i could go with a harvest that will come in on mixing faith as a mustard seed with the act which is a seed actions can be a seed of forgiving people it's just huge it's just huge and i hope this is helping i i'd be labored it a little bit but one of the things that i i didn't share and i need to quickly share it is first kings 17 i just want to give you the reference we're just out of time but first corinthians no 1st kings 17 about 1-16 this is the story of elijah and this is where god had sustained him and how that god was providing supernaturally for this man during a drought and god had sent him to the brook called charis where your provisions are [Applause] [Music] that's better over here [Applause] and at the brook cherith that's what i said the first time i don't know what you heard he's sustaining him now it's not it's not the western hotel on the 18th floor amen but he's eating and he has water the brook is providing water and ravens are bringing him bread and meat for breakfast and for dinner that is just amazing it's amazing if you'll study it out too a raven was an unclean bird see if we are lord of our harvest we decide how god's gonna bless us and how god's gonna sustain us and god used an unclean bird and an unclean bird followed a wagon all day for a roadkill to have meat for the prophet to eat who knows where the raven got the bread crumbs and this is a covid19 nightmare and yet that was good and yet he mixed faith with the word of god and the lord of the harvest chose what form it would come in i'm saying a lot see we want to decide what form that seed never dies but when i mix faith with my obedience when i mix faith with the word of god and trust jesus the gardener of my heart the lord of the harvest that somehow another this is a mystery i don't have it figured out but that seed dies and and brings forth this harvest and so god is providing but there was a point where the provisions changed and i wish we had time to go over it i've actually heard andrew minister on this and it's excellent i think he has a series on elijah i'm not positive but i actually heard him minister on this and it just lit my fire in the sense of god speaks to the man he's been providing for him but he says i want you to go to zarephath there is a widow there listen now and if you miss this you're not going to understand the miracle you're not going to understand how to reap your harvest he said there's a widow there now listen i have commanded her to sustain you so elijah has a word from god a seed that he has to mix faith with and act on it trusting the lord of the harvest that there is a widow i'm going to go and my provision is ahead of me not not behind me or where i'm at now the proficient has ran its course i obey god i mix faith as a mustard seed with the seed of obedience and when i get to zarephath the first thing i see is a widow so i already have a word from god so i'm not taking advantage of a widow that's why this is important that you get the context of this because even when i tell the context and i share it there are religious there are people won't get it bottom line he sees the widow and says can you get me a drink she says sure now he's testing the word of the lord he's wanting to know is this the widow and so he says can you give me something to eat can you give me a piece of bread i don't understand this widow i've pastored a bunch of these widows though she says no i don't have anything to eat i'm out here collecting sticks i'm going to build a fire i've got a little bit of flour a little bit of oil i'm gonna make some cakes or some bread my son and i are gonna eat it and die welcome to church [Laughter] why pick up sticks why cook i guarantee you i'm not going to cook if i think i'm going to die after i eat it and some places i've ate i thought i was still going to die after i ate it why cook it's just how we are at times like i'm gonna i'm gonna do the last thing before i i would have just died if i believe that i'm skipping this picking up sticks and i'm certainly not going to cook for this boy knowing he's going to die anyway so elijah says make something for me first now what was elijah doing he needed a seed he knew she needed a seed see i'm telling you this is throughout the whole bible because this is the kingdom of god this is how god works i'm not talking about legalism i'm to my faith in grace i'm still talking about yielding to god i'm still talking about god is the one that even provides the seed and god is the lord of the harvest so we're not talking about legalism and works here we're talking about cooperating with seed time and harvest and so elijah says give me something first he wasn't taking advantage of a widow amen he knew if you'll act and mix faith faith without works is dead if you will mix faith as a mustard seed with feeding me first the lord of the harvest will do something supernatural and he even prophesied what god would do and sure enough she makes the the bread seed sows it sows it releases it does it sew it with conditions it won't die if you sew it with condition she sews it and her flower and her oil never ran out till the rain came that's not just a wow that's pretty cool i mean it is pretty cool but god is teaching us seed time and harvest how to sow the seed how to release it to the lord of the harvest and then god bring in a super natural harvest in luke 17 here i read to you let's look at it again quickly look at verse 6. after they said increase our faith the lord said if you had faith as a mustard seed you could say to this mulberry tree be pulled up by the roots and planted