“The Void” Explained - Full History of The Amazing World of Gumball “Void”

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after patiently waiting for a few years for it to be announced and constant teases from the show's creator cartoon network has finally announced that the gumball movie is in development we still don't know the exact plot of the gumball movie but we do have a pretty good idea based off of things that happened in the series according to gumball creator benbou clay the movie will make the finale of gumball make sense so we can be sure that the movie will explain the final scene of the show the final scene of gumball not including the many episodes that were released afterwards featured raw posing as a live-action principle attempting to turn all the elmar characters into live-action characters at the end rob learns that he had a good reason for trying to turn everyone live action before he gets sucked into a void why did it happen and what is the void let's take a look at the full history and timeline of the void the void first appears in season 3 episode appropriately titled the void the episode begins with gumball and darwin watching the cheerleaders practice but they're doing a terrible job and darwin and gumball feel the cheerleaders did so bad because they were missing something mr small shows up with a tin foil hat on and tells them about his conspiracy things in elmore are going missing he says janus is missing who we assume to be his girlfriend he tells them to look for what is not there look for what does not make sense darwin also feels something is missing then notices that locker 116 is missing it jumps straight from 115 to 117. gumball and darwin go to the yearbook to try to figure out who is missing and after trying very hard to remember and seeing some suspicious pictures they figure out that molly is missing but the thing is nobody else at school remembers molly existed mr small helps them investigate molly's disappearance and at the spot where molly's locker used to be after looking very closely they find a picture of gumball and darwin in front of molly's treehouse so the three walk to molly's treehouse and while walking mr small explains that elmore is not a normal place and sometimes elmore makes mistakes they get to where the treehouse should be and it's not there instead they find a gap where the world folded on itself they managed to open the gap and gumball darwin and mr small enter the void inside of the void is every mistake the world has ever made including the mullet hair style laserdisc and jorts come on man john cena looks pretty cool in jorts they find molly inside her tree house frozen in time they unfreeze her and molly thinks she just saw the boys yesterday since she was frozen she has no concept of how long she's been in there gumball and darwin believe she was sucked into the void because she was boring and therefore a mistake since the void is filled with the universe's mistakes mr small finds janus which turns out to be a hippie van that runs on good vibes i respect it the four escape the void with the van and return to elmore they say that they need to go tell everyone about the void but then the void sucks the tinfoil hats right off their heads and erases their memories of the void wow so in this episode we learned that the void is a place where mistakes go to disappear including characters and we also learned that the void erases everyone's memories of the void even existing the next time we see the void is in the oracle where at the end of the episode banana barbara paints a picture of the watterson family inside the void then flashes a somewhat mischievous smile to the camera at the end of the episode banana barbara has the power to paint the future so this is some huge foreshadowing later that season in the episode the nobody gumball and darwin are accused of taking 20 from nicole's purse using richard's toothbrush and stealing their sisters daisy the donkey doll but gumball and darwin didn't do it the boys begin to investigate to figure out who's causing all this trouble and figure out that someone else must be living in their house after searching they find a secret room in their house that turns out to be a basement in the basement they find this guy it turns out he's been living down there for months after a chase he reveals that he has no place in this world he's a nobody and doesn't have a personality gumball and darwin suggest that the only personality not taken is being a bad guy and suggests he becomes their mortal enemy or the antagonist of the show if you will after this he finally remembers his past and we learn that this guy is rob who was a very minor character in earlier gumball episodes we see a flashback to the void episode and see that when gumball and darwin save molly from the void rob was there too and wanted to be saved as well but gumball and darwin didn't see him and instead focused on just saving molly he managed to escape though by holding on to the van they were in and robbed vows to become gumball and darwin's arch-nemesis so in this episode we learned that rob was also in the void rob was a minor character in gumball but was sent to the void because his character was useless much like molly due to the void trying to suck him back in rob's appearance becomes disfigured and broken with parts of his body glitching in and out with static distorted and also with his head floating a bit above his body the guy became a mess the void was seen again in the finale of season 4 the disaster in the episode rob gets possession of a remote control with magical powers kinda like that adam sandler movie or the goosebumps episode which adam sandler completely ripped off for that adam sandler movie he uses the remote to ruin gumball's life he hits rewind and rewinds to the events of the nobody and the void and is reminded that gumball made him evil he uses the pause button to mess up traffic including a car wreck involving gumball's family geez he makes captions appear under gumball telling darwin the family's money issues or because they adopted him but bro chill he turns off the parental controls and it makes gumball's parents argue and they decide on a divorce he then makes gumball kiss another girl in front of penny and uses fast forward function to make gumball push penny off the