ChatGPT 10 Million Trading Strategy

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hi everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel today I'm going to use child GPT to create trading strategy to trade Bitcoin and the main target will be to achieve highest profitability based on historical data in the back testing I will take one thousand dollars as initial budget and I'll try to achieve 10 million dollars at the end of the back testing so if it looks interesting for you let's get started and first of all let's go to the Chart GPT and I'm sure quite a lot of you already tried to create trading strategies using charge GPT and you notice that chatgpk usually giving very basic answers saying that it can guarantee the profitability and you need to do the back testing and you need to do thorough monitoring all that very interesting but let's get some working trading view strategy and let's ask very straightforward question please give us trading strategy to make 10 million from 1000. and let's see what will be the answer and we'll use the output of this answer as initial strategy which will improve further to achieve our Target of 10 million dollars at the end of the back testing and again as you can see we're getting generic response and we getting some example luckily we're getting example based on the super trend and let's use it as a baseline let's copy it and let's go to the trading View and let's try to improve it okay now we are in a trading view let's go to the Pine editor and paste our code and we need to change the issues first of all let's change study to the strategy and put the overlay to the true because we want to have our strategy above the price chart and also let's change our initial Capital to the 1000 and we also have to set up our strategy entry so our strategy entry quantity and type will be 100 of our Equity right so whatever we'll buy or sell will use all our one thousand dollars okay next one let's update super Trend because the one which was used by chargepts from the version 4 and let's see how in version 5 it's implemented so let's just copy paste from the menu paste here and let's remove the old one and for the Buy Signal for the Buy Signal we'll have ta change so as soon as the direction change and it's less than zero that will be our Buy Signal and for the cell signal will be the same but when the direction is more than zero okay that should be fine buy and sell alerts we don't need for the Buy Signal so let's change it again to the version 5. It's we're usually using it if buy and if cell and let's put the command so for if buy we're just going along and if Cell which is closing the position so that should be fine let's save it uh let's uh call it like super Trend Max strategy let's save it and let's put it to the chart so we are getting super trend lines so we have a red line and green line so red line is when we have a downtrend and we have a green line when we have an uptrend and the strategy works like when we have a green line we're going to the long position and as soon as we're getting the red line so downtrend we're closing the position and again we have green line we are opening position and closing it as soon as we're having a downtrend based on the super Trend right and that's what we are having is 232 profitability based on historical data of the Bitcoin that's not bad as a starting point right and now let's go and check our list of Trades to understand where we're losing money and how we can improve our strategy as we can see we have quite a lot of Trades where we lost so we need to find a way how we can improve our strategy and I'm usually using relative strengths index as additional momentum indicator to confirm whether we should take long or short position and in this trading strategy I'm going to use both fast and slow error size to predict the market and I'll create a separate video about how to use fast and slower side together for the training indicators so don't forget to subscribe to the channel I'll pause the video very soon so for the faster side I'm going to use 21 days of the past closing price and for slow yourself I'll use last 28 days closing price and let's update our Buy Signal so we'll put the initial criteria into the brackets let's put end and fast RSI let's put it less than 66. and for the slower side let's add one more criteria to be more than 49. so that will be our additional confirmation signals to take long position now let's save our strategy and let's see if profitability changed anyhow let's go to the strategy tester going to overview and here we are we have 536 000 percent profitability of the Bitcoin based on historical data but as you can see we still have this losses during the downtrend of the Bitcoin price so we need to add something to defined uh trend I would suggest to use adx indicator as a trend confirmation so we use the RSI for the momentum indicator and we're going to use adx which is average directional indicator for the trend so we can go to the indicators and choose the average directional index so if you open the description you can find the definition of that adx indicator so it's showing the strength of the trend that's exactly what we need right and if we go down we'll see how we can use that so we can use adx so as soon as it's going below 20 that's definitely not a good uh Buy Signal so the adx should be more than 20 to confirm the bullish Market that's what we will use so we will use adigs more than 20. so let's go to them let's add 80x to our Trend so we will see this oscillator which going up and down so as soon as it's less than 20 we shouldn't take any buy signals so let's go to the Pine script and let's just copy it and add it in our trading strategy just copy let's go back to our super max Trend let's put it somewhere and yeah just put it here so here we have some calculation so we'll just change the the length to the seven days and yeah we'll use this signal which is the indicator of adx and let's put additional criteria for our Buy Signal so it should be more than 20 right now let's save it and let's see if our profitability anyhow changed and here we are six million four hundred seventy two thousand dollars from initial budget of 1000 USD but still we have this downtrend losses so let's see where we're losing money and as you can see when we have this kind of drop in the price that's where we're losing money so we bought in this level and then price went so far down and that's where we lost our money so we need to add I mean it's normal normal way of doing trades we need to add the stop loss so for the stop loss level I would suggest to use like a normal EMA maybe like slightly less than just uh EMA so let's create a slow EMA first for the last like 51 days and let's put it as a plotlet will be add some visuals put like slow EMA let's call it slow ma let's put the color yellow let's save it some issues yeah just need to add comma here and let's save again and let's see and now we should get our stop loss level yes this yellow line is a slow EMA which will be limit for our losses so in case the price will not go to Direction which we expected and go down so we will have to have a stop loss exit here so let's add the stop loss order in our strategy so strategy exit then let's call it somehow like stop loss and uh should have should have to specify which order we should close that should be for entry along and we should also specify the criterias for the stop so the stop let's put it like EMA minus 20. so let's give a bit of room for for the movements so let's save it and let's see how it will work and yeah so as what we can see the strategy already updated so let's see if it's improved anyhow our strategy and here we are nine million eight hundred yeah so I think I've done my target of 10 million so plus minus 200 I think it's not a big deal but that's the more important that we implemented the proper risk management so is what we can see we have stop loss levels on the level of EMA minus 20. so and as soon as the price is going down so it didn't went to the direction which we planned so we have a stop loss so that's how we are saving money as you can see we increase profitability almost 30 percent just using proper risk management approach and I think that's all for this trading strategy because we reached our Target of 10 million out of 1000 we use the initial charge gbt trading strategy based on the super Trend we added RSI relative strength index for momentum detection and we also added the adx indicator to understand where we are from the trend perspective and the only one thing left is that I want to create an indicator for you based on the trading strategy we just created I will add the label buy and sell to be displayed straight on the price chart so you can use it for your own analysis and research I'll put both strategy and indicate a pine script in my gum Road and I'll put the link in the description below and I hope that this video was useful for you and if so please hit the like button please leave your comments and let me know what else could I add into this trading strategy to improve the profitability don't forget to subscribe to the channel and I'll see you in the next video bye bye foreign [Music]
Channel: QuantTrader
Views: 26,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chatgpt trading strategy, chat gpt trading, chatgpt trading bot, chat gpt trading bot, trading strategy, trading strategy crypto, trading strategy bitcoin, bitcoin trading, pine script, tradingview, most profitable strategy, chat gpt, chatgpt, qunttrader, quant-trader, relative strength index, rsi, adx, Average Directional Index, super trend, supertrend, trading indicators, best trading strategy, how to make money
Id: 9VPfd08uU4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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