in the sea and it would obey you back to again we don't need any more faith we need to act on the faith we have we need to even if we're feeling like boy i just feel like my faith is is so small in this situation i'll tell you i i don't want to excuse away my unbelief i'll get to that here in a second but i'm not sure people are hearing god sometimes because if if you hear god and you can do it in your own strength mind and power it's probably not god everything god's ever asked me to do it seems like is impossible now i don't know if i am a favorite child i think andrew and i would debate that and i'm not going to give in i am god's favorite that's my story and i'm sticking to it i'm wavering even right now but i'm sticking to it i sense at times especially when vision comes imagination explodes you see big things you have to renew your mind that you have enough faith just act on the faith you have don't cancel out your harvest by disqualifying the faith that god has given you even if it seems like as small as a mustard seed go to go to matthew 17. matthew 17 is where jesus cast a demon out of a boy and a man had brought his boy to the disciples and his boy was demon possessed and it's amazing when you read what this demon tried to do to this boy this this boy would have these seizures and fall in the floor and foam at the mouth this demon this man says that whatever this is my son has it throws him in the fire and in the water that is so so demonic and yet i could i could go on and go on with all the all the things in our culture again that are demonic these things are demonic that are going going on and we have to be empowered by the holy spirit and truly be able to set people free from the demonic not just talk about how they're demon-possessed we need to understand how to truly deliver them from these demonic things that are happening in our culture and so the man says i brought my son to the to the disciples and they couldn't cast it out they had been casting out demons you need to put this story together with the other account in john i think it's john chapter six because when you put the two stories together you kind of get the big picture and i mean anytime the disciples began to pray for this kid it would fall on the floor and foam at the mouth and do 360s and they had been casting out demons why would they even ask jesus why couldn't we do it if they'd never done it don't ask questions like that if you ask the lord why couldn't we cast this demon out it means they had been casting out demons and now all of a sudden bam they went to pray and this kid fell on the floor foamed at the mouth gnashing with his teeth because if you read both accounts when they brought this boy then to jesus and jesus rebukes the disciples when he began to pray for this boy this boy fell on the ground and phoned at the mouth and gnashing the teeth there was something different that jesus was walking in than the apostles at that time were walking in and yet jesus said something again pretty powerful to him they came to him and i love how it says in verse verse 19 they came to him privately and asked him why could we not cast this demon out you read you read the gospels long enough it's like you're going to start grinning and going yeah i know why they came to him privately because if they ask him publicly he's still going to rebuke him publicly so it's almost like they process this why don't they got together i'm sure this is my own imagination but they got together and said why don't we ask him privately because it probably won't be good we got this picture of jesus that i'm telling you it's not a biblical picture and i'm saying me help me jesus see how you really were they came to him privately why couldn't we cast it out so jesus said unto them point blank because of your unbelief because of your unbelief for assuredly i say unto you if you have faith as a mustard seed you would say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move and nothing will be impossible for you notice how in luke 17 he speaks of having faith as a mustard seed and act on the faith that you have he's doing the same thing here he's comparing faith again if you just had he's not saying it is as a mustard seed but if you just had in other words you don't need any more faith to cast even a demon out you need to get rid of your unbelief and that's what he goes on to say that is confused i believe a lot of people and i am encouraged that i can share this here because this is the only other ministry i know that i'm in at least good company on this i've been preaching this here for years and it hadn't gone over very well in some places verse 21 says however this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting and many people haven't interpreted that as that that demon that kind of demon you can't cast this demon out unless you go and pray and fast and nowhere in the bible are we taught that there are different kinds of demons that you have to be in a different place or maturity to cast them out all demons have already been judged by god they've already been condemned they've already been chained to darkness peter says that they've been chained in darkness god has bound the devil and angels to darkness that's why you have to choose to sin and walk in darkness in order to have demonic activity operating in your life the devil can't traffic in the light that's why you are to be children of light get your new identity right and walk in the light as he's in the light and the blood of jesus will cleanse you from all unrighteousness the devil trafficks on the highway of