Smart*** Gets His Digits Diddled! | r/ProRevenge | #328

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hey everybody Rob here it's time for a couple new Pro revenge stories first one smart gets his digits diddled let's jump right in thank you for subscribing and if you haven't yet please hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories inspired by the Sparky's tale where Pro revenge is exacted through skillful reprogramming of a security system here is my tale of programmed revenge against a smart in a previous life in the times when you could run a whole company with a single 12 megahertz computer with one megabyte of RAM an 80 megabytes hard disk and to whom 14 users were simultaneously working through serial terminals Windows was nothing but a fancy thing that was just a fancy thing that did nothing much beyond looking kind of fancy real men and women used computers with fixed size displays that could display any colors provided they were black and yellow or sometimes green and computers randolph's which could only run one single program application at a time unless they were specially written programs this meant that if you wanted to take some stuff from a spreadsheet into a word processor you had to save your stuff exit the spreadsheet start the word processor and import the stuff none of that fancy schmancy cut and paste rubbish you only saw on beige toasters at the time once in a while a vendor would come along with a jack of all trade application that merged a lukewarm spreadsheet with a tepid word processor and hope for the best in that particular previous life an important department of the company used such a program to calculate quotes and present them to potential customers as the field was very competitive a fast turnaround time was the sine qua non the result was that the four estimators had the biggest screamers of computer possible at the time outside of a nuclear physics lab namely 30 megahertz 803 86 computers with two megabytes of RAM and 40 megabyte hard disks those were networked with rs-232 serial cables through a patch because to transfer the files from one estimator to another floppies were useless because each spreadsheet file was 2 megabytes with that setup transferring a file took around 20 minutes so often it was quicker to replicate by hand the tweaks we did to spreadsheets from one computer to the other my job was to maintain the humongous spreadsheet and I had to do it when the estimators were not working because my own computer was not powerful enough to run it and besides I had no means of transferring the spreadsheet because my own office was at the other end of the building anyways I had a good relationship with all the estimators until one retired his replacement was an obnoxious jerk who always did better than anyone else no matter what within days everyone hated his guts yours truly included back in those times of single program computers there were a number of utilities that sat in the background until summoned by a Kabbalist combination of modifier keys keys that did not generate a character when pressed but were used to modify the outcome of any other key such as shift control alt or what not such a program with load hijacked the keyboard driver to spy on it to catch the Kabbalistic key combination to activate it and then terminate but stay resident hence the TSR moniker for such programs of course writing those was a black art which any respectable geek would see as a challenge challenge which I accepted and before long writing a TSR program was second nature to me enter mr. butthole in chief that annoyed everyone in the department I wrote a simple program that would upon detecting the butthole was sitting out a particular computer would continuously scan the computer screen and once in a while when it spotted four consecutive digits it would swap two of them rinse and repeat until you detected some other user the rate of change would increase as the day wore on mr. butthole got more and more weary as the day wore on he was continuously rechecking figures and typing them sending his productivity in the pits the change only affected the screen the data inside the program would be perfectly safe back then the screen was just an area of memory you could read directly to make things crunchy ER I had installed the program on the other computers - so mr. butthole could not blame the computer since this problem did not affect anyone else he became increasingly irritated and was sure everyone was laughing behind his back and soon enough he was history as someone else was hired to replace him there was a bit of an argument below this story about whether it belonged in the pro revenge subreddit or not and one of the comments summed it up perfectly it said he wrote an entire program that would recognize a specific entity back in the days when that was extremely difficult shattered a man's confidence probably caused insomnia and tanked his career that's pro in my eyes my friend on to our next story students pranked me I had the last laugh let's jump right in I spent about 10 years teaching high school humanities at a small private school for my first two years I didn't have a classroom just a small office I would bring what I needed for each class on a cart and go from room to room depending on which teacher had a prep at any given time this was incredibly inconvenient and not being the most organized of teachers to begin with made things difficult to keep track of there were a group of 11th grade boys who decided to make things a little more difficult for me they were good kids we got along well I coached several of them on the school soccer team but they decided that since my office would often be empty it was a great place to prank it was never anything too serious things falling over when I opened the door or things disappearing for a day and then turning up in a different place the next day nothing was ever damaged and I could never prove who it was even though I knew my school had mandatory final exams in each academic course I didn't really think they were necessary so I would generally make them pretty easy with a lot of preparation I would give out study sheets and play review games for a couple weeks before the test and there was no reason the students wouldn't do well on them I had approval of admin to do this as they weren't particularly fond of the final exam rule either it was a school board policy a few nights before the offending boys had their exam I had a brainwave I created a second exam gone were the multiple-choice questions and obvious things from the review sheets in their place came detailed questions about concepts that were briefly mentioned in class essay question after essay question ambiguous questions with no clear answers definitions of words that there was no way they knew it took a couple of hours but I laughed the whole time when the test came I had the special exams at the bottom of the pile and handed them out to each of the four or five boys I told my vice principal what was happening and he insisted on being present I started the timer and watched as the boys flipped over their papers it was all I could do to keep a straight face eyes went wide heads were shaking panic was setting in especially as they saw all their classmates flying through their exams one of the boys raised their hand sorry no questions during the final you should be prepared based on your study sheets I let them go for about five or ten minutes of terror before I gathered the fake tests and gave them the real ones they all passed with flying colors and never pranked my office again it was glorious there appears to be an even better story in the comments to this one it says I had a professor in college do something similar she held a review period after classes were over where she went over some key concepts of what would be on the exam at the end of the semester she was horrified that only four of her 28 students showed up as she knew that the students that didn't show up were some of the ones that needed a lot of help she told us four students at the end of the exam period she highly recommended we read the instructions on the front page very carefully the day of the exam came and she passed out packet of papers this exam looked beastly it had at least 15 pages of organic chemistry problems on it she told us that we had 30 minutes to complete this exam knowing that only four of us showed up to the review she knew the rest of the class would just scramble to answer all the problems and not read the instructions the instructions were three sentences and at first glance it looked like the generic read each question carefully and either bubble in your answer if multiple-choice or clearly write out the flow of the reaction etc etc the last sentence instructed us to flip to the back page and only complete what was on that page the back page was the easiest ten or so questions she'd given us all year and the last question asked us to draw our favorite animal and that the best artist would get an additional two points added to our final grade for the entire class it was hilarious to see the other students freaked out that a couple of us had already started turning in our papers after the 15 minute mark I've heard a similar story to this one before but I don't think as a teacher that I would have waited until the exam to bring this out this is probably a test I would have given them really early in the year so that they would remember to check the instructions on all of the tests going forward through the rest of the school year I want to thank both Opie's for posting their stories to the pro revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upload once again this is Rob from karma comment Camellia and saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Karma Stories
Views: 32,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit prorevenge, reddit pro revenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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