How to write a nonfiction book with chatgpt and Sudowrite AI

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hey there this is Derek Murphy today I'm playing around with pseudorite story engine to see whether or not it can write non-fiction so I've actually got a bit of a outline already this is a project I've been sitting on for like a decade I recently thought that I would Rebrand it a little bit and focus on AI and then I used Chad gbt to clean up all of my rough notes and I've got like 50k already written and tried to organize it into something that I could pitch as a book proposal I already have a lot of this content but I want to see if I can get AI to write some of this I could just do it in chat GPT but the reason pseudorrite works better is that you can add extra context so this slides back and forth this way and when you first start off you can give a big brain dump and a synopsis you can add the style that you like and you can even match my style if you give it some text it'll summarize how you write and use that as a prompt you've got the synopsis so when you're writing all of the chapters it also keeps track of some of this extra information the challenge of using AI to write books right now is that it can't really keep track of a long set of information like a novel where you have to keep track of all the characters and everything but adding in some extra context makes it easier to keep track you can even add characters over here so the problem is with story engine it's built for writing fiction I don't know that it's going to work for non-fiction so under characters you can see I just said there is there are no characters this is a non non-fiction book and then I was struggling with the outline because you have to put it in a certain format for the tool to work it tells you the format here and I actually was trying to use some of this this was my original outline that I wanted to use it goes on these uh five or six points to creative Independence which is something I came up with a long time ago so I kind of had this outline ready to go and I was trying to format it correctly here so the tool would work but I actually clicked on generate novel outline which you know it says novel outline I didn't know if it was going to work and I actually put in my outline in the brain dump with a lot of context and the introduction that I wrote actually that was missing so I just added it down here but what happened when I clicked on the button for generate outline here is that it created a pretty good non-fiction outline based on the content that I had already put in this sounds like you know good non-fiction stuff it's not getting confused on the story and it actually reorganized everything pretty significantly but in a way that makes sense and there are now 12 chapters for this outline and that's a really good number of chapters to have I have a couple of non-fiction chapter outlines and these are typically either 10 chapters or 12 or 13 chapters which is a way that I think organizing a non-fiction book works so without prompting it it gave me a 12 chapter outline I actually kind of want to see uh how this goes based on the way that they organize it and then maybe I'll try it again using my outline and before I move on I actually want to test this really quickly so I'm going to copy and paste this one just to make sure that I don't lose it and now that I've added my sixth chapter outline back into that introduction area I'm going to click this again and see if it does anything different so this time it actually gave me 13 chapters a few of these points are pretty good but I like some of the stuff that it said in the initial version as well so what I would typically be inclined to do is go through and copy paste these together and try to get the best possible outline that has you know everything just perfect and that's probably what I should do because the more that you make decisions early on uh the easier it's going to be to make decisions now when I'm just dealing with one paragraph As opposed to when I have way too much content and then I have to try to merge whole chapters together but I don't usually do things the way that I should do them so I'm going to generate this and then I might come back and use the other one as well to see if it gives me different content when I'm using storage engine I haven't actually you know published any books with AI yet I'm kind of just playing with the technology but I find that it generates about 50 usable content which means if I generate a hundred thousand words I might have to just delete 50k and then figure out you know it'll give me some really strong stuff and some stuff that doesn't work at all that I'll have to you know either manually prompt to rewrite it the right way or just write it myself once you've got your outline set up the right way where it's all formatted correctly then when you hit create a chapter it should create the next chapter and it'll automatically pull in this information and then I click the generate button and it gives me beats so the other really cool thing about pseudorrite is that not only do you have the pros which is the actual content like if I was doing this in Chad GPT I would just say write me a chapter about this and it might get some of it right if you're on a run like if you're in one big chat thread and Chad gpd4 kind of gets what you're going for you can rely on less and less prompting you can just say do it again for the next chapter and just give it a little bit of advice and it'll keep track of everything that's in the thread before it but here with pseudorrite I can give a very specific beat sheet just for this particular chapter so