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ladies and gentlemen welcome to the next amazing epic international chess event of 2022 the chess olympiad the olympiad is split into two sections the open section and the women's section and uh every country brings four or five players to represent obviously they bring a fifth if they want an alternate the event is being played in chennai in india which i believe is actually the birthplace of chess also there was a world championship condemned there recently a couple of world championships ago the format is very simple a team plays another team four people so obviously there's four games up for grabs and today in round number one there was a ton of interesting games it's hard to cover all of the excitement as the tournament progresses all the highest rated teams will play against each other but in the first round there was already so many exciting games on both sides that i'm just going to show them here for you and if you want to browse through like the standings and overall there's a link in the description that i've put for you to go do that so in the first round america which is one of the top seeds uh oh and by the way before we do uh anything else for every future round if a game is going on and you want it featured in a recap comment on this video or comment on the next video right for round number two comment on this video for round number three comment on round number two recap just so i can kind of keep track so usa was playing angola and angola came just beautifully dressed super flashy shirts and their board one took on levon and it was a bishop b5 czech sicilian knight d7 and levon played a very provocative line with knight e5 he took a damage to his pawn structure uh to attack the bishop here the bishop moved back and after both sides had castled i mean white just has a very pleasant pawn structure black is completely fine here with the damage structure but the position is incredibly imbalanced and what i imagine that levon thought he was going to do was slowly build up here maybe a rook d8 and uh just comfortably just grind his opponent down it's very weird to play someone 460 points lower rated than you but that is hardly the biggest upset or like the biggest difference in rating in today's recap so white played a couple of solid moves and levon just kind of implemented his game plan right uh and white played queen f3 queen of three is a really interesting move because if you take here uh now rook ed1 and you're gonna lose the bishop quite soon so levon played knight h5 rook d1 bishop b7 and you know both sides are sort of at this kind of stalemate-like situation where one side has to take considerable amount of risk to do anything right so levon plays queen c6 and after bishop d5 levon saxo rook he absolutely does not have to do that but it's difficult for black to do something else black can play the move f5 which is what i thought levon wanted but then you can't do this because your knight is hanging and if you play rook f5 well then your pawns are kind of doubled for like the entire game like you're never going to undouble them it's kind of a weird situation for your pawn structure so not the most not the world's most pleasant position uh and kind of difficult right so 11 sacks in exchange for a pawn and he does that to activate the pieces now f5 comes f4 that must have been his idea what he hadn't anticipated is that his opponent would just take the exchange and do nothing it just does nothing right so now 11's like hm what do i do well i'm going to try to dance around with my queen and try to you know play f5 maybe e4 f4 but he hesitated too long and now david silva takes over the initiative he's like dude you gave me a present like of course i'm going to use it right cb4 queen before rookie 8 and here comes c4 white is up the exchange black has almost no counter play because if levon tries to go like this he doesn't have the rook supporting this anymore white can just play knight b5 white can play c5 quite soon beautiful position so knight goes back to f6 knight d7 a4a5 i mean white is just very comfortably plus one all right now levon still wants to win levon does not want to draw this game right so he plays king g8 bishop c6 he's still playing in a very provocative way he's accepting exchanges while down material right splitting up his pawn structure bishop back to d7 but white is still not doing enough to win the game his position is great but what's the next step levon is still unsatisfied queen b look at this queen d8 rook v8 like he he's trying to do something but now all of this dancing for black has led him to a dangerous position and levon sacrifices a pawn not only is he down in exchange he's also sacrificing a pawn to get a little bit more activity for his pieces so right now it's just rook for bishop the guy with white is just completely winning we have e6 which is yet again not a great move because now the queen takes over the dark squares and by the 40th move for both players the evaluation is in the plus two area now winning this still takes effort okay white would have to play knight d6 looking for a rook trade levon would play rook b4 to try to get the exchange in such a way that he at least connects his pawns and the game would go on but what nobody expected was after queen d6 offering an exchange black would play bishop