Sohla's Rules For Chicken Soup | Off-Script with Sohla

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Didn’t she have a youtube series with BingingWithBabish ?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xXMr_FahrenheitXx 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello it's me i don't know how do i usually start these i can't remember welcome back to off script with sola welcome back to another off script with solar hello it's sola whaley here and today we're gonna go off script with me sola we're gonna make all right hello sola here and today on off script with me i'm going to show you how to make chicken soup we've done a lot of chicken we made chicken and rice we made chicken wings showed you how to braise chicken make chicken meatballs it's time for soup this is my method for making a really simple soup for when you really really need chicken soup so we're not gonna be doing a lot of chopping we're not gonna be doing a lot of sweating veggies it's gonna be really simple it's all just like simmered together but i'm gonna show you how to take a simple simmered chicken soup and like make it delicious so if this sounds fun to you be sure to like and subscribe for more food 52 videos okay all right let's get soup in oh we missed an opportunity to do a lot of soup puns i'm gonna show you how to make a super soup and then make it your own yeah cool let's do it let's go off script [Music] i'm going to start by making a really simple chicken broth you can make your broth as complicated as you want i've done ones where i roast my chicken first to get like a really nice dark golden color but i'm gonna go with just straight up putting everything in the pot and simmering it because this is the soup you make when you don't feel like doing anything you know what i mean we're gonna keep it really simple so i've got two chicken legs in there so two thighs two drums now this is gonna simmer for like an hour and a half so we don't need to be too precious with the way we cut anything i'm just gonna go for big hunks on the celery you don't have to peel it you don't have to do anything this is a simple easy soup we just want to throw it all in there this is the soup that i actually make when i'm sick if i want to impress someone yeah then i'll roast some bones roast some vegetables but i promise this is going to be like maximum flavor for the least amount of effort so carrot celery a little bay leaf some smashed garlic cloves this is going to be for my sweet potato and cabbage soup i'm not even peeling the garlic just lightly smashing it we're going to strain this all out so you can keep it super simple now the onion it's up to you if you want to peel it or not leaving the skin on is going to add a little bit of golden color but sometimes if my onion just looks really dirty you know when you get them from the market you can they just still have a little bit of like fertilizer clinging to it then i'll peel it but you know you decide how sick are you how tired are you that's how much work is going to go in here and a teaspoon of peppercorn a teaspoon of salt and i'm gonna cover this with six cups of water and we want this to gently simmer covered for about an hour and a half now for my other soup it's pretty much the same but instead of the carrot and um celery we're going to add ginger instead because it kind of goes with that red lentil spiced vibe for the ginger it's the same thing you don't have to peel it you just want to open it up to get more out of it so like maybe cut it in half lengthwise and then smash it like your garlic and it kind of splits open kind of cracks for you and then you can extract more of that flavor but you don't really need to like this isn't the time or place to like get really fussy but if you want to level this up from like the really basic broth we're doing here instead of simmering all this in water i'll simmer it in a store-bought broth so you can get like double broth extra chicken enos you know what i'm saying is there a difference between okay so there used to be a difference between broth and stock originally back in the day those words used to mean something stock would mean that it was made from just the bones and broth means that there's meat attached to the bone so technically this is a broth but nowadays everyone calls everything everything so who cares so we got some bubblage and we have some scum at the top i've seen a lot of people who like to skim their soup throughout but i find that if i do a good job at the beginning i can just touch it up at the end and in the middle i can leave it alone because you're sick you don't want to stand here and skim all day i find it easiest to use a ladle and i like to skim into a container with water so that the ladle gets rinsed off every time so you're not putting that scum right back in there so we're just going to get in here and you just loop just a little bit a little bit at a time just like that and the other thing that can really help is if you move your pot kind of off-center what happens is all of the scum kind of goes to one side so that kind of makes a little bit easier instead of having to skim the whole surface you're just skimming one side so just take your time in the beginning and try and get all this gunk off the best you can you know it's just gonna make it like nice and clean and clear but if you can't get yourself to do this it's fine just don't it'll be okay you know it's a it's a nice little detail if you've got the energy too but you know if you're sick i don't have much energy at all i don't know about you i don't mind if there's a little bit of chicken fat i just really care about the scum but you can also take your time and get all that fat off too if you really want to get every single bit of everything off here the best thing to do is make your broth the night before strain it chill it completely and then the fat just rises to the top and you can pop it off like a little hook because the pork is going to take like four hours to cook i made one already boom because