Supercars For Broke Boys

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driving supercars is awesome take it from me brad let me drive his r8 once and even though it's a mid-engined really expensive volkswagen it was pretty freaking rad the sound of the engine screaming behind you the feel of a low slung sports car just inches off the ground and obviously all the friggin attention you get but we the poor bastards of the world can't ever have that or can we let's find out how those of us in the working class can drive something truly special something that we can pull up to in a cars and coffee and draw a crowd a car that makes a statement and a scene pretty much wherever it goes and all that for a lot less money than you think how cheap well the average price of a new car in north america is around 50 000 now and all of these can be had for less than that and sometimes a lot less but more on that in a minute and yeah yeah yeah i know some of you kids in the comments are gonna say that's not cheap well guess what trevor you can't get a supercar for four thousand bucks i'm sorry and i know a bunch of you were going to yell at me saying that these aren't super cars well guess what jackass the first car on this list is a viper is it as fast as a supercar hell yes it is is it as loud as a supercar pretty stupid this is a viper will it stand out in a crowd it's gonna get a lot more attention than your nissan altima the first generation dodge viper is basically one of the coolest cars ever built it's basically florida the supercar it's old it's born to be in the sun and it's screaming at everyone at the beachside bar with a little white powder on its nose the dodge viper is basically an insane kit car made by a real car company and it is made for two things burning rubber and getting noticed well also maybe crashing into things too it's pretty good at that you wanna own america's real true supercar well you're gonna have to spend around 40 stacks for the pleasure but wait that is less than the average cost of a new car and if you get a loan sell your honda put a little money down you only need like six or seven hundred bucks a month to pay for this thing just uh you know get some pretty good insurance to go along with it okay i get it that's still 40 friggin thousand dollars and half of you watching this can't wrap your head around spending real money to buy real cars so the next car is the one that is always the answer and no i'm not talking about a miata the c506 is always the answer especially when they're like half the price of the viper look we just did a long ass video about the corvette you can watch up here but i think we need to do an episode specifically about the c5 because right now i think this is the best performance car for the money that you can get oh sure you could get like a bmw v10 m5 but that's not even like close to supercar territory they look exactly like the sedans that your mother who's a real estate agent takes all their clients around in you could buy a maserati but only the ugly ones and you don't want to maintain one of those no you want a c506 the c506 is fast like properly fast it's shaped like a triangle cars shaped like triangles are always fast and best of all unlike most of the cars on this list it's gonna be reliable this is a supercar built by cavemen for cavemen and the c506 is gonna get you a ton of attention but unlike the viper which will get you a bunch of attention from little seven-year-olds who think your car is shaped like a dinosaur a vet is gonna get you a bunch of 75 year old men in golf shorts walking up to you at the gas station telling you about how their dad used to own one but hey attention is attention and for just around 18 000 you cannot get more attention more speed and a better deal than this c506 now i'm sure a lot of you are saying american cars those are not super cars because they're not exotic and i kind of agree with you so if you need to have something that comes from a distant land that feels truly special and feels truly exotic one very special car that can be had on the cheap right now is the most unloved 911 ever the 996 turbo look this is the car that the corvette is always going after and can never quite beat the 911 is germany's super fast volkswagen beetle a three-digit number that's been around for so long seen so many generations that no matter which one you own you are part of a special club while the 996 isn't the most loved because of its weird headlights and its first generation water cooler that doesn't matter because it looks exactly like every other 911 and when you pull up to the dentist office everyone's going to think you own the place not getting your nasty teeth cleaned head is comfortable now look you can get the base model 996 and it's a lot of fun but i'm going to tell you you should stretch your dollar and get the turbo why get the turbo because then you have a supercar from the look of that fat rear end and that giant wing to the sound of 420 german horses stampeding behind you all the way down to that badge on the hood this ain't a dodge it ain't no chevy it's a porsche a name that commands respect a name that gets envied by everyone that sees you driving by in it and unlike the 996 carrera which everyone owns the turbo is properly special now we found one for 47 000 and it's not a manual but we're just talking about the cheapest supercars here you're not gonna get the ideal spec don't know what the ideal spec is you should check out brad's ideal car strategies where he goes into buying the best cars that earn you the most money but if you're a broke bastard like me pockets ain't empty cuz you're just looking to get into a 996 turbo for the least amount of money possible and the sport auto will get you there and it's still going to be a lot of fun and either way no matter what transmission you get in the thing it's going to appreciate this is a car that you are likely to earn money on over the next five to 10 years now you want to talk a cheap supercar how about one that has the same engine as a pontiac vibe luckily everyone who sees you pull up in a lotus elise will not know what is under the hood or rear deck or whatever they call it no no no anyone that sees you drive up in a lotus elise is just gonna think you're some capitalist douchebag which is what we're going for here right look all you car nerds are going to say this isn't a supercar it's too slow it's too small and it's too cheap but i dare you to ask your non-car friends if this is a supercar your mom your tinder date and the guy next to you at the stoplight is gonna think you're driving something super more importantly