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hello I'm so glad you can join me today if you're new to this channel welcome if you've been here before welcome back today I have a special treat for you I'm gonna be making cheesy bread fruit pies now let me tell you something before I even get started on that have you noticed I'm wearing an apron today my husband thought I should have aprons on because I've been messing up my clothes with a flower and so on so he surprised me with this apron so I put an apron on today so tell me what should think if I should wear these aprons are not a minute and it is kind of cute and I appreciate him from doing that thank you but let me know what you think about my eight per minute should start with air prints let me know we're making breakfast today no they think about breakfast as I was telling my husband as I remember when I was growing up I never remember that right foot high and fried rice and all this stuff I met my grandmother make bread fruit because people back in the others always cook bad fruit one of the stick was Denny islands I remember it was like brightful cuckoo it was breadfruit way to make it's to food it was breakfast and soup our guys roasted breadfruit but I never remember breadfruit chips and bread fruit pie and all this stuff and breaking flour and stuff Misha's really great that they can take a breath food and make so many different things from it so one of the things I discovered that I can make is breadfruit hi so today I would like to make a breadfruit play for you I got two branches here that I bought from the supermarket I noticed this one here is a little it's getting a little bit soft and usually ain't no any breakfast is getting soft they're probably getting bad it's no good so I would peel this and see if maybe if the whole thing is bad I just part of it because if it's good I can use that as well but this one is nice and firm and this guy's is a breadfruit that is fun in the this big heavy fruit grows on trees and this is one staple in the islands that people are able to eat so there's always something to eat if you don't have money you can always plant a breakthrough and there's always something to eat so let me cut this bread fruit in half so you can see what it looks like and it's pretty tough and this knife is not that sharp he just started wiggled a knife a little bit to get it and guys this is what the bread food looks like on the inside I don't know if you've seen it before and none and the others of course you have seen it but if you're not in the islands this is what a breadfruit looks like so I'm gonna cut this down this is how we cut it right through and then we cut it again [Applause] and this is how you cut your bread fruit dice now this is Carl usually card the heart of the breadfruit we're not gonna cook that so I'm just gonna cut this out like that and you'll discard this part you don't need that and then you'll peel this part and you boil this part so guys I'm gonna go ahead and peel all this right foot right here put it in our sauce pan I'm gonna go ahead and put and peel all this breadfruit then I'll put it in a sauce boom and boiling water but a little bit of salt and I bought this breadfruit and when it's boiling it's cooked it's gonna turn and yellow color once it's cooked when it's cooked then I will come back and show you because we're gonna make a cheese sauce to go on top of this breadfruit and then we're gonna bake it in the oven as a pie so I will be back as soon as the breakfast boil to show you the next results you normally we throw in a breadfruit when the breadfruit is soft correct yes we do but I have looked online and I saw that there's people that do eat the breadfruit when the breakthrough is saw so I am going to try it today this is the first time that I'm training but I started recipe online and I said I'm gonna give it a try because we troll them are some perfect maybe we don't need to because people have discovered there's so many different things that you can do with bright fruit oh I had two bright fruits and one of them was a little soft so I cut the second one and it is soft if you could see my fingers just go right inside of it cuz it's all let's see people online who's trying perfect for the first thing to pull it down and breakfast gets off and then just eat it's soft so what I wanted to do I wanted to try this brush or while it was soft just to get a taste of it and I tasted it guys it tastes really good and I don't know if it depends on the type of brightful that you have it they're different tests but this one it tastes almost a miracle soursop it has a creamy it's kind of creamy and guys it tastes really good believe me I'm not lying to you potential really good almost like an ice cream and I give us I give a little bit to my husband a track and he also like it I could just sit and eat this this is artistic just really good so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this into a pie and I'm going to try it and I'm gonna let you guys know how it is because I think that if I could eat it just like this I could eat it in a pie so that's exactly what I'm gonna do so I am gonna show you how I'm making it apart and then you insert one of your shot breakfast maybe you can make yourself a pie let's go so I took the part out so I'm going to it is soft so no sense in feeling it it's not very soft I think it's supposed to be probably a little bit softer than this cuz it's just a little bit hard on the outside but I'm gonna tickle all this soft part from the inside but I guess if you're gonna make this pie maybe you need to get a little bit softer [Music] so I'm not going to take the hard part because it's still hard on the outside all wrong the edges I'm just gonna take the soft finally inside so this is what they have so I am going to blend this up and I'm going to show you how I'm gonna do it so here I'm gonna put some black pepper some crushed red pepper a little bit of all purpose seasoning a little bit of all-purpose