✅ Free Turnitin Access + 3 Ways To Avoid AI Detection [October 2023]

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hey guys and welcome to words scale so this is kind of a dual purpose video I have a lot of requests about turn in and guys I do not check even for money I do not check your essays in in and this is precisely why I developed this tool which is called turny score estimator and people brought up something to me a few weeks ago I used content at scale to be the basis of this tool but uh content scale for one doesn't give you the percentage score anymore it's now paid so I had to resort to the second best option and the second best option is zero GPD which is completely free you can run it as many times as you can and I will go as far as to say that zero gbd has even a higher correlation with ttin so I analyzed 30 results 30 observations so the correlation between zero jup and ttin is 97% meaning that you can confidently estimate the turn in score with the help of Z gbd so once again the way it works is as follows you paste your essay here you press on detect text you get a score of 7% then you go to my free tool you input this score here and you get an estimate so 7% with zero GPT means around 4% with tting so this means that you're safe and your essay is not going to be detected so the tool is hosted at trio. fre turn alternative is live once again and you can use it for free and while we are on the subject of a detection uh let me revisit some of my favorite ways to bypass content detections first way is by using agility riter so if you go to agility wrer advanced mode you still have this Advanced anti- AA detection thingy but now you also have custom instructions I like this one here a lot which is right content that is informative engag and relevant make sure the content is well WR easy to read use short paragraphs bullet points blah blah blah and when you use these uh together both the custom prompt and the anti AI detection let me go to history this is uh the article that was produced and when you go to originality you get a very high originality score so this will give you 95% original however with some of these tools and you'll see time and time again it's kind of a trade-off between readability and detection so it's very hard to avoid a detection and be readable at the same time so if we paste this to Hemingway you'll see that the readability is that of grade 12 which is not ideal but still you can use this too and and to my knowledge agility writer is still the only a writer that has that feature um I think Surfer as SEO used to have this on the road map I haven't Revisited that too in a while so I don't know if it's working but agility writer does have this feature and they have for a while okay so the second way which is my preferred way is CLA Ai and you can still use this prompt use Mark out formatting bed b list and tables and uh in my experience adding bed for list and tables will help you with air detection then make sure to write content that is informative engaging and relevant to the topic and this is not specific to a detection this is specific to readability make sure the content is well read easy to read use short paragraphs bullet points and B text to break up your text and make it easier to scan structure a constant in a logical way and use headings set sub headings to make it easy to use so this is what I got back very nice article let me just copy it to markdown formatting which I already did and now before I paste it into originality let's uh try it with Hemmingway and you can see that the readability is in amazing grade eight so green zone everything checks out and now if we check it with originality we are going to get an 86 score so extremely extremely high score with amazing reability but if this is not sufficient to you for any reason you can still use undetectable. a and this is what I did I pasted it back to undetectable I use the human option which gives you the most human output and I pasted it back into originality and got a 94% human content and the great thing is that when you paste it back to Hemingway it retains the original readability so it did not Bush your readability that's great uh this is a great thing about undetectable DOI it has these options that you can use uh you can use balanced more reable and more human and I used more human in my example and again to up the tcy score estimator is back online and it's working it's still completely free but uh now it's powered by zero GPT and not conent scale then one of my favorite AI riding tools still has the anti- a detection feature which works great you can use clot for free with this custom prompt to avoid air detection and retain durability but if you want to be uh safe like 100% certain that you pass a detection you can use undetectable and undetectable is capable of retaining your reability levels so as you can see it retained the original grade eight reability of clot there you have it hope this video is helpful like share and subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time
Channel: WordsAtScale
Views: 23,287
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Keywords: wordsatscale, free turnitin, check turnitin for free, avoid turnitin detection, turnitin ai detection
Id: jEtXjirwfCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 48sec (348 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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