Pottery is HARD.

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in this video i do pot clay pots that is it's time to get my hands dirty with some clay here with peter we are going to rapid fire make a bunch of different pots and i am very excited to try the pottery wheel for the first time since i was 12 years old everyone i'm in a pottery class thanks for having me peter pleasure peter from peter mcq and ceramics a link to your website in the description anyone in the south gippsland area who wants some pottery classes come on over and get a class yourself i'm getting a bit of a solo treat today and we're making some pots yeah the pinch pot is the first one we do and i only take five or ten minutes to make one but a lifetime of practice to uh perfect part you're sort of punching it in into slapping it into a spherical ball shape so i got my ball put it on the board and then with fingers and thumbs pinching like this and rotating the ball so what's this kind of clay called this is what called white raku paper clay it's more malleable than i actually expected i've turned into a bowl i'm all right with that i'll pretend i'm into i made a bowl intentionally that's quite a good bowl oh thank you of course you can the clay in different directions or you can leave it as is there's a phrase that i use in the studio here it's called wubby subby and it's a japanese concept of the acceptance of the imperfections that might come from the making process so we're all wubby subby here and the other phrase i like people to adopt is less is more yeah well you know for something more is a bit more too you know so you know to each would you like to see an example of a pinch pot with some texture in it absolutely yeah that's a pinch pot with the glaze in there that looks really yeah and that's the deliberate indentations of the fingers yeah adds a a decorative effect is that here we've done a pinch pot yeah yeah did you see that pointed tool that wooden tool just in front there yeah yep can you write your name on there and maybe the year if you want to signature all right the next pot we're going to do is a coil pot now there's an example of a coil pot but it's been textured firstly you got that sausage of clay in one hand you start rolling it out then you bring your second hand in and then you move your hands up and down the coil to maintain a consistent diameter when you first start rolling coils they tend to have a flat side but it doesn't matter if it's slightly flattened wubby subby prevails i love that mommy sonny i'm going to be the king of wabi-sabi in this video so we'll take our first coil and we'll make a like a roman candle blend that end into there like that yep for coiling you need to blend one or both sides so this is the blending i'm talking about it's pulling the clay towards the center of the center okay i'm really enjoying the clay it's just really cool we've got a base so that can do us now we need another coil don't make a poop don't don't make a poop don't make a poop be mature don't make a poop now before we go too high or too far we blend those coils if you come up too far you can't reach down and blend the coils [Music] now if i want to introduce combing there's a kidney tool with teeth on it and all you do is pull the kidney tool up you can see i've introduced the combing texture into the pipe you can also take anything from nature there's a seed pod that just come out of the garden and that quite quite often looks quite good oh that's cool you can take stamps of all sorts and sizes if you put your fingers behind it you can give it some support and put another type of texture there's a brush i'm pretty happy with my little wubby subby bowl i'm impressed i'm gonna i'm gonna give it the artist's mark i'm gonna give it the old uh signature so the next pot we'll do is uh gonna be a slab pot for this particular vars we'll go downstairs and use a slab roller [Music] so this is what's called the slab roller as you can see it's a bench with a couple of rollers which you can rotate so you put your piece of clay down there you rotate the uh the wheel it gets proportionately longer oh i lift that up there we go cool all right all right yeah my turn [Music] what piece of delivery all right for this slab pot we're going to make our cylindrical vars and we're going to use a piece of pvc pipe as a former to wrap our clay around so we want one straight edge and then we just roll that clay around just cut that sweet we're going to join the two pieces together so the most common technique to joining pieces of clay is to score and add slurry slurry is only the same clay mixed with a bit of water to the consistency of thickish cream yep dab it on and all that slurry in the uh in the scoring provides the bond between the two faces yeah you can gently roll the bars and then you can stand it upright all righty we'll put a base on our plate again apply some slurry to both i have no idea how to hold it where i can't wreck the pattern though ah this is sort of painful pain is beauty ah i don't know if you can tell peter but i like to turn art into as much of an extreme sport as possible we're doing that we're twisting out if you're done decorating yep yep oh yeah yeah am i done you're done i'm down there go bars you've got a bars i'm quite chuffed with that so we're putting the freshly made pots out on a rack to dry so that'll be two to three weeks unless you accelerate it by putting it in a drying room or in front of heaters all right so that requires a bit of patience but i'm feeling a little impatient to uh have a little you know how to i'm just i'm looking at those well we're just about ready to go do you want to yeah let's go i'm really happy with these results it's fun to learn as you go kinesthetically which is something i'd like to say i am a kinesthetic learner and if you like to say you're a kinesthetic leader the merch is available for a limited time as well as some of the other classics like uh obnoxious but consistent and other classics peter such as uh i'm an adult there's another there's another piece of merch they're all actually going out the window this is my classic line of merch that is being phased out in a couple of weeks time so don't miss out there is actually 10 off of everything as we say goodbye to the history of our merch because we have some really cool stuff coming up but time is running out so if you don't want to miss out on any of those classic little phrases we've had as running jokes in the community or any other designs that we have there they're on the screen you can see them you might have recognized them in older videos and you will never see them again unless you check it out links in the description 10 off using the code last chance let's go kinesthetically learn a bit more okay so to we're going to progress to some preparation this is straight out of the packet which you can use to throw with but if you uh wedge it it's conditioned better for throwing can you slice that piece off [Music] yeah all right so we take the clay in two hands and we push it down sort of needing it and you'll see it's a shell-like pattern forming okay so you're actually sort of you're making a wedge that's why they call it wedging it's all coming together i was making it a splash there is another one it's lodging that's that's my technique and you haven't heard