Healing School with Pastor Greg Mohr - September 30, 2021

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listen god wants you well more than you want to be well he wants you to prosper and be in health come on even as your soul prospers they'll lay hands on the sick and they will get sicker is that what i said we're gonna lay hands on the sick and what they will recover amen praise god this is the power of the word of god healings are gonna start to happen in manifest they're happening today at healing school are you expecting is anybody expected welcome to healing school i want to welcome all of you who are in here and even sat through our sound check welcome you guys can stand with us and we'll worship but then i want to welcome everyone who's online joining us i'm honored to be here daniel um daniel's not here today so i have the honor of being here and just leading this time of worship it's it's so fun and exciting so go ahead and join us as we worship today so without your goodness i would be desperate without your love slave to the darkness if it was with your kindness you chased me down then i was lost [Music] i thank you jesus i was a prisoner now i'm not [Music] with your [Music] hallelujah [Music] and now your mercy will be my song and all the glory you know [Music] hallelujah i thank you jesus i was a prisoner now i'm not [Applause] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah i thank you jesus i was a praiser now i'm not hey [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you god that we are we are healed it is done it is finished and we receive it in your name [Music] thank you lord for what you've done [Music] thank you father thank you lord we just acknowledge that right now turn our attention to what you have done on the cross if that is all that you ever did for us jesus it's more than enough [Music] we just put our attention to you jesus to hear from you to worship you to thank you to honor you for what you did and what you've done [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus hallelujah [Applause] thank you jesus i was a prisoner now i'm not with your blood [Music] hallelujah [Music] you're here with the grace of a savior [Applause] [Music] you're all we need [Music] at the mention of your name every chain will break and everything will change jesus just the whisper of your name will silence [Music] you're here you're the provider [Music] all i've ever needed is [Music] is [Music] every chain will break i know everything will change [Music] of your name [Music] [Music] you will deliver [Music] you [Music] every chain will break i know everything will change [Music] with silence [Music] [Music] i know everything will change [Music] your [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every chain will break and everything has changed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] everything will change our eyes [Music] as you move and speak [Music] for jesus [Music] you're here right now [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] turn our eyes on jesus you're the author and the fish oh jesus you've done it in you is all we need jesus [Music] jesus [Music] so let go my soul and trust [Music] still knows [Music] the way [Music] the ways and when they know his name oh everything knows his name oh every name bows to [Music] his name jesus every sickness [Music] jesus [Music] to know his name [Music] know [Music] his name so i will trust cause they know [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] jesus [Music] jesus just speak his name sing his name jesus jesus jesus jesus at the mention of your name every chain will break i know everything must change jesus just the whisper of his name always and silence at the mention of his name thank you [Music] so [Music] here as we wait we seek your face you've made your throne upon our brains here in this place have your way the moment that we see you we are changed oh it's your glory oh it's your glory and wonder and surrender we fall down oh it's your glory oh it's your glory let every burning [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] we jesus [Music] glory we see your glory oh [Music] his holy ground your presence your presence oh your presence your presence it dwells in us holy crown [Music] chains fall fear must bow here now jesus should change everything lives healed hope is found here now [Music] jesus should change [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] every day [Music] jesus [Music] jesus you changed everything [Applause] right here right now your name changes everything as we fix our eyes on you as we tune into your heart you can change it all come and change it all [Music] fear is gone in your presence we're strong [Music] [Applause] [Music] our eyes are on you [Music] [Applause] glory we see a glory now every burning heart is holy ground holy holy is the lord god almighty holy holy holy is lord almighty holy god we're here in your glory holy holy holy is our god [Music] [Music] [Music] i know he's healing people right now right here right now just receive for his powers present to heal right now [Music] holy ghost [Music] so [Music] [Music] freedom reigns in this [Music] of place and grace flowing in this place there is freedom [Music] freedom rises in this place grace flowing here in this place there is freedom [Music] is [Music] is [Music] freedom [Music] mercy and here grace this [Music] in place place [Music] [Music] percy [Music] there is freedom [Music] if you're tired [Music] jesus [Music] give your all to [Music] there's so jesus [Music] rivers of mercy and grace [Music] [Music] of mercy and grace [Music] freedom reigns in this place [Music] rivers of mercy and grace flowing here in this place there's so much freedom jesus reigns in this place rivers of mercy and grace [Music] flowing here in this place there is freedom [Music] thank you jesus we give you the glory we give you honor we surrender completely to you our lives are yours jesus thank you thank you for your presence thank you for thank you for your kindness thank you for what you did we truly just give you everything [Music] thank you for the freedom in our lives and our bodies thank you for the freedom that we have to be here together today thank you lord what a privilege what a privilege to be here in your presence together as your body we just we love you [Music] thank you thank you lord [Music] amen thank you all for worshipping with us thank you everyone online who's been worshiping with us and um we have an amazing message from pastor greg today uh we're so excited for that so stay tuned we are gonna cut away to a video and some announcements as well but stay tuned it's gonna be an amazing rest of the day [Music] welcome to awm now your source for everything that's happening here at andrew womack ministries and keras bible college in 2007 a baby named audrey scott grew back a missing piece of her heart after her parents stood on the truths they learned from andrew's teachings 13 years later at our most recent healing is here conference we met up with audrey and her family who shared how as a teenager they had to stand on the same truce that healed her years ago when a medical exam nearly prevented her from joining her school's volleyball team you know i had a nurse practitioner trying to tell me that she had a heart murmur and so you're sitting here going no she don't i said let me tell you her story she was known as the miracle baby in the nic unit there at uab and that lady was just looking at me like wow so but i'm not clearing her we leave there and we get in the car she looks at me and she's a little angry and she goes i don't have a heart murmur mama and i said i know you don't just a few days later audrey and her mom return to the pediatric clinic where once again her heart which was born deformed was found to be perfectly normal with a clean bill of health audrey has enjoyed competing in her school's volleyball team you know when things like that come up or you see other situations come up in life where other people sicknesses or whatever you can go back and go no my god's in the healing business does it just build your faith you look at things through the supernatural instead of in the natural that's been a life-changing thing for me he healed me 2000 years ago and it took place when i was born i'm so grateful thankful he loves him so much and he healed me and now i'm here and alive thank you friends and partners for providing the free teachings that have empowered the scott family and even audrey to walk in the healing that jesus has provided to watch the full healing journey of audrey scott click on the link below hallelujah welcome welcome to healing school at kara's bible college amen for those that are watching online we say welcome welcome we're glad to have you with us viewing amen are you guys excited tonight to this afternoon you guys excited you ought to be excited amen today is your receiving day amen so whatever you came through them doors with that you believe in god for i want you to turn your i'm gonna give you a second turn your receiver on okay amen amen don't leave here with it don't leave you with it today is your receiving day amen amen hallelujah hallelujah get excited get excited somebody's going to get healing today amen jesus hallelujah you know john chapter 19 you remember when jesus was on the cross right in verse 2 uh 30 and it says jesus he gave up the ghosts and bowed heads he said it's finished that means anything that you can be going through right now any sickness diseases jesus took it on the cross amen get excited about that amen karis bible college is an extension of andrew wommack ministries amen we're here every week 1 p.m mountain standard time thursdays every week and those times when we cannot make it due to an event we will still be streaming one of our sessions online amen amen also our prayer lines are open 24 hours monday through friday and on saturdays and sundays from 7 30 a.m to 6 p.m we got you covered we have some anointed