3 Things To Do With Apples | FridgeCam

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Yay midweek fridgecam! The sprig of mint returns!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sabine_strohem_moss 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2016 🗫︎ replies
hello and welcome to fridge cap if you like to eat food then this is the show for you in the fridge today we list some stupid things that you hear and keeps the cotton shop Mike Barry and I try our hand at Lotte arts but first we show you three amazing things to do with apples apples are a super versatile fruit you can use them in sweet or savory dishes and we've got three inspiring ideas for you will be making apple tarts at a tucked empty pan there we're going traditional with an apple / / apple a box to put to kick things off we're making apple and chili jam now this recipe for apple jam like with any jam makes plenty more than you need and therefore we've got some jam jars to store them in all you want to do is wash them in warm soapy water and then just kind of rinse them out but before they're dry these can going to another at 150 degrees Celsius for half an hour or so and that will sterilize the jam jars means your down will last longer and now to start the jam a big pan and lots of sugar so castor sugar apple juice star anis and cinnamon the chili bit comes from and this is up to you and it will depend on how hot your chili flakes are but we found when we tested it a teaspoon was good you peel our shop so the important thing here is to go for an eating Apple not a cooking Apple if it's a cooking Apple it'll mash down too much but pick your favorite eating Apple while you're chopping your apples best to place the Apple dice in a glass bowl and squeeze over the juice of a lemon it will just stop them oxidizing depending on which Apple you go for some box size more than others so I saw this thing on the telly everyday that says you can break an app with home with your bare hands really yeah well they're literally beginning right ah my bring with me stick I'm sure you loosened it for me I'm sure you're using it for me once your service bubbling away and your apples are all diced we put the lemon juice in there which also counteracts the sweetness of the sugar as well as stop-and-go Brown they can all go in and then your basic just need to cook it until the Apple is soft but not mushy that could take about 20 minutes and the way to test it cold play out of the fridge or freezer a little bit of that all that's doing is speeding up the cooling process so once it's cool enough you wouldn't wanna put your finger in it when it's hot but now let's add one more optional flavor chili alcohol Oh so you can either go with some brandy like some apple brandy you can go with a spiced rum whatever you want about 25 mil it is optional mix it in now before it cools running as well yes a little bit now that you want to fish out the whole spices and then all of this can go into your now sterilized jars the thing to remember is to put the lid on nice and tight once you've cleaned around the neck of the bottle and then turn upside down leave it for a minute or so and then you can store it face upright and all that does the sugar just helps to seal in a little bit yep otherwise that's chilly and apple jam salted it [Music] where are we going to start with this pork and apple stewed the big pork shoulder we're going to take off the top layer of fat and the rest just literally sort of thumb pieces you can take a couple of shallots a couple of cloves of garlic peel them and just half them basically to start cooking our pork about a tablespoon of vegetable oil get it nice and hot and then the pork goes in and you want to get some browning and some good color on this before we go in with everything else it's a braised dish first and fry then you long slow cook so that's the kind of golden color you want on the pork at which point you're going with the shalat the garlic the time throw all that in there keep it chunky doesn't matter give it another few minutes to start to brown off and then all of the liquid and liquid is half chicken stock half cider at a time [Music] I've weighed this out and just going here you stop drinking it that's great [Music] keep this up to a very gentle simmer and needs to gobble away for about two hours until those pork pieces are super tender two hours coffee break thank you oh sorry is there any chance you could reap all the milk in this I can't without my Instagram as it is I only lights drink coffee from countries that I visited I feel a lot more connected that way so I'm thinking of changing my name what do you think of Sebastian nomads Oh is this coffee bean pesto monkeys ends yes okay thank you just checking Fitzroy Williamsburg Craig this piercing Dalston Junction 30 minutes free Wi-Fi how am I supposed to buy my another one here huckleberry timber yard [Music] now what's that exposed brickwork in here is just killing my last vibe you know what I love about this place just surrounded by so many free thinkers [Music] next up the actual apples we're going to court these decore them and then fry them off in some foaming butter - sure lots of funny dice those all these button mushrooms need the stalks taking out of them and these bits are great for stock now this is if you're in a fancy kind of restaurant you want you just look great if not leave them in and they can all cook down your choice we can get the apples out of the pan then alike and what's left in here in with all of our shallots and mushrooms okay after a couple of hours this is what we're looking for with the pork it literally and pair of tongs just breaks and falls apart it's so soft drain it off into a colander and now the beauties we combined everything into one big pan into that we can throw because there's lots of kind of buttery goodness the flour so sprinkle the flour we start to make a roux based sauce and then we're going to use the stock just to get you started in total we're going to want about 300 350 me love this stock all the apples can go back in and if you're being lazy the whole colander back in if you want to be fancy presentation you can kind of pick around and just put in the pork without the piece of time and without the pieces of shalat two more flavors that need to go into this a little dollop of Dijon mustard and a splash of brandy heat this up to a bubble and then add in a little bit more stock if it needs it you're looking for a saucy consistency and then right at the last minute going to add some creme fraiche some chopped parsley and a squeeze of lemon and then season to