of splodging not really ah peter you gotta get into splodging i have no idea what i'm doing i'm just like whacking it around well come around this side maybe it might be easier yeah yeah [Music] cool let's let's sling some clay throw throwing down on the wheel slightly dampened surface oh two two down slightly down slightly yep that's a good throw is it yeah that's that's excellent water yep put it over the top and start the wheel all right might be a little heavy-handed with that let's get in closer now just bring your palm up a bit and center that top section that's pretty good or you've started a cone already so once you've got it a nice cone you use the bottom half of your thumb over the top and gradually push it down until we've got a nice little rounded cone as you can see most of that ropiness has disappeared now i am making so much more goop than you look at look at this what is this yours isn't as goopy as mine look how neat it is where is this 50 years experience yeah well you know if we could just hurry it up and catch just i'll just fix that just put that back in its place pretty wobbly it's alright no it's fine i can fix this i can fix this i can fix it i can fix it it's still good it's still good it really does take more strength than your sort of picture it's technique skill and and a bit of strength it's getting better it's under control down the bottom there i usually put on the music from ghost yeah you have to come around here gareth and put your hands over his shoulders now we're going to open out our clay yep keep the top moist just going to push down with my thumbs to about a centimeter from the bottom oh this is so cool that's good this is as fun as i thought it would be i love that now we're going to pull it up we're going to come up vertically first and pull slightly in towards the center if anything then you won't go out the tendency is for people to try i think they're pulling straight up but they're going out and making a bowl straight away so you've got a bit of a wobble up here now but for a first effort that's excellent in your box beside you you'll see all sorts of tools but this is a rubber kidney tool and these can be used to shape the outside or the inside and i just put that in there and push out another thing you need to be mindful if you don't leave pools of water in the bottom of your uh pot the chamois it's artificial these days are using to wipe down your car and you can just gently drape it on the top just around edges okay your pot is starting to collapse a bit yeah clay gets tired once it's been worked for a while and if you get to thin a wall section it'll just start slumping down maybe i should wrap this one up i'd eat out of that put me cereal in it you know have a good sized breakfast all right so this is not the end of the exercise oh okay we get our wire we put some water on our wheel head slowly rotate the wheel push down pull the wire and push down and slowly take it through and then you slide it over onto your hand and pop it over on the shelf so it was so symmetrical before there you go it's doing one down yeah let's do it all right round two we're doing the second one and it's bigger and then we're gonna do it again even bigger could be fun let's go [Music] this is my tutorial now that i'm a master just push push down keep it wet make sure to keep the just keep this stuff happening you want as much of that as possible that's the trick to good pots whoa yep it's always always good to stab your finger randomly and aggressively into a part of the sometimes symmetrical thing you don't want it too symmetrical you you want a bit of the bit of the boring what's the flow some foggy what's it called again wabi-sabi sami oh my god oh my god all right back in the oh okay wabi subbies i gotta try and take it off i don't want to accidentally perfect it on you beautiful wobby subby i don't see what the big deal is we are finishing off with a bang or a splat whichever happens this is oh ye of little faith uh yeah no you're probably right though so we've gone as big as i could convince peter to trust me with oh that was a good i'll just do that shall i aim it yeah you're pretty good at dropping the clay down they're all being very centered thank you i appreciate that that this is a large large lump of clay cool yeah all right center center you've got to stop the wobble stop it wobbling stop it stop it we're conning up and i'm coating down down already cheers peter you were quick just ignore all the noises i make it's part of my process i made a bowl it's just upside down and full probably going a bit fast yeah slow it down a little bit yeah uh just going to use this technique to start you can use a thumb oh yeah if you want to get there's a little bit there that's putting you off dude it feels so weird when there's so much whoa yeah mine's a bit wobbly ah that's okay uh wobby that's what i like to say [Music] i'm just going to start mine again i'm just going to push this just push it in the middle just fold it in on itself no big deal nothing to see here it's way harder than it looks i can certainly admire that you've got that going [Music] yeah there we go yeah just make just make there you go oh yours is much slower that's probably the way to do it huh yeah the wider you get the slower you gotta go uh and that's my choice my aesthetic choice for i'm really going for wabi-sabi with this one [Music] just force it into place i don't get it gareth i don't understand i clicked on this video and the pot that jasmine made looked exactly like that weird i expected jazza to make a really great pot well you know what if i if if i got had by that sort of ruse i'd think i've been bested i'm going to like i'm going to click like and subscribe i'm just going to text you my book i'm feeling the universe tell me to stop yeah i don't see the difference i think we've yeah go team you know what that was a lot of fun and we both made something really great as a result of our hard work and i i'm hoping everyone's enjoyed this you've been such a good sport peter thank you so much sorry i got it you gotta i'll go i'm a bit i'm a bit messier than than you this has been a lot of fun though i've genuinely made some stuff i really like and uh though i've overreached which tends to be my style it's been something i've wanted to give a go for years yeah no no it's been terrific having you here and uh you've thrown yourself in at the deep end and your first three parts were outstanding thank you it's a bit more challenging it is throwing it is but it's definitely fun to to know that by trying it and being challenged by it so it was really cool i hope you i hope you ever enjoyed watching it once again thank you peter for help hosting us you can check out peter's website links in the description and get anyone local to southern gippsland or who can come out from melbourne for a day great activity for some friends or the family but otherwise that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and until next time we'll see you later that's how we that's the outro so what do you do with this now uh can we let it dry before we kill
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,194,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: F8Pi3-iEdN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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