CHEFS "REMOTE CONTROLLING" NORMALS! | Leftovers Recipe Challenge | Sorted Food

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we are sorted a group it mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way we've got chefs we've got normals and a whole world of stuff for you to explore that everything we do starts with you [Music] hello I'm Barry this is Jamie and welcome to fridge care now recently we've been very excited about the launch of our new mil packs which are designed to help you stop asking the question now each of our packs include a small kitchen audio guide where one of us will guide you around the kitchen to help you cook that goes thinking what if you could have a chef directing your every move Jay before we start are we going to try and win this or we just have a lot of fun cuz it's probably one or over right mate what have we got on the bends we've got some parsnips brussel sprouts cauliflower we are against the clock of 30 minutes Jay but we're gonna take it nice and calm do you copy coffee cream okay great thank you sour cream cheese cream cheese you just tasted the cream cheese and I knew what it was and he didn't that's right this is gonna be a tough half half hour time starts in three two one so one thinking is like an amazing cauliflower cheese because there's so much cheese there yes they've got some smoked ham so it's gonna be smoky so stick the oven on 200 degrees grab the cauliflower yeah and let's cut it into slightly smaller florets so it cooks quicker just make sure they're all about the same size and they're all gonna go into a baking tray okay olive oil salt pepper straight to the oven okay I can remember that once you've got that in the oven we're gonna make a bechamel what okay so Kali is going in now what I'm thinking is we've only got half an hour I know how much you love polenta off to a great start right what if we make a delicious cheesy polenta but with the turkey stock in front of you so the turkey stock in front of you grab it and you're going to put it into the pan in front of you and start to heat it up turn the oven up as high as you can you're gonna grab a chopping board and some sprouts you want to take maybe a dozen or so and half them how many half a dozen affirmative just say yes you're placing two roasting tray and once you've got them there you're gonna add olive oil salt and pepper peps talk to me about your favorite flavor to put with sprouts bacon excellent we got some smoked ham on the side we'll use that there go in to the oven okay so let's grab some milk pour it into a saucepan get that on the heat and then we'll grab another saucepan oh my goodness what you going too fast getting some milk first hurry up though yes yeah do I have to measure roughly 500 mil cool use a wallet usually do your whiteboarding it you're the toilet you eyeball okay I'll say when yeah okay cool right let's go hop on hop on hop on hop on now what Roux so butter and flour so no power tablespoon bang happy I've put it in there put it into the pan wait for the butter to melt while you're doing that you can start grating some cheese not asking me to multitask I'm usually I would wait for this to get done that heap up and things wait for that right what choose this to it um oh my stop panicking do this a cheese of a turn that looks like a smoky one but that sounds good yeah let's go with that one oh yeah really smoking I go do that yep stop panicking here thank you mate bright smoked ham this one that looks like turkey to me I would grab the ham next to it look just to check that it's right that time take about a third of that chunk off a nice smart dice what we'll do is add it to the sprouts when they're already nearly cooked the ham walks what warms through as well what's your 20 on the hands bath what's my want what's your situation on the hand anything that's not been diced I'm eating excellent yep that's steamy great it's boiling behind you there's a dry store there's some polenta in it I think it's in the round dish you're probably gonna want to whisk into that boiling stock two or three tablespoons I'm also guessing lovely you gonna come back to that every few seconds and whisky you can turn the heat down to two but turn another hob on as high as you can about frying pan oh okay in this dish we're using the meat more as a seasoning as opposed to the main thing the main thing is going to be the cheesy polenta and awesome veg we're thinking like New Year leftovers we've already stuffed ourselves right if you're pinning our hopes are winning this as having the star of the dish cheesy polenta I think we're gonna have a problem all right let's get the flour into the butter one big heap teaspoon in stir stir stir stir right James when it starts to go black he's a good thing or a bad thing very funny love you it's quite brown it's quite brown yeah a nice just a tiny bit tiny bit tiny bit sorry sorry sorry sorry chef second get us thinking good yeah it's looking perfect you look stressed I don't know why I'm a stressful thing I'm gonna go make 10 minutes sorry sorry I'm stressed because I don't let you down I'm Big Daddy honest how's it looking how it was the thickness yeah let's have it a little bit more milk have we got more milk yeah one more milk it's looking smooth there mate well done I hadn't realized how much I need encouragement in the kitchen but the little compliments hearing they're going online coaching it's the coaching coaching good coaching thank you when 90 minutes in ten thirty six sorry nine minutes or 10 minutes in a 10:30 six nine minutes over right the hot pan you're gonna want to put a knob of butter into it and we gonna cook some carrots do I need to talk the colors through with you I know you can see me there's lighter ones and darker ones basically right lengthwise yeah affirmative these are gonna go into your butter with the generous crack of black pepper from your pepper