Great Grandpas Tractor Is ALIVE

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hey everybody welcome to larson farms if you enjoy this video please remember to give it a thumbs up what's going on well we got a little situation here you have a fire no i'm thinking i'm starting one though oh boy the gas is old huh the gas there was no gas on it that all evidently drained out somehow [Music] and now i i have no ignition light well you know what's weird if you put gas in a diesel engine well that's just there for a recommendation no actually this is a diesel 2 cylinder diesel it's 70. it's got power steering even equipped with power steering that doesn't work the best in fact we should check the antifreeze there's a gasoline pony motor that starts it okay it's a four cylinder started up that let's hear it there's no nobody's talking yet you even know how to run this thing call merlin get gramp out here he's coming out he's coming huh he's gonna be out shortly i've never even drove this seat swept because i washed it so that tear in the seat yeah i got a soaking wet there's a cheek that's wet you had to wash the seat huh well look at the cats have been look it yeah you really don't respect your daddy's equipment well we may not get it going that coffee can there that's from grandpa and grandma when they live back on the farm where's the auto steer button uh it's the center one this one yeah okay six volts i have never had i have no experience here what's this lever do that's the clutch how do you get your foot up here [Music] that's a good one i got a ground here i'm not that dumb i do know that that you use it with your knee right it has something to do with your knee especially i guess back when they had a trip two or three bottom plow somehow when you hit a rock the uh standards or the mole boards didn't trip they unhook the plow that sounds like when you hit a rock very inconvenient that's awesome and then there was a rope that was hooked up to here so when the plow came unhooked this came back look out now because you will cry [Music] that came back and stopped you well if you were riding like you got your knee out this sounds incredibly painful dad said you would wish you were dead because the pain okay i gotta focus here well don't talk to me where was osha no talking nothing but concentration with this man how many people in iowa are gonna need this you think no man that don't sound good down there sounds horrible my heart's with all you guys for what we went through last fall with flat corn oh look at a six volt light yeah anybody who has combine platform i that's seriously once again there the nursing home sounds like a good play better place the nursing home is a better place than combining flat corn but the corner room's mine so okay when you turn this switch on this one that light's supposed to light up i thought that was the auto steer button no that's up here oh that's the light i guess that's ignition that's supposed to turn on and then that's also the lights like my lawnmower wow this is all the light you get for your instrument panel there's only a couple of gauges ain't no combine here okay so there's no light uh kick on the starter switch here could you kick on [Music] i said kick the starter switch this what's this that's a switch that looks like a pedal to me that is the starter now pushing how come it ain't engaging right i gotta find it i have never seen oh that's a little push it again pushing i see it's not starting that's a little uh i gotta get it we're gonna bypass that thing let me get a stick it's made at 75 years and now you're gonna bypass the switch well no we're just gonna a fenced post step down fence post really okay it's not in gear right no i don't know is it back for neutral uh don't make noises like that that scared me is this neutral i'm guessing so since neutral the shifting pattern is here son oh that's the gears [Music] oh the pedal is broken some linkage not adjusted or wore out or what do i do when it starts give her gas oh that's a knob that looks like a switch that's how you turn the gas on how many times you turn it before it breaks that's good that's you are not qualified to start this thing no i'll promise you i'm you're quite scared and push the switch all right we're pushing that button way in there yeah it's like a dimmer switch or that okay here's your fence post oh geez now we got the tin can on gonna have to get the tin can off don't break it now hey what would roscoe say hey enos you scuffed my vehicle okay are we ready yeah this is going to shock me no [Applause] so she's oh keep on you want to keep on yep she's got no gas or it's been who knows the red lights on now oh oh here we go maybe better stop i would say that was only like a minute and a half for running the starter it's still cold six volt must not take too much yeah she's good let's do some more ready yep [Applause] a little bit why won't my light turn on you think oh whoa she's on now you think it'll go well dad did say that light's gotta be on all the time oh i heard that stop one now it's off i heard it pop there's something right down there switch is shot oh it's a switch okay start oh [Applause] i don't have a good feeling here test fire number 18. how about some ether i have to take plugs out i don't even smell no gas fail attempt number 18. what do you do how do you prime the big system because there was zero gasoline on the living board you just pour gas and that's all of it that's all you've ever done yeah well that's all we did and now and i don't know your linkage on your starter you have to push it with this fence notes yeah right why that's why because it's wore out what is the linkage or the button why would it be wore out the linkage or the button is world well then everything the linkage mainly it doesn't seem to want to start it's so dark in here again yeah just push it you see it ain't pressing in on that level at all hard enough that's why i needed that little stick well use that one there oh you got a wood one jesus that's a pencil is that we've been using it you can get a shock no well i asked the same question but i haven't been shot yet what do they call that the dip the depression dip switch yep like a use this it's like a dimmer switch in the old ford ain't gonna get no shock full stroke right what rust in a diesel tank rust floating on top of the fuel flat phone drive what is you put in there i'd say it's in best interest to shut her down for the night yep cheese letter yeah it's gonna be have you ever had it played no did you shut that gas off oh for god's sake did i shut it off don't try it again yeah you're light are you kidding me yeah it should be open a couple of rounds i can't remember maybe i'd shut it off and he walked away i'm so excited i can't remember yeah okay i think it's flooded yeah well leave it then until tomorrow because i had it firing it wasn't cut before you got out yeah it was trying at least now it's a disappointment yeah it sure is i'd like to start it too it's hard on sitting for