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rip-offs are fluffing everywhere man a lot of companies have been monopolizing and exploiting the success of other original cartoons in an attempt to get more coin and the networks finally decided to do something about it there's a lot to appreciate in a gumball episode and we at least all have one favorite episode that sticks out the amazing world of gumball is a monster of a cartoon the show presents amazing 3d characters mixed in with 2d animation which gives a breathtaking unique perspective with the success however means you eventually will get ripped off don't believe me take a look at a cartoon called miracle star where was this beautiful mess created it was created in china ladies and gentlemen i present to you miracle star bruh this is the most obviously copied show i've ever seen and i'm not just talking about the animation they didn't even try to hide it here bro what the fluff okay forget the character designs and animation just look at the background they blatantly resemble the amazing world of gumball in so many ways it's honestly embarrassing the funny thing is they didn't even really need to copy it to a t but no flux were given this is the exact meme can i copy your homework yeah just change it off a bit so it doesn't look obvious you copied it okay let's get started with the main character chi chi tries to make peace with what i assume to be his classmates in an episode you'd expect the main character to make amend somehow correct no he savagely pounded straight through the concrete ground but let's take a moment to look at this footage again now as we rewind don't focus too much on this story just focus on the animation okay not that you could understand the story anyway since they're speaking a completely different language okay so here we can see the fight has begun and sully from monsters inc yeah they even ripped that guy off come on beats him into the ground right but have a look at this what the [ __ ] is this the scene already ended yet we are seeing everyone back in place seconds after look at this crap man the miracle star employees didn't even remember to fluffing check the episode before it got on the air what kind of lazy crap is this man and this isn't even a small understandable error like in many other cartoons this is blatantly an entire scene of the same characters shown out of place how do you miss that they accidentally showed an entire frame of the previous scene out of order but again no fluffs were given another scene earlier in the same episode of chichi who seems to be actively wanting to get his asphalt beaten yes beaten he's actively seeking out beating yes he isn't even hiding from those supposed mean kids from the school it's like the main character wants to get beaten up on purpose chichi what is wrong with you why is he chasing validation from them i don't get it seriously that doesn't make sense you idiot i found this a little bit strange so i did some digging around about the character and woe and behold he gets beaten up a lot on this cartoon can't even say he doesn't deserve it because he is actively chasing the bad kids around who does this i know this show's a ripoff but come on now in defense of this cartoon if this was a fan animated show paying homage to the original series i wouldn't have a problem with it even if it was a parody that's still okay 100 but the reason this show even exists and get this it's used to sell milk milk these mascots were used to promote this for a commercial initially selling dairy milky products bruh but it spiraled into a whole cartoon great okay so now let's take a look at the amazing world of gumballs intro theme song for the show and then compare it with miracle stars ah i've blessed your ears now on to miracle star what the fluff what the fluff i don't even know if i should feel bad for the voice actors whoever made them do this it's all so confusing man if the amazing world of gumball never existed would this cartoon be a thing no even though miracle star doesn't have the exact same assets as gumball otherwise cartoon network would literally take action at this point but on its own it still fails to provide something new and original now to play devil's advocate a bit i will say this in defense of miracle star deep down i did find this concept and cartoon hilarious call it a guilty pleasure if you'd like but rip-offs and copies similar to johnny tess and dexter's lab are fluffing hilarious yes they are so funny to me i have a lot of guilty pleasure from it some people get legitimately mad but to me rip-offs are hilarious as long as it's not done with a motive of selling milk or trying to get rich off someone's idea just take a look at this now let's take a look at some of the main characters what the fluff is this a broccoli ice cream milk milk and a robot jeez could these guys be more stale and boring i'm not even attacking the show anymore for being a ripoff i'm talking about the character designs here come on and yes i got an ice cream sandwich hat on i don't want to hear no hypocrisy get out of here but going back to my point though nothing is 100 original not even the amazing world of gumball but even with that information the amazing world of gumball was still inspired by many different things and is mostly original miracle star is not inspired or maybe it is by greed now this is where cartoon network became gangster instead of a time consuming and complex lawsuit halfway across the freaking globe they decided to jab back in the most hilarious way possible episode 167 of gumball released on february 26 2017 gumball's family literally meets the new characters who are these new characters these are copycats they literally copied them to a t to a pulp have you ever pulped up a little orange have you ever sucked the pulps out of the orange ate it and said hmm that is good the creators of gumball annihilated them they roasted them in the most hilarious way possible it was really interesting to see this episode and how things played out you should definitely re-watch this episode if you haven't seen it already or just go back and re-watch it gumball is a timeless cartoon so yes you can re-watch episodes it's a cartoon after all they're going to rerun it regardless now many of you may be wondering wait a minute collobi didn't you copy a famous beatboxer series here on youtube yourself isn't that kind of hypocritical didn't you copy cartoon beatbox battles with your own bootlegged cartoon rap battles no well actually no even verbalize himself shouted me out it's not no speed but solo to at home you're gonna hurt like a jellyfish no shout out to kalobi like i guess a lot of people think that you know i i don't hate the guy i think he honestly did his best with the beatbox and it's actually pretty funny thank you sir thank you so much verb the verb is spoken the verb is broken let's shut up and sit down and listen he has shouted us out man i can't even believe that i honestly never thought this day would happen i am honored keep up the good work also verbalize where is the new episode man where's the next episode of cartoon beatbox battles but take your time animation should never be rushed we understand that but anyways even he said that my series was hilarious which was the point of my older cartoon rap battles it was designed to be a parody and it was also designed to be a guilty pleasure i'm so glad verbalize understood that and he didn't really get angry at me in fact he looks like he shouted me out which is crazy and he understood it wasn't for the purpose of stealing work or even being disrespectful what do you guys think about miracle star is this a copy of gumball type down below in the comments section your thoughts on this video also since me and verbalize are cool now everything is cool verbal lace versus collobi the movie verbal ace and collobi collab coming soon i gotta get a discord man i'm gonna open up my dms i gotta follow verbally's we gotta get in contact
Channel: Calobi Productions
Views: 3,395,550
Rating: 4.8544321 out of 5
Keywords: tawog ripoff, cartoon rip off, gumball miracle star, cartoon copied, cartoon copy
Id: qOEI3t-NsUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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