ChatGPT with C# | ChatGPT with Dot Net core | Visual Studio 2022 | Latest 2023

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foreign today I will explain one of the common use cases of charity show Char GPT is a language model which is available under the open AI so you already know about the open Ai and the charge GPT nowadays this is our latest things in the tech Market so today I will show you the use cases of how we can write a code as a human beings I mean the same thing can charge GPT do in a very short period of time so for example I have taken five programs write a program to find a factorial numbers write a program to find a simple interest write a program to print a palindrome string in C sharp write a program to print a triangle patterns and write a program to create a calculators I mean these all are a very basic uh programmings that uh we already have started at the initialities so the reason behind is I'm not explaining here about the programming and uh internal things related to this given points I just want to show you how you can utilize the chat GPT with your ID to write these type of things okay let's come on our visual studio so I will I will explain you everything from the scratch that's why I will create a new uh controller applications so it will help you to understand better and clear way so I will it is opening right now I am opening the visual studio 2 2022 I will take the control applications we'll go next I will write here demo chat GPT demo chat GPT demo any name you can give according to your requirement so I have provided a specific folders I mean location so here I will go next and here by default we 6 and dotnet 7 as well 6 is long term support that's why we will take it uh document sticks only you can go with any other version as well because the chat GPS supported in any of the version I mean latest version either it is Microsoft Visual distributed to 2029 or 2022 So currently I am opening it in Visual Studio 2029 or 30 22. so here this is the very first things that is open I mean this is completely blank there is nothing so now I will show you how with the help of chat repeat you can write whatever I mean uh pointer tab I already have described so I will show you everything so here we have the program class and the related things to the I mean this project so first of all I mean how you you will use that particular extension with your visual studio for that I have already created a video so I will add that particular link uh in the descriptions so if you didn't watch that video then first of all you need to watch there because uh this is the content I mean this video is continuation of that previous video that's why you will able to understand that how you can go inside the extension and you will uh I mean download that extension I'm talking about chat GPT so for that I already have created a video that's why I will not go inside to explain much about so I already have installed it okay so once you will download and install this chargpt extension then the next thing will be uh you will need to create a API key so obviously you are using a chargpt functionality that's why you need to create a API key for chart GPT so also for that I have created a video how we can create a API key so that video I will add in the descriptions you can go and check out that video before this session now uh if your API I mean extension is ready with your Visual Studio ID and that API key is created then you need to set that particular API key so I will show you here you will go inside the tool okay so under the tool you will scroll down and you will go inside the option so here if the charge GPT extension will installed properly in your system then you will have a here in the option called visual visual charge Deputy studio so here you will click on visual charge apt studio so here is an option I mean open AI API key so here you will put whatever key you will create in the options window once you will put it here then you will go and close it okay currently I will close I will show you everything in details so now our charge GPT extensor related things are already shattered on now we'll go and use that vertical extension to write whatever code we are expecting okay so for that here you have View Under The View you will go on other windows so after the other window you will have uh the charge if it is to your turbo and charge Jupiter Studio so I mean the both are uh almost same but if you will talk about chat upt Studio turbo so in this you will have some details I mean uh it is like algorithm writing type of things so you will open the first one then I mean here the both skin are almost same but I will prefer the another one because the both will do the same activity but the turbo will do the same activity in details like what it is doing and other details information as well and panelist looks uh I mean better than the previous one okay so here you have a panel uh you can maximize or minimize these things so I have currently maximized it okay so now I will do one thing so [Music] here I will go and use that questions that I already described you so I will show you okay so the first question I will copy here copy from here and paste in that wizard that I already have open so this is the wizard here I will paste that question so my question is write a program to find the factorial of number in C sharp so this is my question I will click on this icon once I will click on this send icon so it will take I think five to ten second so once this will be executed under this then you will have the complete programming that as a human we have to do so I mean program is completely ready here so first of all we need to go and create a I mean another