Cheaters Copy Me And FAIL The Midterm! | r/ProRevenge | #349

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hey everybody rob here it's time for a couple of new pro revenge stories first one half the class fails the midterm after cheaters copy me let's jump right in please hit that subscribe button for more reddit revenge stories i don't have a problem helping classmates i really don't i even tutored several classmates during my final semester of undergrad because they needed the help they all ended up passing their classes with my assistants this story comes from a particularly tough business information systems class during my undergraduate education the students in this class were mostly non-technical business majors so this new material wasn't at all similar to anything we'd learned in other classes needless to say most of the students were struggling including me i still had a 4.0 in college at this point though i finished with a 3.99 and i was willing to put in max effort to keep my stellar gpa i started studying hard i made my own quizlet sets i read the book every night i finished assignments a week early and i did outside research after grinding it out in this class for about a month i was working on an assignment in a room designated for quiet homework time and that's where our story begins several other students from my class were there and working on the same assignment i was on judging by the size of exasperation the irritated whispers and requests for help they weren't having much success having studied relentlessly for a month i was having an easier time of it as i got up to go get some water from the fountain in the hall a classmate asked for my help i told him i could do that and i'd be right back i returned a few minutes later to find what i can only describe as a bunch of busy bees happily working away this was strange since they were hopelessly stuck two minutes before but whatever my classmate tells me he figured it out without me now i'm not an idiot so i know the five people in this room probably copied my work off my computer when i went to get water scumbag move number one but as it turns out no one in the class needed help the next day or the day after whoever in the study room had stolen my work had forwarded it to most of the class scumbag move number two i don't mind being helpful but i hate being used so i made a plan to get back at the people who had stolen my work it didn't take long to organize my plan and carry it out here's how it went one i changed an answer on the next assignment by multiplying by negative one fifteen hundred dollars became negative fifteen hundred dollars on this question two the next week i left my computer in the same place as before and went to get water just like i had done the week before 75 of the people in my class of 40 people put negative 1 fifteen hundred as the answer to question three which was definitely incorrect three i began studying relentlessly for the midterm our professor had said he wouldn't adjust the weight of the test something like your score out of 50 on a test with 60 points available so your score of 40 becomes an 80 instead of 67 if anyone scored particularly well this class was difficult and no one was expecting to score over 75 so all of my classmates figured the weight of the test would be adjusted my plan was to wreck the curve even though it's not a curve and deny everyone the adjusted weight by producing a sufficiently high score i recruited a classmate who hadn't stolen my work to study with together we aimed to score high enough that our professor couldn't adjust the weight of the midterm here's how it all played out no one who copied me realized the answer was incorrect every last one of those idiots submitted the wrong answer to question three this next part surprised me but my classmates began insisting the class was unfair too difficult or rigged and launched these complaints at our professor one day after the class i had the following exchange since i was the last student out of the classroom op do you think this class is too hard honestly this class is hard but if people spend as much time studying as they did complaining they'd be fine they really need to just get to work i thought the same deciding spur of the moment my next move i also happen to know that most of the class incorrectly copied my work on the last assignment question three should be a net income of fifteen hundred dollars not a net loss of fifteen hundred dollars i put down the wrong answer initially everyone copied me and then i changed the answer later i think you can reasonably conclude that anyone with negative 1 500 as the answer cheated off my incorrect work i figured they all copied but i didn't know you were the source anyway thanks for your candor and your dedication to the class i didn't cheat so i don't know what happened to those who did but depending on the class they would either get a zero for the assignment or a plagiarism citation so they got one of those fast forward to test day and i'm ready to go i know since most of the students are business majors they need 70 to pass the class because it's a required course hurting them on the midterm will go a long way in helping drop their grades i take the test i'm the first one done and i leave pretty sure i've done enough to deny the class the exam weight adjustment a week later we get our exams back tests are distributed all around me with scores in the top in red ink 68 71 70 66 75 67 and these are the smart students someone on the end of my row takes a test from our professor and lets out a sigh as he begins passing a test down my row it stops on my desk 93 percent i've won some idiot in the front of the class so is there going to be a curve nope what was the high score 93 percent average score for the exam was 71. so a good number of people didn't get a passing score maybe they made up for it on the final in past but i don't care i got mine i have to echo one of the comments down below this story because it sums things up pretty well it says i like the revenge being i studied hard and did really well on the test and that screwed them over as they say the best revenge is living well on to our next story the bosses should have just paid me an extra dollar fifty an hour let's jump right in after high school i started to work at a coffee shop whilst i started my studies at university the owners of the coffee shop were a cool couple in their thirties the shop was cool with awesome deep house music awesome customers and the vibe was awesome getting underpaid wasn't a big concern of mine i also wasn't paid penalty rates for working weekends or public holidays compulsory in australia at first working for them was awesome i met some amazing friends who i'm still friends with now and let some good skills which i'll use the rest of my life as i was studying and living out of home i did have an increase in bills so my hours stepped up i went from 20 hours a week to about 40 hours a week on top of full-time university study as the uni work piled up i needed to take some time off for practical classes assessments and own self-care this caused some tension between me and the bosses as it was only a small coffee shop and now as my job role had increased to opening and closing of the store banking stock ordering and training of staff i was needed to be there a lot of the time i'm not one to say no so i made it work for some months often causing me to do 13 hour days at work and then four hours of study when i got home at