prayer warriors prayer ministers waiting on those lines to pray and touch and agree with you amen we've been having a whole lot of healings and miracles happening on these prayer lines you want to go ahead and tap in with them if you have something you believe in god for call the prayer lines okay that number is 719-635-1111-719-635-1111 [Music] one amen and for healing resources and donations you can go to awm i net slash healing awm i net slash healing also our chat is on it's on youtube it's on facebook and it's on our new gospeltruth.tv ain't that excited we've got our own tv now amen andrew wemmick's ministry amen and uh you can join us on uh gospel truth dot tv slash live for the best possible viewing experience amen there we have you covered we have you covered every end take advantage of these resources it's there for you it's there for you take advantage of it amen now i have some announcements announcements next week hear ye hear ye all ministers we got some ministers in the house ministers that are viewing amen next week is ministers conference 2021 amen yes get excited about that okay ministers if you need to be revived you need to be encouraged enlightened to go back to your congregation come on down to keras because the minister's conference is on from october the 4th through the 8th the 4th 38th and also remember we have no healing school that week okay live no healing school live and that thursday i think it falls on the 7th yes no healing school okay also coming up in october ladies let me hear you make some noise yes women arise conference 2021. woo that's going to be exciting ladies you don't want to miss out on this okay you want to get excited about this because there's going to be some electrifying teachers preachers what have you man they're going to be bringing the word ladies if you want to get your groove on come on now it's from october 28th through the 30th okay 28th through the 30th i think i have all my announcements covered amen we're here for you guess what time it is that's good you guys been here a while huh we're gonna do something a little different today is that okay all right we're gonna do testimonies and we're gonna give out some gifts at the same time how about that amen hallelujah get excited somebody get excited thank you thank you michaela i know you always with me now you guys know my verse right for testimony time revelation chapter 12 verse 11 right we overcame him the enemy by what amen you guys are smart amen we overcame him the enemy by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony testimony is awesome okay it can ignite somebody else that's going through something they may be able to relate with you amen hallelujah my first testimony those who are going to pass oh we've got them okay i'm doing something different so they they're caught i thought they were going to be caught by surprise okay my first testimony is from tilani delaney is from all the way across the hemisphere lagos nigeria for those of you who don't know where that is africa okay tolani said that i was watching healing is here online and it was oz true one and only pastor greg moore he was given a word of knowledge it was about urinary tract infection being healed and so tonight he said you know i didn't i didn't think much of it you know he said all i know is i had the symptoms he said but i still called the prayer line and i spoke to a prime minister who touched and agreed with me and i was totally healed from the infection amen give god some glory amen praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah you guys still got your receivers on those who are you're seeking to be healed to be delivered the power of god is here the mighty awesome glorious manifestation of the holy ghost is here man i feel it we know anything about feeling but we got feelings for something right amen i'm going to give out something free it's called god wants you well do you believe that you believe that god wants you well he says it in his word doesn't he right isaiah 53 5 he says you for you for you jesus came and he was wounded for your transgression he was bruised for your iniquities and the chastisement of your peace was upon him and with his stripes you were healed receive that pull that with you pull that with you third john two he says i wish above all things brethren beloved he calls you beloved because god loves you so much amen put them receivers on he says i wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospered ain't that awesome hallelujah i've got another testimony from million i'll read this one million says he would like to thank andrew wemmick's ministry for the prayer line it's a prayer line again some awesome stuff happening on the prayer lines please take advantage of it okay he says that we have access any time he said the spirit of the lord prompted me to call andrew wemmick's ministries prayer line and so he called and he spoke in touch and agreed with one of the prime ministers before he had to take a long trip drive back home somewhere and he said on my way i survived a big accident he says glory be to god for his protection he says thank you andrew whammy ministry for the prayer team the prayer ministers in the prayer line he says for being there for me and my family that's awesome ain't it let's give god some glory come on come on hallelujah thank you my next book is by pastor greg moore it's called walking in wisdom how to access the mind of christ and make good decisions now let me just say this i don't know about you guys but i'm talking about me there are times when i had an illness and you know what i was like man i don't need to get on this medication i don't need unless you hear from god you gotta need to know how to use some wisdom amen wisdom from god to know when to do that amen and know when to just stand and wait okay let me see if somebody's excited to receive this book fresh off the press by pastor greg moore amen give god some glory all right i've got i've got two more books and no more uh testimonies anyway i want to share a testimony i'm going to be brief with this one this one happened here here last week thursday at karis bible college and you know for those watching online there's no distance in the spirit amen right where you at god can reach and touch you and the manifestation of your healing your breakthrough will happen amen just believe and last week our prayer minister came prime ministers came up front and there was a lady who was blind in both eyes and she received a sight that's it praise god for that amen receive sight so at the end of the session the prime minister's gonna come up here and line up listen if you believe in god for something and you need somebody to touch and agree with you feel anointed they have the spirit of christ in them the same spirit that raised jesus christ from the dead you have it in you too if you receive jesus christ as lord and savior but just come in touch and agree with them amen praise god now i have two books i'm going to split these i'm going to give her one give her one okay the first one is absolute victory in christ this is from our dear pastor lawson perdue okay victory in christ how many would love to know how to have i mean sometimes you know you could never stop knowing right never stop learning right more of who you are your identity in christ ain't that r and that's for real right amen so somebody could still use this victory in jesus christ okay michaela you can give somebody that looks like this excited and this book is from carly tierdes awesome woman woman of god also and it's called fearless breaking the habit of fear now how many know that god did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and a sound mind they you guys are edumacated thank you hallelujah praise the lord amen now and i'll also like to say that if you received a healing today even here and online we want to hear about it we want you to tell us about it because we want to share these testimonies we want to pump some money up we want to stir somebody up okay you can go to healing school at awm i net healing school at awmi dotnet let us know about your healing okay at the end of this session we're going to be reading those those testimonies all right please share that with everybody else what god has done in your life man amen that now guess what time it is it is offering time amen amen we're going to give you an opportunity to sow some seeds and some good ground and how many know andrew wemmick's ministry the uh carriage student mission funds is it's awesome ground awesome ground like i say it's ground with bunch of fertilizer in it you pop your seed in it and springs up 100 fold return amen you believe that come on now amen offering time also for those who are giving online oh before i say that if you guys got past all ushers and you didn't get a offering envelope raise your hands and they'll come forward and they'll put one in your hands okay everybody should have one amen everybody should be excited to give to sow seed amen because it's gonna come back to you a hundred fold believe that believe that also for online givers if you'd like to give online you go to awm i net slash healing that will take you directly to our healing center page you can scroll about to the middle of that page you know where you can see us live every week and you'll see an orange colored button just click on that button it'll say donate just click on that button and also it'll take you this will take you to the care student admissions fund page where you can either give a one-time offering or you can prayerfully consider a monthly giving okay all right also if you'd like to give by text you can text the word give g-i-v-e to the number eight four four eight and just text give g-i-v-e to donate to andrew womack's ministry that's simple right also those who are writing a check today you can write uh write to check to cbc or karis bible college okay i think somebody asked earlier charis bible college all right now you guys mind if i read some