class so I will go here and write factorial so I will add a class [Music] add a class called factorial [Music] foreign [Music] factorial okay now I will just go and copy this code here you have the option for copying so here you will click on copy but you already have created a factorial class so it is not required to put the program that's why you just need to manually copy from the static void min main program is a class that you already have created as factorial so you just need to go and paste here okay and here you can put it as it is because this is internal I mean I am not talking about the coding point of view because currently I am showing the demo of chargpt how charged if it can help you to write a code okay so the our code is ready now we'll for the first uh program I will go and I mean I have just copy and pasted something I mean according to the name of our according to the requirement of our class name I've just added it okay so wait one second because currently it is pointing uh this program that's why it is showing hello words for that we will go under the properties [Music] and will set here the class name okay not from here so here I will set uh currently it is not set that's why it is taking the by default main so I will set chart GPT demo factorial so once I will click on this and will save it again I will run then no what is the error mean if okay wait so I currently it is pointing this main if I will delete it will try to run okay so now here is the input that is required for this program so for example if a bill input 5 so the factorial will be 120 so here is the output like factorial of the 5 is 120 okay now we need to go out of this Logics so that is the things that we are showing I mean how we can utilize the chargpt to write our code for same uh you can do for another program as well so currently this program here you have already noticed the charging PPT already explained what it is doing inside so so here it is showing the all things like in progress and I mean the program related activity they have shown here okay so first of all now you will go for your another program that's why you need to clear it so here you will click on this or trash icon and then you will click on yes so it will be clear now I will add our another programs so I mean this is just examples I'd like to show so I have read I mean write a program to find the simple interest so as it is you will go and paste here here is the code like write a program to find simple interest in C sharp okay so to keep conceived I'm not talking only about C sub if you want to write the program in any other language like Java or python or any other language obviously you can just put in each which language you expect the answer from the charity so chat repeat will provide you a photography that here I will again click on send button so it will take some time I mean this is here you can see the processing is going on this green sign means the processing is going on so once I mean in five to ten second when processing will be up then it will provide the answers we just have to copy and paste that particular code there is nothing internal query you have to do I mean you have to take care of what so here I mean our program is ready in five seconds so this is a simple interest program I will just go and add one more class called simple interest I'm not going on the code right now because currently Our intention to show the functionality of that is video so here I will write some simple interest [Music] okay so I will add this class is already added so here because already have the program that's why I will just copy this main function and we'll paste under the uh okay so I will just copy this menu so either you can I mean copy manually or you can copy from here as well okay so here you have the copy icon so that's why you can copy from anywhere here I will go again I will paste it okay so the simple interest code is just copied and paste it using with the help of Charity so now this looks okay we will go and run so probably our program will Pro I mean give some error the reason behind is currently okay it will not enter because I have already setted the previous program so for these programs we have to go and set the simple interest as a mean so here you will go in the properties and for this programming output you will go and select this factorial okay wait factorial castrated white main currently it is okay now we just need to rebuild it because once you will build an this code will be there at properties sections so now I will go sorry we'll click on properties now here you will see the another project as well okay I mean this is what is the issue we need to select charge demo and Main [Music] so I will reveal again clean and deviled again now I will go inside the properties I think if that's any issue with do we missing anything [Music] I will write here public so again we'll go and this one is already a punch so we'll go and check in this class as well Main [Music] so we will write based on public a okay now uh that should be there okay we will go and check again properties and will set that project right now okay so here I mean because of some access uh this was not showing here so currently I will select simple interest okay previously I have done it as factorial So currently I will select simple interest so we'll go and run our application okay so here I will input 500 as a principal amount 10 percent [Music] as a interest and for two years so the answer should be a 10 50 100 the answer should be 100 so here you can see our answer is 100 that means the program is executed as expected okay and please do not confuse uh for the running process because uh I am uh using two different