this is what chapter is about I could have written this all by myself but I can just hit generate and it does it for me so I should probably go back and look at my outline and make sure that the things that I wanted to say and those chapters are getting used however I only had a six point outline anyway and now I've got 13 or 14 chapters I think so I'm going to ignore this for now I might come back and regenerate this stuff more specifically if I need it if it's missing and I find a place that it fits in the new outline but for now I'm kind of just going to let story engine do its thing it seems like it's still doing pretty well with non-fiction it's not going off the rails with with fantasy or anything it even for example adds guardrails to itself which is kind of smart it's sort of um problem solving so uh it's telling itself not to spoil the rest of the book by going into too much detail about examples that's going to use later so this would be like a pretty high level editorial comment and it's automatically giving itself these ideas or the drivers like this is the you know emotional driver that drives this particular section is a potential for AI to enhance creativity that's the main point of the idea that's going to keep track of while it's you know discussing the potential benefits I will also mention though that this is all going to be a little bit suspect because uh most AI tools like pseudorite are trained on openai's chat gpd4 which stopped researching from Material in 2021 so there are AI tools that can connect to the internet right away I don't know whether Civil Right has that uh possibility but most of the time the information is going to be outdated so when you're talking about AI or current AI it's going to be two years outdated which is you know everything because all of the stuff we've got in the last two years have been you know pretty uh different from anything that's come before but those are things that I'll have to do a lot of research and a lot of checking I can't trust that this research that it gives me will be legitimate because it has the tendency to make things up if you tell it to tell you something it will make something up and give you that information it's on you to go and do the research and make sure that it's not just making things up out of thin air and it probably gets some things wrong so you might have to fact check and correct things and add your own links or sources but the other thing I like about story engine when you try to do something in charge you before it has um a limitation of characters and it would never really give you as much context so when you have the beats and you're saying like this is all the stuff I want you to cover in the first chapter that gives it a lot more material to work with instead of just saying write me a chapter about you know this topic so I should be able to go down here and click the pros I can choose I'm not exactly sure what the difference is between most accurate and slower or best Pros which is also faster um fast as you might get dizzy I would guess this is like open AI has different models it's got DaVinci 3.5 which is um pretty good but not really as good as four so I would guess the most accurate is gpd4 um anyway probably just different levels of open ai's service I'm probably just going to stick with the most accurate if you're just brainstorming or generating potential ideas and you're going to do really heavy editing or you can use other AI tools to you know rewrite something good and make it better in a better style but for non-fiction I don't really want fancy Pros anyway um I just want you know the information I want to keep it kind of simple so I'd probably go most accurate or fastest in this particular case and it should just start writing the chapter based on the context that I've given it and in my experience it gives me quite long chapters I like my chapters to be about 3 000 words and so here it goes and I typically will have to like walk away or go do something else for a while because you know it even though this is pretty fast it still takes some time to write it all out so this would be a project that I would do over several hours I would just kind of keep coming back doing the next section uh cranking it out it's going to need a lot of editing um to pull it all together and to make it good but having the structure is a huge part of it just getting organized with your outline and filling in the blanks and then having some content to work with you know if you're trying to write an non-fiction book or you're kind of stuck with the middle part like you know your story you know what you want to say but you've got to beef it out into a real book this is the kind of thing that can really work pretty well the other thing that I really like that it's doing so far it's using a lot of first person even though I didn't tell it to write in first person or to use like a friendly narrative voicer I didn't really give it a lot of um prompts but it's it's putting this in scene which just means um when I'm starting out like you want to hook attention you want to start with the story you don't want to start with information or factor details you want to show like a scene that that gets people into the topic so adding a dialogue at the beginning is a pretty smart choice because it's a real scene it makes it you know not just something that it's words on the page but something they can see in their heads and it starts off with a conversation between I the the whoops the um the narrative the narrator who's myself I guess but it's making up a person basically and a event that never happened with my friend Sam but it's a nice you know beginning to