Day 1 | Introduction to ChatGPT and Prompt Engineering | Prompt Engineering Zero to Hero (5 Days)

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okay is is is my voice now is you can say audible to you just let me know if you guys can now hear me I think now the issue should be solved right okay still not Audible and now you yeah now it is audible I guess right just check okay great great thank you so let's quickly start off so yeah so uh this is Prasad I'm one of the C team members here at let upgrade and I welcome you all again to another Essentials or a z to session that is called uh Chad GPT basically prompt engineering that you're going to master in the next 5 days right so I won't take much of your time I'm not your trainer so we have rishab who is going to teach you I'll introduce him in a bit all right before that as a student what you guys have to do is first of all just go and register so as you can see on my screen we have a dock and also that dock basically contains everything that you need to complete this program right so where you can get this doc all the links that you require to successfully complete the program are available in the chat or the description so if you can see in your chat there would be pinned comment that would say allinone documentation just copy it take a screenshot save it somewhere send to someone right so that that comes handy to you once you open that link you would land on a otion page that looks something like this so let's understand that what all is here right so the very first link is basically the link to this document itself or you can scan the QR next is the enrollment link so if you guys are watching us directly on YouTube without register ing registration is very important so you have to just go and click on this link and that would take you to our enrollment page that is the let subg get website so basically it would load in a bit or meanwhile what you can do is just go to Let's subg and you can just scroll down to the program section and just go and enroll in this program right once you click on enroll it would ask a few details about yourself and then you can go and quickly enroll in your program once you enroll into the program let me do one thing I'll just uh also the link right which is available here I'll also put that link into the if the mods are there just quickly go and put that link in the chat as well right okay so if if the link is not working just give me a minute I'll resolve that real quick mods can you please check if the link why is not working so please follow this meanwhile just go on to the let's upgrade site click on the home Page look at the fill this and see find the program below right and just go and quickly enroll once you enroll right now what to do next is basically in the next five days that you're going to spend with us you're going to learn about using the prompt engineering bit by bit okay so the link is not working mod if you can please put the direct link do not put the short link uh mods if you are there just quickly go and put the direct link to one link okay put the direct link to one link do not use short link okay okay so now uh if you can please inform Anam to put the direct links thank you okay right so now the second second thing that we have on here is basically how to step by step complete the program right so it again has the whole process as I mentioned there are few things that you have to keep in mind that is enrollment attendance and then getting a certificate so all the process is available with your with screenshots so anybody who is watching this program in the recorded mode again you can come to this doc everything is well documented here yes you should be having you should be having an email once you registered for the program so if if it in case you miss it no worries now that here that's fine right so now the Second Step once you register and do everything you come every day at 6:30 like today tomorrow and so on for the next 5 days you will learn in bits and pieces about chat GPT and using prompt engineering basically not just St G you can use it in any of the AI tools and right the nodes for the same are available here you once you go into the notes section you will get to access to the pp whatever the trainer or the host or the instructor is going to use for the next 5 days is available here just click on this link and it should take you to a link where all the uh uh presentations are available below that we have the topics that are going to be covered in the next 5 days right so if you can see all the topics are pretty much laid out here and if you open this links you will get a detail detail information about those topics right so we're going to create few things we are going to understand about how CH GPD works works we are going to understand about how to get your things done with chat GPT fast right even as a developer how you can debug and all those things all those are here right so I hope all the information about the docs are clear and don't worry I'm going to be here along with you right so do not worry about all that so with that I'll just go and call in the trainer right so I'm just going to switch to the mode where is available right so I hope I hope hi uh rishab if you can hear us yeah yeah hey am audible yeah you're audible guys please let me know if you can hear rishab very clearly and also see his screen a very quick confirmation guys is my screen visible and I'm audible to you guys can can you guys see me hey hi guys quick confirmation guys hi guys whoever is not able to access the sh link the direct link is also in the chat quickly go and use that direct link okay cool uh so guys uh I guess you can uh see me and you can see my screen as well as you can hear me properly