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(lively rock music) - [Narrator] We are sorted. A group of mates who have your back when it comes to all things food. From cooking battles to gadget reviews. - Ben, it's not worth it. - [Narrator] And cookbook challenges, to a mid-week meal packs app. - Crack your eggs and bake. - [Narrator] We uncover the tools that will help us all cook and eat smarter. Join our community where everything we do starts with you. (funky rock music) - Welcome to FridgeCam. Now, today we've teamed up with Heinz, to challenge our three normals Barry, Jamie and Mike to an ultimate 20 minute cooking battle. Now, underneath each cloche, is a bottle of their seriously good flavoured mayonnaise and we want you to come up with a dish that uses it as a key ingredient in the most creative way. So not just a sandwich today, something a bit more creative than that. - I'm excited, I'm pumped. - Boys, lift your cloches. - Here goes. (slow rock music) - Oh, garlic and caramelised onion. Oh, I could go places with that, couldn't I? - So mine is lemon and black pepper which sounds delicious. - Oh, rich and creamy truffle mayonnaise. - [Ben] Got your name all over it. - Yes, oh, this is gonna be a good one. - One by one. You will each have 20 minutes to pull this off but before that we're gonna give you a few days to go away, to come up with a dish and then, create and test a recipe. Good luck and we'll see you in a few days. (slow rock music) - Mayonnaise, it's made up of egg yolks, oils. So what foods exist that contain those ingredients and could I sub-in the mayo to compliment those ingredients? Stuff like cake batters, pancake batters, waffle batters, fried chicken and waffles but what's one up from a chicken and can swim? Duck! So I'm making duck with truffle waffles and a truffle mayo ranch in 20 minutes. - All right Mike, you're up first, ready? - Yes. - In that case your 20 minutes start now. - All right, first thing I've got to do, is get an oven preheated and my waffle iron. What's great about this tin of confit duck is, the slow cooking has already been done so I just need to reheat it. - Confit duck is really delicate. The meat gently falls off the bone. - I want the bone in, I don't want it to fall off. Now, I know what you're thinking, it doesn't look great but it will do. Duck in the oven for 15 minutes. - You're 90 seconds down. - That's good. - I'm going to start on my waffle batter. There's a Huttlestorm a'brewing. I can feel it in my loins. Now, egg white and I've got egg yolk in another. So I'm making a normal waffle batter. So I'm whipping up these egg whites to soft peak, ah nearly. - Oh, they're getting there. They're definitely getting there. I did not account for five minutes of whisking. - You've had a quarter of your time. - Wow, that's so quick, I'd be scared right now. - Great, that'll do, I'll come back to those later. - So I've got the garlic and caramelised onion mayonnaise. There are 100 different directions that I could go in with this but for me, I want to make a full meal so I've decided to make glazed pork chop with garlic and caramelised onion mash. The big area that this could go wrong is my pork. It's either gonna be undercooked or the pan is gonna be too hot and I over char it and it looks burnt. - On a scale of nervous to nervous excitement, where are we? - I'm about a 10 I think. (men laughing) - Your time starts now. - First of all, I've got to prick my potatoes, get them into the microwave. That's gonna become my mash. Also for my potatoes, there's gonna be some milk, some double cream and some butter. The flavour is gonna come from the mayo, which will come at the end. Ah, right, next up, pork. I haven't got long and I want to get as much flavour in as possible, as quickly as possible and this to me feels like a really good hack. - Great for caramelization. Be generous with that flavour. - And then season with salt and pepper and then, into this pan which is going to be smoking hot. Three to four minutes on each side. Next up, right, I'm going to go with my side. So I've got walnuts, apple and cabbage. I'm gonna chop my walnuts up. This is gonna provide a nice bit of texture with the walnuts. Some sweetness from the apple. Little bit of freshness as well with the cabbage. I'm also gonna fry this in the frying pan once the pork is done. - [Ben] Time check, you've had five minutes, fifteen to go. - [Chef] You're racing. - So I got lemon and black pepper which is probably one of the most versatile options out there, which got me thinking? Could I go sweet? I am making lemon and black pepper mayonnaise ice cream cookies. I'm almost certain this is gonna taste amazing. If it holds together or