a book and it's focused on the main conflict which is you know the creative artist who is going to be replaced by Ai and other artists and it you know it starts with the conversation and the fears and how people are feeling and I like all the first person that it's doing this is not at all how I would write a non-fiction book my non-fiction books tend to be you know um focused on the Practical how to do something this is definitely narrative non-fiction where there's a lot of story Embrace a change I wish for myself having to delve deeper into the world of artificial creativity um but this is you know pretty good writing I it's a little weird to put my name on it because it's really just made up a whole narrator that isn't really me but I am pretty impressed with the quality of the non-fiction writing and it's still keeping a lot of things in the context of conversation and seeing um which is which is interesting I don't know it's not how I would have chosen probably to write this book um but I you know I want to see where this goes because I have a feeling like maybe this is better than the book I would have written by myself this last part is a little bit uh cheesy there's a meme actually about people who make up stories and then everybody stands and claps and everybody applauds where it's obviously made up wish fulfillment story but that's exactly what happens down here where he gives a little speech and then the room erupted into Applause um which is you know it's it's interesting but I don't know if I would be confident to actually use it uh in a story but anyway that's 2 700 words it's a pretty strong first chapter with a lot of good usable material I would probably add a bunch of stuff to that but it gives me something to work with so now I can just go up here to chapter two and create the chapter it'll give me if I generate the beats it'll give me the beats and then I would just click generate again and do the same thing this is something that I personally would just not spend a lot of time doing I would just generate a lot of content and then you know today I will have 70 000 words or so if all goes well well probably not that many but 2 over 13 chapters times three thousand is 50k maybe and then I have another 20 or 30k of my own contacts that I could blend into it um being an editor and blending chapters together is really really difficult it helps if you have a very a good structure so you know like this chapter is about this thing and this is what belongs to the chapter then when you have a lot of other information you know where it belongs and you can find a place to put it in it's still quite a bit of work um you know pushing things together that way but the other Advantage is that all of this is really clean writing like there's no typos or spelling mistakes or grammar problems a lot of the writing is good already so you're focused on the content and making sure you have all the right content in the book when you're adding things together like I mentioned I'll probably go back and um if anything is missing that I want to have done I can just come back and add another chapter and focus on on new things and I did mention I'm not exactly confident about this particular narrative voice uh because it's really different than how I write it's not different from like Malcolm Gladwell or other best-selling non-fiction books it sounds a lot like those books uh so I kind of like it for that reason because you know I would like to write non-fiction books like that too I just don't know that I you know can publish it under my name when it's so different from what people expect of me but I am going to let it do its thing because I'll probably come back and use that other version of the outline which is very similar and then maybe I'll add in some more writing style prompts down here down here under style I could change the style and you know be more clear about what kind of style I'm actually going after there's also some things that I that I don't especially like where it feels a little overwritten so Sarah chimed in her enthusiasm contagious uh something like that happens every time serum used clearly impressed I said connecting the dots between the past and the present I heard Sarah replied her eyes twinkling with excitement it's the same structure every time Sarah speaks I agreed feeling A Renewed sense of wonder so even though it's using different words each time it's the same structure every time and it it feels like it's just kind of overdone um some of it's pretty good maybe I'd cut out like half of it but the problem is like when it when there's too much like that and that's the entire style it can be really difficult to edit you know because you have to make choices so I finished this outline and watched an episode of good omen so it's a little bit less than an hour I've got 14 chapters of about 2500 words each however I can already say that I can probably only use about 20 of this content so I'll tell you why a lot of it like I mentioned is really good writing it's really descriptive conversation it's engaging there's a lot of visuals seen um but two things one thing none of this really happened they're not real people so it's a little bit like socrates's discussions where he kind of makes people up and forces them into conversation where they can say nice things that support the argument uh and I could call it that and just publish it and say I made these people up but this would all be a lot stronger if it was real people so there's two ways to go about it I could seek out experts and do an interview and um you know even just like send them a list of five questions when you bother experts you don't want to make it