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hello and welcome back to sorted food you might remember when the food team and i tested the omni cook well today we're testing our normal home cooks we've teamed up with tockits again to challenge mike jamie and barry to cook up a tasty midweek meal in just 30 minutes but we're giving them the machine to help they will go head to head to head and the winning recipe will be uploaded to the bank of recipes on the machine for people to cook all around the world so no pressure boys lots of pressure boys we're gonna give you 30 minutes and your time starts in three two one go so i am attempting to make a creole style jambalaya so lovely delicious tomatoey paprika chorizo rice dish so nice and filling delicious especially for this time of year can i do it in 30 minutes good question we'll find out so what i'm starting with is kind of my my base i guess so i've got onions peppers and garlic that's all going into the machine with some oil and then i'm going to blend that up and it's going to start frying that off [Music] in the meantime i'm going to slice some chorizo ebbers i'm taking on a mountain of a challenge i'm going to make a chili con carne a salsa a guac and nachos all within the 30 minutes first up i'm going to make a salsa that's going to be used three times throughout the recipe in different places you sound smart so to get myself going red onion red pepper jalapenos garlic tomatoes coriander oil nice i like this logic make once used three times starts off with chucking a bunch of stuff into the tocket ginger garlic cumin seeds and some oil then takes two to turbo get all the good stuff from down the side so far some nice flavors going in there what are you making this is something i've made at home a few times it's a cumin lamb and tabouleh salad at home takes me about 45 minutes and that's with two people and a screaming toddler i imagine tocket has slightly more useful functions than a toddler okay can it babysit as well because i've been really useful okay open babbling frying beautiful now in with my aubergine pinch of salt sitting in and then we're going for five minutes go you've had five minutes and what'll be interesting today is to see how all three of you choose to use the machine to free you up to do other stuff yeah that that's what's what's really cool about this challenge is that um i wanted to show off all the functions of stuff that you'd have to buy other machines for so can i utilize even the frying i know i've got a frying pan there and i know you're going to hold this against me but if this goes really well i can utilize the frying pan while this is doing its thing to show off even more smelling amazing so in my chorizo some tomato paste paprika i've got some chili flakes some oregano and some bay leaves that came out in a lump smoked freaker is delicious whatever crack on so now again that's going to fry off for another couple of minutes just incorporate that and then i'm going in with rice and i've got that on stirring not chopping there we go okay right let's clear up did you season it no i didn't now's a great time to season it you could also season it beforehand if you wanted to i'll pour just over half of that out that's going to then become our salsa and the base for our guac what's remaining is going to be the base for our chili now all of the ingredients for the chilli go into the machine some paprika so i've set that to cook at 120 degrees for five minutes i'll then cool it down to 100 degrees cook it for an extra 15 minutes and that's the chilli done for sure and i i like the fact you've chosen something that is naturally a one-pot cook anyway the longer you slow cook a chili the better it's gonna be but the fact that you've been able to chop everything and cook it in the one pot and get it done in 20 minutes puts it on a good midweek level good okay right now onto the lamb what's going on your lamb with my lamb all diced up then i'm going in with my sugar soy rice wine pepper add a teaspoon cumin it's kinda like a cheese quick marinade but that's all going into the pocket once this time is up i've got two minutes left you're coming up to ten minutes in and the main dish is pretty much done oh yeah i'm doing a second dish aren't i you are doing too good i was getting too relaxed oh that smells stonking um okay so i've got some long grain rice here so two times water to rice there is a built-in weighing function here and i know i need 400 grams of water so let's see if this works so it's boiling oh wow okay i went a little bit over so bringing that back up to a boil and then reducing the temperature down on the stewing function which basically just keeps it at a simmer and that quite literally is it it's going to cook for 10 minutes and then i'm going to throw in some prawns 5 minutes you've got your dish so i'm going to use this time to show off i'm going to make some delicious creamy cheesy almost elotes style corn hey i'm big fan of the