scripture this is bible college right okay yeah i'm gonna read some scripture this is about the offering okay this is second corinthians chapter nine this is from verse one i'm gonna jump around i'm not gonna read the whole chapter i'd love to and this is from the living the new living translation okay it says this is paul speaking to the church of corinth he says i really don't need to write to you about this ministry of giving for the believers in jerusalem for i know verse 2 i know how eager you are to help and i have been boasting to the churches in macedonia that you in greece were ready to send an offering a year ago a year ago okay he said in fact it was your enthusiasm that stirred up many of the macedonian believers to begin giving okay verse five he said so i thought i should send these brothers ahead of me to make sure the gift you promised is ready but i wanted to be a willing gift not one given grudgingly verse six he says remember this a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop he said but the one who plants generously would get a generous crop okay verse seven it says you must each decide in your heart how much to give in your heart okay and he says don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure i'm not pressuring you we're not pressuring you okay he says for god loves a person who gives cheerfully eight and god love these last verses he says and god would generously provide all you need then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others verse 12 so two things will result from this ministry of giving two things the needs of the believers in jerusalem will be met and two they will joyfully express their thanks to god okay in 13 last verse he says as a result of your ministry of giving they will give glory to god you sewing in the care student mission fund these students like us last year we go all well we were going all over the world but now we're going locally for now and we were sharing the gospel of christ to those that were in need we saw people healed we saw people delivered we saw people uh uh receiving jesus christ as lord and savior you know when you sow into mission funds like this or you sow in the grounds like this man these folks when they do get that breakthrough they're saying there is a god thank you jesus because of your giving okay amen all right i'm about to pray okay and the ushers will come forward while i'm praying and you're gonna take your seed and just deposit in that ground the bucket the white buckets okay not on the floor white buckets okay thank you all right you guys ready you guys ready all right let us pray father in the name of jesus we thank you father you are a good god you are a faithful god for whatever you say you back up you back up your sin father god you say if we give it shall be given unto us good measure press down and running over shall men give unto our bosoms and the same measure we meet with all should be measured back unto us father god you say if we sow seed father god because what we sow we shall reap a plenteous harvest one hundredfold i bless those seed sowers in jesus name amen put your things in the offering hallelujah all right i was waiting for a time like this my brothers and sisters i can say it is of great honor great honor for me to introduce the speaker for today he's one of my favorite teachers instructors amen this man has a heart first of all for god and he has a pastor's heart for people amen he is a conference speaker an author of several books he is known for being an instructor who shares from his heart teaching several core classes at keras previously he served as senior pastor of river of life church in decatur texas for 24 years he's a graduate of rhema bible training center in broken arrow oklahoma he's married to his best friend and beautiful wife janice i put the beautiful in there and together they have four children 12 grandchildren families still growing my brothers and sisters help me help me help me in giving a warm welcome to our one and only pastor greg moore appreciate you praise god i was looking around to see if he was introducing i i know gomez is you're in ministry school right gomez i mean you're in your business school right i'm not saying you miss god but but i thank you i think you need to i think you need to consider doing a fourth year ministry school sir praise god well it's great to be here today um you know i just just want to encourage you that you know i i sense that that some of you have gone through discouragement and disappointment you know hope deferred makes the heart sick and if your heart gets sick it's it's going to hatch out or it's going to limit the potential that's in your body for proverbs 14 30 says a sound heart is life to the body and so if you if you allow your heart to become sick or uh disappointed it can and and then uh proverbs 4 23 says that we're to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it flow the issues of life and the word issues there in the hebrew is borders and boundaries and so our spiritual potential our borders and boundaries are related to what we allow to go on in our hearts and so i'm encouraging you today i just sense that that that there's some not everybody but there's some that have because of you've got a promise from god and and you've seen other people healed and maybe it hasn't manifested in your body listen uh it's more it's so important that you guard your heart okay i just know somebody see disappointment i will disengage you from divine appointments okay and so you i'm just i just want to encourage you today all right that get your eyes off of the calendar and the clock and how long of time frame that it's been uh we're believers how many of you are believer how long are you going to believe you're going to believe forever we don't we don't there are no term limits on your faith and so don't what the enemy is after is he's trying to wear down in daniel it talks about the the devil's goal and i think it's in chapter 11 along the line somewhere maybe verse 32 but it talks about how the enemy's uh uh goal is to wear down the saints he's trying to get you to quit it's trying to get you to give up and here's the deal you can outlast the you can everybody say me you can outlast the devil every time why because you have patience the part of the fruit of the spirit the devil doesn't have patience and he's only persistent where where he sees that we're uh close to giving up uh stop throwing in your towel okay i wouldn't want to be your towel how many times you attempted to throw it in look i'm i'm like a bulldog i'm going to get a hold of the word of god and i'm and i'm going to keep my eyes on jesus and praise god and thank him every day okay regardless of what's going on in the natural and you have to know what the enemy's after he's trying guys somebody needs to hear what i'm saying because i know what i know that i know in my knower that there's somebody here and it's probably more than one somebody and it could be uh someone online as well that discouragement has and and as disappointment is is trying to overtake you and overwhelm you and i want to encourage you to overwhelm your disappointment instead of being overwhelmed by it overwhelm your disappointment by going back into your uh relationship with god and start thanking him for what god has done for you in the past has he done anything for you has he ever answered prayer for you you go go back and remind yourself of the victories that the lord has done for you remind yourself of the victory that jesus won on the cross and then remind the devil that you are not given up and you don't we don't fight one round or 15 round battles we fight till we win and there's going to come a time if you won't give up and somebody's on the verge of giving up or i wouldn't be talking and this isn't my message today if you'll if you'll repent i can get on to my message but somebody somebody's about to give up and and no it's the lord's love for you that's having me stop and tell you this is if you'll just make the decision you know lord i'm not i don't have any quit in me and when the lord returns he's going to find faith in my heart if it doesn't manifest i've i'm believing my belief in faith is in god and you you've got to quit having quit in you everybody say i quit on quit man the devil doesn't know what to do with you when you quit on quit hallelujah and so those of you online if that's you and anyone here if that's you god's speaking to just lift your hand i'm going to pray for you right now in jesus name father i just release encouragement strong encouragement to every person that's lifting their hands everyone that's been tempted to quit that disappointments overwhelm them father i release faith and courage in them that they're making the determination by your grace that they're quitting on quitting in jesus name and they're going to overwhelm disappointment instead of disappointment overwhelming them in the name of jesus now just lift our hands and lift your hands and thank the lord now father we thank you we worship you just get lord make that real to us in jesus name amen praise god man i love the holy ghost he's just he knows right where we're at uh he'll help us through any situation any dark time anything that seems to be overwhelming to you how many of you know if we'll if we'll look to the lord he loves us and he's going to help us through amen and i and i've never said that before in over 40 years of ministry that not that he didn't love you but i i've said that i've never i've never even said that before that we need to quit on quit that's awesome i love that where we're quit i need i need to write a book on that we're quitting on quitting hallelujah that's awesome jim i i just i love it yeah quit quitting thank you jesus um this is my beautiful bride janice is here today won't you stand up honey and and this year in november we will have been married 50 years she was 12 and i was 13 and we had to we were in arkansas and no forgive me forgive me all you arkansas