Zach Hilariously Mispronounces 'Bok choy' | Hell's Kitchen

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you're all probably wondering what's inside those gift boxes scattered around yes sir i'll explain a little more later right every day i think how fortunate i am to be a chef in this era today's chef is much more international than ever before and that is what your next challenge is all about you'll be tested on your creativity with international cuisine from a variety of countries wow these are like supermodels dressed up in you know international you know dress from the country i mean there's so many countries france italy spain on and on and on cool that's a prize in itself right here wow okay excited yes good you'll each be working on one of these amazing cuisines yes trust me you're not gonna decide which cuisine you're gonna be working with if not easily chef it never is no this is how you're gonna decide yes yes thank you andy thank you james okay mary who would you like to do battle with on the blue team i think i'd like to go up against john john is the best person on the blue team and it would be very satisfying to just beat the crap out of him in a challenge mary and john please sure come down marry spin the wheel please i feel like ground the price is right okay mary and john you're gonna be cooking wow indian cuisine yes i've cooked a lot of indian food before so i'm thinking dude i can knock this one out of the park please reveal the box thank you wow oh cool now there's the ingredients you will cook with in your next challenge okay nedra who on the red team would you like to take on i pick janelle yeah pichu [ __ ] spin the wheel let's go nice [Music] it's hard oh my god i never cooked thai a day of my life and there are your amazing ingredients wow i don't eat [ __ ] i don't know how to pronounce i'ma try to do something good something okay susan i'd like to go against that chef zach what the [ __ ] is susan thinking i'ma beat the brakes off her ass you'll both be working with japanese cuisine the most amazing ingredients i love japanese food and i'm absolutely going to beat zach ah konichiwa cindy and anthony let's go [Applause] greek cuisine i am stoked i love greek i can work with greek i love feta mint i love these ingredients join me in giving a big hand for our very glamorous beautiful ladies thank you so much great job thank you for joining us for today best wishes excited listen up chef now your proteins are in the kitchen but everything else is on these tables you've all got 45 minutes to create a stunning ethnic dish on your mark get set go for this challenge each chef will be tested on their ability to create a stunning and delicious ethnic dish they are only permitted to use the ingredients that are on the table of the country they landed on imagine what are you working i'm gonna do a calamari i'm a deep fried i'm nervous as hell but i'm fast on my feet i think we're gonna do [ __ ] good so i'm gonna pull something out of my hoo-ha you guys need to win i think you guys got it in you you're part of us now so it's not you guys we need to win oh us there's so many things i want to do with japan japanese cuisine you could really go a million different ways i'm not exactly sure what i want to do i just don't know what how i want to do this do a sesame crusted seared ahi or maybe a sauteed bok choy so i can do a daikon salad i don't even want to make rice like i might as well have some rice shoes just pick one direction and go susan is all over the place does anybody know how to use a rice cooker i don't use a rice cooker trying to get rice working she is looking at the rice cooker like it's r2d2 is it cooking i can't well susan is stumped by a rice cooker over in the blue kitchen zach this is definitely me outside the box we'll see what i come up with refuses to let japanese cuisine get the best of it i'm doing some type of pasta with the asian veggies i wasn't hoping for this though never cooked japanese cuisine in my life i got to get that [ __ ] soy sauce but i know good taste i know good flavors i know the vegetables wa chewy and you know uh mushrooms and [ __ ] like that do you know what kind of herb this is fresh herb [ __ ] it let's rock i ain't gonna get caught up with labels japanese food is like chinese food and the only reason i know that because my one korean friend told me this modern flavor's breaking out eight minutes to go i was gonna do like a creamy yogurt and maybe some chunks of lamb what's that burning smell crepes i burned my rice like 100 burned this totally throws me for a loop one of my you know key components is burnt and i need it sorry guys approach to the last minute mary last minute 90 seconds to go let's go let's go let's go we should be looking at plates you know what this [ __ ] chicken's cooked perfect 20 seconds to go one second come on ladies everyone's plating everyone's almost ready ten four nine eight seven six five four three two one