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hello friends it's your favorite French youtuber you will now refer to me as baguette wolf welcome to another episode of cheapest people y'all remember the cheapest mom ever this is my reusable boiling water yes I know it may be a little chunky but it saves me from spending more money on my water bill I got another cheap mom for you today and a cheap dad y'all remember hot tub cheapo who what cook washes dishes do his laundry and bathe in the same hot tub water let's watch PR executive kiya Cambridge's 18 year old son alex is finally heading off to college this video just starts with her son moving out he's like mom I've had enough of this I've had enough of this life I am done with you goodbye also she's a PR executive PR executives make at least 60 K air I mean if it's just her and her son that's just great I remember when my dad was making 60 K here I felt like our family of six was very well off that time and it's just her and her son make it 60 K in his absence kia has plans to sublet his room with some minor modifications I'm getting the hell out of here I didn't even go pack this just put it in the bags I want to get the hell out of here I can we talk about first impressions with his mom she knows she's going on TV she's going on TV with a 599 wig from Party City it's that obvious like girl the least you could do is wear a hat or a beanie or a beret so people can't tell but look at this there's just some things you should not cheap out on I am sadness I will miss my mom because she has been very nice to me and good to me my whole time here but I won't miss her frugal ways at all but she cheap as hell I mean just one look at that weave and it's got you thinking what else does she cheat with I was expecting to leave with my whole bedroom but instead all I got was my computer and mattress and applause I'm really glad that Alex made the sacrifice to leave his things behind somebody's lying here can you guess who you like I'm so sad I have to leave my things behind and she's like oh I'm so glad he left me all of his things oh my god this poor guy she's like Lydia thank God I want to sell the bought Craigslist I bought that for you they're gonna save this house but not for long cuz now I'm able to rent this place out I'm pretty sure Miss Piggy from the Muppets how's that better wig than her does she not look at the mirror like damn this club thing it's Halloween every day up on the scalp like when people meet her is it the first thing they're gonna look at did you get that from Heidi city the day after Halloween hi you're here for the sub one yes yes come on in come on in okay yeah so I just watch your step here bad she's lucky she's taller than her cuz I would have been looking at that weave like girl what what is on your head I'm sorry for roasting her so much but it buzzed me like if she's got the money for it if you're gonna be wearing a wig like every day or wearing a wig a lot there are wigs on Amazon online you could basically get them anywhere like $9.99 $14.99 and they look 50 times better than that I have a lot of experience with wigs this is a $5.99 for Party City okay you're a grown-ass woman make it 60 K year I'm sorry but that's my honest opinion that's that's a divider I feel bad for the tenant who has to live with her because she's just such a cheapskate and she's such a pain in the butt sometimes the other things on the other side of the sheet are not included unless you pay for girl good luck finding a roommate so the day after her son moves out she's trying to find a tenant to rent a room out to them and she put an ugly-ass blanket and tape on the floor to literally cut the Rubin hat this is some 10 year old right here I did this with my brother when I was a kid we've taped our room in half you're like this is my side this is your side but she did that for real okay it's old washer and dryer they're on the other side of the sheet she literally put a paywall up you will access to the washer and the dryer you're gonna have to pay extra for it are we gonna keep the sheet up right here imagine living with this person what about what she leaves the house when she goes to work you could do your laundry in there she'll never know go ahead try to give it a test drive yeah this is a nice bed it's adorable here I want to rent out this house let me lay on this bed that's her son's bed the Shiva wash the sheets something tells me she did it and we do have a fridge here for you we have hot plate oh wait there's no kitchen no guys oh okay so then why is that in there well the the fridge and the stove they're turned off what is the point of having a fridge and a stove in her kitchen if she's just gonna turn it off she's not gonna use them it's okay I got you a mini-fridge and you got a burner right by your bed so you know what you could wake up make some eggs of pancakes it's so convenient you like barely have to get out of bed and the kitchen is right there girl who wants to live like this she got all the utensils up there you got a white fork what knife and two spoons saw you need salt you ever need what bad dishwasher you got to go in your sink in the bathroom and do your dishes just let him use the kitchen what you're paying for here is the common area the bedroom in the bathroom so you get three for the price of one are those little lamps in the bathroom so you see that sink right there you're gonna have to do your laundry your dishes wash your hands everything in that bathroom see bedroom nice you got a little desk right there you go put your whole stream set up on there become a twitch streamer you got the common area which is basically a dining table so you can make the food from the comfort of your bedroom and they