not, that's another question. - Are you ready for your 20 minutes? - Are you ready for a sandwich? - I said no sandwiches. - You're getting a sandwich. - [Ben] Your 20 minutes starts in three, two, one, go. - Okay, I've got to work mega fast. - Go! - Everything is going into the bowl. Sugar, flour, bicarbonate soda, teaspoon of vanilla extract and 220 grammes of mayonnaise. - Mayonnaise in a dough. - Because I'm using mayonnaise, I don't need to put any eggs or butter or any other fats in there. I've got the mayonnaise. It does all the work for me. I just need to give this a quick mix up. - [Ben] You've had two minutes. - Oh no! Mix up, mix up, mix up. - This batter will make how many cookies? - 12 cookies. - [Ben] Are you making them all? - I am going to put as many as I can on the the tray so I'm going to cut them out with discs later on. All right, into the oven at 180 for 12 minutes. (man laughs) - Choosing not to squash those. You're going in full, kind of bulbous balls. - I think they're gonna sink down anyway. - Well, let's hope so. You've had four minutes, you've got 16 minutes remaining. - You keep looking at me but I'm just as worried as you are. Okay, good. (slow rock music) - So, right, yolk. I would normally for a batter use two egg yolks but I'm only using one because I'm gonna supplement that with two tablespoons of my truffle mayonnaise. Oh, my waffle iron has come up to temperature. So my flour is going in, bicarbonate of soda, sugar, melted butter and a pinch of salt and we're gonna whisk that together. - You've had eight minutes. - Okay, so now, milk goes in slowly. So I'm adding this bit by bit so I don't get lumps that's called foreshadowing. (slow rock music) - [Ben] You've had half your time. - Okay, batter done. - [Ben] He seems like his in control. - [Chef] Yeah. - [Ben] Good board management. - Oh, yeah, it's got a nice bit of colour on it. That mayo is acting as a really nice glaze, that's what I wanted. Flavour and colour. - That is a great use of mayo. - And cabbage, going for nice long strips. I think that would look good. Sauce, let's go with. I've got to get cider, yep, cider's got to go in. - Cider, another classic combo with pork, but where is it going to end up in the dish? - That's going to go into the sauce with the chicken stock. I'm also going to put a little bit into this frying pan with the veggies once the pork comes out. I'm just gonna give it another 30 seconds just to be sure. Honestly this is where the dish could fall down if that pork is not cooked or if it is over-cooked. - The colour is looking fantastic. (slow rock music) - Yes, look at that. Right, so pan's still hot. It's got all the flavours from the pork in it. In goes apple, walnuts, cabbage. Cider's now bubbling, that's reducing down. Can I have a time check? - 10 minutes and five seconds remaining. - Right, we might be in control. - Cookies in the oven, I know, easiest cookies ever. Now, onto the ice cream. I need some creme fraiche, some mixed berries and some icing sugar into a blender. I've not added, or ever added mayonnaise into an ice cream. - You're gonna put it in there as well? - Yeah. - Well then again, if you think about what ice cream is. It's normally thickened with eggs and fat, yeah. - Two tablespoons of mayonnaise into your ice cream. All right and ice cream. - [Chef] That's looking good. - It's all right, it's all right. - [Chef] That's looking really good. - One of my favourite simplest desserts, is just tropical fruit with a pinch of cayenne pepper. So I quite like this whole idea of having black pepper in here. - How are my cookies looking? Quite dome-y still. I hope they flatten out a bit more. - I'm surprised you put them in without sort of squishing them down a bit. - I know, so am I (laughs). - [Ben] You have 10 minutes and 22 seconds. - My batter is going to go into my preheated waffle iron. - Ahhhhhh. - What makes your batter so airy? - Oh yeah (laughs). Thanks guys, okay. Then, the previously whisked egg whites from earlier. Okay, let's do this. We are gonna ladle this in. - [Ben] I can start to smell the duck from the oven. - I can really smell the truffle coming through on the batter and it actually smells amazing. That goes down, boom, four minutes, four and a half minutes. - All the fives remaining. Five minutes and 55 seconds. - [Mike] Wonderful, okay. - That side has had a little bit of time. I'll probably go in with my chicken stock right about now that can then thicken and reduce down and I left a little bit of my cider as well so I'm gonna stick that into this pan. That's probably called deglazing. - Very impressive. (lively jazz music) - Potatoes done. - How are they done? That's the question. - Oh, James, they're