Mean Kids Harass Sad Elderly Woman, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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so why do you ask me to bring this well we're gonna be celebrating someone's housings will we just need to figure out whose house oh my gosh look it's that creepy old lady Miss riller she is so weird yeah I heard she lives alone ahead like no family your friends she's always looking at her blank canvas but no one's ever seen her paint anything I think she might actually be a witch hey witch lady what are you reading your spell book oh I have an idea how about we TP miss Willers house but how she's sitting outside watch this wait hold on what if you order oh my gosh don't be such a scaredy-cat I'm not gonna actually hit her I'm just trying to get her to go inside hey what's Lady take this hey come on Haley what are you waiting for throw something I said stop that don't you kids have any decency by which lady [Music] hurry now's our chance ready why this is so much fun yeah it's gonna take miss wheeler forever to clean this house give me another one hey Henry Sullivan what are you doing mom oh nothing we were just I gotta go I'm sorry buh-bye mom we were just messing around it was a joke I swear I am so disappointed in you Haley I didn't raise you to treat others this way well it's just miss wheelers house she's a creepy old lady and people say she's a witch Haley you should never judge others because you don't know their story now come on you aren't going to apologize to mrs. wheeler and then clean up this whole mess no mom please I said I was sorry this is not up for debate now come on you ain't help you hi miss wheeler I brought Haley here because well Haley has something she wants to say to you okay I'm sorry miss feeler sorry for what I'm sorry for being mean to you and covering your house with toilet paper you covered my house with toilet paper yes but she's so sorry in fact that she wants to help you clean up the house and not just on the outside on the inside - what mom no that's so not fair you don't have a choice for a young lady that'd be okay with you mrs. wheeler I guess I could use some help okay perfect so um I'll be back to get her by dinner and again I am so sorry miss wheeler I promise this will never happen again I can't believe you mom I hope you learn your lesson I'll see you in a few hours come inside [Music] junkyard there's so much stuff how am I supposed to clean all this well you can start by painting those shelves over there and don't touch anything else I'll be right back [Music] why does she have so much painting stuff [Music] who's this and loving memory of Sarah wheeler does this mean hey give me that I told you not to touch anything in here sorry I was just looking oh you shouldn't have been it's not your business [Music] who was Sara [Music] miss wheeler you're crying are you okay I'm fine just go clean somewhere else but leave that stuff alone miss wheeler please tell me what's wrong I haven't talked about her in such a long time but I still think about her every single day is he I used to be an artist and Sara was my muse we would paint together all the time I had never been so happy in all my life but one day she became really sick and as time passed she just kept getting worse and worse and before I knew it she was too weak to even pay anymore and then one day she was gone and he never saw you again with the body my life so you see Sara was my daughter and after she passed away I never lifted up another paintbrush again I didn't know you lost your daughter I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you miss wheeler it's okay dear I don't talk about it much you know Sara always wanted me to continue painting but I just I can't do it without her by my side is how like you're the best mom ever I feel so bad for being mean to you I should have never judged you without knowing your story can you please forgive me of course it's okay sweetie I promise you I'm not a witch I'm just had old lady who's missing her daughter Hey hi miss wheeler I have a surprise for you oh my goodness what is this well I know you haven't painted in a while or so I'd love to paint with you Oh Haley it I don't know I if Sarah was here I bet she'd want you to you're right come let me show you how Sara is to paint [Music] hadar man fam I hope you love that message please remember we're not just telling stories we're changing lives and when you share my videos you're helping to change lives too I appreciate you and I'll see you in the next video [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 10,392,139
Rating: 4.9024472 out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivational, life tips, life lessons, being kind, why you should be kind to others, don't judge others, why you shouldn't judge others, the golden rule, how to be nicer, showing kindness, why you should never judge
Id: MyLlQjpNi54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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