two years and not running hoping this ain't plugged in anymore wow what's going on here well i suppose i can go and get some antichrist and put on the thing yeah i sure wish we could get that down to a one-man deal because two men one guy just standing there poking a starter button that's kind of sad well yeah i would like that too but then we're gonna have to uh either weld on some on that starter so it pokes in the button further what year is this thing 56 56 do you buy it new no we bought it views from meijer and moore's no modern video john deere what year would that event it was only three four years old when we bought it so i suppose 60 i think so 61 i graduated and then we had it i thought i really had some just can't figure out why i would be broke right now 60 70 80 90 2010 things square from starting that's 60 years old started a lot boy okay we gotta get some anti-freeze and you said diesel fuel looks ugly oh boy how about some ether up in this little motor that's right yeah flooded it's fun okay tomorrow we'll just let it lay till tomorrow and tomorrow and then if it don't go we're gonna try some ether in that little motor ether plus gas means explosion well that's disappointing i'll be back tomorrow i suppose try it out i don't know if the audio turned out it's 1956. he thinks that he bought it when he first got out of school they bought it him and great grandpa in 1960ish so it was a few years old when they got it he thought he really had something which i'm sure they did sure that was awesome i'd love to have a four-year-old tractor which we don't actually what say goodbye to who your loser youtube video that you just created by not getting that engine started no no no we're not done no we're not gonna it's gonna start we're gonna get it or there's gonna be a hole in the shed roof but it's gone clean those cobwebs off of my tail i got to go get that thing away hey hey subscribe and submit is [Music] so i'm sure a lot of you guys are upset that we didn't get the john deere 70 running so we're gonna attempt to get it going again never ending troubles you ready are we ready are you having a seizure ignition life is on turning fuel on you still didn't clean the tail we ready here yeah i got the stick on the button ready poke it is that what it sounds like gotta find the happy medium lost it got come on uh why mark that come on baby does it always take two men to start this no why'd you sled up well it was running we screwed it up flooded her now now she's done she's done we missed our opportunity day number what three yeah well it ran for what 15 seconds there yeah i gotta call your mom now more window dilemmas i suppose all right we're back here we go again fourth episode this is getting to be ridiculous i don't like this view but that's what you get you're getting ready ignition on yep you have the gas on yep there's life come on baby thinking it's flooded yet just flooded it again smell anything bad no why yeah she's flooded flooded oh i wish my starter foot can we fix that you know what i like efi i like my 85 20. that's a good one shutting the gas off what's going on thanks bear lux yeah you know i'm desperate when they're on i shouldn't show anybody this but i had to put a little weld on there because something right either the switch is been depressed so low that it's pinched it together so if you could go over there and put that pin in boy that would be sweet which pin would this be the pin is on uh oh it's in my hand i can't get nothing in it yeah you gotta stick your hand in from the north down can i hold the light from over here oh oh oh boy convenience once again was not thought of here dropped it should maybe what get it in there now so i'm can get this going i got no light fairlux boom hey we're there hold it now let's test it will it move [Applause] success where's the other key the new no wonder this took you so long here you go what i mean well it seems like you've been working at this for a few hours no i just got out here 20 minutes ago my fingers are all dirty i should go over to the shop and wash come on verilogs find that sweet little spot that i can see in oh that was only a quarter inch off wow sweetness there we go i don't know if this key is too big or what the deal is but i can't get it you want my glasses no no they might help more than likely they won't i think you gave me the side that's been booby trapped oh yeah that's what that big long layer is for there i think we need the nail at least we fixed that you want this ether no so i don't need to use that rod anymore so that's good should i turn the gas on or not maybe not [Applause] yeah that worked good gas on [Applause] you see no sweet spot here how about some ether i wonder if there's any ignition i could make the noise make it sound like it's running pump oh that's some discouragement again there you go ladies and gentlemen another failed attempt she spotted she's flooded he's disappointed so am i why are we trying to get it running again well that's what everybody does when he kind of runs out of really important work is waste time getting stuff that you don't really need to use ever uh yes well day three on this project project get 70 started good grief hopefully it don't get flooded this time should we give it gas right away or probably not we're gonna have to give her some gas so you're gonna do that no i just say hold it about there yeah that's what i was doing now i don't have any light why is that you think you got spark i don't know we have pulled started pony motor down pony motor down fire down here so why when i kick on this is the light come on with the ignition off there it smokes so there's a problem he did with the ignition switch off and i'm doing this the light comes on shouldn't yeah why does that do that well let's get me then let's uh get a tractor how do you get this here first of all we gotta loosen this plant which way [Applause] [Music] it's been a while this is almost pathetic wow she fired quick she popped right on what in the world was he i was thinking she was seized too low on the gear i was thinking hmm it's been two years since we've had it running and the pony motor refuses to start so he pull started it not the sound spoiled but i'm glad i don't know how to run that thing and didn't have to use it sad truth is that was a massive upgrade from the horses so jerky tractor that built this farm right there actually two tractors that built this farm thanks for watching this video today guys this is the end of the video if you like the content of this video please give us a thumbs up and if you are not yet a larson farm subscriber at this time please subscribe to our channel we would really appreciate it have a good one see you next time
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 527,655
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 64etCkc0b1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 57sec (1317 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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