f8 and offer a draw levon offered his opponent a draw and the guy took it now i get it all right i get it he doesn't have the the eval bar and also everybody associates plus two with like oh he's just gonna win right away you know he still has to work from this position but yeah he was plus two for 40 moves against levon he must have been super excited um so congrats to him for the result uh u.s did win the match three and a half half many of the top seeds won their early matches very you know convincingly but that's the way the olympiad works and then all of the higher ranked teams end up playing each other right now the second upset that i have for you uh let's back up i don't know why that game was uh that far uh is the game between faisal uh i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly versus johan sebastian christiansen from norway uh this is this is like the third or fourth seed uh norway and um yeah i one thing i didn't know before i started this recap was that magnus was not present for the first round like he was like yeah you guys play i'm gonna arrive around two or three i didn't know that was gonna happen that's why he was on the thumbnail cause he's magnus and it's the olympiad i didn't know honestly swear destroy my life i know i put magnus in a lot of stuff but when i booted up the round today i was like wait what he's not playing now uh norway won convincingly in this round but this game was crazy and you know what was the craziest thing about it that this guy played my course this is in the e4 course if you any of you have my e4 chords the b3 french is one of my weapons where white just gambits the e4 pawn and then plays knight c3 by the way get the e4 course queen e2 and long castle all right queenie two long castle maybe we should do a discount code during the olympiad maybe the code will be olympiad and all courses will be 33 off you know what yes for the duration of the olympiad all courses will be 33 off terrific you just have to use the code olympiad queenie two boom knight d4 attacking the queen queen slides back and black is ready uh oh sorry white is ready to win this pawn back on e4 here there's many lines black can play a5 black can play c5 black can play bishop d7 bishop c6 black can play bishop e7 black can play c5 what black cannot play is the move that johan sebastian played in this game which is uh wait sorry not that move that move is fine uh but after d3 d3 is an extra gambit so he didn't play knight e4 um he played d3 now i've never seen this move uh played at this level like i believe this even this little weapon i've known about and uh it it it might be like a like a sub variation in in in that chapter of the e4 course like yeah by the way you can play this little extra gambit but sebastian uh johan sebastian got himself into a lot of trouble after d takes e4 and white winning the pawn back he played knight d7 so he spent a second move undeveloping his knight to deal with the pressure on the d-file white played f4 and now he made another second move with a piece so a third move actually one two three so he spent five of his first 10 moves dancing with his horses 95 castles white is white is completely winning the evaluation of this position is plus five five it's not the levon game this is a plus five evaluation all white has to do is play g3 he has to play g3 to either take and go here or after it takes queen g3 i mean probably hg3 is also fine but queen g3 threaten mate rook g1 open the g file g3 is winning white misses it and black doesn't defend with bishop d6 he plays this and now g3 is winning again but he just takes on f4 okay now he tries to build up and trade off that bishop great move here by white i love this move e5 not trading off the bishops forcing black if anything to make some trades black gives up the the dark squared bishop and now white is completely winning again look at this position h4 to prevent the exchange of queens black plays queen e7 and uh white is now just like it's over if white plays three moves right now bishop c4 okay rook he won and takes the knight the game ends the game ends bishop c4 on the board you cannot take because mate king h8 rookie one on the board c6 that's it the game is over all white has to do is find rook takes knight rook takes knight white has played a beautiful game six pieces out rook takes knight why is rick takes knight winning because black cannot take like this because you would actually you would just get mated uh if you take with the queen you lose this so you get two pieces and mate is now probably unstoppable and if you take with the um if you take with the bishop there is rookie five with the threat of rookie eight and after all of this there is knight g6 and that's it just queen for rook totally winning position instead of that white repeat repeats moves he was so close he was so close i mean even in the final position you know like he let he let his opponent uh play the move f6 but even here i mean here the the tactics are a little bit less clear but i get what happened he kind of spooked himself he kind of was like ah i don't see a way forward if knight g6 you know i lose my knight uh if knight h5 there's no mate the threat of knight h5 is really beautiful you you're threatening bishop a3 so for example if black plays the move bishop g4 here you can take and take if black plays you can't play