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has your mom ever not bought you something well no sure some moms I like to save money no Sarah I'm not gonna buy you another thought e I'll fit for your barb Johnny you want call of duty black ops 3 but you got black ops 1 & 2 wait you need a third one for parents will always get you what you want but some of them take it way too far like way too far today we're watching one of the cheapest moms in the world stephanie has countless money-saving tactics by using just one light bulb that she moves from room to room she saves more than $60 a month on her electric bill wait for the first damn clip by using just one light bulb that she moves from room to room she saves more than $60 a month on her electric bill let me bring my lightbulb with me because we only got one light bulb in this household imagine having one light bulb in your whole house I think having a lantern like fire would be more convenient than doing this then has a good job so I say that doctor's office she does have a lot of money saved up she doesn't want to spin nothing is this ridiculous I love Stephanie so look at this poor guy taking the one holy light bulb that they have in their household bringing it to the bathroom before he takes a shower the worst part is she actually has money she works in a doctor's office has a good job making good money holding on to this money for what's the the whole point of making money is so you don't have to live like this this is a mental illness I do it because I love Stephanie so in our house we have what we call navy showers I'm not allowed to take long showers cuz that means to say water for the water lather your body down make sure you get every area so you don't miss anything you can't come back to it turn that phone to soap off my body I don't understand does this guy not work does he not have any say in anything yes Stephanie I'm gonna go take a two-minute shower when you lather yourself make sure to turn off the water make sure you get everywhere god forbid you missed the back of your ears or your butt crack because you don't get to go back to it I don't really get to watch my full body able to just get in there take a manly shower yes I can't even watch the whole body like I don't have time she'd be yelling at me standing outside my shower with a knife I heard that water go off once you got one more minute of water I'm paying the water bill that means two minutes shower for you can this dude please man up and be like hey okay I will pay the water bill you don't have to worry about that but let me finish washing myself because I haven't had a decent shower since I moved in just get him out take him manly shower to keep her water bill down Stephanie found a way to make sure Patrick sticks to a two-minute shower right now Patrick Stephanie has a baby monitor I haven't even watched this video yet but she's serious she's listening to him take a shower you run my water bill up i'ma run this knife through you I don't think you can get worse than this my family this that my cheapskate ways are out there but I don't really care this is my reusable boiling water yes I know it may be a little chunky but it saves me from spending more money on my water bill by cutting on the water and putting more water in the pipe dumping it and doing it all over again come on let's eat we never change our water I'll change it don't rush me because the more you acting that the longer I have to keep it you're telling me this nasty reuses her boiling water but let's be real how much money does a pot of boiling water costs it's gonna cost you a few cents okay and what did you say yes I know it may be a little chunky but it saves me from spending more money on my water bill maybe because you should change it or gives in that dirty due to water it is whatever you don't yeah of course it's gonna be good when you drench the pasta in ketchup prego oh no no no no no we use ketchup here high-fructose non-organic can we talk about how much I hate when people pull that the more you ask me the longer is gonna take just don't rush me because the more you ask me that the longer I have to keep it her man's is more like a child a big child that she adopted that she's caring for he has no say in anything I am able to make the most of every food and drink that we have in this house by reusing this you just put the sauce from the plate back into the can oh my lord I don't even think homeless people live like this if it doesn't get all drunk up I'll pour it back if it doesn't get all slopped up I put it back in its container save this pasta sauce for the next spaghetti dinner we do not have to be cheap we really know she has money I'm money like what's the point being so cheap boy I understand that it's aids but like she's being too cheap they have money this dude works and he is forcing himself to live like this you honestly deserve it if you're just gonna take it this is the definition of yeah I love her I would do anything for her anything huh I mean you couldn't put that food as leftovers but no you gonna be extra and slide the sauce right back in I hate you with a strict monthly food budget of $400 there's no room in Stephanie's world for extra expenses including entertaining guests really just wipe the plastic forks clean Patrick really wants to have a football party I am very unhappy about people coming over to our house really begged her people are really having people over to the house means Stephanie's pockets are getting dug into girl trust me nobody digging into your pockets nobody this poor do can't even have friends over because she has to entertain them are you just ashamed when they asked wait why is the bathroom dark oh wait we have to take the light bulb from the living room yeah bring it to the bathroom while you go to the bathroom or you can pee in the dark you know it's embarrassing you don't want to tell anybody about your mental disease when I buy fruits and vegetables I want to pay for what I eat not what I don't eat there's no need to pay for the Varnum all I'm eating is the grapes oh my god there's no need to pay for the vine a ball I'm eating is the grapes this is called griping she is literally picking off the grapes and leaving the vine so she doesn't have to pay that extra 20 cents in weight that'll do me justice [Music] I'm surprised you don't just pick them up put them on the scale that plastic bag gonna cost me one cent probably only need about three of these my bananas I'm not going to eat the whole of the banana I eat the banana so by removing the peels pits and stems from fruits and vegetables before their way to the register Stephanie saves up to $3 per shopping trip really just peel the damn banana in the store so she doesn't have to pay for the people just gonna be brown by the time you're in the car it's okay I like them like that I have never seen anyone peel bananas and put them in a basket that is weird people remember excited I want to be embarrassed sorry I have to you have to turn it off when it's a commercial oh they have this I'm sorry it's definitely very cheap cheese person I've seen in a long time I'll tell you that much [Laughter] let me cancel that go to the bathroom I thought the walking around with the candle is really insane I think we can use the light we have the Dark Ages now they weren't lying they weren't lying this is not a joke it just keeps getting worse and worse let me unplug the TV while it's a commercial a commercial you know what they taught me in school it costs more money to turn something off and turn it back on then to just leave it on not only is she cheap was she stupid too should have done your own research before taking on this ridiculous lifestyle there's things like water water nasty I don't know if I could keep their this video this is the stupidest I can't I cannot I cannot with her anymore she cook the damn food in the dishwasher like it takes more energy she cook the damn food in the dishwasher was very embarrassing very right people like what the heck you can get out of there you gotta factions being the cheapskate that I am it's for me and my family anybody else I don't care what nobody says it was the Stephanie way and the Stephanie ways the better way the Stephanie way is the dumbass way okay okay I'm actually so relieved that this is over because I I didn't know how much more I could take it probably gets even worse but I feel so bad for her boyfriend luckily he's still a boyfriend and not a husband like you could get up and leave do what are you doing what do you do with your life you got a job she got a job what she's paying all the bills that she has to choose how you live I cannot believe that there's somebody in this world that chooses to live like that but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one was the worst what is the cheapest and stupidest thing she did and make sure to leave a like if you want to part two and subscribe Jim the wolf pack well I love you guys so much things are watching bye guys there's no need to pay for the barn and while I'm eating is the grapes [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 23,786,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, cheapest mom ever, cheap, cheapskates, dumpster diving, penny pincher, savings, save, cost, frugal, gross, cash, mom
Id: tE4bI41IZKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2017
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