"Not Crap" Airbrush Vs. $1,000 Professional Airbrush...

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in this video I picked one of the most expensive airbrushes out there along with a really expensive air compressor up against a beginner-friendly portable affordable USB rechargeable airbrush the airbrush that also happens to be included in Jackie's brand new super not another crab kit available for a limited time before we jump into the airbrush fun though let's unbox the box and see what Jackie has in store for us this time oh my God this is bigger and heavier this is the original versus the sequel on me come on last year I explored Jackie's first box now the original not another crap kit came with everything you need to create awesome figures from scratch and from the molds that Jackie provided and carefully crafted which we did several times creating these characters which are still to this day some of my proudest Little Creations that's it over on my shelf in this room alright let's explore it together yay I get a letter again oh this is my favorite kind of video jazza thank you for your amazing support and encouragement over these years it's no secret that is thanks to you that I had the courage to make my first queue now the second one you honored Me by making a centaur with the first one now I wonder what you'll make with a four-legged character lots of hugs to you and the team nerdy crafter so just like last time we have a guide showing us how we can use the contents of the kit that has everything in here is there an airbrush in here the frick I mean I'm sorry to Chuck out your instruction manual Jackie it's gorgeous but I just need to get in here we got brushes again beautifully branded thank you Jackie this looks like a variety of things including silicon pouring and mixing tools oh my God you have you have gone full rainbow here I am so pumped absolutely cool I love this not only are these actually like you know how you get all these different packs of different sculpting like metal tools and 80 of them aren't the ones you want I have three awesome quality ones that I can see the use for all of them all right we've got a silicon spatula for uh well you want to make a cake out of resin got these nail files I don't craft sanding sticks Armature wire very useful silica mixing pot very useful silicon Shapers and of course you can't go crafting without sharp pointy thing here is our mold so you can pour into his little head and fill it up with famous stone plaster now this stuff is really cool it was actually my first time using it last time I had Jackie's previous kit it's like deceptively watery once you mix it and pour it and it comes out surprisingly solid so super cool stuff and definitely have been using it since it's really awesome oh my god there are Dragon molds measuring cup for cosplay I love cosplay oh yes this is a whole nother level a silicon crafting mat and then last but not least and I have saved this to last because I am most curious about it a handheld airbrush cordless airbrush compact airbrush look at it it's smaller than I expected which is good because I saw this and I was like whoa it looks like a big thing at the bottom of an airbrush but no this this looks way more reasonable wait it refills I thought it was just a can of compressed air it's a rechargeable electric portable airbrush this is freaking amazing okay for context this is the Copic airbrush system now this top part the part that turns a Copic Marker into an airbrush is about a hundred dollars comes with the cable you need to fit it then to an air compressor machine or optionally and conveniently an air can these are 20 or 30 bucks but they're finite they run out but when it runs out it's nothing but trash I think you can refill it which is cool but a lot of effort and inconvenience I have never heard of anything like this a rechargeable portable self-compressing air compressor so it comes in the Box to be able to be constructed like this with the canister connected directly to the airbrush I'm just going to jump straight into this because I'm feeling Reckless if you can't tell Pop a bit of blue in there got my piece of paper let's switch it on this is really good Jackie what have you done you diabolical genius I'm in love I love this now if I love this I know a few other people who are going to love this potentially even more and who may not have ever heard of anything like it in the tabletop time studio they use the airbrush a couple times a week obviously airbrush maybe once every four or five months I used to airbrush two weeks ago and had to use their setup because it's pretty complicated and cumbersome and a little hard to set up and pack up yes not so much so given that they're used to the complexity and cumbersome nature of expensive airbrushing I'm interested in what they think of this hey Murray that's an airbrush is it that's the on button no that's pretty good that's pretty nuts hey Jen check this out that's so cool a little more straightforward than using the whole air compressor and absolutely it's really gentle too like it's not like going crazy or anything yeah do you know my favorite part it's 18 to 25 psi so I can't explode it by turning up the power I think the point is coming across it's way more convenient than the usual airbrushing system and expensive airbrushing system we have but is it as good as or better does it hit a ceiling pretty quickly I don't know that's what this video is going to explore now in order to jump into comparing these airbrushes one to another it's time to give them both a foundation to work from you know that so happens that Jackie very kindly actually mailed me a pre-cast character now unsurprisingly one of the legs happened to fall off through being well you know being shipped across the world there's