this chilled overnight all of the fat has congealed on the top instead of being in the stew so we can go in there and just pop it off just scoop it right off the surface you can try and skim your braids while it's hot with a little spoon or ladle but you're never gonna get as much of the fat off and as easily as if you chill it whoa look at that that's a lot a lot of fat my bowl of fat i'm just holding a bowl of fat and perfectly clear lean broth okay so now i'm gonna cover this and we're gonna let this simmer and then soup we're so close to soup we're halfway there my broth it's simmered we strained it throughout the aromatics and we're letting the chicken cool down so it's cool enough to handle for me to pick and now we're gonna make soup i mean you could just stop here and have this and you're going to feel great but we're going to add some stuff to make it a little fun so normally when i make soup i like to sweat all the vegetables or aromatics i'm going to add to it in a little bit of oil that just helps bring out the fat soluble flavors but you're making this when you're sick and i just like when i'm sick and tired i'm not gonna take the time to sweat aromatics or anything like that so this is gonna be all in the pot at the same time so this is our ginger broth this is actually my favorite soup that i legitimately make when i'm feeling sick it's really simple we're just going to add some potato and red lentil and it's just going to make it feel really like comforting and i don't know this combo i really like because it's what my mom would make this is the soup she would make when we were feeling sick she'd even sometimes put a little bit of rice in there so it would get like a porridge congee kind of vibe but i really like just a little bit of potato whatever potato you've got if you can't get yourself to peel it don't it'll be fine and some red lentils now red lentils are one of my favorite kinds of lentils because they cook really really fast because they're split they're so small but you can also use whatever lentil you have something about this combo though the red lentil potato and ginger is super super super comforting to me and we're just gonna let this gently simmer for about 20 minutes until the potato and lentils are tender the great thing about the red lentils is that it will be simmered at the same time as the potato if you're using maybe like a i don't know a beluga lentil something a little fancier like that those take a little bit longer to cook so you should give those a head start before you add your potatoes or the potatoes are going to fall apart that's it we're not sweating we're not doing anything we're just going to let this simmer and get tender and it's gonna become soup okay so for my other soup this one i wanted to have like a little bit of like a southwestern vibe i also happen to have some cabbage left over in the fridge when i first developed this so we're gonna add some shredded cabbage and what's really nice with the cabbage in the soup is it kind of like melts and makes it feel really like silky and luxurious kind of like remember when we did the beans greens pasta dish i don't think people eat enough collards i don't know why kale is the rage you know i'm a big fan of collard salads just like a kale salad give it a shot i think it's going to be 20 21 is going to be all about collards i can feel it we're getting over kale you know i know i know clementine loves it something really nice happens to greens when you give them time to like really sweat they get really creamy and soft oh that was also the episode where i had cut myself this is how i cut my thumb i was cutting kale like this and i wasn't paying attention and you know i was like drinking some wine listening to a podcast totally zoning out and i just went went for it right down through the thumbnail almost to the bone i have no first aid kit i was on my last band-aid and and clementine was just trying to like lick up all the blood off the floor which was like freaking me out i have a problem with blood too so i immediately passed out it's really traumatic your faces i wish people could see that that's why now nowadays um things are cut for me it's just safer for everyone this way so a little bit of sweet potato a little bit of cabbage we're gonna let this simmer until it gets nice and tender and a little bit of chipotle for some heat i love having chipotles always in the pantry i know a lot of people think they're like overused but it adds heat and smoke and it's something that you can just always have on hand for days like this when you're feeling sick and you don't you don't want to like you know work too hard i added a little bit of salt at the beginning when we simmered the broth but now i'm going to go back and taste and make sure it's really nicely seasoned before our potatoes and veggies cook through so they can you know absorb all that flavor if we wait until they're cooked to season it it's only going to taste like bland potatoes floating around in something that tastes good and we want the potatoes and the veggies themselves to taste good so but i'm gonna see where we're at i'm gonna hit this bump it up a little a little salt little pepper now seasoning soup actually i think is like the best way to learn how to season because it's just water it could potentially be like so bland so it's really up to the seasoning to pull the flavors forward so like really take your time and think about it i think that you can't really tell if your soup is there from just one taste so i think it's important to like taste it we're gonna taste it now we're gonna taste it after the potatoes are cooked and we're going to taste it before we like plate it up it's pretty incredible how that was just water and two legs and we got a lot of flavor that's also why i chose dark meat dark meat has more connective tissue it's going to give you a lot more flavor than if you went with the breast same thing like when we were making the broth i want really really delicate gentle bubblage we don't want to rapid