darkness so when you choose to get on the highway and sin you're yielding yourself over to demonic problems thank god for repentance there's an off ramp every 20 feet but you get off the highway of darkness bottom line is the devil has already been judged people have not been judged that's why we don't need to judge one another because final judgment hasn't been devied out to humanity at this point but the devil's already been judged that's why we can have full authority full confidence rebuke him and not waver not waver this is different than even demons are the easiest thing to deal with now i'm not saying there aren't situations i've been in them where you feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up and you have to fight again a form of unbelief i'm saying they've got no choice but to bow their need to the name of jesus so you can be fir you can't be that way with people you can't be as firm with people over certain issues but you can with the devil and so there are no super devils and peon devils is that a bad word it is a bad word can't think of another word does anybody have a soros there aren't super demons and inferior demons and i can deal with the inferior demons but oh no that that's a super demon i gotta go fast and pray now that's a work of the law and the it's just i don't i don't get it i don't get why people can't understand my speech there is nothing i got to go do to get some kind of power to deal with a demon i already have the holy spirit and all power and authority is given to jesus and he delegated that to us and so he's not talking about you have to go pray and fast to cast the devil out he's talking about remember they ask him why couldn't we do it your unbelief and he called him a faithless and perverse generation again what kind of response is that jesus why could i not get this done because you are faithless and perverse i'm going to another church you faithless and perverse generate and this is so cool he says how long am i going to be with you it's almost like he i'm not accusing the lord of anything but it's it's almost like he lost his patience for a moment they just said i've got an expiration date i'm not going to be with you and be able to do this for you forever i'm one day going to be in you and do it through you so you better understand unbelief there are four kinds of belief i've got a teaching on this that goes into detail but this man that brought his son possessed of the devil when the disciples couldn't do it he was beginning to waver and he said lord i brought i brought my son to your disciples and they couldn't couldn't cast him out can you help me can you do it it's like i'm gonna see jesus on that one too it's like my ability is not a question here can you believe because if you can believe all things are possible to he that believeth and the man said something i believe that we've all experienced lord i believe but help thou my unbelief when you put that together with jesus telling the disciples it was their unbelief there's different kinds of unbelief he said i believe but help my unbelief i know i'm not the only one in this room i'm a believer i believe so why am i wavering about this why is there a form of unbelief because there's different kinds of unbelief the kind of unbelief that locks people into a devil's hell is rejection of the cross the world lies in unbelief and the only sin that wasn't covered on the cross is the sin of the rejection of the cross that's blasphemy of the holy spirit when you reject the cross when you reject jesus and when you choose unbelief that's blaspheming the holy spirit and i've got other teachings that go into detail on that i'm saying a lot fast because i'm running out of time so how do you cure that you get born again you believe in jesus you look to the cross you believe in the grace of god and you you believe in your heart that god raised jesus from the dead you confess him as lord and you're delivered from that kind of unbelief and now you're called a believer but do you know any believers that unbelieve another kind of unbelief is a lack of knowledge there are some good christians there's some of you here i know there's multitudes watching you believe in jesus but your life is full of unbelief because you lack knowledge you don't know what the word of god says about certain subjects so you're in unbelief in that area because you don't have any knowledge the way you cure that kind of unbelief is keep hearing the word of god and faith will come by hearing and hearing by the word of god it'll cure us of the unbelief of a lack of knowledge then others i love you there's not too many of you here there's a lot of you watching your unbelief is because of wrong knowledge you've been taught the traditions of men and it has caused unbelief in your life it is made mark chapter four verse four mark chapter 7 verse 14 says that the traditions of men will make the word of god a none effect it'll cancel out the seed and people believe their traditions more than what god says that's unbelief amen are roman some of you don't like it when i go fast have you ever met anybody that you try to tell them what the bible says and they'll tell you to your face i don't care what that bible says here's how we believe that's stunning to me that's i'm running out of time so i'll cut to the chase that's spooky to me that it's like you're telling me you believe what man has told you and exalted that above the word of god and holding fast to the tradition of men not understanding you're making the word of god of none effect in your life how do you how do you cure