that's all folks um no i was she was 18. i was 19. so you guys can figure it out um but uh we're best friends um and we we're doing life together and and it's it is possible to have a good relationship and do ministry and do life together amen okay so uh uh open your bibles wherever you'd like um i don't even know where i'm gonna be actually i know let me see i'm going to be in i think i'm going to be in luke let me let me look here just a moment while i wait on my ipad to open um yeah i'm going to be in i want to be in matthew 13 and then luke 5 and luke 6 okay so turn to matthew 13 verse 15. and um and i'm going to tell you funny is that okay this is really funny too this is called this is called the word to get into heaven so a retired female navy master chief dies after a long illness and finds herself just outside of heaven at the pearly gates and as she peers inside she she sees shipmates she knew from her life on earth enjoying themselves and laughing and looking quite happy just then saint peter comes along and she asks him is this heaven how can i enter the gates saint peter replies yes this is heaven and all you have to do is spell one word for me and you'll be free to enter well what word is that the master chief female master chief asked please tell me he said you just need to spell love l-o-v-e and you can enter so relieve she spells the word correctly and saint peter opens the gate gates for her after she'd been in heaven for some time the female master chief became quite comfortable and happy but she still missed her beloved husband who she left on the earth as an extra way of being of service she asked if she could help become a helper of saint peter along with saint peter along with the others who greet the newcomers into heaven and to usher them through the pearly gates imagine her surprise one day when her husband appeared to the gates darling i thought you'd never get here the female master chief said it said in her greeting i've missed you so much tell me what have you been doing all this time was life hard after i after i left her husband replied well it's good to see you too yes i've been quite busy i was very sorry when you left but i was quite attracted that to that cute nurse who helped you through your last days and then we ended up getting married a few months after that and guess what then after that i won the lottery and can you imagine i was able to buy a large mansion and and a new car and retired for the second time and and and uh and me and my new wife traveled the world and we had a grand life together and we were on a vacation in the greek isles and while i was water skiing my ski fell off it hit me in the head so here i am and i was sorry to leave her in the earth but it's really great to see you again and gee it looks so nice in here is this is this heaven and the female master chief looked at him and smiled sweetly and said well imagine that i i missed you so much and i'd hope that you missed me too but i guess life goes on right right he said so tell me how do you how do you get into heaven [Music] i don't know if you sent this one to me randy or no you probably you probably did how do you get into heaven i never dreamed i'd get here randy sends me a lot of my my jokes i never dreamed i'd get here is it easy to get on get in oh yes the master chief replied all you have to do is spell one word okay he said excitingly what word is that she smiled and answered czechoslovakia oh that's funny i don't care who you are that's funny right there i i told this online on a live bible study and julianne harris was the host and she said well i would have told them super califragilistic expialidocious thank god for his grace amen praise god i want to talk to you today about the con i've shared this before but i have a little different approach to it today i want to talk about the connection between hearing and healing the connection between hearing and healing and and there's three scriptures at least three that i want to give you their basis for this matthew 13 15 and the new king james for the hearts of this people have grown dull their ears are hard of hearing their eyes have they closed lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears lest they should understand with their hearts and turn so that i should heal them can you see the connection there between hearing and healing their their eyes were closed their ears were dull they couldn't hear if they he said look if you would if they would understand with their hearts if they would hear i would be able to heal them i was talking to barry bennett just in his office today and and uh i'd stopped by and so that thankful that he's that he's uh well amen so awesome and he was and i was talking to him about this and and um and he and he mentioned um a verse in in john 12 that you know where they heard uh where jesus heard the audible voice of god and it and but the people that were there all they they thought it thundered but jesus said this wasn't for me this was for them but they couldn't hear it they couldn't hear what he said because they they weren't tuned in to to what god was saying luke 5 15 how however the report went around concerning him all the more and great multitudes came together to hear and to be healed everybody say here and to be healed of him by him of their infirmities in luke 6 6 17 is a similar verse and he came down with them and stood on a level place with a crowd of his disciples and a great multitude of people from all judea and jerusalem and from the seacoast of tyre and sidon who came to hear him and be healed to hear him and be healed to hear him and be healed there is a strong bible connection between hearing god and receiving healing faith comes by what and hearing by the word of god the more time i spend in in the word the more opportunity i give the spirit to cause faith to rise into my heart that will produce healing hearing or faith hearing that produces faith will also produce healing are you hearing me hearing from god that produces faith will produce healing and when we we make healing can be so mystical and we try we try to uh we try to make healing simple here at healing school but the by i mean and god's not limited to how he can heal i mean he can heal and i and i believe man during worship there were people healed today i i almost got up and took the mic because i knew god was healing people but the lord just said no just let me heal people i don't need you to do anything how many of you know god doesn't need our help he just needs to hear we he just needs us to hear him and do what he tells us to do but there's a strong connection between faith that comes by hearing that then will also produce healing are you with me and and so i i really have it strong in my heart today that that's what that's what god's after it's it's uh now look you can have people lay hands on you and you can get healed that way you can get healed by the gifts of the spirit there's lots of different ways but the bottom line is what i've experienced in my life and i've received a significant amount of healing i was healed of cancer in 1977 it's in my book uh your healing door okay and i'm just i've been reading this book recently my own book in it it's blessing me you know sometimes you need to listen to your own preaching but um i was healed of cancer in 1977 and the doctors took a growth out of my my neck and and then said then they came in and the head the head surgeon the head doctor head stat chief of staff at heights hospital in houston texas dr durham uh came in and told me you know well we got the puppy we need to get the mama and the mama was it was it was they said it was thyroid cancer and they were gonna have to remove my thyroid they didn't know if they could save my voice box and um they're gonna have to do more tests and so you pray you seek god right and and so it was like i got down on my knees and after he left because he told me i told him well listen i believe that god that god is my healer and he said son let me tell you something i'm a christian and i'm a mason and um you know i'm not you know i'm not going to get into that but that's kind of an oxy in some ways but uh but anyway because it's you know that they they do a lot of good things okay but that it's a lot of dependence on good works and so i i said uh he said and and i'm telling you now god's not going to heal you so what he told me god's not going to heal you i said well you know i mean i was real new in these things this was 1977. so and i and i had i was married i had my my oldest son was two years old my my youngest son michael who's anders daily television producer he's produced the healing university and biblical worldview all those things he was he was six weeks old and uh and i didn't want them to my dad basically had left my mom and abandoned us and so i didn't want to leave my kids and so i got down on my knees and said well the doctor said you're not going to heal and i didn't have revelation fully about the finished work of the cross then okay i was just coming into that at that time and so god will meet you where you're at and everybody say hearing and healing is connected and god will meet you where you're at guys he loves you so much he'll meet you right where you at if you don't have revelation on something just spend time seeking god i mean i got you know you get pretty serious when the doctor comes in with a c word and tells you you know i don't know if i can save your voice box and god's not going to heal you and and uh and i got down on my knees next to that bed and i said god i believe in you and my life is yours and and you know i i believe you are my healer and you will heal me and uh and he spoke clearly to me it was it was just and i basically i was seeking the lord all right is there something i need to do is there something i need to learn is you know what do i need to go to a meeting whatever and i and i heard you know it was it was it was almost audible but it was more like a message in my heart go have these