too involved you could invite them on like a podcast or something but if you don't have a platform they probably won't if you just say you know if you have a moment could you like write a paragraph on any of these three questions make it really easy for them maybe they'll respond if it takes them five minutes and then you could feature them in your book you could break that paragraph down into a conversation you'd probably also want to ask would you be okay if I you know summarize this or paraphrase that and turn into a conversation to boost the engagement of the non-fiction book and they will probably say yes so I could do that and replace all of these conversations with real people who are talking which would make it a lot more powerful except that these are probably already structured in a way that supports the argument and if I just had random people give me their ideas it'd be hard to put it into context I still could do it it's not the worst idea I probably won't for this book but I do like a lot of the scene um which you know normally I would have to make all this stuff up myself now it's all done for me and I would feel weird making all this stuff up anyway but for beginnings of chapters or endings of chapters um there's there's really good example uh chapter endings here where it looks forward to the next topic so a lot of this structure is well done it's just also sort of repetitive because every chapter is just a bunch of conversations where he's talking to his friend and looking at art or whatever and I think if I really went back and checked every chapter in detail I'd find a lot of repetition and that a lot of the same things being said over and over again so what I'm going to do right now is um copy all of this I can just scroll back to all the chapters and I think I can click there should be like a button to You Know download or compile I haven't found it yet I think there's just the send to Doc button at the bottom of these so when I click that send to Doc button into the right it sends chapter 1 into this document so it's got a little bit of a outline structure over here that looks like I can drag and drop the sections around which is cool you can do that in Microsoft Word also and then the main feature of pseudorite which I haven't really gotten into yet is that if you wanted to do your editing on chapter one I could select a certain part and then rewrite it in a different style or brainstem ideas or make it more visual by adding some scene description and then they've got some other stuff as well but I'm just trying to compile all this together really quickly so that I can use it I don't even really know if the Santa dog would be faster so what I'm going to do is just copy paste each of these chapters and then just drop them into my Word document so in my word document I just labeled it over here with round one narrative scenes and then I put in all the chapters pretty messily just copy pasting and what I'm going to try to do now is go back and use that alternate outline which was kind of similar and give it some different writing style prompts and I could either go back and start a new project or I can just delete all of these since I've already copy pasted them and then just go back and you know start over with the new outline which is what I'm going to do and this is something that would be tricky to do what I'm trying to do right now would be difficult to do with story engine so I've copy pasted this outline that I already made earlier it's pretty similar to the last one but it does have some differences but the part I'm kind of stuck on is that I do have an original outline system that I want to use with my six steps to creativity and this is the kind of thing that would take an immense amount of brain power in several hours to do well if I want to merge my six point outline with this 13 Point outline I'd be very difficult mental work which is why I probably would avoid it for a long time so I find myself using chatgpt just as a way to lessen the mental burden I can very quickly get things done without spending the the energy to do it and I'm just asking even a hard question can you merge these two outlines into one strong outline I want you know what you want exactly and then I say somehow structured together in a way that makes sense I can offload my shoulders by putting this challenge onto chai TPT and it can do a decent job I actually wanted to do a bit more and put in for each of these six steps which really focuses on the AI part I want to put in you know what I think each of those steps are but that's really something that goes into the introduction that I can add into the prompts later by consider right I just want to see if it can combine the these two outlines basically I probably should have merged the two outlines from earlier so that I don't have to do it again and it would have been a little bit smoother I did do a pretty decent job of this I'm not sure I trust it yet um because these chapter outlines were really specific on a really good topic for each chapter and I don't know that structuring it the way that I did mostly just because I was trying to hit those six points that I you know made up 10 years ago I think the the one the the 12 point outline that pseudo made for me is probably a stronger way to structure the book anyway and my six points could just be you know one chapter towards the end which might end up being what happens and I like the bullet points here it seems like there's more clear bullet points which is going to give to the right more uh to work with so if I don't use this because this is only six chapters I won't know where to put this later but I think I could put it