actually a lot less damage than I might expect from a plaster figure being sent around the world but with a little bit of glue and putting that together that's no problem at all then it was just a matter of using the kit that I now had unboxed to pour another one a left overnight to set you probably don't need that long I came back to it a few hours later to remove and I was a little aggressive in my removal the leg came off this time the opposite side of the little character so again a bit of glue and urida's rain and these two characters would be the foundation that I can work from to create a little bit of a fun experiment for both of my airbrush projects now of course it Bears direct mentioning for those of you who don't know yet this super not another crab kit amazing box of awesome value that I've already shown throughout this video is available but for a limited time left the Link's in the description it is of course a huge support directly to the very amazing Jackie or the nerdy crafter as she's known who's also a wonderful person an awesome YouTuber go check out our Channel and please consider supporting her by getting the super not another crap kit I am 100 willing to back up the value of this kit and Jackie's incredible choices but let's explore one element of this kit the awesome and Innovative little airbrush system and compare it to a pretty heavy hitting in comparison so I said about creating a character to represent each approach the first would be the expensive approach represented in practice by the harder and steenback airbrush the infinity CR plus which is valued at around 400 being pushed through with an air compressor that is again not cheap cost me about 350 bucks so we're looking at a combined value of about 750 which is going to come up against Jackie's airbrush but I thought to represent the more expensive airbrush I'd sculpt a quadrupedic draconic character who's a little snootier than his other compatriots with a scarf and a turtleneck sweater of course I feel sorry for anyone who watches my videos and likes wearing scarves and turtleneck sweaters because that's my default for like snootiness it's a stereotype I'm sorry anyways I just went for a really fun playful character basically a few props just to customize my little animal body adding a tail adding a little bit of details nothing too crazy though because really this experiment is about comparing the airbrushes enter my second character this time he's gonna be a little more playful and forgiving now the airbrush included in this packet MSRP is somewhere between the realm of 60 to 90 US Dollars that's for the USBC rechargeable compressor and an affordable airbrush that usually comes with it I have to say I am so thoroughly impressed that Jackie could fit what I'm going to call an 80 valued airbrush system into a box she's charging a hundred and fifty dollars for that is such incredible value considering it includes paints a palette clay sculpting tools brushes glues a map plaster custom molds the list goes on it's incredible value and I just I have to call attention to that because it really is very exciting and I hope you find this little creature that I've made to represent this fun little airbrush system very exciting too he's a bit goofy but he's a lot of fun and I'm Keen to have a lot of fun but let's start by getting them both ready to paint first of all by curing the clay since the COS clay included in the packet is a polymer clay technically it can be oven baked but you can also it turns out cure it with a heat gun which I did gently and over a little bit of time just to make sure it was fully cured once fully cured it's time to hit them both with a base coat just to make sure that they're going to take to the paint easy and then on to the airbrushing starting with our expensive hard hitter before you can start spraying it's time to set up I'm sorry Jackie I love your box but it's sort of the perfect size and shape for an improvised spray booth so with a bit of tape and cutting up I have a bit of a back area that I can test spray on and also catch over spray then on to setting up my air compressor and my airbrush I'm going to say this is a higher end air compressor it's not one of the most expensive ones you can get but it's not cheap and being a professional air compressor is a little bit fiddly you have to obviously manually set the PSI and pressures and because I'm a glutton punishment and I get things that I don't have training or experience to use I have already broken one of these expensive airbrushes so this is a brand new or reasonably new one the Infiniti CR plus again valued at four hundred dollars and immediately I couldn't get it working this has been a consistent experience of airbrushing with finicky and professional tools for me mainly because I don't really know what I'm doing I'm getting a lot of bubbles inside the paint canister and that's because there's some sort of blockage along the typical nozzle usually in this process is where I start to deconstruct to try and diagnose and you know if I had a bit more time I'd more thoroughly clean out the nozzle and those fittings but in this situation I deconstructed a different expensive airbrush and put that fitting in place of it because it matches and it sort of worked so problem solved for now now with a functional airbrush and air compressor it's time to set it out to work go over the whole thing with another base coat of black just to make sure everything is neat and flat and colored and switching over to a white and giving it what's called a xenophile a top-down light highlight helping all the details pop sinking darker areas back into the shadows and giving me a clear way of creating a value difference between the raised areas and deciding where I can emphasize and make areas pop more foreign I went