queen f7 like if black plays i don't even know that's actually the thing i don't even know like for example b5 b5 attacks the bishop knight takes f6 from the engine and the point is that if this this is mate and if queen f6 there's bishop e5 so he had to play knight h5 but he just he just got nervous he just got nervous i mean look at this there's like bishop a3 i mean it's black is not hopeless but yeah instead of that they repeated moves okay but the women's side had also some absolutely crazy upsets um this is a matchup between south korea and israel and some of you may recognize the player playing with the black pieces uh i don't i don't mean to pick on her obviously but uh she's a streamer she's uh she does a lot of the interviews uh now for fide and uh the player from uh from whiteside is the i think number one or number two ranked uh woman from south korea she's just 18 19 years old this was a caro uh advanced caro and it was a relatively boring advanced carol like white did not play the tall variation the short variation white just sort of played the exchange light squared bishops and be slightly worse with white variation that's that's what white did i mean this is great play from black and um you know the queen on a6 is looking really good here black should play probably like rook c8 just a little bit faster on the c file uh dina didn't play oh no she did play rook c8 but she played like h5 knight h6 she played a bunch of normal looking moves for black um but then somehow here she started making slightly bad decisions she tried to trade the bishops and that allowed white very quickly to play um c4 now there is also knight b3 which white got to play so the queen kind of got tangled among the pawns and like kicked out and now bishop d2 and even though black is able to win the center pawn with knight e5 it leads to more harm than good because what happens after this is i have rookie one you've you've negated your castling so queen f5 is hanging and you d you have to defend the knight and i just take the bishop and i mean look at this this is awful for black because had black castle they would have been happy but black cannot castle anymore and white made a slight inaccuracy here by playing the move c5 instead of a5 c5 of course allowing black to castle but obviously the idea there was to play c6 the idea there was to give away uh the the castling right but to kind of get this blob of pawns and that's exactly what happened you know uh white got this position and now just has a permanent annoying thorn on c6 and just advanced forward i mean took here here white made a slight inaccuracy again white should have been a little bit more patient instead white gave away the dark squared bishop no no no no no i hate that decision because that bishop is so strong but still white has all the pressure i mean no back rank mate right king h2 now white is trying to expand on both sides rook a4 rook takes d4 a nice tactic i guess dino must have been in time trouble here um because obviously she has a lot of a lot of liabilities to deal with i mean if blackjuice sort of sits back and does nothing white will go here and these pawns at some point will just they'll probably lead to a win but it ends a lot faster rook d4 beautiful move and um that's it you have all these problems over here rook d6 rook d7 and uh white wins sun woo park 1770 defeats uh dina bilinka 2256 that's inc that's an incredible upset that's like that's nearly 500 points right um that is 500 no no it's not 500 points it's like 480 point upset i mean it's just incredible like supremely well done one of the craziest games of the round was the game between uh rukshana saidova and tanya sajdev i don't know why tanya gets a comma after her first name i think they inputted that incorrectly this was a 103 move game don't click off we're gonna go through it it's not you know i gotta commend tanya who doesn't play these crazy obscure openings even against lower rated players and by the way you might wonder how are people 1600 1700 if you are the highest rated uh person from your country because there's just not a lot of whole people that play chess chances are you're underrated so the players you just saw are probably like 2 000 2100 they just don't have a lot of tournaments where they play and when you play in your own little ecosystem you go to the olympiad totally different thing right so tanya doesn't play any crazy risks she plays just a close spanish so it's going to be a long grinding game listen it's difficult to win e45 games all right and especially when your opponent is just chilling and you'll notice roxanna is playing just very solid i mean this is just the spanish the spanish is of spanish's right and white gets the knight to d5 now white is just much better look at this beautiful idea by white knight f1 knight e3 knight d5 and one side shows a good plan one side has not chosen a good plan you kind of see tanya here hesitating not really sure what to do waiting for her opponent to make a mistake and the lower rate of player will do nothing and that's very annoying for the higher rated player well knight g5 is not really doing nothing it was doing nothing until that point but even still you're trying to like get a lot of trades right so knight g5 queen g5 tanya plays queen b7 and uh on move 36 is when the dynamics of the game changed here came g4 and