in the premise and it would probably pull from the right information um anyway I don't fully trust this because like it has less bullet points but I think some of the bullet points is just summarized or combined together and it did basically add my six points as different acts so some of like most of these acts that's my point and then these are two chapters so it did kind of organize things and merge the outlines in a pretty satisfying way I think it's what I'm going to use for now so I copy pasted that all here and then I think I did put the outline in the brain dump but I'm going to add it here again the synopsis these are my six points which are a little bit different than the the 12 or 13 chapter outline we have right now but I wanted to make sure that it hits these points so maybe this will help a little and then I also need to change the style because the main thing like I mentioned in the last round was that even though a lot of it was really good writing with the story and the conversation um I want a lot more meat I want a lot more examples and practical stuff and a lot less flowery storytelling because I don't want that to be the whole book I found with prompting you just need to tell it what you want even just using really simple basic you know whatever words come to your brain AI does a pretty good job of understanding what you mean and if it doesn't you can just try again the results are always the quality is always going to be based on the prompt so if you're not getting the quality that you like then you should just add more specific details about what you're actually looking for and it you know sometimes it doesn't get it but most of the time you'll figure out how to make it do what you want and also briefly when people talk about the quality of the writing flowery purple prose that's really you know colorful uh usually isn't very good quality anyway that's sort of a way that amateurs um use too many words when they're trying to describe things and good writing is usually clean and simple clear writing so it's not really a problem that it doesn't have I mean it can definitely do a very purple prose flowery beautiful poetic writing if you tell it to do that but I wouldn't recommend telling it to do that I do want to focus though on you know the content and not the conversation so I can just say you know um up here I put this part in the genre but this is actually the writing style so I'm gonna see if I can copy that down here I should have put this casual clean writing sound nothing too fancy down here as well but I didn't so I don't really want to change the writing style at this point I'm going to move this part up to the top I don't know if that makes a difference with weight but um sometimes you know what you put first is the main thing I could say something like no conversations or do not go into scene just use a a narrative like a narrative lecture or you know a speech there's probably a way to describe it that I'm not thinking of right now but just um to avoid conversations with people or active scenes if you had the right words you could tell them not to do that I'm not going to do that right now even though I'm tempted to because I'm hoping that this is enough information to change the tone of what I'm getting with my content so I generated my Beats and that looks pretty good so now I'm generating the content so I'm actually not liking any of this the writing is really good it's interesting it's very similar to the previous round but even a little bit more showy and fancy so while it is engaging and it does hook attention by invoking story from the beginning it's a little bit too showy and it's not exactly what I want for this book I am very curious about it though I'm Gonna Save it because I could see this being like a YouTube series or a podcast or something where it's just this guy talking about his adventures I'm going to copy paste this and then I'm gonna before I change my prompts again I'm gonna see what these do um if I just change these settings I actually really like this one this was with the fastest which I guess is DaVinci 3.5 um and interestingly it's still in first person where you know I did this I stared at the computer screen but there's no conversations there's no scenes it's built similarly like a story you know as my excitement grew as I read the truth which is you know nice because you do want a little bit of story um the boring part is that he's just like this entire chapter he's just sitting at his desk thinking about things so nothing really happens but a lot of the content is good because it's you know actual examples and real paragraphs that structured pretty well altogether this is sort of a lot more boring than the previous versions but I like it because you can actually read through it it's you know several paragraphs it's a coherent argument and there are a lot of examples I actually want more examples and more details but this is just the first chapter and it's probably given me you know 10 or so pretty good examples and then towards the end he meets up with a friend and has a very brief conversation so this is where I could insert a big conversation from the previous version and just for fun I want to see what this middle one does too it says best pros and faster too so we'll try that one so this one with the best Pros I also like a lot I think it's probably my favorite it's much more direct informal non-fiction where it's just you know talking and making the argument it's not you know seen I'm sitting in my desk almost none of that it's just all Pros which is nice this is kind of what I what I needed what I was looking for um it gives me a lot of new examples but then