seasoning I'm gonna put a little bit of garlic powder I'm gonna put some tumeric to kind of give it a nice little color and here this is some rosemary and on what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add a little bit of milk to that I will add some this is half a cup of milk I'm gonna add that to it I will add a couple some butter add two tablespoons of butter and I'm gonna add an egg but remember eggs are optional those of you who do not like egg you can leave the egg out and now I'm gonna take my blender and I'm just gonna blend that all up lets blend this up and see what this is like [Applause] [Music] this is what it looks like guys so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna add some cheese to that some cheese sauce to that and put it in the oven I'm Bickett I will see what it tastes like our bread food is cooked I peeled them and I balled them in a little salt water so they're soft they're cooked so I'm gonna take this off and now I'm gonna make a roux to go with this so let me drain this first I just poured the water off so I'm just gonna let it sit here for a few minutes and let all that water dry off alright guys so in here I have 2 tablespoons of butter that's already melted and to that I'm going to add my garlic this is 1 and 1/2 part a whole pot and a half of garlic does chopped up put that in there and I'd like to put my garlic in first I just stirred around a little bit because all those flavours I want to come out of the garlic so I like to do that first to get those flavors out just make sure you don't leave it alone because garlic burns very quickly but just like to get those Clippers out and then when you get your flippers out of your garlic you can add some onions now you do the same thing to get those flavors out of the onion stir a run for a little bit now it's gonna write it guys that all it is is onion and garlic in here we're making bread foot hi guys it's a right breadfruit oval right breadfruit I want that's not over right so let's see to that I'm gonna add some red bell peppers I'm just gonna give this a few minutes I'm gonna leave this here for a few minutes I let everything just saute here for a few minutes and come together and as soon as this sort it we'll add our other stuff to it my guys I have here my onion garlic and pepper sauteing they be sauteing for a few minutes and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and add my flour to that because we're making a roux this is two tablespoon of flour they already measured I'm gonna pour this in here and just mix this all up together mix it in well I have the peppers to give it a little color and just mix them in love and once you mix that in love you're gonna add some milk to that I have here this is a cup and a half of milk I'm just gonna add that there I'm going to add a few some seasonings to it to season it up and just let it come to a boil and then once it come to a boil I'm gonna add some cheese to it so let me go ahead and add on to it crush crush red peppers a little all-purpose seasoning correctly that's it a little all-purpose seasoning my daughter tells me that I need to do better management's like measuring out so I'm gonna have to start which I will start trying to measure everything so that everybody would get a better measurement instead of me just putting a little bit of this and a little bit of that I'm gonna start measuring out you just stir it because y'all get flour in there you don't want it to stick so you start or you're still you don't want your stuff to be high to that I'm going to add some ketchup I'm gonna add little tin of red hot sauce yippy yippy Italy there we go OOP think that's a little bit too much but this one is not that hot and mix it in mix it in well and you see how thick it has gotten guys so which means that we need some more milk to this or some water so I will add I'm going to add some more milk I'm I didn't I'm a melt that I have here probably this is probably put a cup and a half I'm guessing I got in there I'm just stirred in see that was if you will get a little bit too thick you can always add a little bit of milk to it to loosen it up a little bit I didn't want it that thick I'm gonna let us come to a boil and in meantime oh that looks pretty doesn't it color and that is pretty in the meantime I have some cheese here that i grated this is Cracker Barrell cheese no this is cheddar cheese extra sharp because that's why I make my cheese just remember you can add any cheese of your choice you don't have to add the same cheese you can add whatever cheese you want to I I just add I just add half for that because I'm gonna do the whole thing and hearing and hard to move it to the breadfruit and I'm gonna let us come I haven't put any salt in here mind you but it will put some salt in here so I am going to let it come to a boil and once it comes to a boil then I'm gonna test it I see what I need to add to it before I add it to my break fruit all right guys what I'm waiting for my room to be finished I'm gonna go ahead and start slicing up my breadfruit for the pie so over here I have my pie dish now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to put I'm gonna spray it with some oil to make sure that nothing sticks to it so I sprayed it so over here I also have the soft bread fruit that I pureed over here and I'm gonna leave this because I'm gonna add some of the move to this so that I leave that aside for now so this is some extra cheese that I'm gonna use to put on top of the breadfruit and for that so let me just put that aside there and I'm gonna go ahead this is my breadfruit here guys and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm just gonna slice this up just press this over here and I'm gonna slice it like this now the bread food is cooked already so when it put it in the oven it shouldn't really take that long it's just a matter of melting the cheese and it should be all done and that's how you're gonna slice your bread food up just those little slices