taste and there we go family service stick it all on one pot you guys head serve it with buttery mash put some fresh cabbage you absolutely get a pork and apples to sort it [Music] apple tarte tatin sweet sticky is going on this is a very very classic recipe as ever one sorted twist the twist comes in the caramel castor sugar a little bit of water and this the twist elderflower cordial a little bit of that inside of the frying pan and begin to swill it around to a caramel while we wait for that we can do the apples so for apples they're going to need peeling quartering and D coring simplify and then we're going to finish this caramel with butter and the seeds of a vanilla pod we're just going to cut right the way down the pod and then with the back of the knife go in and scrape out all we can do is place that onto our butter so it's ready for later I'm going to put a generous pinch of salt in there as well I win that will go into our caramel when we're happy it's dark enough for caramel do you know that if you try to eat an apple a day and you didn't repeat what type of Apple you ate it would take you twenty seven point three years to eat or ten thousand varieties next up the puff pastry so lots and lots with layers in there this is pre bought shop stuff place it onto a floured surface and with one of those roll it out pretty thin you're looking for about half a centimeter and sorry my mistake should've told you that with puff pastry you're kissing those layers and it's been cut square if you always roll it back they buy it that way I know it's impressive to screw up in the first roll with with any reason is it's not the end of the world but it means those layers will rise evenly there we go that's kinda what we're looking for and you want it to have that slight bitterness of burn to cut through all the sweetness of sugar and the fragrance of the elderflower that color there I'm happy with take it off turn that down and we'll put the butter with the salt and the vanilla in I love that you get a lovely lovely caramel that's going to be on the side of your target I'm not done yet we never know next me to paste the apples in presentation side down in a ring around the outside please please please do not your finger in this it is super super hot on this stairway don't want you do an essential I've got another one of these which spits on top of this you can use that to cut yourself out cool a circle be super careful but drape this over the top of your caramel and your apples and then not with your fingers but with something that's not going to burn someone else's fingers maybe a spoon tuck in all those edges and then the whole thing goes into a preheated oven 190 degrees Celsius for about 20 to 25 minutes once the tops tank comes out of the oven cup of things 1 leave it for a couple of minutes just so the caramel starts to solidify a bit otherwise when you turn upside down it runs all over the place to keep the hot handle couple the tea towel because you will come back to that forget it and put your hand on it not good now for the flip get yourself a nice big plate put it on top and this appears to Philip you're a terribly role keeping hold of the claws on the handle easy reveal it one swift movement oh and turn upside down eyes then a chef's dribble busy oh that smells unbelievable final dribble ignore the mess on the chopping board we've went around the rest the last thing was you guys saying absolutely absolutely serve it with a generous dollop of creme fraiche basic Michael yes it's got that slight tartness to cut through the rich vanilla pod on top boom sprig of mint and it's fresh and it's sitting in front of me no other reason there we go Appling elderflower tarte tatin sorted bring all the sexes by the way all right just look at James's reaction to the sprig of music about it [Music] let's go meseta gotta be super well it's got the pecan seat hmm of sweetness isn't it sad I've got the cat really good but also the sweetness of anarchy no come on guys finish up on that eat my cat fruit and me change it looks like oh my I'm gonna smell that magical estriol well I'm gonna move on to here while you lot of cheese in off we've got the crunch I've got a crunch so what's good here is the Apple just holds its fall and here it cooks in the karabell it's almost Marsh but you can still see the shape of it what is that cause it's wonderful I was not expecting that to taste that good I'm really quite taken back that's really that's pretty much it everybody come on fiving although you've only and everyone in get everyone in on this go on all literally all okay well that wasn't the canopy well that was three things to hear there's actually over 37 so if you wanted to comment down below and let us know what you would do with an apple do that and keep it clean yes whilst in those comment sections then you should leave us a comment because we've read them or whether that's cooking questions or just general abuse that you think will make us laugh please do so because we read every single one we try to reply to at all also this is only our second episode of the new fridge cam show yeah we'd love to know what you think about it please let us know in the comment section yeah do that also subscribe because we will make you hungry but I think that that fridge can had everything it had every call to action Under the Sun it had three things to do is 17m and they had a lot of hipsters not actually drinking coffee make sure did stick with us right now because we are going back to that coffee shop to learn how to do some latte art and give it a Garcelle until Sunday have a great week Brees alright goodbye see ya how was how's the OPP's Taste Awards Apple good or bad it lingers out the caffeine it's give me cash definitely remove it up yeah very happy I guess we better link out to that time that we went to the coffee shop to film at sketch but then we got taught some artistic stuff afterwards link
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 501,278
Rating: 4.9698124 out of 5
Keywords: SORTEDfood, SORTED, food, recipe, FridgeCam, The FridgeCam Show, hipsters, meme, chilli jam, chilli recipes, jam, how to, how to make, stew, pork stew, pork and apple stew, winter recipes, autumn recipes, tarte tatin, apple tarte tatin, apple, apples, 3 things to do with, coffee, latte, flat which, coffee art, episode two, AfterTaste, recipes, easy recipes, warming recipes, simple, simple recipes, cheap recipes, budget recipes, christmas gifts, gifts, christmas recipes
Id: 6dJZV4POWhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2016
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