and serve [Music] mary today i did a pan-seared landline it's crusted with garam masala underneath it's grilled eggplant puree i'm looking at my plate and i'm wishing that i had my basmati rice for me it's just missing that right now i'm really nervous it's it's beautifully done the spices are not overwhelming lam's delicious it really is so tender it's great oh my gosh they love it maybe rice is overrated [Music] jump please so here i kind of did a take on a tandoor chicken you got a honey riyada with some pistachios in it made the chicken a little spicier and then i glazed it with some honey at the end very tender that's very nice yeah that was delicious what i love about this dish it instantly says indian cuisine um it could go with red team blue team i have to say i think they both have um strong points to them um but i'm going to have to go with the tandoori chicken blue team well done good start we couldn't at least get a tie uh one point for blue next thai cuisine with the victory deprived blue team taking an early lead it's now time for nedra to face her old teammate and nemesis janelle another place i have here um a nice curry broth and some deep fried calamari fried calamari don't see a lot of in thailand i wanted to do just something out of the box calamari is nicely cooked but i'm not getting a lot of herbs or other flavors this is very highly seasoned flavors haven't been cooked out never cooked thai before so okay hi janelle please i wanted to do just a nice steamed halibut i made a lemongrass coconut broth that's just gorgeous this is a smart reinterpretation of a thai classic dish really oh that's fantastic really like really it's got that vibrance to it what and and what's let me just mmm that's delicious come on the fish is soaking up the flavors of the coconut milk i just think this is remarkable like seriously red team or blue team i have to say red team what the [ __ ] really thank you good job great job and what i also appreciated about that dish is is you knew when to stop when not to add more to it i think you did a beautiful job okay whatever thank you next up with jenelle outclassing nandra the score is all tied up now it's time to see who will win the battle of greece let's go anthony or cindy cindy please present your dish uh today i prepared a stuffed chicken roulade and an orzo salad with mint wow this is delicious the chicken is very well done it's seasoned beautiful thank you anthony please i have a seared lamb the sauce underneath is a plain greek yogurt with plum and mint nicely cooked yeah that lamb is like butter the plum is is sort of muddying the flavors a little bit the red team or the blue team just say red team thank you good job thank you pretty good job yes two to one we've got this in the bag uh last pairing japanese cuisine it's the final round and with the women up by one zach will need to defeat susan to force a tie susan please i have prepared a white miso dashi with a sauteed baby bok choy a sesame seed crusted seared ahi with a ponzu daikon salad on top it's very [Music] that's fantastic that's a very good dish thank you chef it really does harmonize on the palette great thank you they love my dish there is no way zach is going to beat me this is exactly why i called you out zach okay zach zach either tie up or we [ __ ] lose right now it's all up to you um this is uh japanese noodles pan-seared chicken um fresh napper cabbage by chewie what the [ __ ] is baichui you mean by choi food my sauce is uh soy sauce you don't see that's what i'm saying this on top is a fried herb leaf um i'm not actually sure what the herb is this is my first time actually making japanese cuisine i don't see much chicken on japanese menus no certainly this looks very home style um i think when you eat the noodles with the chicken that all comes together so i may not know these ingredients but i know flavor i know taste and it tastes pretty [ __ ] good chicken's a little dry uh for me it's more chinese than japanese that's right if i was looking for something japanese i have to say i'd be a little disappointed is it red team or blue team that one it's a no-brainer that's the red team thank you very much good job susan yay i got the point for the red team we win yet again great job good job got a new member still came with the [ __ ] challenge you
Channel: Hell's Kitchen
Views: 3,443,741
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Keywords: Hell’s kitchen, hells kitchen us, hells kitchen uk, gordon Ramsay, hells kitchen, Ramsay hells kitchen, hell's kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen full episodes, hells kitchen best moments, hells kitchen funny moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen best moments, Gordon Ramsay Hell’s Kitchen funny, Hell’s Kitchen insults, where’s the lamb sauce, lamb sauce, hells kitchen official
Id: qalhS3DYA6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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