three men pray for you and one of them was my pastor one of them was my sunday school teacher in our church and another one was another christian leader in our church go have these three men pray for you the cancer will die the devil will leave and you'll be healed i heard that and so i didn't know they're going to wave magic wand over me and i didn't know so i just went and i and that was a gift of the spirit that was a word of wisdom and it was i was healed by the gifts of the spirit the bottom line is though i prayed and sought the lord and and i heard and then so i went and i had those men pray for me and after it was this was after i had the serp they already removed the growth from my neck and so i went and and each one of them helped me to deal with my heart then i went later to the uh right across from md anderson hospital to this clinic and they they ran these tests on me you had to swallow this stuff and then try not to swallow for three minutes try doing that i botched up a bunch of tests anyway two days later came back the nurse was looking at the results she was shaking her head she said i got to go tell the doctor and i thought well i'm just going to take that as a positive and because i knew i heard and those men prayed over me and and they helped me to deal with things in my heart toward my dad toward other things and then the doctor came in and looked at this and this was this guy that developed this test and he said why did dr durham from heights hospital send you here there's no cancer in your body and i could i could go i could tell you story after story after story the following year when my son michael was so ill um we then when michael he had uh his joints swelled up twice their size his neck his all of his ankles everything and it broke out in these terrible these terrible hives and and anyway the doctors didn't have any cure for it and they said he would never walk if it progressed he wouldn't live past 10 years old and and so we took him we took him a tim too um to those same three men that prayed for me and guess what happened this time nothing because because okay faith comes by no wait a minute i thought faith comes by doing what you did the last time is that how faith comes faith comes by hearing present tense what are you hearing today and so you know we took him and finally the lord said don't take him to anybody else unless you hear from me and then he led me i don't have the book but it's back in the bookstore my book called uh scriptures to live by okay it has categories of scripture he led us to to find all the healing scriptures uh you you've got it right here right yeah there it is right there all the all the healing scriptures all the scriptures on authority and the scriptures on integrity of god's word and and we wrote them down it happened to be 70 scriptures there's nothing magical with a number we just found that many scriptures and then we were here's what his instruction was i want you to immerse i want you to find scriptures that relate to your son's healing and that this time we had a revelation of the finished work of the cross and and i want you to immerse yourself in my word and we did that we heard yes we heard and we we quoted those seven times a day nothing magical about seb about seven or seventy and except to forgive seventy times seven right but uh then then we i quoted my voice with quoting those uh scriptures it's written it's written it's written again like jesus did to the to the devil now and we played that in michael's room and in our room 24 7. and after two months of your baby your your 15 to 17 month old baby i mean screaming and agonizing pain and it was it was horrendous janice and i had to we had to uh you know take turns watching michael and then but after two months one of those passages that we've been quoting for two months leaped off of the page into our hearts and it said it's a psalm 119 89 90. forever oh lord your word is settled in heaven your faithfulness is unto michael and his generation well you could read that a thousand times and that would never be a healing scripture that you would be healed on but that was a that was the verse that michael got healed on why because we heard it's it's barry's book on healing i mean on hearing god you need it it's what what is it that's quickened to your heart ar are you hearing me guys it's spending time with the lord and and you know we shut some things off we cut some other voices off and we just spent time we look at look this is my baby lord you gotta it's this is my baby help me not be the cause of his demise i know you've got something for i know you've got healing for him but help help us to hear from you about it and and we did and then we had subsequent things where you know we tried to read the same verses over our situation and that wasn't the you know it was look the bottom line is god is a personal god and he wants intimate relationship with us we're grace people right he doesn't want healing to become legalistic some formula jesus paid the price if we'll seek him and listen he's he's got an answer for us that will produce that will resonate with you that'll produce faith in your heart that will bring healing in your situation and he'll meet you wherever you're at you can hear god you can you can you can hear him just like barry can just like i can just like andrew can you you can hear god are you his sheep you can hear it you can hear his voice and faith comes by hearing that in the and look healing is unmerited okay you don't earn it it's a it's a primary provision of god's grace in jesus atoning sacrifice right we know that that's already been provided for us it's already on deposit in your spiritual account once you find out about that you can use your debit card of faith and withdraw it okay but look healing is unmerited it's un it's part of his unconditional love but it is not unconnected or disconnected from our obedience or our response that comes from faith now there's an obedience that works but there are there is obedience that comes from faith when i heard you know go have those three men pray for me it wasn't a work but if i didn't go have those three men pray for me i wouldn't probably be standing before you today when i heard about my son michael i don't want you to have people praying for him right now unless i lead you to do that and he did lead us to have certain people pray over us i remember one time we were at lakewood church john where john hosting pastor joel's dad and norville hayes was there does anybody familiar with noble hayes norvel hayes were there now norvel's recently gone home to be with the lord but uh the lord said take go get michael out of the nursery or maybe we already had him because he couldn't stay in the nursery very long and take him down and pray for him and i took him down and normal hazel was laying hands on on people and he laid hands on michael and me and he went down two or three people and i just stood there in the presence of god and norvel came back and he grabbed his arms around about around michael and me and he just wept he just wept and and it was like the compassion of the lord you know and and i it wasn't long after that that michael was healed but you see the point the point is guys is we heard god and and we followed what he told us to do we he said don't take him to have any more people pray except when i lead you and we went down and that's when things would manifest when it was can our michael's healing my healing your healing it's connected to what you're hearing it's connected to what you're hearing which which caught which motivates us then to get inside our relationship with god doesn't it which he's our source anyway he's not holding out on you are you are you getting this he's not holding out on you he loves you he wants you well and many times what happens is you know after michael was healed uh we'd later we did a thing it was on kenneth copeland's broadcast because part of it came the revelation came when we were in kenneth copeland's meetings and and uh but and so we were we were on tv and we had people call us from all over the world that have heard about michael's healing and you can hear the desperation in the pa in these parents voices you know just my compassion flowed out but but what they're what they were doing was there looking for spiritual buttons to push or spiritual levers to pull [Music] right and and it was like look i don't have any of that here's the thing if you'll spend time with the lord and meditate on the fact that he loves you okay then then if you if you rest in his love for you you're going to hear if you need to do anything amen and again it's not a it's not a matter of works but but if you hear something then you need to do that if god said immerse yourself in the word if we didn't immerse ourselves in the word michael probably wouldn't have gotten healed that verse wouldn't have leapt off of the page into our hearts after two months and by the way it didn't leap off of the page the first time or the second time or the third time or the seventh time or the 170th time that we read it it was two months of of speaking that verse seven times a day so how many ever days that was you know we were speaking that verse well maybe it was seven whatever that it was 60 60 days times seven so that's 400 we spoke that thing 420 times before it became real to us but i be i'd still be speaking it today if that's what god told me to do but i wasn't doing that to try to get god to heal i was just positioning myself and just whatever you tell me to do lord that's what i'm going to do because faith comes by but but hearing guys then hearing requires a response how many of you are married how many of you guys that have spiritual testosterone and you're not you're not afraid your wife's even there you're willing to admit that you desire a responsive bride how many of you guys guys lift up your hands if you got yeah okay so do you know what that's what the lord wants he wants a responsive bride and it's not