mill and then while they start to cook we can get some fresh herbs from the back it's generous on the butter but I like that this is this ladies might be because of the veg and indulgent because of the butter what you've done mate is forget about the polenta how is the polenta looking sticky okay we'll leave that off the heat a black pepper into the carrots they go great great great great great okay stirring this in I think you're gonna need to add a little bit more milk as well right what was it something about crumbling up in a machine hack like the end of it up yeah yeah yeah yeah we've got 13 minutes remaining we could really do with getting everything in the oven and check the cauliflower that's enough bread that's enough red sorry chef okay cauliflower has a nice hint of burnt to the top of them that's perfect as we want good bread into a bowl well put into a relative I went into a bowl stuffing probably like a small handful of stuffing so good though kind of put it all in yeah you can put him thank you zest in the lemon and then after you've done that go grab the cast-iron pan I'm with you I'm with you so I'm thinking kind of Italian flavor sake so we can go with some cheese we can go with some fresh maybe some time and since I don't even forgot sage all got some stuffing on the table don't wait let's let's toast off or like fry off in a dry pan some of the stuffing and we'll use that as a textural crunch at the end repeat Romeo Romeo so you've got a dry pan over a heat and you're going to scatter in some of the stuffing you only need a handful oh it's gone strangely quiet carrots are looking excellent as for the polenta what consistency would you describe as I would describe that as loose and grainy ten four over yes oh that means I understand oh right of course is that okay yes thank you grab the californian put it through the treat cheese sauce I really wanted to put some ham through the sauce as well I'm not sure if we've got time what okay let's tip it just tip it in just tip it in sorry chef okay get a frying pan on let's let's dice the ham and put it through it we're gonna work with frying the ham off no we're just gonna put it through no just dice it and put it through dice and put it through it's not a ham or turkey that's ham that's how do you feel like this started fun and then got less fun yeah yeah yeah time pressure isn't that at least for both on the same page though what hey we both will enjoy this yeah good how are the sprouts looking oh forgot about them um there bit black mo Mayday Mayday maybe maybe whip those out now you think oh okay what we're gonna do is take them off into a glass bowl it's fine we're gonna work with these I like a nice chart isn't it weird how when you're not in the kitchen you forget you put things in the oven okay now quickly wipe out that roasting tray because the hams gonna go in because we wanted to roast those with the Brussels sprouts but I forgot to tell you to add them right the star of our show is still looking grainy okay put it over the lowest heat you can maybe two right well there is a lower one it's called 1/2 spike which we need some fresh thyme from the herb pot it's the green one you're going to roughly chop or finely chop it and that's gonna go in with the sprouts and the bacon oh that is time well done you condescending dick keep an eye while you're doing this mind your fingers and keep an eye or so on this stuffing which is probably quite catchy catchy yeah yeah and now put it into the cast-iron pan and then what you're gonna do after that is cut a disk of the Brie out of the middle of the Brie you're mental and then we're gonna put it over the top and then we gonna put the bread crumbs over the top then we're gonna put it in the oven turn the oven up to max oh my it is so soft mate yeah yeah well then just I'm sorry yeah oh my I know you oh my oh my yeah I love you okay get the crumb on get the chrome on quick go go go go just like press it down a little bit and it should be loose it shouldn't be tight and I think we've got time just quickly chop some rosemary and thyme okay should I get in the oven now to get it going on yeah yeah that's a good idea yeah I'm doing any oil anything else top of that oh you could do a dress yeah tiny dress it looks bulge I think it looks great it looks silly mate I'm gonna be honest of you again Christmas indulgence is what it's all about on with you I tell Tommy about it oh I'm running out sniffing turkey now we're gonna make a dressing to go around this we know that honey and mustard works great with ham so I'm thinking the fridge behind you there's some mustard in the door oh sorry the red fridge behind you sorry that popping up of my mistake oh oh oh don't oh no Mayday Mayday on the cream can we have cleanup in Aisle three it's all right Jake I think we gonna have to move on because the clock is still ticking we're gonna have to clean up afterwards I know the beautiful thing about this pack thing as you clean as you go not today I need to give the carrots a toss and you take the ham out carrots acrossing panic has set in add the ham into the sprout bowl you can all the cream on the floor you're gonna add one tablespoon of oil into that jar and then some honey honey yes darling no no I have the honey great in that case a squeeze in there maybe a teaspoon then you're going to want to put probably only tablespoon at most of what you just made into your sprout and hand mixture and give it all a toss up sometime time and time your rosemary we got really good something good something strong we've got five minutes and it's in the oven this is good well so how do you make about five minutes how about you get some smoked paprika to go over the top so we've got the green and the red it's a bit colorful or there's a touch okay this is exciting toss the carrots and I reckon that fresh thyme can go in now what's your favorite cheese Jay