like that the rule looks nice it's doing well so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna test it need some salt I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of salt and I'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of black pepper and I'm going to taste it again no more so I think that should be good well guys I'm tested again perfect guys whenever you're seasoning on your salt in your food just taste it and make sure that it is up to its to your taste in to your liking and when you're comfortable with it then you can go ahead and do what you need to do I'm gonna turn this tool off and this is what I'm gonna do my stove is off I'm gonna take a little bit of this sauce and kind of layer my bottom I don't want to put a lot of it I just want to layer the bargain put a brake foot to sit on that okay and now I'm gonna put a layer of bright fruit on here I'm gonna let our sauce what I do is I am going to neatly put my bread fruit on there [Music] chin up our second layer here and then what I'm gonna do is put some sauce I think that's good alright guys so now I'm gonna take some of this sauce and just put it over just pink lit over there and I'm going to also take some of the sauce and add it to that so I put this layer on then I'm going to take some of my cheese and just go over it like that [Music] remember it's cheesy bread foot pie and then I'm gonna start to layer another layer like that over here is I have some cheese I'll text on my cheese and sprinkle on the top all around and the rest of the cheese I'm gonna put in here I'm gonna take a little bit of bread crumbs you can use any bread crumbs that you like and just sprinkle on the top and that's to give it a nice crust so I add some of the sauce to this and it I some cheese to that so now I just mix this in nicely and I have here of Pat a baking pan and some spot right paper I'm just gonna put it in here on that you just pour it in there right [Music] [Applause] what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sprinkle some cheese on the top of this I'll put this in the oven along with our other pie over here so we're gonna beginning to twice today guys I'm gonna go ahead and put these two pies in the oven this is our soft bread fruit and this is our regular bread pie so let's put them in the oven test them and see what they taste like guys it's done and it looks so yummy look at it I'm gonna let this sit here for a few minutes I'm cool because it's extremely hot when it cooled I'm gonna come out and I'm gonna cut on the taste both of them and I'm gonna tell you exactly what it tastes like [Music] hey guys so now this I just was cutting around this one to try to take it out of this pine but here I have this paper here because I figured the cheese and sawing out the bottom yeah okay guys so now I'm gonna test these but before I taste these I just want to tell you a little bit more gain about this this I this is the first time I'm trying this this is a bright fool that had gotten very soft no no I know people in Barbados I can talk about barbells because that's where I'm originally from I know people usually throw away the right break fruit they don't eat it we've been looking on YouTube and different channels I noticed that some people eat there right Brad food they make different things with it when it's get really soft they eat it and they um they make different pancakes I heard somebody say that man can make different things so I just wanted to put this to the test to see how it comes out so I am gonna taste it right now and I will tell you how it tastes to me you don't have to make it I just wanted you to see what I could do the right bad fruit so let me try it for you over here it looks pretty good um let me try a piece no staff is edible this is the older right breakfast not bad it is it has a little sweet taste is sweet and I'm trying to get a texture to tell you the texture and I can explain the texture it has travel context your car that and your piece of test [Music] [Music] as that difficult to say I'm not sure please let her potato or she's not like a potato much buddy it up [Music] guys it's hard to describe the texture it is creamy it's more like you know the texture of soursop how a soursop have that stringy that taste so almost like that to me it tastes good I don't know if it's something that I would want to make on a you know every time I get a read but all right bad fruit but it's not bad and it's something that you can try you might like it so let's try the this one right here and I am just gonna go right in here and take a piece out here [Music] Steve mr. kamenos we're still hot - good nobody had to choose between the two I think I'll stick with this one even though this one is edible it tastes good I think it prefer this one I wanted to give that a try the super taster because I noticed that some people eat it in other countries so guys if you have an overripe back throat and you want to give it a try to see if you like it you may like it you know guys thank you so much for joining me I hope you subscribe to my channel and give me a thumbs up and get to hit that Bell icon so you'll be notified every time that I put a video up thank you so much for joining me I have fun making this and I hope you have fun have fun and I hope you'll have fun making one for your family until next time bye bye
Channel: Tinaraine
Views: 7,152
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Keywords: breadfruit pie, how to cook breadfruit, barbados recipes, ground provisions, how to, breadfruit recipe, how to make a breadfruit pie, roast breadfruit, breadfruit pie recipe, how to make breadfruit pie caribbean style, breadfruit pie caribbean, breadfruit pie recipe caribbean, breadfruit recipes, breadfruit recipes west indies, barbados breadfruit recipes, roast breadfruit in barbados, tinaraine recipes, tinaraine breadfruit recipe
Id: r7KnGfWFq4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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