My First Time Playing Behringer Pedals

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what are we doing today well as you can see hopefully right here depending on how this works out you'll see i have six behringer bear hinger behringer pedals [Music] these were pedals that on a podcast a live podcast we were talking about the fact that behringer is trying to sell direct and of course only use a limited amount of online entities like sweetwater and tolman and amazon to sell to the consumers and therefore they reduce their prices now when i ordered these pedals they weren't in stock and so i just ordered the six i was interested in and then sweetwater called me and said do you want us to ship as they come in or all at once when they arrive and i said just as they come so over the last few months they've just been kind of coming in but i want to point out they were all 19 except for the reverb pedal was 29 so these are all under 20 and that's including shipping you just have to pay sales tax depending on where you buy these from so what do we have here we have a couple pedals i picked these out um because i thought they were interesting we have the eq pedal obviously a copy of like a boss eq pedal we have a compressor pedal which is definitely a copy of a boss compressor pedal we have the vintage tube overdrive which is a copy of a ts-808 which is like a max on or ibanez pedal we have the ultra tremolo which is a copy of a boss pedal we have the vintage delay which is copy of a boss pedal and we have a digital reverb which is copy of a boss pedal i think this is like the rv5 what's interesting is these type of pedals i actually use so what is the signal chain that we're using for this video well i'm going to be using this gibson sg into these six pedals into a fender 65 deluxe reverb with the reverb turned off because we have a reverb pedal and we're miking it with a zoom h6 i'm using the h6 because again i like that the unit i find that really captures the sound of what's in this room so let's uh let's start so here's our clean sound [Music] we're not going to go into any particular order we're going to go what i thought was interesting let's start with the reverb i have it on the plate [Music] we can give it a little bit more of that level and it really gets carried away pretty fast what i do notice is all the pedals have something in common which is they're over the top they sound good this one especially but the knob is so like whoa or nothing so you really kind of learned to dial them in a little bit i love that so let's go to the tremolo now on the tremolo there's a couple things you can do on this but i'm going to show you a setting i like here let's down tune [Music] okay let's hit the tremolo [Music] do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] love that i mean it's they sound great with those two pedals just the reverb and the tremolo i really like them i could definitely use those pedals i mean i wouldn't have any problems with it and i didn't think i was gonna i didn't think uh going into this that uh this was gonna be all unusable garbage what i was really curious about was how noisy they were they're not actually noisy not as noisy as i thought and i also thought it would might be interesting um how much did i like them compared to like my my original stuff and um you know i'm not comparing them because i know i like that other stuff i mean i found that stuff through years of trying trying out different products and figuring out what kind of fit my sound yeah it's funny i can see where somebody could buy this stuff and just totally play this there's nothing wrong with it so let's go ahead and go to let's go to the overdrive this is the tube screen right now i know i'm running one thing i will tell you see if i push on one thing i'll tell you is i like this type of pedal in other words this kind of way of turning on things this this fascia which is what boss did and kind of dod when they did the half pedal love that these when i was stepping on them on the floor made me nervous i mean i don't i don't i don't think they're going to break but they don't give you the confidence that the boss pedals do when you kind of step on them like you know who cares these these definitely make you aware that you better not just jump on them but then again you know i don't know again i've never put these into a real practice like i have my real pedals like in other words you know taking a band practice or beating them up uh here's the overdrive [Music] and i know normally like this you'd run it through a marshall or something you want to push over but i actually like a tube screamer through the 65 deluxe when you turn on this delay pedal [Music] love that [Music] so [Music] on the delay pedal be really nice about a mix control on the delays i use they have a mix control so i can kind of back that out which is kind of nice the one thing i want to show you though is the eq pedal i'm a fan of eq pedals i think everybody should have one and that's one of the things if i was going to say only get one of these pedals uh you know like if you don't need any pedals get this eq pedal if you can't find a boss tuner boss eq pedal sorry boss eq battle used um the boss eq pedal will serve you much better one of the things i don't like about this eq pedal right off right out the gate is that it doesn't have a notch in the middle that stops so when you're hitting the slider you kind of kind of find that spot and even then depending on the angle you're looking at you're not really hitting it you've got to kind of find it where the boss when it clicks in the middle letting you know and what's great about that is you could take a boss ge7 pedal and run all the sliders to they click in the middle and that's unity uh for the pedal in other words the uni gained otherwise when you turn the pedal off turn the pedal on you can't tell it's on and then you can slowly kind of use the sliders to adjust the eq and this is a boost now i like eq pedals for time reasons one you can use them as a boost pedal put the eq flat to where it's like unity gain it won't affect the sounding weight and then use just the volume slider as the boost or as a reduction you can use that to clean up the amp just like rolling off your volume and and but but what it does is way better than just using a volume control because one of the things i like is i think