This TradingView Indicator Predicts The EXACT Future

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This secret trading view indicator shows  you the future of the price of the asset,   and the crazy thing is that it is actually really  accurate. In today's video we will be showing you   this new and free indicator that tries to predict  the exact future of the price of an asset by   looking at the price history. Please leave a like  on the video and subscribe to the channel to help   us keep creating these free videos. Now that  we have gotten that out of the way let’s start! Let’s first headover to tradingview  and add the indicator to the chart.   Headover to the indicator search tab and search  for the Echo indicator. Select the indicator made   by Lux algo and add it to the chart. Let’s first  ty to understand exactly how the indicator works   so that we will be able to know how we can use  the indicator to enter into profitable positions. When you look at the indicator settings you will  see the following; an evaluation window, forecast   window, forecast mode, forecast construction and  source. The evaluation window settings refer to   the window size used for finding historical  observations similar or dissimilar to recent   observations. The forecast window determines the  forecasting horizon. The forecast mode determines   whether to use historical similarities or  dissimilarities in the recent price observations.   The forecast construction determines how the  forecast is constructed, lastly we have the   source which is the setting that allows us to  choose the input of the forecast. Now that we   know what settings are available for the indicator  let’s take a look at how we can use the indicator. The indicator can be used to forecast the  future trends of the asset, the indicator   also indicates which historical variations have  the highest degree of similarity or dissimilarity.   As you can see there are three colors  that are being plotted on the chart.   the forecasting window is orange and determines  the prices segment that will be used as a   reference for the search for the most similar  historical price segment which is colored in   green. As you can see here the grey area is the  total evaluation zone, then the green area shows   you the most similar part within this grey area  when comparing it with the orange reference area.   I hope you understand the indicator better, now  let’s take a look at when we will enter into a   buy position with this indicator. As you can  see here the indicator is predicting that the   price of the asset will rise. This indicates  that we should enter into a buy position.   We will enter into the buy position and place the  stoploss at the recent swing low. For the take   profit, we will target a 1.5 times risk-to-reward  ratio. Now let’s take a look at the result. Here we see that the indicator is predicting  that the price of the asset will probably   continue in the downtrend. So let’s enter into  a sell position. We will place the stoploss at   the recent swing high. For the take profit we  will target a 1.5 times risk-to-reward ratio.   Now let’s see how the trade plays out. Even though this indicator is really good, the  indicator isn’t meant to be used on its own.   This is confirmed by the fact that  the indicator also provides losing   signals when we use it on its own. So let’s  head over to the indicator search tab and   add the other indicators to the chart to  make this strategy even more profitable. First, navigate to the indicator search tab  and search for the SSL hybrid indicator.   Select the indicator made by  Mihkel and add it to the chart.   The second indicator that we will be adding  to the chart is the volume oscillator.   Search for the volume oscillator indicator,  select the indicator made by tradingview,   and add it to the chart. Those were all of  the indicators that we will need to add.   To optimize the indicators for the strategy  let’s change the indicator settings. First headover to the SSL hybrid indicator  settings and click on the inputs tab.   We will be changing the Baseline length from  60 to 200. After doing that we will need to   change the Baseline type to Mc Ginely  which is a type of moving average that   was designed to track the market better  than existing moving average indicators.   Now let’s click on the style tab  and change the style settings.   We will be unchecking all of the checkboxes  except for the bar color and MA-baseline checkbox.   Now let’s change the Volume oscillator settings.  Headover to the volume oscillator style settings.   We will be changing the color of the colors  of the lines to make them more visible.   That was all that we needed to do. Now let  me show you how we will combine all of the   indicators to make accurate predictions  of where the price will be going. The first indicator that we added is going  to act as the trend direction indicator for   this strategy. This means that by using  this indicator we can filter out trades   that go against the greater trend. We also  added the volume oscillator to the chart.   