boil here because then your potatoes are just going to fall apart but you know maybe you want porridge and mush if that's what you want that's cool but i want i want the pieces to still be intact so we're going to go gentle let it do its thing about 20 minutes and i'm going to pick my chicken in the meantime and then it's gonna be soup while that stuff does its thing we're gonna pick our chicken i'm gonna pull off the skin okay so if you feel if you're feeling a little extra one thing you can do that's really nice is save the skin and crisp it up in a nonstick skillet and it's going to get really nice and crunchy and you can use that as a topping but don't feel don't feel any shame if you if you're not up to it you know and you just need to throw it out all right so pick this off what i like to do when we get into this um season where everyone's getting colds or whatever i just like to make big batches of soup like this and have it in the freezer because i don't want to cook anything when i'm sick my stove just got fixed i've had one week with a working oven one week out of um i've lived there now for a year remember that time the oven stopped working when the souffle was in it that's why we shoot these here this souffle did not reach maximum poof because my oven turned off in the middle of baking but we don't have a backyard for me to like spin a salad or make tiny quesadillas the day we wanted to shoot trash they picked up the trash early and there was no trash we had to go hunt for trash and you pushed me you remember that that was fun that was actually fun yeah i remember that i was an aggressive shop it wasn't like a tv show i really went for it i think pound cake was the worst shoot ever because it took very long time because that was still covered there was no one who could help me i was alone setting up the light and the camera and i had to make so many pound cakes okay if people take one thing away from this show i hope that it's that you need to scrape your paddle i think it's the number one mistake people make with pastry the mixture is doing all the work just scrape your paddle that's all i want i hope that over 16 episodes you take that away from it that's the only thing that matters to me oh and what am i doing i'm scraping the paddle baby you gotta scrape [Music] my potatoes my veggies are really nice and tender you can take a look and see whoa they're like falling apart but they're still kind of together that's how i like it you can tell just like see if you can easily smush it up against the wall of the pot and now you know you're good in here same situation the cabbage got really good and tender and check out the potato whoa it's just like it's gonna be so good when you eat it so nice and tender now time for another seasoning check it tasted pretty good before we cooked it but the potatoes are gonna suck up a lot of flavor so let's see how we're at just a pinch just a pinch of salt a little bit of pepper now i'm gonna add a couple finishing touches for this one i'm gonna bloom some spices and oil for a little finishing like flare since we didn't sweat our veggies we need to like add our flavor now so depending on where you're from this technique has different names where i come from we call it bagar but you know pretty much we're just blooming some spices and oil to bring the flavor out so we're not adding raw spices into the soup and then i've got some mustard seeds cumin seeds and turmeric and we're just gonna cook it until the seeds pop and sizzle and that's how you know they're going to have really nice flavor the mustard seeds are like your thermometer they're going to tell you when it's ready because they get they pop and hiss at you and this is how we're going to make sure we get the maximum flavor out of these spices if you just add spices to a liquid like this they don't like it spices need either direct heat dry direct heat or direct heat and oil to really bring all their flavors out when i'm feeling really lazy my favorite vegetable side is take anything green you know like bok choy broccoli broccolini steam it in the steamer until it's crisp tender and then finish it with these sizzled spices and oil you don't have to stay in south asia you can go all over the world i've done it with everything seasoning sizzle some everything seasoning and oil and pour it over some steamed broccoli it's really delicious and it's very quick very easy it's very aromatic the cumin a shade darker i can see everybody's dancing so we're going to add it to our soup you always want to do this like last minute right before you're done because once you add this you should turn it off so you can get like the maximum out of those spices you don't want to simmer continue simmering this the flavor kind of gets dull my dad is um just a little he's a little he lives on the wild side so he doesn't even use a pan when he does this he takes a really big spoon and puts the oil and spices and just does it over a direct flame i don't think anyone should do that it's not safe okay for our sweet potato cabbage soup i'm gonna taste it and see if we need to add any more heat let's get in there well no that's spicy enough yeah nice heat now to finish it off a little bit of parsley a little bit more salt if something ever like kicks you in the throat and feels a little bit too spicy oftentimes salt is the answer to help balance it and a little bit of lime juice you can use really any like soft herb you have kicking around you could do cilantro dill you just want something that just gives you a little bit of freshness and then i'm gonna taste this again make sure we're good and then we're gonna move on to the garnishes normally when i test up i try and give it away but i actually kept all of these um so i had 12 pints of soup in my freezer and every single pint got eaten those were good the mochi kicks were good isn't that pretty oh my god this i think this is the tastiest thing i've ever made guys oh so deeply browned this is a good one that's the recipe of mine that i've done the most do you know