that unbelief you repent you change your mind am i helping anybody it sure gets quiet you repent you change your mind repent means change your mind and your direction man said this god says that that'll contribute to unbelief this will cause faith to soar in my life i repent i change my mind i don't care what man says i'm gonna let god be true and every man a liar it's called the fear of the lord so you cure the first kind of unbelief by getting saved you cure the second kind of unbelief by knowledge of the word of god you cure the third kind of unbelief by repenting and i wish people would just be more honest i still bump into things and where did i get that that didn't come from god that is not the word of god i have believed a lie and that's contributing to a form of unbelief in my life lord i believe you're my gardener lord i believe but help me with my unbelief help me repent of this help me turn from this help me and he is the lord my helper the fourth kind of unbelief is carnality you're just carnal and i this is my last session it doesn't matter i i catch myself being carnal i know some of you you're never carnal you're pure as a wind-driven snow you're the cat's meow how did we survive until god got you on the planet i do not know i love you you are awesome but there are times i'm just carnal what does cardinal mean it means five sense driven you're driven by your senses you believe more what you see with these eyes than the eye of your heart you believe more what you hear that the world's pumping all this death and darkness and hate into your heart and you believe that more than you more than you believe the word of god when that boy fell on the ground and started foaming at the mouth and gnashing at the teeth the disciples panicked their flesh kicked in they saw something they were feeling something and they didn't just stand and walk by faith and not by sight they didn't know how to stand and cast that kind of unbelief out fasting and prayer cast being since driven out people are even taught wrong on why we fast and pray fasting and prayer in the church many times has become another new work of the law i don't fast and pray to get god to move i don't fast and pray to earn anything from god or deserve anything from god my fasting and praying is disciplining my body it's disciplining my five physical senses it's disciplining my appetite it's me saying no to my flesh it's me buffeting my flesh denying my flesh taking up my cross and my spirit ascending now remember the good ground is your spirit you got faith in your spirit got everything you need in that ground but sometimes we're not sensitive to it we don't we don't yield to it we yield to our flesh and what you cast out in fasting and praying is being being controlled by your five physical senses and it is so easy to slip off into just being led by what we see and led by what we hear led by what we feel don't i'm glad i'm out of time because i could allow the spirit of andrew to jump on me over this one but i deal with people every day of my life and i can't tell you how they've exalted their feelings above the word of god they'll tell me i know the bible says that but i feel this way they'll come into my office and say i don't feel led every pastor needs to get a chunk of lead in their office and make them feel the lead and now go obey god you don't have to feel led and i'm much more emotional than andrew he's got his emotions under control i am very emotional even when the spirit of the lord comes upon me many times i can't control the tears i i fight it so i'm i'm i'm a sensitive type person but you cannot be led by your senses you can't go by what you see if you're going to sow a seed and mix faith as a mustard seed with it believing for the lord of the harvest to bring in your harvest harvest and what form of harvest he brings in you're gonna have to walk now by faith and not by sight did you get anything out of that praise god amen thank you jesus father i thank you for giving us the best gardener in the universe thank you jesus for overseeing our hearts and as we bring them to you as we yield them to you we thank you for the seed and the death of that seed the sowing of it the going to bed now and just resting day and night when we wake up and we see the form of harvest you brought we're going to put the sickle in by faith as well and reap it in jesus name amen and amen i love you guys god bless you amen amen that's awesome praise god have you enjoyed pastor dwayne hadn't even been a blessing amen well we've got one more session at 2 30. we've got a meeting immediately over in the lilac room and that's about our bible college and if you raised your hand saying if you didn't have all of these other things you'd love to come you need to go over there and we will share with you how you can participate i want to invite our prayer ministers to come up if there's any way that we can minister to you and help you we'd love to do so and i am so we're here to pray with you remember we're back at 2 30 for our afternoon session that will be our last one no night session uh tonight i'll be at beloved church in lena uh illinois tomorrow so god bless you thanks for coming get something to eat and come back quickly right after you go to the cbc meeting you're dismissed
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 10,827
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Id: daWhytJ1YxI
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Length: 174min 1sec (10441 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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