through in light layers of different colors starting with a purple working up to a mix of purple white and blue and then eventually I'd come back and add some highlights in Greens and Blues last but not least switching over to a red and testing my accuracy on painting the hair without painting or overspraying other areas of the character this is where airbrushing is really fun when you actually have a flow happening and you can move between colors and create smooth gradients and pull the attention around on your piece it's a really satisfying process with the base colors down on all the fur or skin areas of my character I switched over to a bit of hand Brushing in particular giving a base black coat to the turtleneck and a nice red on the scarf [Music] after popping in a few details in the eyes the whole character started to feel pretty final but not before I go back to the airbrush one last time just add that little bit of Pop the flat black and red look nice but they could look even nicer with just that little bit of emphasis which is where the airbrush really shines and here it is my first airbrush character this was really fun and actually really simple to build there are so many tools in the kit that I didn't have a chance to really leap into because of my focus on the airbrush here but as you can see even with a really straightforward and minimal approach you can get some really fun results but of course that was with me putting in using some of my more expensive personally owned tools let's switch over to Jackie's more affordable and portable rechargeable USB powered airbrush so time to clear the desk of the Clutter caused by the big compressor and enter my new little airbrush I will freely freely admit that I am biased I enter this wanting to 100 route for what Jackie has created and also with a lot of trust for what she's made in the past and for her expertise as a Creator so I'm not going to try and not be biased but I am going to be honest with my experience and I think the best way to put it is I was expecting it to be a positive experience and at 100 met that expectation and to be honest the biggest thing I really wanted out of this is exactly what I've got and that is convenience everything that I was using was in my hand and it had an on and off button for someone less experienced this means there's less mistakes that can be made and just makes it really easy to just decide how much paint you're putting out without needing to worry about anything like airflow or air pressure the xenithal coding down on my next creature it was time to pack down some color starting off with the blues and this time working up towards the greens with a little bit of a tint to the yellow highlights that I'd get to later this is the next thing I wanted to comment on is actually the paints that come with Jackie's pack they're actually airbrush paints which means they're much more diluted than normal opaque paints that usually are a little bit thicker that is again one of those things that always trips me up in learning to airbrush having to thin down paint and make sure that there's not any lumps that are going to clog the airbrush and trust me it still happened a lot the fact that you can actually just pour these paints directly into the airbrush and go without any worry of it clogging is really convenient and just makes it such a learner's Delight for people who are beginning like with my other creation I had to of course test a little bit of the finessing and detailing and honestly and again like I said I know I'm biased but it feels exactly the same because I am only so skilled even the expensive very professional airbrush was limited in my hands because I am not a professional airbrusher a tool like that is really for someone like Angel geraldes a miniature YouTuber who who uses airbrush masterfully and for such precise and minute details anyway time to set the airbrush aside and duck into a little bit of hand painting before coming back to finishing it off [Music] with those details punched in I decided to come back with just one last little detail spray a lighter purple to add some highlight and shine to the hair and then a slightly darker pink to put some shadows in the bow tie really subtle touches really easy to add but really use the strength of the airbrush to my advantage and here is my second creation and I think it really speaks for itself that I I honestly believe the quality of this easily matches the quality of my first creation I don't think there is any loss of accuracy or quality necessary for our creation of this style or type from having used a much more beginner-friendly airbrush in conclusion what is better neither both it's completely subjective if you don't have a budget and you need the absolute best physical possible results then yeah spend a thousand dollars on an airbrush and a compressor but if you just want to try airbrushing then this single inclusion in Jackie's box is super worth the money and I can 100 see I'm actually going to be using this more in the future than my expensive ones because it's so easy but you know what at the end of the day it's more about having fun making stuff which I did today let me know which is your favorite both out of the airbrushes and out of my Creations let's call him a A snobicorn or my enthusa dragon so enthusiastic you've forgot his wings if you enjoyed this video hit the like button subscribe for more fun without creativity you know all that stuff it's the YouTuber stuff I hope to see you in the next video while we have a bit more fun with creativity thanks for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 560,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: U2Fo3BfXsZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2022
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