ChatGPT Tutorial

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hi everyone and welcome to the charge gbt tutorial today I will explain you all aspects of this new technology from the very beginning to the advanced level we will cover the following topics first of all what is chart GPT and what is child GPT history secondly how to get access to the charge GPT and what is registration process Third how to use charge GPT for different professions whenever you are a blogger copywriter artist developer or even a Trader we also talk about Advanced ways to use chart GPT and some business ideas at the end of the video we'll cover some fun ways how to use child GPT and also some hidden functionalities so please watch till the end first of all let's understand what is child GPT and where it came from and why charge GPT or generative pre-trained Transformer is a chatbot launched by openai company in November 2022 openai company is making research in the area of artificial intelligence and it will go to their website we can see the following open AI is an AI research and deployment company our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity and if you will scroll down we can see that open ai's mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence or AGI by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work benefits all of humanity which sounds quite contradictory for me but that's a different topic of discussion so please leave your thoughts about that in the comment section below and I'll be very happy to read it now let's talk about open Ai and chat GPT history the open AI organization was founded in San Francisco in late 2015 as non-profit joint venture of such companies as y combinator AWS infancies and some private investors such as our old friend Elon Musk they jointly invested 1 billion dollars surprisingly for me late in 2018 Elon Musk left open AI company as of now you will not see his name mentioned in openai website in 2019 Microsoft became an investor of child gbt with the investment package of 1 billion dollars into the company okay I guess that's enough of History so let's do some practice of using chat GPT okay first of all what we need to do is to register on website how you can find it you just go to the Google and type open AI and you'll get to the website here we are so now we need to register here to do that you can go to the introduction to the charge gbt research release so and you can press this try button and you'll be forwarded to the registration page here you need to sign up you'll press the button to sign up and you can a few options you can use your email to register or you can just use your Google account or Microsoft account so for for me I will just use my mail address so so I'll just let's put some example like for mail and you'll press that I'm not the robot then you will get list of some testing questions uh to confirm that you're not a robot and then you can just press continue as soon as you'll press the continue you will receive uh email uh to confirm uh your email address so you press the link and uh you will get your account will get confirmed and you will get the account to the open AI dot com website okay as soon as you register you can come to the website that will be your direct link we'll chat I'll put it in the description below so here's the here's the chat with child GPT with artificial intelligence chatbot which can answer any questions which you can uh which you can ask right and here if you have a few examples for example explain the quantum Computing in a simple terms uh or some ideas uh write me a code in JavaScript uh It also says about the capabilities and it says that it's remember what you're saying right so in the conversation with the chatbot it remembers some facts which you're providing some numbers so in the in the further discussion you can use in reference to the the previous information which you provided uh it also allows you to provide some some some corrections uh or you can teach the chart GPT but you can provide some information right so which will be new for chargept and but at the same time child GPT is trained to decline in appropriate requests so if you will ask some harmful um questions that probably will not answer or will set something like very very nurtural and there are some limitations first of all sometimes it can occasionally generate incorrect information which is uh expected right so it has some some predefined amount of data and it just operate within that so probably it have some gaps It also says that it may occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content by by meaning that it don't be offended by if some some answer will will be a bit not polite or something so that's how the system works and don't get offended that's just a combination of some ideas which is computer is making up right secondly uh it's also mentioning that the knowledge of the child gbt is limited by 2021 so means it has some database of the knowledge and since then since 2021 it doesn't have any connection to the Internet so whatever information was available for for charge GPT by the mid of 2021 so that's all what what he or she let's call uh judge PTC right I mean I like to call it C right She Knows by that time right and that's what she can use to answer your questions that's basically it and here's the the main main field where you can type your questions or you can just say hi and ask how are you and let's see what will be the answer hello I'm artificial intelligent and I don't have a feeling oh that's uh that's pity but I'm here to help you okay um first question what I would really interested is how I can call you you can call me assistant is there anything else I would like to know okay so we can call it assistant and uh let's call it she assistant and she will try to help us to answer our questions okay and so so let's start with doing some practices and some examples okay the first example which one I want to discuss with you is the how we can use the child GPT for making the blogs and how we can make a new articles for you for your blog or generating some ideas for the new blog post right assuming that we are the owners of the blog we want to have some we we have a lack of ideas