Chef Threatens To Fire New Cook, What Employee Does Will Shock You | Dhar Mann

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[Music] now watch in a few months i'll be the head chef of this kitchen yeah i want to be head chef too but come on man it's our first day on the job give it time i don't have time i want it now [Music] jake you can't cook eggs on high heat good eggs have to be cooked slowly otherwise they'll be dry look faster i cook these eggs the more customers i can feed common sense gordon not everything is meant to be done fast some things require patience [Music] wow kevin this tastes amazing it's got so much flavor i can tell you really took your time with it thanks guardian i can tell you really took your time with it whatever man what does he know behind oh are you serious watch where you're going nothing to cook this all over again i'm so sorry man it's okay just clean it up and make some new eggs what no way i'm a cook not a cleaner get that server to clean it look in the beginning you have to do every test that is required you think that i didn't have to pick up any spills it took me years before i became head chef well i don't have years i'm trying to get the spread now success comes with patience jake great things take time hey it's okay i can clean it up and make some new eggs no this is something for jake to work on so are you gonna clean it [Music] i don't have time for this i'll go be the head chef at another restaurant i quit jake ends up quitting his job and starts applying at different places before long he lands a job at a new restaurant he tells himself that in no time he's gonna become the head chef meanwhile kevin continues to be patient and put in the hard work gordon is so impressed with his commitment and dedication jake on the other hand wants fast results he's not willing to be patient and as soon as things get hard he immediately quits over time kevin's dedication finally pays off gordon retires and ends up making kevin the new head chef kevin's life starts to go uphill while jake's life starts to go downhill he ends up going from job to job getting hired at a new restaurant and then quickly quitting or getting fired [Music] a few years pass and then one day jake happens to run into kevin kevin jake yes how you been um not so good things really haven't panned out the way i'd hoped i actually came back looking for gordon to see if i could get a job here again oh gordon's not here anymore he retired he retired then who's the head chef you're looking at him what no way congrats man um so do you think i could get a job here as a cook again actually cody's the new cook here he just got promoted but if you want we do have an opening for a server not sure why not now i realize that success does require patience and great things really do take time i'm glad you realize that why don't we get you started all right so how's it been hey guys it's dorman so this video is actually co-written by cody and i tell us what this video is about well it's an important lesson it's one that i'm still learning to this day and that success really does require patience and great things really do take time and you know all about that because you just hit five million subscribers on youtube which is huge i'm sure that didn't happen overnight yeah that was a lot of work but thanks for watching and please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too we appreciate you and we'll see you in the next video [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 21,284,210
Rating: 4.9189887 out of 5
Keywords: dhar mann, motivational, life tips, life lesson, success, achieving success, how to be successful, self improvement, how to have better patience, cody ko, dhar mann and cody ko
Id: GX3688crWEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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