works but it's obedience or responsiveness to whatever he puts in your heart and as you seek him he's going to be leading you to do stuff if it's nothing more than just i want you to praise me every day for the next month and stop complaining and griping about how bad things are or like he led my wife go go to the hospital and find another child to pray for and she didn't even find a baby she found a five-year-old to pray for amen and so here's some biblical examples of this you remember a lot remember naaman the the servant girl told naaman to go uh to the king and then he he led him to elisha and elisha didn't even come out he told him to go dip seven times in the jordan river and your flesh will be will be made clean well naaman's healing came through his response of obedience that faith in the word of elisha through his servant and and naaman's anger and brashness and pride and his ethnic prejudice was dealt with through his obedience to that word yes and you can find that in in second kings chapter five okay then remember the ten lepers okay they received their healing when jesus said go show yourselves to the priest and so if they they were healed as they went then one of them was made whole because he gave thanks he came back to give thanks well remember the remember the man that was the that was the blind man from birth uh in john chapter nine uh you know jesus jesus heard he had to hear and many times when we're ministering to people we don't need to be laying hands on everyone so suddenly we need to listen because sometimes i've had the lord tell me i'm going down the line laying hands on people and not every time a lot of times i'll just lay hands on people but there be times the holy spirit will say wait a minute stop don't pray for her right now ask her and i said okay what do i do you know ask her how her relationship is with her dad and then here comes the bucket of tears and said well the lord's got you know your your your unforgiveness is hindering your healing and and is that the is that the case every time no but if we're hearing look if you're ministering to people we need to be good soul doctors and we need to listen to the holy spirit and what what is the lord saying and sometimes look he told he didn't say to every leper go show yourself to the priest he didn't he didn't do it the same way he heard and then he involved the recipients of healing as good ministers of the gospel how many of you are prayer ministers here how many of you are ministers all you you we need to hear when you're ministering to somebody don't just go in there and you know give the same four scriptures you did before what are you hearing because that's it's it's what we hear okay that god's saying about this situation is what's going to release faith in them it's going to get going to get them healed yes this is powerful stuff guys the the man that was born that was born blind from birth jesus heard i guess he did spit on the ground and make clay with the spit and he put it on his eyes one in one instance in the bible jesus spit on the blind guy's eyes he spit on his eyes he didn't even mix it with dirt that was your lord that did that but i'll take some of his anointed spit if it gets me healed i don't care amen i can i can wash that off and uh now i may not want to wash it off i may want to i may want to start my own clay business and and pass it on right yeah but look you know and then he told him look here's the deal here's a blind man he spits you know and he makes mud with it puts it on the guy's eyes and tell him now you go wash in the pool of siloam now you never hear him telling anybody else to go wash in the pool of siloam right and and he didn't even help him go there but the guy went he found somebody to take him there and he went and he washed and he came back seeing see we get all we try to make this healing thing difficult it's not difficult it's you seek the lord and then whatever he resonates in your heart whatever you're hearing you respond to that and then and then you're gonna there's gonna be a manifestation or when you're ministering to people the same way take the time to help people to turn discover what it is that god is saying to them get them inside their relationship with god don't make this thing a formula guys that's good preaching this good stuff amen i mean there's a lot of examples i'll give you i'll give you some more in a minute but jesus did not then nor does he today heal people the same way every time and i'm going to give you lots of examples of that here in just a minute but he doesn't do it look he didn't do it the same way that he he didn't heal michael the same way he healed me but does jesus always heal yeah but he doesn't want us depending on a method then what we can do is we put in our newsletter and say now everybody let's start us creating spit ministry with clay and if you'll do that this is assures that everybody you put this on they're gonna they're gonna go they're gonna see and then it's okay put it on their ear put it whatever whatever it is how many of you know that wouldn't work why because it's not in you're not hearing that every time what our issue is is this and this is my appeal to you today as you're seeking the lord what are you hearing because your healing is connected to your hearing and the lord wants you well but more than that he wants you well through a relationship with him that gives you confidence that you're hearing from him and if it'll work for healing it'll work in every other area of your life and that's what god's at god's after relationship guys amen so jesus didn't do it the same way he always healed but he didn't do it the same way he listened to the father he followed the holy spirit and he involved the recipients of healing he listened to the father yes and and he followed the spirit and he involved the recipients of healing and this important principle requires us to go inside our relationship with jesus and depend on him for the specific strategy that he has for your healing and he doesn't use the same method with each person every time they need healing that's the reason why he wants us to depend on him not the method now i'm going to quote i'm going to read from chapter 10 of my book uh your healing door called this is here this i've got a chapter on this topic it's called hear and be healed okay and this is paul milligan's mother in october of 2004 i'm just reading her testimony in october 2004 i started having problems with my stomach everything i ate made my stomach feel bad and it was just real raw i thought at first it must be ulcers so i went to see my doctor after he took x-rays he sent me to a local radio radiologist because it did not look good to him the day i went to the radiologist i knew that something was wrong after he took the first set of pictures he came back and started taking them all over again i thought to myself what's going on here and after he completed all of the x-rays he wouldn't tell me what he saw except to say it looks like there might be a problem he sent me back to my doctor who told me that there was an ulcer and a mass in my stomach that they thought was probably cancer he then set up an appointment for me the following week with a surgeon to put a scope down my throat into my stomach and make clear pictures of of what was there so he would know better to how to operate and know what he was dealing with after that appointment was set i felt led to go home and meditate on the book of james see she's going inside a relationship with the lord and when i when i read james 5 14 through 15 you know if there's any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church let him anoint him with oil a prayer faith will save the sick and the lord raise them up okay i knew that god was speaking straight to me it says if anyone well i just read it but is anyone among you sick let him call for the elders of the church let him pray over him anointing with oil in the name of the lord the prayer faith will save the sick and the lord will raise him up i knew after meditating on these verses that god was telling me to go and ask the elders to pray for me i had a gas uh gastro something gastroectomy or some kind of surgery like that in in 1967 and they took out 40 percent of my stomach and repaired a hiatal hernia i didn't want to go through that again so i asked god to do a miracle for me this time i believe that every miracle we need with every miracle we need there is an instruction for us if we seek the lord he'll always come and give us instruction for our situation i've discovered the same thing that if we'll seek the lord he's going to be giving us direction that it's going to produce healing amen and i don't think that god heals or performs a miracle the same way every time that's why we need to ask god what he wants us to do to cooperate with him to receive our miracle so i went to our church the following sunday morning and i told my son was paul milligan who who was andrew's ceo here who's an elder there the elders have got to pray for me this morning because god's instructing me that i how i was to receive my miracle and i'm not leaving here today till you pray for me she came in my office man and she said now pastor god's spoken to me and uh and i'm i'm asking you and the elders to anoint me with oil because that's what god's told me i'm going to be healed and i'm not leaving church today until it happens mama's i tell you a female with her mind made up you just you say yes ma'am we're going to do it right and so they did pray for me that day and afterward i just knew i was going to be fine i went to the surgeon the following thursday for him to perform the fur that scope on me and and uh i don't know were you with me when we went to the and so janice and i walked into the we were we were expecting what he was going to do was do a scope on her and then go in and do immediate surgery and and uh so janice and i were there to go in with paul and patsy and just sit we don't know how long it was going to take