dish nachos i'm going to cut these into eight i'm going to roll them in some oil i'm going to put them on a tray in an oven at 200 degrees celsius i'm going to cook them for 10 minutes easy oh it's been 5 minutes and i've got hands full of oil the touchscreen is it nose can i can i knows it there's only one way to find out [Music] i mean it's definitely knuckle which shouldn't be oily oh no he did it everest it did it 15 minutes 100 degrees i think we're good get those in the oven okay smelling good next up most this is going here so we some pack for garnish then lid on save some things but for a minute you have had half your time we're in a good place so i'm chunking up my corn i hope having a bit off more than i can chew because i'm not gonna lie i haven't tested this got some oil going into my pan on a high heat corn goes in with a pinch of salt and i'm going to fry those off become all lovely and sort of crispy and brown and stuff and then i'm going to pour in a splash of water lid on steam as well so you've got caramelization and the steaming's going to kind of cook it great oh my goodness i am just doing so much clearing up evers this is such uncharted territory so the chili has had five minutes at 120 degrees celsius now moved it down to 100 degrees celsius that's going to have 15 minutes to cook through i've used the salsa in there i've got salsa as salsa and now i'm going to use some of the salsa as the base of my guac [Music] we've got a smooth salsa so we'll leave a few chunks in there season to taste shh nice season to taste i didn't see any taste i know how to see did you season it no i didn't [Music] steam's hot yeah see that see that warning sign on the machine yeah yeah yeah yeah she says it on the screen yeah yeah i just forgot my shoe is now done around around the bottom is any of it stuck nope it's got a clean bottom bend you're happy tonight next up to brulee really simple bunch of herbs with some olive oil and my stock and give it a vigorous blitz now typically tabouleh would be cook a grain bulgue or couscous or similar in stock and then when it's cooked you stir through loads and loads of very finely chopped herbs what you're doing here is making almost a herb oil so the entire thing is green so now i'm gonna steam that and once it's hot enough i'm gonna put in my couscous and then stew that for five minutes in the meantime i can make my feta yogurty garlicky mix eight minutes remaining oh okay this mic this is gonna be tight those are browning nicely i might just give them a bit of a turn okay so let me tell you a little bit about these so toasted steamed cooked i've got some feta sour cream and mayonnaise and i'm going to add some chili and garlic to that and sort of smother the corn with that amazing sauce it's going to blow your mind when you taste it sounds great the machine has given me a ding 10 minutes is up so i've got chopped coriander and i've got some prawns they are going in and they're essentially going to cook for five minutes splash of water immunicorn lid on and that's going to steam uh right oh my goodness i feel like i'm in a good place there's no huttle storm i know salsa guac sour cream i'm starting to smoke and smell the spices now starting to come through the steam's escaping all right all right and cheese [Music] they're done those ones there's only one other thing i can think to do evers [Music] chili done now there's two serving options here in my house first of all leave it all out everyone can add what they like so diy kind of fun style yeah exactly or i'll construct it ourselves and then we can pull it all apart look look at that color vibrant beautiful green in my couscous and stew for five minutes you only have six minutes remaining should be okay so in my yogurt crumbled up my feta then grated my garlic and a pinch of cumin and then whisk together we have three and a half minutes left okay okay good but it's gonna be just give you a tight last minute oh some of this corn is brown yeah yeah baby into your bowl toss it in all the dressing so it's not completely smooth but it's not completely smooth on purpose because as the feta heats up it's going to melt so you get like little chunks and stuff so that's good corn's going in to the bowl that is everything served up i think we can make a little spat portion going for a little bit of everything and like any nachos layer it up i hope this is good one minute left nine eight seven come on hurry up right this plate up yes look at that color 30 seconds here we go oh yeah let's make sure we get all of that oh this is amazing it smells excellent don't dig a prawn i want a prawn on top i want to see a prawn okay fine what more prawn man i've got i've got time to spare i can even dick i can dig out a couple of prawns for you generous with my stew on top smells incredible last ten seconds last five four three two one bang spuff out right really happy that now just to clean my tabouleh bowl for the pre-clean three very different mid-week