ChatGPT Prompt Engineering Explained in 6 Minutes. JOB OF FUTURE

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hi there Digital World this is your girl Valerie all set up to unlock the magic of prompt engineering for you are you on it hot shot or just a two curious Soul who gets a bus out of the productivity hugs then honey grab a cup of coffee and get comfortable because this is a spot for you but first let's do a quick make and read [Music] I'm a computer science grad with a Decay to the Romancing the Wild and exciting startup scene under my belt now you might be asking Valerie why should I bother with a prompt engineering well picture this I showed you 304 000 the year salary you're the kind of money you get in the pet House New York an organic avocado toast every morning that's what professionals with prompt engineering jobs are ranking in it's hot it's happening it's here to stay folks with AI and productivity having a laugh child there is a whole new job market springing up across Industries you won't believe how many roles can be dressed up with the touch of AI propped magic journalists can pump up fresh article ideas teachers can whip up fabulous lesson plans and doctors can keep up with the latest in medical research picture a software engineer crafting a prompt like design an efficient caching mechanism to speed up a web app performance and put a database queries on a diet or HR manager getting all draft job description from the project manager role the skies the limit to cook up a good prompt you got to remember the secret sauce it instruction context input data and output factors this monitor is going to be our Guiding Light so let's roll our sleeves and break it down first up in our prompt recipe is the instruction this is this three top task or command you want your body to follow it's like giving your dog the sit command only hear words like translate write classify summarize analyze predict compare and generate set the stretch the more specific instruction the better your AI pad performs then comes context it's like setting the scene for the play providing the backstory that helps the AI understand that you're talking about the more juicy details you feed it like industry-specific jargon time frames or user scenarios the better output and here's the fun twist you can play pretend ask the eye to act like a Stephen King brainstorming a horror novel or Shakespeare cooking up a strategy you can even make the channel a historical beagles like Abraham Lincoln giving a speech know how cool is that next up is input data the stuff you feed into the eye for the process it could be text or even other data types depending on the task the latest iteration of our French GPT has turned into the beat of web server Yes you heard that right it can use links to websites for data although so far it's web browsing skills are more like new by Surfer rather than big wave Master just remember the better your raw material the more delicious your AI generated dish finally we have output factors these are special spices you want your AI output to have like accuracy creativity relevance or specific formatting needs by making this clear you helping UI cope out the exact dish you're craving for now that we're done Deep dive into our formula let's see it in action say you want your AI to summarize a search paper on renewable energy here is how you'd mix the obvious prompt first is instruction summarize then context research paper on renewable energy sources then input data the full text of the research paper all linked to the website output factors a brief summary with the K findings and conclusions use PhD level of language voila with this approach your AI will serve up a summary that hit all these right notes but here's the catch the flying ointment you see an AI can sometimes play the fool there is a story about lawyer who landed in a court because he trusted some monkey data from a chatbot just goes to show that even in the eye world you got to be doing your homework that's why checking is a crucial always double no triple check the information where the reliable sources and guess what you can even design your prompts to help you cross verify for example start by asking what is the go-to treatment for the type 2 diabetes and follow up with something like what's lifestyle tune-ups are usually recommended for managing type 2 diabetes you see by approaching the same piece of information from the different angles you can confirm the facts and ensure your AI isn't serving you a half back of Truth remember AI might be super tall but it's got with the quirks when crafting a prompt stick to the formula instruction context input data and output factors and fact checking after well folks we just zoom through the expressway of front engineering but guess what we still got lots of Uncharted Theory ahead so to ensure you don't miss out the fun give that like button and smack and share the love and subscribe to stay in the fast lane of AI Journey for sneak peek in the for future of the chat GPT and AI stay tuned to my next video Until then this is Valerie signing off
Channel: AscentMind with Valerie
Views: 10,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: personal growth, midjourney, chat gpt, chatgpt plugins, kaiber ai, chat gpt 4, generative ai, chatgpt, artificial intelligence, jobs of the future, future jobs and industry, ai revolution, artificial intelligence news, ai technology, prompt engineer, jobs of future, prompt engineering, chatgpt prompt engineering, make money online, gpt 4, chat gpt prompts, prompt, prompt engineering chatgpt, large language model, ai prompt engineering, best chatgpt prompts, promptbase
Id: bnhJFQduT8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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