of the new person we can we can ask the child GPT suggest some good ideas for example we are travel blog uh author and we can ask hi can you uh could you please give a give me uh ideas some ideas for my travel blog posts about Asia for example let's see what assistant will provide us sure you see that child gbt providing us some some topics and ideas uh which we can use for for articles right they're quite quite good uh Roundup of the best luxury resort and hotels in Asia okay it's good so we can use it as a kind of good new ideas for us which we didn't think about it and let's let's try to see how what other information can judge a PD provide for us could you please please give me a plan for for the article and here we are so we we're asking about some some structure of the article how would charge gbt will would write this article which kind of uh main bullet points uh she would use and yeah we're getting some uh so we for example we we want to write some guide about street food uh in Asia uh and uh we have some a few tips and personal recommendations so yeah that's the structure about like introduction some original Specialties uh tips and some personal recommendations okay great what about what if we can ask uh child GPT to write this article for us right okay let's let's try uh could you please write this R right the the article uh uh for the topic right uh for about 5 000 okay that's not too much uh maybe a thousand words please let's be polite right here's sure you see so you can ask uh very very special like very specific questions of of the what you want to get and you are getting the the article in DC the charge GPD she knows quite quite a bit about the Asian food she knows about Balsa steamed bun and yeah spicy Korean snack right right so so that's good example for for the blogging you're getting absolutely new uh text uh written by AI so you can rewrite it you can ask to change some keywords for example or you can change the the size of the article and at least it could be very good source of the ideas it could be very good source of the initial structure of the text and based on that you can you can build build your blog build your your articles okay that's that's that's example for the blogging let's go for the next one okay next example which I want to show you is how we can use the chart GPT assistant as a personal assistant for example as we can see she knows quite quite well the Asian cooking and street food so let's see how she can make the itinerary for us for visiting some of the countries in Asia right for example let's go to um let's go to Vietnam for example let's say I'm going to going to Vietnam from first till 15th Feb 2023 could you please create detailed three four for me let's see what the system will give us okay first one we're arriving to Hanoi up and arriving to Hanoi transfer your hotel in some liquidation activities including visiting the Ho Chi Minh City and Museum okay so you see we have very detailed uh itinerary for our trip to Vietnam she knows exactly like what are the cities what are the places allocating in the city uh she knows about Hanoi um the main main um the main touristic places and and like it's quite detailed so I think we can ask more detailed information but we should wait when she will complete the this uh this uh itinerary for us for 15 days right but as you can see she had quite a lot of facts and uh information um which she can combine into the valuable valuable text and it also referred to the our previous example of the blogging so we can use this one as well as one of the blogging example but this could be quite useful even for for personal use right because it depends everybody have their own plans for how many days you're going uh for for how long uh when and so on so all this information combined together so she can use all the information you can provide how many people are coming if for example if you're coming for kids right I'm coming for with kids with kids three and five years old any good places to visit in Hanoi okay let's see how she knows about what could be interesting sightseeing for for kids okay so she have some ideas Museum of Technology could be maybe too difficult for kids three five years old right um but anyway it is it is Fine Art also could be um a bit too difficult right for for kids of three five years old maybe she didn't understand what what I was asking but still she's trying right and she's providing information I think uh uh we can continue keep asking and uh clarifying our question but you see it still uh she's giving about the children's cultural Place well which is which is which is which is correct answer right okay that's kind of example so we can use it for our own kind of uh research on questions so she can do this kind of combination of the information which we would find in uh in the internet into something valuable and some some valuable piece of information and which we can use uh for our further research probably or keep asking some clarification questions right so that was an example of the personal assistant and how we can use charge GPT for personal use for our daily use okay let's go to the next one let's assume you have a kids and you went out of stories uh to tell them before the sleep and you want to incorporate it with some educational aspects and but you don't know how to do that right so let's ask a child GPT assistant to make this story for us for example your kid likes being in the pool and you want to teach them how to wash their hands and but and let's let's make the story to let it to to to to to tell this story to the kid from the from winning the Winnie the Pooh uh perspective right so let's let's try I never done that so let's let's try uh let's ask could you please make a story about the Winnie and the the pool and teach my kids to wash their hands make it funny and short for five minutes okay let's see oh it takes time sure sure here's a story about winning the Pooh and the importance of washing your hands once I'm gonna applying the magical forest they lived here in pool in your nose for the friendly Natures loud Adventure one day okay so I will not read it's uh the whole story but you got the idea right so um that the AI making the story uh about the