there's two on the table which one you wanna go for in here some smokiness from the cheddar or some richness from the Tarzan let's go rich because I think we've got smokiness from the Baker from the ham hadn't wait grate it into the polenta and we're going generous lovely give it a stir and then you gonna want to give it a taste we're gonna season it to taste so you might want to add a little bit of salt pepper we have five minutes left so we're not far off thinking about plating up great right parmesan II pull entry it doesn't taste of anything mate in that case hits it with a pinch of salt a crack of black pepper and maybe some lemon zest what consistence have we got now a bit like mashed potato moment that looks incredible do you know where we might better find some cream because we could just finish it with a little bit of cream I don't think we're gonna cream left from honest yeah got some cream maybe a tablespoon just to finish it off how much time we gave ourselves at the ends to to finish off we'll probably take it out with about a minute to go I've got two minutes what I do you can set some lemon and could you clean down whatever you aren't using again normy to wash up yeah just what's up yeah look at that look at that half so get rid of those wipe down the hob now that's your cauliflower cheese is in the oven it would be a great time to do with your washing up okay we're gonna have to start think about getting a plate excellent bright blue I mean blue is a bold color but okay fine but made more earthy isn't more earthy one what not now there isn't okay fine polenta's going on generous ladle of polenta great now make yourself a well and you're gonna pile up plenty of that sprout and ham mixture in the middle and then you want to arrange some of your carrots on top of that applause rob poli slowly which my garnish yes it looks amazing remember not don't pick that pan up good thanks mate that's more useful than you can ever imagine little bit of salt and pepper and we're good yeah yeah excellent scatter over some stuffing and then you've still got some fresh thyme on your board you're gonna finish with a few sprigs of that around the outside and you've got ten seconds eight seven six five four three - one 1099 chuckling stop it means mission accomplished may well thank you that was decent it looks good chuff with that what do you think it's not too bad is it you also didn't give any instructions about clearing anything up so it is an absolute state in here but other than that great chefs sous chefs how did you find that weed not being in control we're just pulling the strings the biggest difference was multitasking it was like I was cooking like a chef you know doubt being a chef yeah and therefore not having the knowledge but being told the knowledge but maybe 10 seconds after I needed familiar is like looking like a normal but being a safe there's bring this here we have a smoky cauliflower cheese with a sourdough and stuffing rust from okay Emma's your Christmas leftover dish a turkey broth and Parmesan polenta with black and sprouts smoked ham and crispy stuffing fantastic okay dig in everyone cheers Cheers I don't do good you're famous hmm making really tasty the carrots are delicious honey mustard ham comes through nicely I don't get pretty classic flavors there's anything too out of the box there it's not a conventional Christmas leftovers dish well done boys everyone in good portion share up have a bit Sarah Wow big flavors the lemon and the yeah herbs are awesome at brie and lemon combination that comes through with the saltiness of the ham all really tasty I'm gonna have to give the victory to this dish here to James this account on this arrangement James James and his excellent guidance and to Barry Taylor for putting that guidance into practice did a great job I thank that I'd like that you really just like just went for it there I feel like for a new first that was good fun but comment down below let us know what you thought of it and any suggestions to change it here's a suggestion to change it next time we should be in there and they should be out there I don't like the idea giving you that much control over the benefits on that situation very beneficial to coming down below let us know which normal should be controlling which chef next time around now if you want to give these kitchen audio guides ago yourself always to do is join the club don't worry I think give it a go also our starter kit is still available golly gosh berry what does the sorted starter kit containing includes a smart kitchen guide a kit sound boom bar assorted Club detail a staples sticker set and a year subscription to the sorted Club all for sixty-five pounds is it time oh it is time gonna dead their death fine what a really nice German Christmas cake um right okay yeah and then all of a sudden I couldn't find it anywhere no really disappointed it was all right funny as we mentioned we don't just make top quality YouTube videos we've built the sorted Club where we use the best things we've learnt to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers check it out if you're interested thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days pop that down jump now okay leave have a look at the carrots please [Laughter]
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 959,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sortedfood, sorted food, sorted, chefs remote controlling normals, chefs and normals, cooking challenge, Sorted food ben ebbrell, Leftovers Recipe Challenge, christmas leftovers challenge, Christmas cooking challenge, food challenge, sortedfood chefs, sortedfood audio guides, sortedfood packs app, Christmas leftovers, leftover recipes, leftover ideas, xmas leftover ideas, xmas leftover recipes
Id: NNhpTwvPyeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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