How To Make Money Using ChatGPT (Open AI)

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how to make money fast with chat gbt have you ever wondered how to make 100 200 300 2 000 days using AI my name is Jeffrey in this quick video I'm gonna show you exactly how to go from zero to six figures using AI but first let me tell you a quick story when I first started in the industry in online business it took me three years for me to actually make some money because I lack the skill deficiencies and to be frank I didn't even have enough money to buy the courses for that information for that skill set and that skill deficiency is number one reason why entrepreneurs in the space fail but that's all in the past introducing chat GPT a revolutionary way to do business in the new economy so how do you make money using chat cheaper TV you can either become a freelancer or an agency owner and what services you sell copywriting copywriting is a fundamental need in every single business no more writing up copy for business owners working long hours now you can use AI to write businesses copy and different stances let me show you how so here's chat GPT over here guys um and now yeah I've already had a few conversations with him so here's exactly how you start making money with chai GPT so you could advertise your services on Fiverr or upwork right and you could say it's a huge demand for copywriting in general right what I recommend is start like a niche right so specifically you are doing your up and solve your cellular are providing that service have vcls um tiger burning BCL Prime engagement premium stock footage you could do a lot of Cannonball but we're talking about the copy in general maybe cell copyrighting right here vcl service oh boost your cells like the main the main thing for copywriting like it's so time extensive with um literally like right in the copy it's so time extensive like with the the rest of the deliverable that's the small little like a voiceover that you could you could you know find a guy from anything that it's very simple right but what takes a lot of time is the copy itself right so you could do uh Nisha video sales letter or you could do cold email itself right it's like oh I hope this is right code emails uh yeah email copy super responsible rates right so here's how you do this so let's have an example of like a video sales letter for a business that let's say for a B to b instead of B2B to B let's say coaching service that offers it offers um Pro that offers booked appointments right it could be anything Clement Center blah blah for appointments um targeting the let's say the vcl right so let me explain the more context you put in here the better it gets right so um for let's say four and the ICP is let's say they're targeting product Market fit product Market great companies or track that are struggling and boom just like that hello welcome to coaching service this introduction I need a little bit refining so I mean you could just replace stuff with introduction hi I'm my name I'm you know um with client company's name right so it could be easily deleted uh used as an introduction the introduction doesn't really matter um it's just the copy here it was a stronger fighting product where I could fit or you're having trouble getting calls if so our coaching service can help can experts have proven track resume make sure that you're probably fit make sure I've grilled through a targeted marketing so strategies some other plan Yes sounds good guiding to know that so this is like the the first copy and it helps to refine it even more so let's say the business owner told you that I was like oh I'm receiving a lot of objections right because the reason for a video sales letter is to basically uh pitch and filter the filter the uh the leads right the Outreach um it makes it more efficient and you can do that by counting the objections first hand in the video sales letter before booking a call so say that um let's say Target GCL tours the objection the objection um foreign could be anything it's like I don't have money I have to think about it let's say I have to think about it addressing the objection look at this boom Voyage right here look at that it's beautiful this is a game changer guys like it takes so long to research especially for copyright and I've done copper writing it takes hours and hours ahead to do the research um etc etc you know I'm just in a minute this is awesome guys because with a video sales letter the cool thing is uh well the thing is that you have to keep refining it multiple times and reiterations right and this thing could do the reiterations itself it's like oh we're seeing a lot of objections of the towards a specific thing we could put this in the AI and it could give you a copy on that and redo the vcl which is what we usually do with revisions so it's an amazing thing so let's do code email guys um our code email called emo to let's say um coaching business that offers um marriage counseling excuse my spelling marriage counseling um ICP is let's say your client proponent rcpr ICP is let's say um for marriage counseling it should be early on the relationship I would assume so probably um is Newlyweds Weds really wet that are rest I have been married less than a year less than two years but are facing you but here's the thing that ICP though client person you have to have you have to add a lot of context towards it so the more context it has the better it gets right so the more specific you could be in your ideal client Persona which your clients are already basically have thank you because you already know their ideal client Persona they don't stay away from most people right so newly red said I've been married less than two years are arguing are arguing a lot a lot and have gone past the honeymoon phase like they're more specific it gets the more better it gets I guess AI is it's endless that you think they can accomplish so your perspective with clients help us with your name perfect so I wouldn't say dear prospective client that's like come on guys I wouldn't say that the introduction needs a little bit um it could be a did it so like for introduction I could say um no this is a b2c business actually so like they could possibly now this possibly could work but I mean honestly I could just say quick question or say hey first name the the main thing is personalization right so I put hey name personalization something about anything anything personally you can see in their socials right autism my name is Jefferson I was a marriage counselor Lewis foreign perfect uh make it shorter typically with especially direct the consumer I mean uh to uh b2c we need shorter emails and generally shorter emails so we could refine it make it shorter yep perfect perfect um yeah the introduction it doesn't get what the introduction needs to be uh because I mean it knows the information you make it personal but um you just need to add that personal line to your name or hey name personal line it could be anything um Services that's a different shout let's make it let's make a list professional less Pro can't spell I wonder if you're out of college guys um so make it less professional uh and Boom Episode I have this is Jeffrey Consular it's very few students will argue if I can feel like you you were not in the honey food space anymore right so here's the thing guys like for the ICP If You're add pain pain points into the uh like if you add it towards the AI it can craft it and then the pain point is um basically if you don't know what pain point is it's just uh uh something that that they're having pain towards um that's keeping them from their desired state I'm not sure that but um you can the the client the business owner will know all that stuff well at least I hope they do they don't want to stay away from those people so you just feed up to the AI and it refines it gets better all right so there's no reason why this shouldn't convert at all um that the introduction specific situation actually now perfect like it's amazing guys right and let's say we can make let's provide a copy and add copyright for copywriting in general right copy for me let's say um okay let's what's new these days for a new organic organic made shea butter shea butter shampoo right for e-commerce companies write out a copy well introducing our new organic chicken having guys look this is amazing it's at it's adding more context it's perfect like wow that flicky sources ingredients love it try new again bro like come on it's literally all you need come on guys and it's free so there you go guys literally you cannot you can use this liver boost the most important thing is you have to add politics to this AI so find their ideal client Persona right um for these copper running for running code emails media cells that are General ad copy for e-commerce companies copywriting you need to add a lot of context towards it towards towards the people they're targeting they're avatars they're the client Persona so especially with Fiverr like come on guys 650 61 six dollars come on put an up or put it in Fiverr this is easy money guys um and eventually once you start getting you know making money you can transition this to an ABC model where you know you could hire contractors but the main copy itself it's outsourced through the AI so you're gonna save even more money and make it faster faster deliverables right so I mean the main thing is you have to have input data here to the AI so I can make it I can refine it and make it better as long as you guys do this this copy will convert and your accounts will be happy
Channel: Jeffrey Tigres
Views: 5,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, how to make money with chatgpt, chatgpt, chat gpt examples, how to use chat gpt, chat gpt to make money, using chat gpt to make money, creative ways of using chat gpt to make money online, ways to make money with chat gpt, make money online with chat gpt, openai, make money with chat gpt, chat gpt plagiarism, chat gpt api, chat gpt explained, what is chatgpt, how to make money with chat gpt, chatgpt examples, gpt3, open ai, chat gpt ai, open ai chat gpt
Id: LqmPndytCAA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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