so soft. - [Chef] Are they? - Oh lovely. - [Chef] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Lovely, lovely. - 06:36 - He seems very in control but I think plating is gonna be tight. - The great thing about potatoes is it's such an excellent vehicle for flavour. - Half of my milk, butter and cream mixture going into my mash and then I'm going to fold in my mayo so I get a really nice garlicy, caramelised onion flavour into the mash as well. - [Ben] Five minutes remaining. - Oh, no. - I've got mayonnaise in the ice cream. Mayonnaise in the cookies. I wondered, can we get mayonnaise on the icing, on the top as well? So I've got a splash of grenadine going in some icing sugar. Mayonnaise with the icing. So again, lemon, black pepper, grenadine, icing sugar should work. How long we've got? - Not long enough. - Oh crap! I've also pre-cooled my cooling rack because it wasn't cool enough. All right, here we go, cookies! Hoa, hello! - That's a bold move to take them out already. - I put my finger in it to see how well cooked it was and my finger went through the cookie. This has not worked (laughs). You're thinking outside the box. - Ah, maybe too far. - Yep, so what you gonna do? - Put me back in a box. - Do you think it's 'cause you initially said the dough makes twelve cookies and then made six? - Maybe so chef. - 05:37 remaining. - Cool. - So let's go sauce. So my sauce, two tablespoons of my truffle mayonnaise. Some chopped thyme and chopped chives. We want some zested lemon. I like the lemon in this 'cause it offsets against that really, sort of, rich truffly flavour. Adds a bit of freshness which is nice and buttermilk which I'm adding to taste. Okay, duck is done, let's have a look. - Confit duck is already cooked. All you doing is heating it through and crisping it up. - Oh yes, yes. - Nice! - Fantastic! - Three minutes on the dot. - Okay, right. - Right, that's looking good. Let's get some flavour in there pewww. - I like the attention to detail here. Reduction of sauce, resting of meat, tasting and seasoning as you're go. - It needs a bit of flavour. Oh, no, it comes to you. It does, a bit more. (Ben laughing) - [Ben] When have you ever been shy of flavour J? All the threes, 3:33. - Okay. - Oh, they're done, they're so done. They've flattened out, you know? - [Chef] They look done. - They are soft. - [Ben] Now, typically, you'd leave them, set up a little bit on the tray before you put them onto the wire rack but I know you're rushed for time. (lively rock music) I love a cookie that's a bit gooey in the middle and a bit crispy on the outside. - Get those (beep) cookies in the freezer right now and you might do this. (lively rock music) - [Chef] Do it, do it, do it. - [Ben] Three and a half minutes remaining. See, now you can just chill while things cool. - Waffles are done, the moment of truth. Oh, they're looking all right. They might need a bit more. I want them a bit darker and I've got time. Oh, that is fantastic, that's good! I did a good thing. I'm gonna serve this with hot sauce, obviously and maple syrup, obviously. - 90 seconds remaining. - He's doing the waffle dance. - Eww, this is stressful. - [James] Oh, yes. - Stop touching it. - No, no, I always fall down on presentation, so. - You're falling down right now. - You've still got just over 90 seconds remaining. - Let's get that flavour, that's done. That's going on there. - [Ben] He's the flavour man. He doesn't need a nudge on that one. Approaching your last minute. - These are not cold but they are less hot. - Les hot. - Come one, come on. - Ooh, they have cooled quite a lot but enough, I don't know? Okay, our ice cream scoop. - [Ben] Lovely colour on it. Last 35 seconds. (fast orchestral music) - Let's get the, ooh, that's sticking, isn't it? Oi, that's stuck! - Come on! - It's sticking. - Mike! - [Ben] Last 25 seconds. I'll tell you what, that waffle looks excellent, great colour. - This is going on here. - Yeah, clams, clams. Yeah. - [Ben] Oh, I see. You're gonna have to get your garnish and any last flavours on there in 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. - Oh no! - Whoa! (Ben laughing) - I mean, you "jooged". - I "jooged" too hard (laughs). (fast orchestral music) - Baz I think we should get those into the sexies quickly. - Please quickly. (upbeat pop music) (slow piano music) - We have the best job ever. So first up Mike's dish, 20 minutes and he used the seriously good truffle mayonnaise. - [Chef] I'm super excited for this one. I like how you're checking how the duck is cooked. - I'm just checking it all. I like the crispy skin. - It's interesting, don't forget your sauces mate. - You're going straight in with the hot sauce and the maple as