in the waiting room we were going to sit and and we went there and the doctor had already come out and talked to him and and uh so when the first surgeon finished the scope he went out to the waiting room to tell my son and daughter-in-law what he found and he apologized to them for putting me through all that was involved in that test he said i don't know i don't know what the other doctors saw but there is nothing there in fact your mother's stomach is as pink as a baby's there is no ulcer and no mass whatever they saw in those x-rays is no it's no longer there this was all the more miracles she said because i should have had scar tissue from the surgery before but the bottom line was guys the bottom line was she heard she heard what the lord told her are you hearing me and and and and look here's i've just got and i've listed several scriptures in here um that that talk that connect uh hearing with healing the centurion servant speak the word only my servant will be healed peter's mother-in-law he touched her and the fever left her the paralytic in matthew 9 2 some be of good cheer your sins are forgiven you arise take up your bed and go to your house he first jesus first dealt with sin in that guy's life then the man blind since birth neither this man sinned nor his parents that's when he spat on the ground and so there he didn't deal with sin in that issue and that's in that instance then the mute man in matthew 9 32 when the demon was cast out the mute spoke so healing in this instance followed the casting out of demons then in mark 7 33-35 to a deaf mute another deaf mute he took him aside from the multitude put his fingers in his ears spat there was a spinning ministry touch and he spat and he spit i'm not going to do it it's too gross but he spit and he spit on his fingers and then put it on a guy's tongue this is jesus amen i'm just reading the word he spit and touched his tongue with his spit inside and said be open immediately his ears were open and he spoke plainly there was no casting out of devils in that instance and and we could go on and on look at look at jesus healings he he did it different ways different times how did he do it he heard he just heard what what god was telling him are are you are you listening to me you know i've had i've had the lord tell us before with my my oldest son brian when he was young throw away the pink bubble gum medicine it's not helping i don't want you put your trust in that i've had other times with michael when he had walking pneumonia when he was uh four year four or five years old go take him to the doctor right now um i i've had and he was any the doctor said he he would have died if you hadn't gotten him here he would have died john osteen in 1975 had a heart attack god told him leave the hospital and don't don't have open heart surgery take care of your body you'll be healed he had another heart attack 11 years later and this time god told him to have open heart surgery was john osteen in less faith 11 years later no he heard are are you with me the point is not whether you not use doctors or medicine or not the point is it's hearing that will produce healing yes god does not heal uh the same way every time but he has healing for us every time yes and we need to take time when we're ministering healing to others we need to take time first of all if you have the time and if you don't that's fine pray for them speak the word over and believe that god's gonna you know heal but if you have time with people if you can work with people take time to listen to them and locate where they are spiritually yes and what are they believing and and do not please do not attribute your faith to them because they're not going to receive according to your faith they're going to receive according to their faith so what i want to do is take time to listen to them and find out where are they at what are they believing what are they hearing from god what scriptures are they standing on when i'm asking what scriptures are you standing on i'm really trying to ask the question what have you heard from god from the word that's quickened to your heart again barry bennett's book on on hearing god what is god made alive in your heart like he made that though that we read 70 scriptures but it only took one out of the 70 to get michael healed what are you hearing and i that's what it's not listen it's not like when you're ministering to them uh hear me hear me hear me no what are you hearing and if i could get them seeking god and listening to the lord then then how many of you know god loves them how many of you know he's going to speak to them you don't have to cram it down their throats just sprinkle them with the word if you've got a scripture that you're hearing or something god's telling you do find but don't be blasting them with a fire hose what what are what are you what are you hearing amen and find out what they believe find out what they're hearing find out what revelation they've received from the lord and what scriptures they're standing on and agree with them there for jesus sake and for their sake please don't condemn them if they've chosen to use doctors or medicine or have surgery we can encourage them to stand in faith or we can't encourage somebody to stand in faith while we're condemning them for doing something that we think they shouldn't do you know do you have do you do you use do you take the vaccine or not take the vaccine there's no guys there's no absolutes here and and quit making all right i get it maybe the government's trying to use it to or potentially use it for some reason or you know or but there's a lot of people get into conspiracy theories and stuff and i i'm just not going to go there what is god telling you what is it what are you hearing you're not going to you're not going to receive healing making vows then i'll never use doctors i'll never use a medicine that's not that's not faith making some vow like that or that i'll never borrow money and you're trying to follow somebody else's faith guys and it doesn't work it's not genuine jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but he did not say man shall not live by bread at all when i first was walking in faith i took my glasses and i stomped them under my feet in the name of faith and i endangered everybody i drove on the highway that's not faith that's not faith and neither is it faith for you to swear off of doctors doctors in medicine are aren't do they're they're working with healing they're not working against healing now certainly you want to pray and obey what you you know you listen to what the lord's telling you yes and if he tells you not to go i've had him tell me to go i've had him tell me not to go yeah in barry's recent health battle and barry bennett's recent recent health battle um you know barry and betty k are good friends with janice and i we we love them not because these they're great teachers they're just they're about their friends and their blessing to the body of christ and when this first came on him we called and or emailed i forget or text we did something we reached out and said i just want to know barry what are you standing on because i want to agree with you okay and and uh and and here here was the here was the email that he sent to a few close faith friends that he knew would stand in faith and this was may 16 2020. this was just right after you know he got this diagnosis that it didn't that didn't look good and he said dear friends i haven't been feeling well the last two weeks i don't i won't describe the symptoms we don't have to know all the details but i felt i should get checked out i had blood work done last monday the results came in yesterday i was ordered to the er asap and after more blood work and cat scan and a mass was found on my pancreas more tests will be run today but doctors are not optimistic i need a testimony for my new book love it i love it it's awesome so i'm asking you to seek the lord with me and believe with me that this mass is benign or gone i have so much more to give so i'm not ready for a heavenly transition i don't want this to become a topic of sorrow but of faith it's powerful so i trust you all to be a prudent if you i asked him if i could share this today so uh if you if you could if you share this with anyone i have a worldwide facebook following and i would rather wait and share the victory and not shake people up thank you for standing with me i'm standing on romans 8 2. see that was what was quickened to him that's what barry what what is the lord speaking to you and in romans 8 2 for the law of the spirit of life in christ jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death also first corinthians 11 24 and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take heed this is my body which is broken for you this due in remembrance of me isaiah 53 5 but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement for our peace was upon him and by his stripes were healed i just what i wanted just what how can we agree with you and he sent me these scriptures and we quoted these over him janice and i would sit in our chair our chairs that we sit together and and we and and we'd pray and we'd speak that over our friend and then janice would get scriptures she'd hear and she'd say she'd send them to to barry and i would i would call him and and and then then he said i said okay what else are you hearing he said well the lord told me i'm not gonna die i'm to make it through this so i said well you're getting through and you're this test is going to turn out to a testimony and so why don't i share that because what i want to do is agree with barry on what he's hearing not condemn him because because they i mean he was two days away from death this this tumor had totally uh uh you know covered up his pancreas and was blocking off the bile duct and he wouldn't he wouldn't be here with us trying to you know he was already trying to stand in faith up to that point against all these symptoms and to say later that he