Chefs Review Kitchen Gadgets Vol.7 | SORTEDfood

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- [Jamie] Hey, welcome to sorted! We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that'll actually make a difference to your life. Or just make you laugh. (laughing) Two of us are chefs. Don't worry, the rest of us are normal. And everything we do starts with a suggestion from you. - ♪ Imma make 'em wait ♪ ♪ I'm a pancake chick but I take the cake. ♪ ♪ I'm gooey in the middle baby let me bake ♪ - Hello! I'm Jamie and this is Ben. - Now if you keeping asking for these, we're gonna keep making them. - In case you're new here, this is how it works. We have two friends, James and Ben, and they're both chefs. What we like to do from time to time is buy a load of stuff off the internet, kitchen gadget related, and get them to review it. Lot of the time they get really annoyed and it's fun to watch. So enjoy this. - James, we've got a surprise for you. - Yes! Time to lift cloche! Boom! (laughing) - It's an egg timer. - How'd you like it? Soft, medium, or hard. Well I always like my eggs soft, cause a runny yolk, spot on. - [Jamie] We'll then Ben, you're in luck. This is the color changing egg timer. - Not excited about that. - [Jamie] No? - I'll be honest. - Should we test it? - Let's do it. - So presumably this would only work if you've put that in the fridge as well or your eggs are room temperature. - [James] I'll go for like medium I guess. - We'll see a pan that's just below boiling. And we will lower two eggs and that bad boy in together. - Come on egg timer. - I don't know. This gadget's useless for me. - It's useless. - Oh already cause it just changes color from one color to another color, neither of which I can probably see. - The thing is about a timer. It's nice because you can go away and do something else and then come back, like have a wee or something and like come back. It's changing color. But what it's doing is changing color from the outside and working it's way in. I'm going to say that's done. - I'd say that's bang on soft. That is soft. - Stop the cooking. - [Mike] Crack 'em open mate. - It felt maybe a bit under in my internal clock. - [James] I would actually say that's good. - Definitely soft. Possibly too soft. Under, fail. But I don't think that's the fault of the thing. I think it needs to be the same temperature as the eggs. - What would rectify this situation, is if the instructions were on the packaging. - Yes! I do think if they gave you some form of instruction, that would help. - How much did it cost? - If it's more than 1 pound 50, it's a waste of money. - 1 pound and 80 pence. - 3 pounds 24. - Yeah, it does the job. It's not the most interesting gadget we've ever had but it's probably one of the ones I like better. (laughing) It's yummy. It's an egg. - You heard it here first. - Eggs are yummy. Take your top off. (laughing) Oh! - It's like tin opener. Can opener. - And then a button on the side. - Oh. Stop! Stop! What have you done? Help! - [Mike] This is the touch-free automatic can opener. Opens your cans fully automatically at the touch of a button. - One, automatic. Two, I wonder if it only works on domestic 400 gram tins. - So we're gonna time you opening a tin can with the conventional method. And then, using the automatic. And we'll see which ones quicker and or easier. - [Jamie] Three, two, one, go! - Go! - Oh. - Oh no! - Oh no it's over! Alright, got good attachment sure right hand is latching. (laughing) - [Mike] Good latch, oh! How was that not quick? - That's a really rubbish can opener. - Ben, that took you 26.06 seconds. James did that in 6.3 seconds. - That sounds like he was much quicker. - [James] Now use that bad boy. (machine sounds) - [Mike] Oh look at it go! - That was 17 seconds, which makes it nine seconds quicker than your little hands. - Well, if I'm honest I was very disappointed at my attempt. (laughing) I will go most compare it to. This one (tapping) leaves a nice flat edge. There's no way I'm doing that on that without taking my finger off. So that leaves it incredibly sharp. - How much would you pay for that? - Um, four pounds. - 15 quid? - 12 pounds 95. - We've had feedback on a lot of these kitchen gadgets which say they're basically, they're not necessarily for chefs. Cause chefs can obviously open the can. - Really quickly. (laughing) - However, it's more for people who might not have the dexterity, or the grip, or the mobility and therefore it has a use. It definitely opens it. - Useless. (laughing) But you decide. You decide. Don't let me influence you. You decide. - James my friend, give it a spin. - [Ben] Oh what's that? - Why has it got a button? (laughing) - Oh, that oh. (vibrating sound) - Stop! - Does it scrape itself along the bottom of a pan? - Is it a whisk? I'm gonna go with whisk. - This is the automatic pan stirrer. (laughing) - He hates it. - [James] Cooking accessary rotates around the pan at the push of a button independently. Stirrer