well. - Yeah 'cause you've got to be able to taste the truffle with everything else. - Ching, ching. (slow pop music) it's really punchy, that's good. - It definitely works. Is it the most innovative use of mayo? - I like that it's gone into a batter which is still light and crispy but now has the flavour, and the ranch sauce maybe more obvious, but it does work. - I quite like the balance of truffle in the sauce. It's not like the overwhelming flavour. It's helping everything else along. - Strong start, Jamie's is next. - Jamie used the seriously good garlic and caramelised onion mayo. - Very inviting. - It's gonna fill you up. - Right, I'm gonna tuck into some of this. - I'm really, really interested how its flavoured the pork. 'Cos I think it looks awesome. I think his got some amazing colour on it, whoa. It's beautifully cooked. - Beautifully cooked as in not over-cooked but also he's still got the colour on the whole thing and on the fat there. He went for that extra squeeze in the mash and it's good. The mash, yes it's creamy, but it's also got that warmth of garlic. - I like the way he's taken flavours that would usually take a really long time to get into this dish and cheated with the mayo and it works. It's very rich. I think the creative use of it, spreading mayo over the chop instead of oil is just helping that caramelization. - I'm not sure if there's anything on the plate that surprises me from a flavour point of view but it's all done really well. I keep wanting to go back for more of this and I guess we should test Barry's before it melts anymore. Last up Barry was using the seriously good lemon and black pepper mayonnaise. Bold in 20 minutes. - I'm pretty impressed. - And it's worth pointing out if those cookies are baked off and cooled it is very plausible to get something that looks a little less sad. - But hey, it's about flavour. - And creative use. I said no sandwiches but not even I was thinking ice cream sandwich. (slow pop music) Wow, that takes you on a journey, 'cause you get the super fresh zesty creme fraiche and berry and then you get the kind of citrus, and just as you finish chewing. You're left with a pepper numbing which is so good. - The black pepper is standout in that, it's clever. Berries, lemon, pepper all work perfectly together. He's got the mayo in the ice cream which I think is a really nice idea. I think it lends a little bit of mouth feel to the ice cream and I think the cookies are awesome. - Little bit of a mess but a real curve ball and surprise with the creative use of mayo in the cookie. We've been left with a tough decision. - They've all been delicious. - Clever. - But which is the cleverest? - So the winner is underneath the cloche but I have some justification first of all. Dear normals, all three were delicious, and Incorporated the mayonnaise in smart ways but we thought the standout performance is. (fast pop music) Presentation. - Yeah, mm. - But recipe wise it looked banging. Like incorporating the mayo. - Right, over to you guys. Do you agree with the result? Comment down below who you think should've won. - And we'd love to know what you would do at home with Heinz seriously good flavoured mayos. What recipes would you create? Which mayo would you choose? - If you want to give any of these recipes a go. They're all available in the description box down below, give them a go, they're brilliant. If you've got 25 minutes mine could be even better. (men laughing) - His just so, ah! - I know. - [Narrator] We've also built the Sorted club where you can get tonnes of foodie inspo using the packs midweek meal app. Discover and share restaurant recommendations using the Eat app. Listen and contribute to our Feast Your Ears podcast and send us ideas for new cook books you see throughout the year. Check it all out by heading to (upbeat pop music) And now a blooper. (beep) - Oh, no, don't get that out. We don't want a whistle. It's gonna go right through me (laughs). I'll probably be hearing that in my dreams or my nightmares.
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 713,680
Rating: 4.9380126 out of 5
Keywords: food battle, ultimate battle, cooking battle, cook off, sortedfood battle, sorted food, sortedfood, sortedfood normals battle, sortedfood ultimate battle, 20 minute meals, 20 minute food battle, sortedfood normals 20 minute battle, sortedfood ben, epic chef battle, sortedfood mike, 15 minute meal battle, ice cream cookies, heinz mayonnaise, mayonnaise battle, pork chop and mashed potatoes, waffle recipe, duck and waffle, duck and waffle recipe, ultimate food battle
Id: V-F6zSbfJt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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