meals and all within the time surprisingly yes surprisingly what i'm gonna do i've got i plate up a little bit of each for each of you thanks zebras what a feast lovely right i'm going to start with the jambalaya a creole style so it's a little bit more soupy but that was intended sounds like an excuse to me no right cheers cheers cheers cheers tasty one pot cook i did get a chunk of chorizo i also got a prawn which i think is just perfectly cooked it's spicy it's smoky but it's kind of tangy and tomatoey it's all the things i want would have been happy with just that the fat you threw in this as well you're hitting all my good spots oh dear oh well i've instantly lost try some of this corn oh hmm oh now we're talking is that like creamed corn the salty feta and the tang and the herbs and a little bit of spice in that so good as a banging midweek meal i'm a little bit worried now because that's right let's set them dangerously high already and not a huttle storm in sight i wasn't expecting that if i'm being picky it's got a lot of the smokey paprika and it was the hot smoked paprika so it's got quite a kick to it but you know what not a bad dish all in all what i like is that that's the one dish kind of comfort classic midweek this for me is more of a sharing platter and i like that too right cheers i really like it because what you get is the cumin the kind of the herb the the the the smokiness from the paprika as well as the chili so it's all kind of fighting through i like the sour cream i like the guac the cheese it all balances out but i think i'm most impressed by the double use or the triple use of your salsa i think that was clever what you lose in the kind of the richness of a long slow chili con carne you make up for in the fact that now you can do this midweek in no time at all and the spicing rather than the spiciness i think is really nicely balanced and with the beans as well nice the only thing i have to pick holes in is the fact that i didn't get a beer that's hardly a critique is it well that and the fact he needed reminding about seasoning a few times all right so something basic i hope i hope you bear that in mind evers two down one to go i mean it looks great it does look good it looks vibrant and cool that is really good it's really good obviously very very good having picked up on the seasoning from jamie's dish i would say the tabouleh missed it you don't miss out that said you've got the salty feta yogurt and you've got the soy sauce salty lamb together it works but if i were to serve the leftover tabouleh for lunch tomorrow i'd need to season it which one gets my win and gets uploaded that's such a close call so it's tight for me third place oh no we're going there cutting albeit delicious and impressive in the time is the chilli it just lacks the creativity and although a quick chilly mid-week is awesome we've been there before right it was delicious it was really tasty but it still came last for me the best use of thyme and your helper and the dish that i'd want to cook more regularly [Music] on the basis you were juggling so much by leaving the machines through one you are prepping the flavors are good the colors are inviting and it's delicious and he didn't season this today so did we care a basic job like the number one thing to do when cooking no it was absolutely delicious as was that and the fact you can slip in a little side dish in the same time as is cool well forget what this guy's got to say i want to hear what you have to say rate us down below in the comments third to first with the dish that you would choose and if you want to find out more about the tocket machine it's available now all the links are downstairs also if you want to be in with a chance of winning one of these machines then you can join their cooking squad and upload a recipe that you think would work well in the pocket omni cook see if you can do better than us you're choosing to do a little side dish mate this is this is a battle if you if you're not here to go big then you're right go and sit down in another room and read the paper or something oh my goodness that was such a dad comment but read the paper i would never go next door and read the paper or something for a very brief moment in time you and i were speaking the same language
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 933,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen gadgets, cool gadgets, gadget review, best kitchen gadgets, sorted food chefs review kitchen gadgets, sorted food, kitchen gadgets 2021, best kitchen gadgets 2021, TOKIT Omni Cook, TOKIT, instant pot, air fryer, blender, pressure cooker, sortedfood ultimate battle, sortedfood budget battle, sortedfood battle, cook off, sortedfood normals battle, ultimate battle, cooking battle, epic chef battle, cooking challenge, budget meals, healthy recipes, midweek meals
Id: nQi5e0LBz8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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