Winnie she understood what I want right she understood the idea and I'm sure it will incorporate this kind of the the the the the teaching aspect of of the story so which is quite fascinating guys so that's that's an example right the the how we can make a story with uh some idea uh with some roles and and some some some idea behind right okay there was an example of making a stories okay let's go to the next example which I think quite valuable uh way of using charge GPT is how you can make a summary over the text or some content which whether you want to read or you already read but you need to make a summary right but let's try to make some some funny example uh I would I would try to use some lyrics uh let's use a Ed Sheeran maybe Sharon uh shape of Shape Of You lyrics okay why not lyrics oh oh maybe okay let's try let's try what what would be the the summary of this text right uh hi oh sorry it was already said hi uh could you please uh uh create uh summary in one sentence uh from The Following lyrics let's see what GPT will say there is the lyrics describe the Romantic attraction between two people and his desire for their love and physical action okay including spending time together and engaging in okay it's not for kids uh so but that's that's an idea right so uh the the charge gbt understands uh the the the relics and uh she can make it in uh in a summary could you make it you make it in five words and physical attraction in relationship so that's how you connect describe the the lyrics of Ed Sheeran I would call it uh shape of you right so in the description we can use romance and physical attraction in relationship which is which is quite which quite good summary okay that's a summary but the the idea you understood right you can use it for any other content which could be more technical or more like the like this and you can make a summary and you make it and get the the sense the main idea from the text the next example would be quite useful for quite many people when you're applying for the job and you need to make a cover letter and you're also always struggling to to make some some some some text right because you're applying for different positions or different companies and you need to make the different texts for different positions so let's try to use some some example and maybe we can make up the CV first right and then we'll make a cover letter from that so is uh as example let's use someone famous like Bill Gates maybe um and uh let's try to make a CV for the person uh let's use a short summary probably like this and here is my bill okay Bill Gates American business management for co-founder Microsoft okay she already understood that's uh it's all about Bill Gates okay could you please create a short CV for the Bill Gates like uh 10 sentences okay one sound okay Bill Gates is a co-founder of Microsoft okay oh four okay we don't need we need uh we need 10 right at least okay ten sentences okay so we have we have uh we have a kind of the the short summary CV for the person and let's make a cover letter for some positions for the Middle Gate so for example in case Bill Gates will decide to apply for some for some job so let's try to to make would you please create the cover letter for Bill Gates when he apply for Junior okay python maybe developer in maybe Apple okay okay you see we're getting the text starting with the idea hiring manager I'm writing expression on interest in junior python developer position at Apple as a co-founder of Microsoft and software developed over 45 years of experience I believe I would be strong fit for this role okay so further you can see the text but that's an idea right so we can use our own CV we can use our own text of our experience and we can give the also that we can also give the position text and based on that we can make up the the cover letter I I I think it's quite useful way of using this tool and uh I think it will be useful for you as well and that was the I think very good example okay let's continue the topic of applying to the job and let's try to ask chargpt to help us with rehearsal of uh interview application so let's ask uh to to interview us for the job position and ask some questions and uh let's see how it will work right uh could you please uh could you please interview me for the position of okay again python uh developer in Google um and please ask one question after another and wait my answer after each question and give your feedback for each of my answer from the scale of 1 0 to 10 with short text feedback okay let's try let's try could you please enter your show I'll do my best to simulate the interview for python developer position at Google please keep in mind that it is just a exercise in my feedback is not a definitive Assumption of you fit to the straw okay but she is giving me all 10 questions okay he's asking how much I know the python developer how I know jungle and flask and libraries such as numpy and so on so yeah I think uh that could be a good example and of testing I will try to do it uh separately but uh I think that could be a could be a good way of testing your knowledge and maybe to getting some some ideas of the question which you can potentially get uh for the for to rehearsing your interview before applying to the job okay now let's go to more sophisticated examples so we saw that child GPT can manage Simple Text quite easily uh the plain text right but now let's give more technical requests for example we saw that in examples she knows HT HTTP and JavaScript but can she make entire website for us right let's ask could you please create simple HTML website page let's see what will be an answer right okay now we're getting HTML which start with stock type title website welcome to my website okay so she knows what is what his website and how HTML can work um and uh yeah we have uh initial text here okay well we can ask probably could you please please add contact form into this website sure here's how you can add the contact form to the HTML page I provided earlier okay so now we are we asking to improve the initial response rate and we're asking to add the contact form you see we're getting the form and labels so if you're not familiar with HTML that's a perfect way how to start