This indicator will help us identify periods in  the market where there is a high amount of volume.   This means that this indicator will try to  filter out ranging and sideways markets.   And lastly we will be using the echo forecast  indicator as the entry signal to know exactly   when to enter into a position. Now that  you know how all of the indicators work   and how we will be using them let’s take  a look at when to enter into a position. But before that, if you are looking for a  secure and reliable broker that has been   operating since 2007 and has Raw spreads from  0 pips, extremely low fees, no hidden markups,   and free deposits and withdrawals. then check  out AAAFX the best broker to trade Forex,   Indices, Commodities, Stocks, and  Cryptocurrencies. They have many   deposit methods such as crypto creditcard  and many others. signup via the link in the   description of the video and get access to  all of the previously mentioned features. To enter into a long position the  following conditions will need to be met.   Firstly the price must be touching the top of the  forecast window, if we see that that is the case   we will take a look at the forecast line. The  line will need to point upwards signaling that   the uptrend will continue. Now we will need  to take a look at the SSL Hybrid indicator.   The candlestick color will need to be blue  indicating that we are currently in an uptrend.   to make sure that there is enough volume in  the market we will need to look at the volume   oscillator indicator. We will know if there is  enough volume if the line is above the zero line.   Before entering into the position we will first  need to make sure that the forecast line won’t   hit the stoploss before it hits the takeprofit. To  make sure of this click on the long position tool,   we will use this tool to map out the entry. We  will put the stoploss at the recent swing low.   For the takeprofit we will target a 1.5  times risk-to-reward ratio. As you can see,   according to the forecast the takeprofit will be  hit before the stoploss is hit. Now that we know   this we will actually enter into the position.  Now let’s see how the trade will play out. Now let me show you a very important rule, As  you can see here the price is touching the top   of the forecast window. We also see that the  forecast is indicating that the price will   continue in an uptrend. After taking a look at  the bar color we see that the color is blue,   this means that the conditions for  the SSL indicator have been met.   Lastly we take a look at the volume oscillator, we  see that the volume line is above the zero line.   this means that all of the conditions have been  met, however we won’t enter into the position.   If we map out the trade and put the stop  loss at the recent swing low and we target   a 1.5 times risk-to-reward ratio for the  take profit. We will see the following,   the stop loss will be hit before the take  profit is hit according to the forecast.   Because of this, we will  not enter into the position. Now let’s take a look at when  to enter into a sell position.   We first will need the candlestick to be touching  the bottom of the forecast window. we will also   need the forecast line to be pointing downwards  indicating that the downtrend will continue.   If we look at the candlestick color we see that it  is also red meaning that the SSL hybrid conditions   have been met. The same goes for the Volume  oscillator because we can see that the volume   line is above the zero line. Now that all of the  conditions have been met let’s map out the trade   to make sure that we won’t get stopped out based  on the forecast line. We will place the stop loss   at the recent swing high and for the take profit,  we will target a 1.5 times risk-to-reward ratio.   as you can see according to the forecast  line our stoploss won’t be hit before the   take profit is hit. So let’s actually enter into  the trade. Now let’s see how the trade plays out.   As you can see the trade was very profitable. Overall this seems like such an interesting and  advanced indicator. I think that the author of   the indicator did a great job of creating it. By  combining the indicator with the other ones, we   are also able to create a profitable strategy to  use alongside it. Thank you for watching, please   leave a like and subscribe to the channel, if you  have any questions feel free to leave a comment.
Channel: Switch Stats
Views: 502,582
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Keywords: tradingview best indicators, best tradingview indicator, predict the future indicator, echo forecast indicator, predict exact future, tradingview indicators best, forex, day trading, forex trading, crypto, forex strategy, day trading strategy, tradingview, scalping strategy, trading, crypto trading strategy, high win rate crypto strategy, best scalping strategy, no nonsense forex, 100% winning trading strategy, best crypto strategy, best forex strategy, forex trading strategies
Id: Jt0k-gMVvDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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