ChatGPT Trading Strategy

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[Music] this video is sponsored by your provider of Bitcoin on chain data on this website you can find multiple metrics for example number of addresses with more than 10 000 Bitcoins Link in the description below hi everyone and welcome to my YouTube channel today I'm trying to test charge GPT and how we can help us to build trading strategies in a pine script for for trading View right so to start from we should register on the I've already done that so as soon as you register you will get into the chat page it's basically just a chat page where you can uh put your question in the assistant chat GPT will answer you so here I'm trying to understand how I can call it and it's saying that that we can call it assistant which is okay for us right so now I want to understand how much assistant we're about trading strategies and uh trading view itself and Prime script so uh let's start from the basic uh question uh if a system knows about the trading view right do you know do you know what is trading View cool so assistant that was about uh training view which is good that's called she knows uh let's call the system I I like to call it C okay let's call it C she knows what is trading view is about okay let's check if she knows what is uh Pine script do you do you know do you know gosh no buying script oh that's great assistant no spine script okay good now let's try something some let's try to get some Vine script maybe uh okay uh could you please create uh profitable three things strategy in Pines script for Bitcoin certainly which that was easy um that use moving average version five okay strategy okay okay SMA okay which is version 5 which is great but it doesn't use ta library right um in a crossover and in SMA um you let's try to educate uh that and it's it's it should use the ITA Library you should use a ta just like thank you for your feedback you're very welcome gsme cracked and for not and for crossover as well I hope it will understand it right tasma okay now it's correct then crossover cool then why would she why she didn't do it before right okay she want to have some entertainment probably right some conversation which is good um what else it is entry and so so far so good right um what I would do I would add probably plotting for both smas and will be but all right let's ask could you please uh plot four balls of smes certainly I like it version five okay okay it's just it's using uh hundred percent of the Equity 20 200 SMA short and long moving average entry long strategy which is correct and yeah now we have plot of both okay now it's and we're getting some explanation of what we are getting right okay okay okay let's let's try let's try let's try okay now let's go to the BTC USD um CSD so we don't need this we don't need this we'll do a pine editor let's open create a new strategy let's remove everything put it here strategy should be okay save it cross all strategy save it and blue yeah blue um color blue okay it should be okay we should teach um the system that we need to use caller library right okay what we're getting now let's add to the chart and we have nine thousand eight nine thousand two hundred percent profitability which is great right that's how it works that was easy and yeah it looks like we're we're doing what we plan to do right yeah looks like that was easy 9002 9200 percent which is great okay so that's how it's working um we are getting uh we asking the profitables trading strategy and we're getting uh buying script with a version 5 for for trading View and that's how it works cool I need to do some back testing and check how did you did we done all correct but so far it looks looks good looks good yeah I'll try to do some other testing uh for child gbt I was thinking how to incorporate it with python scripting but I'll do it in the next video so if you're not subscribed please subscribe to the channel and I see you in the next one thank you very much and bye foreign
Channel: QuantTrader
Views: 46,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chat gbt trading, trading strategies, bitcoin, trading strategy, trading bot, quanttrader, quant-trader
Id: Zv2GBCc6F1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 02 2023
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