wasn't in faith because he he used the doctors and whatever they could do to help it was it's like guys grow up grow up how are you going to help somebody condemn them what okay maybe you heard that well you stand on what god's telling you i know that when i had double pneumonia and sepsis that and it came on me all of a sudden i know when that happened and my fever spiked to 105 106 and i'm in and out and that that's where barry was many times i was he was in and out and he said he told me one time he said you know greg i'm not a very needy person when i called him and he said but i can't tell you uh how much your call means to me today because i'm not myself and guys we need one another when we're going through battles and and so you know i was you know i was in and we were janice and i were standing i was i thought it was food poisoning we're speaking against it but it got worse and worse and janice went and prayed because i'm in and out and then she prayed and god she heard take him in right now and end up i've got double pneumonia and sepsis and we stood against that fever for four hours it didn't break and she said we're i'm taking you in because you're not leaving me now and i said yes ma'am and we went in and they found double pneumonia and sepsis and how in the world i just came on me all of a sudden i said well anyway i'm not worried about that i know by his stripes i i was healed and and so and and she was standing and and i told her don't even look up what sepsis is i don't want to know but in the middle of all that when i had a lucid moment philippians 1 19. came to me because i felt this way before i got the scripture that i was being carried by people's faith and prayers because i was in a place where i couldn't battle mentally all the time and in philippians 1 19 is that is that in the bible is that in your bible the apostle paul the great apostle paul said for i know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the spirit now look i'm not saying that my prayers for somebody else is going to produce faith in them or that takes the place of their faith but i can tell you this that that verse is in the bible and that produced faith in me i was at total peace i was a total no doubt and and faith came into my heart i'm i'm getting out of here i'm i'm not staying in here and i'm and they came in and we're telling janice well there was a guy 10 years younger than greg last week that was what wasn't as bad shape as him and they die he died and janice said well this one's not got a tiger by the tail here but then then there were people that told me they were walking by the classrooms here and people were standing and praying and binding the enemy and binding the spirit of death off of bean don't tell me now it's not about getting 40 000 people to pray that's not it it was the point there were people in faith standing with us okay and i and i got that verse and i stood on that god because i'm you know i'm standing but you know you're gonna have to help me here because i'm i'm kind of in and out and you know what i in in i was 55 over 40 blood pressure i was down to 78 oxygen my blood my white blood cell count was off the charts and in 24 hour period of time after after dan and winter came and prayed for me and a couple of other jordans came to pray for me janice saw she saw a light come in the room and that light told her that light spoke to her and said it's that where two or three are gathered together in my name there i am in the midst to carry out their agreement and when the 24 hours i was healed all i was healed by my i mean it took it took a while to get my strength back but the all the all the white blood cell can't count was good was normal and sepsis never goes through a body like that in in 24 hours and i and anyway i'm i've taken a little bit extra time but but the point is this guys okay here's the point what god has revealed to your heart is greater than what the doctors have discovered in your body what god has revealed to your heart is greater than what doctors have discovered in your body what god has revealed to your heart is greater than what you've discovered in your body whether it's pain whether it's sickness whatever it is here's the deal guys your your healing is connected to your hearing what are you hearing if you'll seek the lord he's not going to hold out on you it's not possible for you to seek the lord and him not speak to you him not reveal himself to you or him not quicken something to you and we've given you all these resources you get my book go get barry's book on hearing god on hearing god's voice it's so powerful if you need healing today just stand up if you need healing just stand up and if you're at home stand up or if you can't stand up stand up on the inside put one hand on your heart and just declare this with me say father i thank you i'm your child and you said your sheep can hear your voice i'm seeking you lord i want my through my relationship with you and your love for me i i will hear you i my body will be healed what you reveal to me is greater than what doctors have discovered in me in jesus name now father i just release the voice of god i release father the the grace of god for every person here to simply hear what you're saying and i'm hearing right now you're the healed i'm hearing to see yourself the way god sees you do what barry did and see yourself at the end of this you're going through this don't see yourself right now where you are see see your body well and then begin to do what you couldn't do uh what you were you're not able to do do begin to do what you see yourself doing and see yourself being father i thank you i thank you for a revival of your voice in the hearts of your people a revival of your voice speaking to every person here we are your sheep and we do hear your voice and we'll follow you and father i thank you for uh the healing power of god being released in this place every person that's watching i i speak i pronounce over you health see yourself that way in the name of jesus i pray i release to you the voice of god and you're going to hear what you need to hear and you hold on to what you hear and you exalt what you hear above the facts if all exalt the truth above the facts and you'll you'll win out in jesus name amen amen amen amen so uh we have healing uh prayer ministers if you come down to the front and i'm commissioning you prayer ministers listen to me listen to me okay i'm commissioning you today as you pray you listen now if you don't hear anything don't try to manufacture anything but while you're praying if you hear something okay you speak that okay you speak out what you hear amen praise god we love you guys and all of you at home you are the healed in jesus name and you can hear god amen praise god i'll turn this over to you tracy thank you lord were you not blessed by pastor greg i'll tell you one thing i i was blessed by what he was saying gomez got up here and when gomez was doing the announcements and everything when he first began he asked the question are your receivers on he asked that question you remember that he even gave you a moment to turn on your receivers and then pastor greg gets up here and tells us that we're our healing is associated to our hearing so what are you hearing today if somebody if you're ready to have our prayer ministers agree with you in prayer please step out into the aisles this aisle that aisle if you just step into the aisles right now and our ushers michaela and gomez will lead you to one of the prayer ministers we want you to come forward now to have someone to agree with you and what god is doing what are you hearing when i was sitting down there and janice was talking and pastor greg was talking about condemnation and she said it's the devil that condemns telling us we shouldn't do this and we shouldn't do that and it's not lining up with god's word so we need to stand on god's word and what he says so if you are desiring prayer i encourage you to come forward right now so our prayer ministers can agree with you sorry i thank you god for these your people god i thank you jesus for for that that young lady that's watching and she feels as though she's just in so much pain right now that she can't hear you you don't love her because of the pain and we come against that right now god loves you with an everlasting love if you were the only one he would have come and died just for you i encourage you even if you're not in this room i encourage you to call our prayer line right now at 719-635-1111 if you don't know jesus someone there can lead you to know him to have him as lord and savior in your life you have to be born again his sheep hear his voice if you don't feel as though you're his sheep i'm telling you 719-635-1111 [Music] thank you god thank you for who you are god thank you jesus we come against bipolar right now in the name of jesus we speak to minds we thank you god that you have not given us fear and you have not given us a mind that goes from this place to that place i thank you lord god that you've given us a sound mind we curse bipolar right now in the name of jesus and we command you out of bodies now in jesus name thank you thank you jesus you don't have to be embarrassed to come forward thank you we are here to touch and agree with you we thank you so much for watching us today and tuning in with us i just want to reiterate that next week we will not be on campus but we will be showing a replay it will be live stream only you'll hear from daniel on that live stream and then we'll be back on campus on october the 14th where we will be live and our speaker will be mike hesh we thank you so much for tuning in with us this afternoon and we look forward to seeing you the next time thank you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
Views: 3,177
Rating: 4.9601989 out of 5
Id: 2-n5SOFbnW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 9sec (8049 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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