so you can ask the question you can ask the request and you can get what you need right so let's probably even uh make it better let's add some some images here right oh let's put some cute cat image and let's um let's use this uh cute cats maybe this cute cats image copy link address and could you please add the image to this website certainly here's how you can add an image to the HTML page if I write it earlier you see so it's like a normal conversation how you're talking with your you know website designer you're giving the task you're providing some uh new inputs and you're getting the result but you see we're having network error but let's see probably the there are many message at a time please allow the other responses to complete okay I guess the system is a bit overloaded that's that's that's happening but let's try again something went wrong please try to reload the conversation okay so let's try to recreate the discussion and let's see okay so that's how you are fixing any issues when you are getting an error because this system is quite popular now the many many requests people asking different questions and the system sometimes getting overloaded uh so don't worry just uh just wait a bit refresh the page and just press the retry button and you will get the response right so what we are getting is the the web page we asked to to add events we asked to add the contact form right that's that's the code we're getting so let's try to see how it will how it will look at the internet so let's uh HTML test online something like this we can use the web tree cool we copy and paste here we press run cute cats are not loading let's use other cute cats right let's probably use this one which in the new tab just copy address let's go to the our saint would you please change the cute cats image to this one okay certainly here's the revised HTML code again we have a normal normal conversation with a child GPT assistant we're providing new inputs we're correcting something we're changing something and we're getting new updated result that's how it works and we are getting updated uh HTML code with the new image with the contact form so I guess if we will decide to change the some fields of the form we'll be able to to do that but as of now as for example I think should be enough right let's copy code let's go to the editor remove everything paste it and run okay now it works now we have a cute cats and that's how it works right so if you want to know how to to make like entire proper website which will be available by the address I think I'll create a separate video how to make uh in like the website based on chart GPT so if you're not yet subscribed to the Channel Please Subscribe and I will make a video very soon about that okay but that's an example about how to making uh websites using charge GPT let's go to the next example okay now let's move to even more sophisticated example and let's view how we can use child GPT for trading for example you're a beginner and you want to make some strategy how to make lots of money right so let's try and ask chargpt to help us with that uh could you please help me to create a simple uh find script strategy for the trading View okay if you don't know what's the pine script and what's trading view I already created a separate video very detailed about how to make the strategy so you just subscribe to my channel and check my previous video okay but let's continue could you please help the pi screen for trading you so let's see uh what will be the response okay so we're getting the pine script uh uh response I know we're getting we're getting some strategy based on based on Ma and faster main slow M A so that's the code we can we can copy and paste into the trading View and that will be the initial strategy which we can further improve later on okay we copied we can go to the trading View going to the trading View and going to the product markets and charts and you can put it here again and you can start using it for for different indic is an indicator for your Trading if you want to get more information about that again Watch my previous video I will put the link in the description below as well okay so that was about trading and let's go to our final example let's finish our tutorial with a funny example and let's make example how to make a game in a chart GPT so because it's a text editor I think it will be cool to make a text-based game so let's ask uh charge gbt to create a text-based game for us could you please create text based game about um let's see like wild west and uh okay and and a Superman okay well it's the Batman Batman certainly he's a simple text-based game set in the wild west and featuring Batman okay you are the Batman and you have been called to the wild west to help bring Justice to the lowest land okay now we're getting rules of this game right and we have a way how to play so if you want to add some other characters you can add right you can you can also um put some other inputs and so on but I think what we want is just not not just rules right we want to play this game could you please play this game with me certainly let's continue this game from where we left off you are the Batman and you have been called to Wild West okay so we we're getting the scenario we're getting the situation and we're getting options so go to the small town take a rock path into the mountains but of course we're going to the going to the Town race number one okay you're right in the small town so here yeah I think it's endless game we can we can play all day long and you can make your own game and play with your own characters and uh make your own story so I think that's kind of interesting way of using and very funny um and I think overall tutorial was useful for you if it was useful please put the like uh if you didn't find some ideas so we have some other ideas how we can use charge gbt please leave it in the comment section below but for now I'm saying thank you for you and enjoy your day and bye bye
Channel: QuantTrader
Views: 4,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, tutorial, for beginners
Id: I7E8yaVcw6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 09 2023
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