down here it gets weird where it says here's a possible continuation of the scene it starts summarizing things really quickly it didn't really even finish nine and ten this is probably just too much content so I didn't know what to do although it's only at 1750 like 17 50 words uh it should have written like three thousand I know it's capable of that and then down here it says like what do you think of that I'm happy to revise it but I'm not really sure how like in chat GPT I would just tell it what to do and it would just continue yeah I don't see any way I tried adding a prompt here I don't see any way to just tell it how to do it again oh I also just noticed up here there's a copy so instead of me copy pasting the whole thing like I was doing I probably could have just copied this I was going to go back and add more to my prompts but this is basically what I wanted so what I'm gonna actually do is continue with the entire outline but I'm gonna do both the best and the fastest and I'm going to copy paste both of those into my word document because they're pretty different styles and I can see myself also there was like different examples and everything I could see myself getting twice as much content that I could blend together I'm kind of bummed it did not really finish this I might just click this again and see if it does a better job it didn't really finish that full chapter I could go back and chat GPT and ask it to to do it again or to fix it I'm gonna see if this just you know maybe gives me more words yeah it's still responding to me and telling me what it's doing and saying I can adjust it for you it's weird that it's doing that I haven't seen it do that before it is giving me a lot of new interesting examples which I like a lot if it starts getting really annoying you can just tell it what you don't want to do I said do not ask me how's that or tell me how you wrote the scene after each section which it had you know was doing quite a bit but there's still a lot of content here that's good and different from that last version that I just wrote so even just hitting the button again and generating you know three or four versions of the same chapter so you have a lot of content that you can fix together might work I'm going to go through this outline like I told you and I'm just gonna do best and fastest for each of these chapters so I was about halfway through and I realized that the outline that I put in I never deleted that first outline so I had duplicate outlines it gave me like 20 chapters so I figured out that was an issue and I'm going to redo these chapters the way that I was doing them but I'm going to stop the video because that's going to take me more time I do already have about 70 000 words of content so like I mentioned half of it's probably going to be usable and it's going to be a lot of work um it took me about two hours to get 70 000 words but it's probably going to take me a few weeks at least of full-time editing to um you know cut out all the fluff and then merge everything together and make it readable and since a lot of AI stuff is just made up examples I'm going to have to replace a lot of the content which is going to be pretty repetitive with uh real stuff that's my own research or my own writing so we're not quite at the point where an AI tool can just write an entire book for you automatically at least not one of quality I think we will get there in the future but for now people who have the skills and the understanding of how to put a book together can do a lot of the work faster I don't think it's necessarily necessary nor beneficial to do all of the hard work yourself if it's about the process or if it's about improving yourself and improving your craft then of course you know do the work but sometimes you have all the skills and you've been doing this for a long time you understand how to do it but it still takes a tremendous amount of brain mental energy and time so for example this is a project that just wasn't even on my radar because I didn't have the bandwidth to ever get around with it around to it but now if I can you know I'm bored with this now after a couple of hours but if I spend another day on it and redo all of these chapters with this new outline which is pretty good I basically have three different versions of every chapter with a bunch of different uh scenes or people or examples so I can restructure that together into a solid start of a potential chapter and then with a lot of editing and revision putting in my own content making sure it has my voice and it says what I wanted to it's definitely going to reduce the workload a lot which means I could actually finish and publish this book whereas otherwise even if I had wanted to put it on my to-do list I just don't have time to get around to it so I hope this video was useful if you want to write non-fiction books um I've got other stuff on YouTube or you can get pseudorite which I will leave the link to down below thanks a lot bye
Channel: Derek Murphy
Views: 4,565
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Keywords: self-publishing, writing, marketing, branding, travel, digital nomad, creativity, book marketing, books, authors, writers, Kindle, Amazon, writing prompts, writing tips, writing fiction, plotting, how to write a book, how to publish a book, how to market a book, book editing, book design, book cover design, book formatting, how to get published, earn money online, online business, marketing strategies, work from home
Id: m7sk6cuus20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 17sec (2117 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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