while yes this does look fantastic for those of us that actually love the art of driving there is nothing quite like driving a lotus it's a go-kart it's a go-cart with a plenty powerful and super reliable engine it's super impractical it'll dominate pretty much anyone around a race track it looks insane and has a giant wing on the back and it's affordable i'd say cheap affordable okay okay well maybe not most of you but hear me out here in the world of supercars where an oil change costs you like a thousand dollars and a brake pad is like 400 bucks a piece and all of them break down constantly just ask brad the lotus elise is the reliable option it's got a freaking toyota motor in it it's a part shed car so yes while it will take you 40 to 50 grand to get into the driver's seat of one compared to the rest of the cars on this list it will cost you next to nothing to own bonus these are also starting to go up in value a lot this is another potential money earning car over the next few years now if you want a british sports car with a proper t-sipping british engine you get an aston sadly you get the v8 vantage not the db7 but who's gonna know other than your nerdy car friends from a distance they look kinda the same and they look really good all astons are pretty beautiful as for how they drive well you know who cares we're getting this for the looks this is why you're watching this video if you want a car that drives fantastic and goes fast you get the elise i just talked about not the aston but if you want a british car that makes a statement everywhere it goes makes you look rich as hell and won't terrify the crap out of your girlfriend in the passenger scene you get the aston so if you my viewers want to look and feel like you're super car rich without spending supercar prices you get into an aston v8 vantage for around 40 grand and then start figuring out how you like ordering your martinis and get fitted for a suit shaking that's dead or if you prefer to order up a negroni you might want to go italian that's right it's that time again the ideal car for douchebags who want everyone to know that they're douchebags the de facto depreciating exotic car the maserati ghibli look you want a proper supercar you buy a ferrari but you can't afford a ferrari you can't afford the cheapest ferrari ever made you can't afford a ferrari jacket but you can't afford a ghibli and under the hood of the ghibli is a ferrari it's pakin a v6 bi-turbo engine with 300 italian horsepower and it shares a lot of technology and design with the ferrari california and 488 what surrounds that engine is a maserati it's decent it's a good looking car and the interior is quintessentially italian look there's no mistaking it everyone who sees you in a maserati ghibli is going to think you're rich they're going to think you have bad taste and use fake spray tan and spend too much money on watches but they will think you're rich oh and it gets worse and that's worth something right it's worth about 22 000 bucks which actually now that i think about it you can do a lot worse than a maserati ghibli for that kind of money so why not at least it's not a crappy hybrid that's a total sales flop speaking of fisker karma if you saw one and didn't know what it was be honest with me what would you assume it's worth how fast do you think it goes when i first saw one i thought they were like super cars and i thought based on their low slung looks and their curvy italian lines that these things were fast as hell but that's the thing about fisker karmas it's one of the best looking cars with the weakest ass power plant since the delorean yeah it looks great it looks like a supercar inside and out but like the delorean it's kind of a slog to drive it's essentially a hybrid that's more ev than ice 400 horsepower of electric motors pushed this thing to 60 miles per hour in about six seconds and it tops out at around 125 miles per hour which is just not supercar at all but it heckin looks like a supercar and additionally the interior of the karma with all of its reusable materials and stuff actually looks like a supercar it's real pretty so if you've got 35 000 to throw away and you don't mind being slower than your friend with the brz give the fisker karma a look alright if you can't tell i think the fisker karma kinda sucks and let's be honest a lot of the cars on this list do that's why they're cheap would you think you were gonna get a lamborghini for like 20 grand cars cost money fools next up though is actually a pretty decent car look i know what you guys want i know why you're watching this video you want fast you want baller you want prestige and you want it cheap then you my friends want an sl55 amg [Applause] look there's three reasons you own old black mercedes first is you're old and rich which i'm guessing you're not the second reason is you're russian and you work in sales the third reason and the one that i think applies to probably everybody watching this is that you're broke as hell and you want a car that makes you feel like a god and yes driving around in an sl55 amg will make you feel like a god it's got the kind of power and style that actually made jeremy clarkson go out and buy one yeah he owned one of these this is an amg and that badge means badass what's badass is it's got a supercharger what's a badass is that it's got 500 horsepower what's badass is it has a whole interior wrapped in leather and what is badass is that it goes over 200 miles per hour top speed if you unrestrict it this is definitely the most supercar-y car you can get for under 20 000 bucks period and that's it those are my cheap ass super cars for your cheap ass what do you think what's another great super car that can be had for next to nothing did you like the video like it did you dislike the video i don't care watch us on tick tock instead either way thanks for watching it has been ideal hanging out with you guys and i will see you in the next one later
Channel: Ideal Media
Views: 692,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap supercars, cheap supercars under 10k, cheap supercars for sale, cheap supercars under 20k, cheap supercars 2021, cheap supercars 2022, cheap supercars under $30k, cheap supercars under 50k, cheap supercars that make you look rich, cheap supercars under 100k, cheap supercars gta 5, cheap supercars in dubai, cheap supercars top gear, cheap supercars in india, audi r8, ferrari, cheapest supercars, lamborghini, supercars, cheap supercar, best supercars, budget supercars
Id: iBD1wO9f7t0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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