all of a sudden white stopped doing nothing white went for the win black has not had any opportunity to win the game and and now by closing down her own bishop found herself in a heap of trouble knight e3 bishop takes queen d7 and uh white is just winning like white just has an absolutely dominant end game but she trades queens what white should have done was backed up and then for example if queen e6 um okay at the very least you can win a pawn this is still a game but at the very least you can win a pawn but i'm i i guess she didn't see a way forward here but there is she can very slowly advance here black just can't move literally none of those pieces can move like think about that none of them can move queen moves you take the bishop king moves you take the bishop moves you take the king but now we have this end game and the problem with this end game is that white is still kind of like nervous and suddenly the player with black starts taking over and it's still a drop but at some point black is gonna it's still a draw though it's still a draw now white tries to trade all the pawns here and succeeds but black is super active activity is everything in end games and at some point white might do something bad white might make a mistake white might allow the king a little bit too close oh oh oh and white's blundered the f-pawn and soon white is gonna blunder another pawn but it still looks like a fortress it looks like a defensive fortress for uh for white somehow but black is trying and trying and trying and black gives away the pawn on g6 but gets even closer with the king look at how slowly black is squeezing the life and what ends up happening is around move 90 white makes a fatal error and just just plays too passively just too passive kind of hanging on for dear life tanya is able to simplify into a winning end game and uh this is winning because the pawn just goes and black gets one remaining pawn and that's it it's just you run out of moves and it took a hundred and three moves from tanya sajdev to win this game but what a battle i mean just what a battle the olympiad is crazy the players are this is a 700 point difference this is a 770 point difference but this is not the craziest this is the craziest in my opinion um cynthia aguino obondo from kenya versus alessia michaela i know who is like it's from romania uh i probably mispronounced it um 1439 versus 2163 and the game was just very chill i mean white played the kali system uh the indian game you know black played double fee and keto and i mean not a whole lot going on from the opening black better for sure right and now black is going to kind of do the higher rated thing which is all right i created some imbalance like let me try to win this game all right this is this is what i have to work with white has an isolated pawn in the center um not a whole lot like way to advance it so black's just gonna slowly take the game over even allowing the damaging of a structure to get the c file get the b file right and rook c1 and what is white doing why's just playing like white's at the olympia dude like i'm just gonna enjoy myself right knight d5 black's got nice position but it's anything but over um bishop b2 rook b8 and now problems are coming first of all the pawn might fall right so the pawn falls takes takes bishop d5 and the following position where black is just a clean pawn up white has irreparable damage near the king um we have queen c2 e5 queen c3 and all of a sudden some questions being asked right rook c8 queen b2 just hanging on no checkmate f3 white is defending all right white is worse but white is defending it's like in sports you're losing you don't just give up you just keep playing right black has to win the game king g2 and king g8 black doesn't like the pin very much and tries to play for e4 white blockades so now what rook d8 rookie 2 black is just not going away all right black's just not going wait a minute sorry white's not going away now you kind of look at this you're like what is black's next move what is black gonna do well black tries to you know trade the queens and blunders on move 38 because you needed two more moves to make the time control rook d2 oh my goodness and if you take the queen it's a suicide it's rook d a check first so now black is what is going on is black lost i mean is black completely lost maybe not oh my goodness rook takes d2 no queen d2 if queen d2 there's e3 so black actually has a rook and a bishop and a pawn for the queen black is losing but not completely losing rook d5 g4 preventing rook h5 mate you can't take the pawn because rook h5 but queen a7 oh my white has been granted a queen white chest is a queen rook d7 back queen bh check king f7 white is probably still nervous by the way white's like wait i'm winning what is going on this is nuts black now plays e3 and all the advantage is gone so what white had to do was continue to give checks and the way to win this position after something like like here for example you had to bring your king you had to bring your king and try to play for queen f6 because e3 here you have check king goes out this way and the king is just not happy there all right king can go here but you lose the rook so you had to bring the king but by giving too many checks suddenly the pawn is too far and black is threatening to win the game so for instance black can try to win