main so main is like an entry point so I'm using the two entry point in a single under the single unnamed space that should not be there that's why that was the issue so your focus should be how the charge GPT is generating the code and how we can utilize I mean there's no any internal changes just we have to create a class according to our requirement we will just go and paste our code and run again I mean there is no any internal changes so how this uh is helping you so currently I will show you the last one and uh from the five of this point I have shown you first and second just I am creating the triangle uh with the help of chargpt and the rest three and five you will do and in your with your system and please write in comment if it is going on or not if you have any help is required then please let me in the comment I will I will back to you if you have any issue okay let's go again and we'll go for chargept okay looks that window is closed so we'll again go here and will open again the Turbo System window here I am maximizing it I will put that thing so here I have written write a program to print triangle patterns okay we will go and click on this send button so I already have clicked it will take I mean sometimes five second and it will write a code to print a triangle using star so I mean this type of code we have done at the initial stage of our Journey so this is very interesting so here you can see it is printed the star so if I I will write a specific question so for example if I will write a printer triangle using a star then it will print only with the star as well because this is a zendi question write a triangle uh patterns that why it is uh printed one two three anything okay so we will just go and use this code again with our so current in this time uh I'm I'm using I'm just commenting this code and please and pasting here just for your understanding so this is a factorial so we'll go and change here I'll running properties as factorials currently it is selected simple interest will go and run our program Okay so I mean you already have noticed I'm I'm even I'm not going to think about what is the code is going on obviously in your case it might be possible that your code is more complex so in this case you must have to check everything line by line but currently this is a very basic uh things basic programming so that I would I just want to focus on charge apt so we'll go and run it so here you will go and check your output so okay so already you have seen whatever output the charge up it is given it is printing one two three as a triangle string I mean triangle patterns so if you want the same pattern with the star or anything else then you just have to write a specific questions according to your data chart if it will return back to you with your output okay so this is the things that I would like to show you guys so our purpose our intent was to show you guys how the chargpt can write a better and customized code so when I'm seeing better in customized code so here you can see it is showing I mean writing the even all comments as well that is indicating it is writing the code better than a human I mean sometimes human can I mean forget to write a particular comment or anything else in the code but a charity bit is doing the same activity in a very short period of time and with a well-mannered process okay so that's all so our Focus was to show you how we can use that charge repeat extension how we can configure and after that how you can ask under the visual studio I mean you do not need to go anywhere else you do not need to go on charge GPT or open AI website to write your query and copy your question answers you just have your Visual Studio ID under that you have the extension you just need to open that extension and write your question that it's then it will provide you the answer that answer you will just copy and paste it yes it may be possible that the AI can do a little bit mistake in very complex programs that's why you need to just verify it so I mean it will reduce the I mean a productive time uh spend in this type of programming instead of you can use that particular time with your productive activity or a complex activity so that's all so here I have uh shown you the three scenario the first one second one and fourth one third and fifth uh you will just uh see this video and try to follow this video and do the third and fifth one and please write in the comment how it is processing at your end if you have any issue regarding that then please write me the comment I will back to you and you must have to seen our two videos the first one is how we have integrated the I mean use that charge GPT extension with the visual studio first and another one is how you can create the cha open AI API key then only you will able to understand the sessions okay thank you thanks for watching if you feel this video looks informative then please share with your Dev Community to understand the uses of chargpt in the programming world and please subscribe our channel for this type of latest video on chat GPT or uh on the another technology as well and please put your like because your like will be helped to spread this type of informative content over the
Channel: TechWorld with MJ
Views: 1,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ChatGPT Extension, ChatGPT Extension with Visual Studio, Use of ChatGPT, Use of ChatGPT with Dot Net core, OpenAI api key creation, Use case of ChatGPT, What is ChatGPT, OpenAI, Microsoft power platform, dotnet6, chatgpt, Chat gpt, openai, openAI, GPT3, GPT-3, GPT4, GPT-4, Sam Alt, Sam Altman
Id: MhtBcPFSqO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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