single coils sound really sweet just rolled off the volume a little bit they clean up they got the chime and where the humbuckers still sound a little dark and then even if you have a treble bleed they're still just as you roll the volume off you just don't get that high end clarity you can use this to do the same thing so let me show you i'm going to show you how i'm going to kind of make this sg in the next position all knobs full forward on 10. [Music] okay let's go back to that [Music] [Applause] so [Music] the other thing that's great about an eq pedal is you could do the exact opposite if you run a single coil you can use it to fatten the single coil up i'm pretty sure you can understand the concept there but another thing you can use it for is you can run it in the effects loop of your amp and use it to kind of eq your amp again there's a ton of uses for an eq pedal sometimes let's go ahead and just run it kind of flat you can run it as just a little boost like i said but a little bit of it's like a treble blues a little bit of high end so here we go [Music] uh so there you go a little delay a little overdrive let's go ahead and go to this compressor compression is used for a couple things but the main thing that you're going to see a lot of compression used for is sustain and one of the things you'll notice with the compressor is that if you want to learn the nuances of a compression pedal whether it be an affordable one like this or a more expensive one do yourself a favor turn it on play with it right find a nice sound don't listen to before just as soon as you plug in the amp you know turn on the compressor don't listen to anything without the compressor tweak it a little bit play for about two minutes turn it off when you turn it off you will hear what's missing when you turn on a compressor sometimes you're like i don't hear a big difference but when you turn off a compressor after you've been playing for a few minutes you'll notice all of a sudden there's some things that are missing in this case i'm going to play just the c chord okay let's turn it off [Music] and even though i didn't strum very hard you heard how consistent that was almost like a piano with a sustain pedal same concept one thing i like about compression pedals i'll use them as boosts so for instance got this overdrive hit that a little bit of delay i'm going to go back to the delay on the overdrive and ditch the reverb if you don't okay here we go [Music] i turn this compressor pedal on dead and here we go [Music] now [Music] now one downfall of this is compressors add noise hiss and distortion pedals overdrive pedals add hiss so you have to understand it's no different than stacking two overdrive pedals you will get hits sometimes i i hear people say or musicians say you know that the compressor is too noisy it's not any much noisier than an overdrive pedal or distortion pedal is already so again this is no different than stacking two overdrives the difference is you could stack these one essentially is just giving you a little bit more sustain pushing on the other pedal as a drive because it's got a lot level control but it's not adding more distortion in a lot of cases again everybody's ears are going to hear things differently just something i like to do that's why i said that's why i picked this combination of pedals so there you go let's go so interesting um the delay i want to stay for a second i want to spend some time with the delay [Music] if i was going to recommend one pedal to get like i said i think the eq pedal for someone who's maybe not even a pedal person just to have around it's a good utility tool to have you can use it if you need it for a preamp and a makeshift situation you can use it with your acoustic guitar in a situation you can use an eq pedal for pretty much anything it's just a nice pedal to have it sounds great after and before other pedals it's a lot of experimenting you can do with this pedal again i could use any one of these pedals or all of them the issue of course is you know is there better things out there do there's things that last longer i'm sure like i said there's a reason why i trust some of the pedals i use currently one thing i will tell you though is that these pedals are so cheap they really don't go down a whole lot used so i always recommend checking out used gear but in this case like with a lot of these inexpensive things i don't know how much cheaper you're going to find it used but please look because again not only do you save a little money but helps kind of having to them to produce even more pedals that will end up in the used market because these are definitely what i would call churnable items in other words you're going to probably see a lot of musicians give them a try use them until they find something better or something more dependable what have you so keep that in mind the other thing i want to point out is that from my experiences with inexpensive pedals there are a ton of better pedals that i've found that i would like i would prefer over these especially not only for the price but in the used market they're definitely in this price i mean again 20 bucks is silly hard to to to beat or find something that's going to match that but some of these other metal little micro pedals that you see that are die cast pedals they seem a little better built and they seem to take a little bit more abuse and i tend to like them better or at least i feel like i like them better so something else again just take that for what it's worth as always remember you can make music with any kind of gear that's probably the biggest message to take away from this and other videos like this is that it's not a dollar amount that makes good tone it's really just how you adjust things and how you learn to work with them it's kind of like the know your gear philosophy is kind of adjust this stuff until you find a sweet spot some of you may like the sounds i created some of you may not but either way i enjoyed them so that was important to me i was able to get good sounds out of these pedals sounds i liked i should say and on that note thank you guys so much for your time till next time know your gear so you
Channel: Phillip McKnight
Views: 75,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: w14d_nh6BcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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