like this and just sneaking the pawn through okay king g3 rookie five h4 it's an equal game what is going on who is trying to win who is trying to lose it seems like we have a stalemate right but black gets a little too careless and suddenly the king is walking over huh okay queen d1 rookie six but now the queen is mad you see a couple of moves ago black had a perfect defensive setup even before that but by kind of tangling the pieces and playing with them and moving one back and moving one around now the queen is mad and when the queen's mad the queen's gonna start taking stuff and when the queen is really mad she's gonna she's gonna take everything now the queen took all the pawns now you get nothing and i'm just bullying you you can't move your rook cause i'm gonna win your bishop you can't move your bishop because i'll get to the king right check attack the bishop a5 b5 that's it just g7 and the 1439 defeats the 2163 724 point upset that is huge and the last game of the day if you had the patience to uh wait this long this was a really nice game uh alexis shura versus uh grigor tukshak who has a polish name uh i hope i pronounced that correctly from but this is actually against wales for some reason england and wales on are this obscure flag i've been requesting this to be edited for months but now it's sort of a meme at this point that anytime a person is welsh or from england uh that's just gonna be their flag now some people say it's like a different like it's a territory or it's a different country it's not really clear what it is it's kind of blurry it's kind of small but yeah uh that's the whale's flag so this is the the whale's team shirov plays his own gambit by the way shirov plays the sure of gambit which is g4 it's g4 against the philidor setup he also has the g4 against the semislav which i don't want to embarrass myself but uh in the semislav defense there's this these early it might be might be here or is it oh man this is sort of is it is it here shooter of shabalev but it might be g4 somebody look it up shirov shabal of gambit that's what it is that's what i think it's named right shirov shabal of gambit ah yeah it's against the semislav but i think i have maybe my move order mildly mixed up all right don't hate me all right i'm doing my best um anyway yeah should off plays his own gambit which is pretty cool so he gives away the pawn on g4 uh knight g4 and then he just acts normal have just plays normal moves he just doesn't have a g pawn and should've did something completely insane in this game he sacked a piece he just sacked the bishop completely like bishop was just completely trapped uh now the computer of course ruins all the fun but the fun about this is that you just do this and black is up a full piece but he has to defend it by taking putting the bishop here to cover knight c7 give away this and then play like knight d5 rook d5 and queen c7 and basically this is the way you defend the position um and white is not tremendously uh not tremendously confident of getting the counter play there's also queen c6 and when you're playing a guy like shirov and he's sacrificing all these pieces you're it's only a matter of time before you melt right so black plays bishop back to b7 and melts immediately bishop d2 kicks out the queen now the bishop hits the queen again queen goes back and now the rook is trapped okay the rook is sort of stuck so black goes like this and tries to counter-attack the queen and shoulder of wins this game in one in in a beautiful style uh shout out to paul morphy he plays queen h3 knight b6 offering a queen trade when you have a big attack you really rarely want to trade queens so queen h5 attacks the pawn on e5 black plays rook d7 which i can only anticipate was intending to meet this with this you kind of see all the tactics here right head spinning queen goes back to d4 and uh yeah the game ends here in beautiful style after knight takes d5 we have queen a4 check and black has to play rook d7 that is what black has to play and try to defend after rook d5 okay instead of that black plays queen d7 after queen a4 looking for a queen trait which makes a lot of sense but paul morphy uh and alexis shirov together play this move anyway and if queen takes queen there is rook d8 mate which by the way black should have allowed but black resigned right here queen takes queen the paul morphy checkmate would have happened on d8 and alexis should have led the spain uh the spain team to a four nothing victory uh over wales folks i'm sure there were many games all right i tried to cover some upsets i tried to cover some crazy games at the highest boards tomorrow is round number two there was a link in the description if you'd like to play around with more games i'll see you tomorrow hopefully magnus plays get out of here use code olympiad by the way code olympiad 33 off
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 324,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, chess olympiad, olympiad chess, chennai chess, chennai chess olympiad, olympiad 2022, chess olympiad 2022, chess olympiad chennai, chess olympiad gothamchess, chess olympiad chess24, chess24, gothamchess recap olympiad, gothamchess recap, chennai chess olympiad 2022, chess chennai
Id: ojBeFhnpek0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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