top floor of the mall looks no good [Music] rob pauses time for everyone except him and gumball and gumball realizes it was rob's remote causing all this trouble they fight for the remote and rob opens up the void he throws the remote into the void and gumball enters the void to try to find the remote to fix everything that rob destroyed gumball finds the remote and hits rewind which sends him back to the beginning of the episode and it's to be continued in season 5 episode the rerun we're back to the beginning of the episode the disaster this time gumball accidentally turns his parents into babies with the remote and a bunch of stuff goes wrong gumball manages to beat rob in a fight and ejects rob back into the void but gumball feels bad and goes into the void to save rob he's a bigger man than me rob doesn't want to be saved and thinks he is a mistake and belongs in the void with the rest of the universe's mistakes rob changes his mind and uses the rewind button to get him and gumball out of the void rob decides gumball is actually a pretty cool dude for jumping into the void to save him uh you think and vows to use the rewind function to undo all the insanity that he caused in gumball's life however since he's rewinding they won't be friends anymore rob rewinds back to the beginning of the disaster episode and destroys the remote in season 6 episode the future the void once again plays a big role and once again banana barber plays a big role in the void storyline banana barber hangs up a painting and then gets kidnapped by rob her son banana joe along with gumball and darwin search for the missing banana barbara at a warehouse rob is forcing barbara to paint pictures of the future but all she ends up painting are multiple out out-of-context scenes of gumball darwin and joe and multiple paintings of the void remember barbara's paintings predict the future and can even directly cause the future barbara paints a hole that teleports the boys into the warehouse and gumball and his friends fall down the hole and end up in the warehouse with barbara and rob rob says the reason he kidnapped banana barbara was much bigger than gumball the boys managed to erase gumball from existence with brush swipes over a painting of him but gumball and darwin feel bad and asked barbara to paint rob back into existence but when she does she paints a picture of him in the void this painting might look familiar gumball states that they will see rob in the future to which banana barbara replies but there is no future in the screen cuts to static before the episode ends and finally the series finale of gumball the inquisition in the episode a new live-action superintendent shows up named superintendent evil who is trying to turn the gumball characters into live-action characters gumball is able to fight the characters being turned live action by having them all do very cartoony and zany things superintendent evil slips on banana joe's peel and he's laying down with his face deformed and out of sorts and they pull off his mask and it's revealed it was really robbed the whole time rob claims he had a good reason for trying to turn everyone live action and claim something bad was about to happen but before he got a chance to explain the void opened up and rob falls in at the last second he says it started and that ended the episode rob falling into the void was painted by banana barbara in the episode the future and she also had a painting of superintendent evil hanging in her garage so we know that the events rob was trying to save elmore from in this episode are the events he was trying to fix in the episode the future the reason he wanted barbara to paint pictures of the future was probably because he wanted to know what was coming so he could have a better shot at fixing it which is the reason he said he kidnapped barbara for a reason much bigger than gumball this is assuming rob was gonna do the right thing and had the right intentions which i think he did remember in the oracle barbara painted a picture of the watterson family falling into the void as well so since her painting's predictions have been pretty accurate so far we can assume this is going to happen at some point in the movie so what is the real meaning of the void well there's a theory that makes a lot of sense we know the void is for everything in the universe that was a mistake or no longer necessary in the universe so it goes there to disappear it would make sense that rob knew the show was about to end therefore the entire city of elmore was about to fall into the void gumball has a long history of breaking the fourth wall so this wouldn't be a surprise by any means the show is about to end which means gumball's whole world is about to fall into the void this is why barbara said there is no future considering her paintings tell the future and since rob knows this is about to happen he's trying to turn all the characters live action so they can avoid falling into the void avoid the voice i've read this theory in multiple places for the last few years and honestly it's the one that makes the most sense so we can assume that the movie will be about the city of elmore being in the void or at least gumball's family since it was painted by barbara benbou clay promised the movie would wrap things up nicely and make the events of the finale make sense tying together all of these events so i'm looking forward to it i really appreciated and enjoyed the slow and drawn out story of the void and how the timeline started in 2014 and slowly unraveled over the years i think the void storyline has made gumball the perfect mix of an episodic sitcom and a story show i'm super stoked for the movie and while it's bittersweet to see the show go if the finale is as amazing as i'm expecting it'll be the perfect end to a near perfect series but what do you predict will happen with the void in the amazing world of gumball movie sound off in the comments and be sure to like this video and subscribe to tune fridge for more cartoon content thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Toon Fridge
Views: 350,807
Rating: 4.952415 out of 5
Keywords: gumball movie, tawog, cartoon news, the roundtable, vailskibum, vailskibum94
Id: l-DYOu82CIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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