go to the common area to eat it it's very possible that some of the new tenants will back out the minute that she starts going over the rules she told me there was a kitchen and I had to pay more for a kitchen which who does that it's my kitchen you are paying for the bedroom and you got a little kitchen inside there but if you want the supreme kitchen the real kitchen you don't have to pay extra I really want to know how much she's charging how many hundreds of dollars to have a roof over your head how can you be that cheap why even bother renting out the place if you gonna have that ugly blanket covering the room it's like a barrier it's not even like this is my space and this is your space it's like you cannot use the amenities past this point Jesus so cheap when I first saw the sheet I thought it was very trashy I've got some mixed emotions mixed reviews on the place mixed emotions go there is one emotion and it is no I don't know what tackier the waller I hide before real I'm not one to talk let's be real I've worn some pretty horrendous weaves okay but at least spray it with dry shampoo so don't look so shiny are you leaning towards a yes here yeah can you towards it yes great brand is exactly the tenant I was looking for exactly now I found them it's like her sign 20 years older feel like yeah I could do with this I can't believe she found somebody but okay maybe she got herself a mans out of it too they want me to buy something they filled up halfway talking about $15 yeah okay wait do they even do that I thought that was with chips only no they do it with laundry detergent too chilling okay I'm not gonna pay $50 it's expensive so I want to make sure I get my money's worth so she filling it up the whole way from another one what y'all gonna do with the other one you may get this a two-for-one you know where I live you can't do that and some of the stores around here they have a security device on the cap of laundry detergent to make sure y'all please don't pull this my dad's gonna go buy toilet paper but he could do this with the paper towels he cut no he sawed a paper towel roll in half to make toilet paper you know when you blow your nose with paper towels is not soft so what you doing it down there that I am right I don't like this it's time to move out get a new dad is this even cheaper or does it come out to be the same price our paper towels cheaper than toilet paper I don't even know whose man's is this I got another cheap man's for you I create my bed news around what is least expensive not only does that save you a lot of money but you tend to eat healthier I heard him talk I thought this was like the chief foodie is it him I can't really tell like organ meats livers kidneys and his bearing in expenses you got any livers I got red meat liver he comes in here a lot she's looking for kind of crazy pee so he went to a butcher's trying to get cheap meat liver is actually delicious I know it sounds gross it looks gross but when you cook it and you put hella salt all over that bad boy it is delicious and it was really healthy for you the hearts your hearts nothing is sort of off-limits particularly something like cows heart that is very inexpensive anyone do got some tips oh you've got five each $5 each you can literally go to Walmart and buy chicken for like three dollars a pounds what is a goat's head gonna do for you it's like mostly bone there's no meat like you want something filling go get some damn chicken go to Costco buy a whole rotisserie for $5 what are you doing with your life Jeff it's creative with food some of the food he eats I just can't get myself to eating ones for dinner tonight honey goats head okay see I'm down to try food like a lot of different kinds of food but goat's head I really want to see what he does with this goat's head better to go ahead and boil them a little bit they're looking pretty good oh geez I can't imagine how nasty that kitchen smells right now cuz my parents they used to make stuff like this it does not smell good when it's boiling like that mmm good pair of teeth on that one good pair of teeth I'm sure they'll be delicious right I'm gonna feel a little bit of seasoning on them in the oven he not gonna pick the meat off it or anything just go goat's head put it in the oven dinner no potatoes no carrots no veggies season go ahead a delicacy I think I did pretty good goats heads are looking good Wow that's the end of the video they don't even show the finish go ahead are you kidding me right now I wanted to see this culinary disaster and TLC gonna put it behind a pay gate you gotta pay $2.99 for this episode I wanted to see the goat head y'all wrong for this okay I can't show this cuz it's gross I didn't bite the one that he cooked by the way not on the internet but I found loads of other people cook it doesn't look good oh it's like no me we could go walk through the supermarket right now and I could show you things that you could have bought instead of that damn go ahead I swear some people are just so extra y'all could have bought a pack of meat some potatoes some carrots spam $7 meal no you went for the go ahead instead what's wrong with you I'm actually heated funny ways those offered today hope you guys enjoyed this video if you direction with the like panda hey and subscribe show the Wolfpack well I love you guys so much thanks watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,467,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, reaction, react, funny, dumpster diving, penny pincher, cheapskates, cost, frugal, save money, money, cheap, cheapest, cheapest mom, cheapest family, kids, family
Id: JfSrDnyxhAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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