Demo of TurnItIn - New AI Detection Tool

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hi my name is Dr Moore and I am on faculty at the University of Texas at Dallas this quick video walks you through what is happening as of right now with turnitin's new AI detection tool so what I did is imagine that I was a student in a crutch I took one of my standard essays assignment prompts that I give out to students which is not to write an essay but to write a memo comparing AI writers so I took that logged in to chat GPT and I did a simple version of The Prompt it you know there's details missing from my longer assignment they asked it to write a memo comparing three AI writers told it to include some sources you'll see it generated a memo for me took that memo and because I'm uploading to turnitin I'll plug that into a Microsoft Word document and saved it and exited it I interned it in and we have the option as faculty I did some sample uploads here and you will see that the memo that I just uploaded there for my sample on Mai writers is right there that is straight that memo being uploaded you'll see it gave me a similarity score of 45 so let's open it up and see what happened now that 45 score is not actually the score for the AI the 45 score there is the traditional match you will see to turn it in didn't flag anything as really problematic instead it tells me that there's about a 45 Match in this document to things that have already been uploaded and what was actually uploaded well the sources as a grader option if I see that I'm like okay let's find the sources are real then which is good news and the other things that have flagged for little phrase is what's new and different and what I want to draw your attention to is down here in the corner where it says AI 100 a little message pops up saying caution percentage may not indicate academic misconduct review required when I click on that you will see it correctly flagged as 100 AI written the essay I just copied and pasted from chat GPT curiously the sources it did not flag um but it did flag those on the other term and then report so what does this mean for you for faculty this seems to be working and I really appreciate turn and has also giving us new strategies that we might want to use or think about how we can change up our rubrics change up our assignments for students beware this tool seems like it's going to catch things that turnitin has not been catching for the past couple of months with the use of chat GPT this is considered at least at our University an unauthorized means of completing the assignment and it can be found as an incidence of cheating if it was reported so do your best remember often your writing is the best anyways if you were to zoom in or pause and look at that essay that it wrote it's not good I'm pretty confident pretty much all of my students could write something a whole lot better A whole lot more interesting include a conclusion and it's just generally a better job at writing for business I hope this video was helpful and good luck
Channel: Sarah Moore, Ph.D.
Views: 62,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IsNln_7U__A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 12sec (192 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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