adverts manual stirring process for preparing sauces, custards, and soups without constantly stirring. - [Mike] We would. - [Jamie] Oh it's got different speeds. It's got different speeds mate! (laughing) - We would like you to make a cheese sauce. - Butter. Well I literally don't want to pick up a spoon. Flour to make a roux. Just letting flour cook out first. - I was having a look on the official seller page on Amazon. It says you can use the automatic stirrer to make a hollandaise. We've been looking for the last five minutes trying to work out where about you would use it making hollandaise. And we can't figure it out. So rather than waste a good hollandaise, we're gonna make a porridge. Which it says on the website, on Amazon, on everywhere on the internet, that this is good for. - Classic porridge. Simple enough. One. One. One. Pinch of salt. And heat it very very gently. Agitating the porridge oats. Bring in the agitator. - Now you have to add it slowly and it has to, you have to keep stirring. - [Mike] Hence why we thought this gadget would be perfect. - Breakfast time. Porridge, you want to keep stirring it. This does mean you can get on with the coffee and the juice and a fruit salad for start and some toast. - [James] I'm gonna have to give it a hand, just to get the middle going. Come on little thing, work! Here we go. I'm just gonna use a spoon quickly. - It is stirring it, but my hunch is the middle bits gonna burn cause that bits not moving. - This would be done if it wasn't for that. (laughing) I'd be finished. And I'd still have my credentials as real chef. - What's happened is I've taken over from the gad and I've made a roux. Now I'm going to add the cheese and melt it. - Use the gad! - I'm using the gad! But it's not working. - Price wise, I reckon 18 quid? - 24.99. - Okay. - You would pay 24.99 for this? - That's not what I said. (laughing) - Well you wouldn't pay 24.99 but would you pay 18.99? - Nope. (laughing) - Useless or not? - Oh guys I really wanted, I wanted to like it but it's seems useless to me. - Useless or not? You decide. - It stopped moving. (laughing) - James. Turn around. - Ta da! Rub what? Have I seen this before? - [Mike] You know what this is. - Yup. - So we have seen this one before but the last time that we tried it, we apparently tried it wrong, and didn't give it a fair test. - This is for quickly removing pesky odors from your hands. - What? This is a lie! - It's garlic. It's all sort of smells including anchovies. - Oh smelly. (laughing) Oh it's so fishy. - Who does this? (laughing) - [Jamie] Smelling good? - [Mike] Yup! - That's the official test. - [Jamie} It's very garlicy. - Do my pores still smell of garlic Jamie. - Yes. Yes they do. - [Mike] Yup, you still smell it. Yeah absolutely. - Smells like garlic again. (laughing) - [Jamie] Wash your hands in warm soapy water with that. - [James] With this? And just like rub, yeah? - [Mike] Rub it everywhere. - [Jamie] Still stink don't they? (laughing) - Still garlicy. - [Mike] Yeah. - [Jamie] It still smells but it's a lot less than what it was before. - [Mike] It is a lot less. - How do you test that thoroughly? Is that the whole business plan? That you can't test it. That suddenly when you've got metal soap in your hand, you probably wash for as twice as long as you would otherwise. And suddenly the smells gone. - James just doesn't like it - Oh come on, it's useless. Just wash your bloody hands. Just wash your hands. - Phase two of sorted scientific testing complete. Useless or not? You decide. - Which gadget did you hate the most? Comment down below and let us know which one it was and why. - Now we are here every Wednesday and every Sunday showing this brilliant gold with you but you won't know about it unless you're A, subscribed. Please subscribe. And B, got your notification bell clicked on. - That sounds like a great instruction. Thank you very much. We'll see you on Sunday four p.m.. Goodbye! - I love Sunday's video. - [Jamie] As we mentioned, sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks and we hope to see you again in a few days. - Comment down below if you, don't, pour wash down that because it just, oh god. - I didn't pour wash down that, it fell down that. - Oh god. It's a fake sink. - [Jamie] Well, the good news is it wasn't much water.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,722,162
Rating: 4.9164515 out of 5
Keywords: egg timer, can opener, pan stirrer, rub away, metal soap, kitchen gadgets, useless kitchen gadgets, metal rub away soap, testing kitchen gadgets, useful kitchen gadgets, self stirring mixer, pot stirrer, self stir, self stir gadget, automatic can opener, electric can opener, hands free can opener, tin opener, hands free tin opener, electric tin opener, egg boiler, colour changing egg timer, testing useless kitchen gadgets, gadget reviews, chefs review
Id: lvo-spBGBRs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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