what i mean like i make that recipe like a lot last minute guests just throw that together i'm getting distracted crazy as soon as i added the salt and lime it tastes a lot less spicy i don't know why that happens but it's really cool if something's too spicy you can balance it out you can fix it okay soup we're done we're gonna bowl it up are you gonna put the chicken into the water i forgot about the chicken picked chicken going in was that the stuff talking oh okay thanks okay chicken's going in chicken is totally cooked so and the soup is really hot so you don't need to do a thing but if you like it super super tender you can let it keep simmering but i like it when it's like chunky and meaty and i can like have a bite of chicken but you know it's this is your soup so do whatever feels right to you now we're gonna bowl it up it's a tale of two soups now i think is the most fun part we're gonna have some tasty garnishes to like you know jas things up a little bit so for our cabbage and sweet potato soup i think the toppings really add a little bit of freshness some texture so here i've got a little dollop of sour cream whoa a little avocado i really like avocado and soup i think it's nice how it adds some richness i like my soup to be hot in my toppings to be cold so i usually will sit down with the toppings next to me and on a little bit at a time but you know you do okay a little bit of thinly sliced shaved white onion i love love garnishing stuff with white onion it's really crisp and it's not as like hot as um as a yellow onion and now this is the ultimate topping for like everything we always have fritos around just for putting on top of soup or salads or braises a little bit of crunch a little bit of corn whoa here we go not sponsored by fritos but i really do love them very much now look at how fun that soup looks and it was so simple we pretty much just simmered things in a pot but like you jazz it up a little at the end and it's very exciting now for my lentil and potato soup we got a really nice yellow color from that turmeric i really like how some of the potatoes kind of added a little bit of body to this soup okay a little dollop of yogurt i like a little creamy with my soup as you can tell we got double dairy going on now some thinly sliced green chili i think that it's just so important to this it really brightens everything up adds a little kick and i think that between the green chili and the ginger if you're stuffy you won't be have a few bites of that chili and you're gonna be good and some cilantro nice and fresh really perk it up because this this soup especially because of the potato and the lentil it's a little bit starchy and it has a bit more body so adding the cilantro and chili and yogurt really brightens everything up but there you go two soups but really infinite soups because don't go out and buy these specific things you know this is just about the method and the inspiration and you probably have things in your pantry already to make soup so just like go forth and soup [Music] this method is super simple we just boil a bunch of stuff but look at how different the soups turned out not just like in the color but even the body of the broth because of what we put in there so i think that you can really have fun here i'm gonna get a little chicken a little avocado a little sweet potato and we must have some frito oh sour cream i forgot you were down there okay i love this one because it reminds me of the tortilla soup from el torito grill a little bit of heat but everything's like mellowed out because of the richness that we get from the avocado the starchy sweet potato it's a very fun soup and i love the garnishes i think that's really key okay this one this is my favorite i could eat this soup every day it's so simple but i find it like so comforting i'm gonna get a little chili okay a lot of chili maybe that's too much chili but it's cool this is my chicken noodle soup you know i think for a lot of people when they think of soup and you think of that classic egg noodles carrot celery but for me this is it i love love the little prickly green chili i love the little mellow hit of ginger that's happening and the potatoes and stuff are just like so comforting and i don't know i could eat this every day for me that's perfect but this is your soup so just just think about seasoning make a nice delicate broth skim it take the time to skim it and then add whatever you want in there and finish it with some fun toppings and then you can make whatever kind of soup feels right to you i think it's really low effort it's the perfect thing to make when you're feeling sick and you don't want to do anything you just gotta boil some stuff and you got soup so uh yeah oh oh right and this is the last off script we've had 16 episodes i hope you had a lot of fun and you learned a lot of tricks and tips along the way i'm gonna it's not a goodbye it's a see you later i need to take a pause you know we're going to pause and finish my book and then we'll come back with something new and fun but i hope you guys had fun with this um we had a lot of fun making it my book will come out spring 2023 as long as i'm not delayed anymore in the meantime you can see me on instagram and you know i'll be around we'll be back it's just a little break [Music] you
Channel: Food52
Views: 193,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food52, food, cooking, recipe, chef, foodie, cook, home cooking videos, sohla el-waylly, sohla, sohla chicken soup, how to make chicken soup, homemade chicken soup, chicken soup recipe, easy chicken soup recipe, best chicken soup, how to make chicken broth, how to make chicken stock, how to make broth soup, how to make stock, chicken tortilla soup, soup chicken recipe, chicken stock recipe, chicken noodle soup recipe, sohla el-waylly off script, off-script with sohla, the big brunch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 8sec (1508 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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