this time i was getting tired stressed and a bit irritable and i crunched some numbers and worked out if i earned an extra dollar fifty an hour it would mean that i wouldn't have to come into work for the annoying five hour shift i hated and my wage would stay the same beautiful it was around the one year stage of working there that we had a meeting about pay increase after a lengthy discussion it was decided that no i wouldn't get it due to tax and superannuation expenses from the employer's side after this talk there was some serious attitude problems from the two bosses but these would only last for a couple days the female of the couple had serious bipolar and would come into work super happy and in a fabulous mood and then turn instantly if i dropped a plate or made the wrong coffee her mood would then go back up after two hours i was walking on eggshells around her and was always dreading her epic mood swings for the next year i worked my ass off both at work and university i took on extra shifts when needed and helped volunteer at the local homeless shelter in my spare time over this year i met some amazing friends at work and we would often go to house parties or out to dinner and we built a really good friendship the bosses for some reason didn't like this it was coming up to christmas the busiest time of year especially for a coffee shop in the shopping center we were making the first coffees at 5am and turning the till off at 9pm we were the backbone for every retail employee in that shopping center me and three good friends were ruined after every shift and we decided to sit the bosses down and ask for a pay raise we were over the moon when they told us they would raise it one dollar an hour but that's as far as the budget could stretch due to being a small business over the next year we all juggled 40 to 50 hour working weeks on top of full-time study whilst the bosses went on month-long trips to europe and the usa they bought a new house car and boat and were living the life while we struggled to pay rent on time one of my friends got a job offer that was too good to turn down so she left she would always come in and tell us about how good her new job is and all of her spare time and we all got instantly jealous i was desperate to have some spare time and a decent paying job my grades were also slipping so i was on the hunt for a new job and ready to get revenge i asked for character and employment written references so i could start applying for interns that would be coming up in the following year absolute bs i got advice from customers in relation to work health and safety and employers law i also in general built a bloody strong rapport with a number of other employees and customers to ensure that if the ship went down i had people on my side the time has come where i got a new job working in an admin role for a law firm completely different place than what i'm used to but i welcomed it with open arms as i was casual the bosses didn't want us to sign into a contract so they could evade money for the tax office etc i decided what better way to screw them over than to quit unexpectedly on a busy saturday morning i made sure that i did this on a day that my three besties couldn't work and wouldn't get dragged through the mud or deal with the bipolar mood of my bosses about six months have passed working in the office where one of the head solicitors dealt with the employer and employee disputes i would read emails coming in and out and realized that i'm entitled to be back paid for the loss of income i teamed together with my three best friends from the shop who had all left the coffee shop and we decided to each write them a letter demanding to be back paid the money we had lost over the years we each paid for a private delivery company to deliver our letters separately but on the same day to our bosses and giving them 28 business days to reply to a request this has then caused them to go to a solicitor and spend a ton of money for advice before replying we got our replies which stated they were unaware that they were underpaying us and were open to pay us five thousand dollars each straight up or we could go through our pay slips and timesheets and request a different amount but that would be at our own expense the three other employees decided to take the five thousand dollars but i knew i was entitled to a lot more and requested three and a half years of pay slips and timesheets when i received all these documents it was in the middle of our winter university break i had no plans or holidays booked so i decided to sink my teeth in i went through four years of salary entitlements for retail and hospitality workers and through all the payslips to work out how much i was owed about two weeks later i had figured just shy of thirty thousand dollars i typed up a nice letter and photocopied 250 pages of my payslips and workings out and sent them to my old bosses this time with a return date of seven business days otherwise legal proceedings would commence i was calling their bluff i had no money to buy a coke let alone a solicitor seven days had passed when i received a letter outlining that they will require a further seven days and have compensated me five hundred dollars for the late turnaround beautiful it is in this seven days while scrolling on instagram that i saw one of my old customers from the coffee shop was now attending this new and cool coffee shop that had opened up in my area i decided to go in and get a coffee when i realized that this new coffee shop was now also owned by my old bosses as i ran out of the store i bumped into another customer who told me that my old bosses had purchased the store just as i was leaving and had since also purchased a nearby coffee shop with intentions to make it into a bar interesting after some months of back and forth negotiations it was decided that the final figure they would pay me would be 28 500 plus super annuation approximately four thousand dollars i agreed that as they were a small business i would receive these payments in a weekly installment of around 650 for 42 weeks fantastic shortly after the payments began rolling in words started to get out to other ex-co-workers and current employees of their three businesses and therefore the letters started to roll in apparently they had been underpaying staff over all three businesses for a number of years and therefore had received a ton of letters due to the influx of money owing letters they ended up having to sell all three businesses their beloved bmw their boat and downsize their house shame they now both work in a local nursery delivering plants to customers whilst i travel the world shame well i learned something reading through the comments of this apparently in australia they get paid about time and a half for working on saturday and sunday straight double time that's pretty crazy that's definitely not the same thing over here you'll get time and a half on a holiday but that's about it hmm maybe time to move to australia but i don't know if i could deal with how many poisonous things are down there i want to thank both ops for posting their stories to the pro revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upvote once again this is rob from karma comment chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Stories
Views: 38,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit prorevenge
Id: 4746s8UjUD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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