is it is it yes Audible and visible cool cool cool and also is my is my screen shared is my screen shared yeah cool cool cool so uh hi guys I'm rishab Sharma and I'm a front end developer at black and green Mobile Solutions which is a product based company and for the next five days I would be taking your chat GPT or maybe prompt engineering session we can say basically and in this complete session let let me give a brief uh overview of what we are going to study or what we are going to learn in these 5 days basically right so the first thing first that we are going to learn that we are going to see in today's session first is basically uh what a prompt engineering is what a chart GPT is how it is useful to us how it is different than Google and like stuff like that right so as we we are going to see all these things and for further sessions uh we would be seeing how we can get chat GP to work and how we can make our lives Easier by delegating our work to chat GP and how we can you know uh create some interesting prompts how we can create effective prompts basically how we can map chat GP with our uh day-to-day exercises that we do it might be a Gmail we can map the chat GP to Gmail itself we can map chat GPT to our uh like vs codes and we can we can do all those cool things right and and how we can get the chat GPT uh how we can use chat GPT and prompt engineering basically uh in debugging our code in like getting our code done from it right so all these things all the uh thank you manam thank you s for for the background appreciation thank you so much and so all these things we would be covering uh like in detail in these five days also and also some additional points that I want to share right now is basically if someone is from non-tech background right so like we have taken care of that particular person as well so if you are a content creator if you are a YouTuber in fact right so we would be covering that part also how content creation can be done by chat GPT and how you can write the scripts and how you can write the complete you know uh form of I can say script for YouTube or script for a movie how you can write a song by using a chart GPT and prompt engineering like so so these these this is a brief of like what what in the five days we are going to do so oh like a final conf confirmation guys am I am I [Music] audible no issues let's let's keep it sorry to interrupt here guys just understand that a lot of audience right who will come here will not be able to you know understand Hindi much so as rishab said that we will switch here and bit where we are explaining but majority of the session we'll try to keep it English because there are people who are also watching this from abroad and everything and in the chat right so before we move on with actual learning a few ground rules let's set up right so nobody will spam the chat unnecessarily when rishab is teaching so because we want you to focus on understanding how prompt engineering works and as I we in between when done with a few models he'll ask you to put up some queries in the chat so like I I I am going to be there the whole session to ask see your queries and if if there are some sensible doubts that are going to be come like that basically which will come up I'll take them and make sure that rishab is addressing those but unnecessarily do not spam do not you know put up hate speech anything this is not the place to do that right and yes it is going to be one and a half hours of session it will be from 6:30 to 8: today we started late so we'll maybe extend a bit but yeah so and make sure it is not just that you come today you do not come today tomorrow so and it will work we want you guys all the 600 people coming every day in the session so that is only when you are going to understand the real power of prompt engineering and we can guarantee you that if you sit for next 5 days straight and basically if you are working professional I believe a lot of people are here you are going to get your work done easily and believe me I'm not lying I have tried doing this and you'll basically be able to do your six hours of work in 3 hours or so right because a lot of things get sorted with prompt engineering right so we hope all the best like all the best for you guys and I I will be here uh in passive mode as and when uh I'll come and talk to you guys but yeah over to you rishab and I guess we can kick off the session now yeah okay guys so the first thing the first question my first question to you all what do you guys think the CH GPT is it a Bo to a mankind or it's it's a like ban to a man what what do you think Gant basically a phrase a phrase which is which is like in trending that will take our jobs and like we would be re and all those things so what what do you think what do you think is CH GP is there for a boon or or it's a ban to a mankind both bo bo Advantage Advantage Bo Boon bo bo bo bo exactly exactly guys make this thing very clear very clear in your minds that chat GPT is always a Bo to a mankind right these types of right understand this thing if someone says that CH no no that is not the case right when chat GP is there or when tools like chat GPT when concept like prompt engineering is there right it is not there to take your jobs it is not there to take your jobs but it is there to raise your bars it will raise your bars understand this thing CH GPT and prompt engineering like concept will raise the industry it is there to raise everyone's bar right if you are that CH GPD is not there to take anybody's job it is just there it is just there to raise your bar to raise your standard to the raise the industry the whole industry will grow right simultaneously sound gone sound gone so voice voice no audible guys I hope I hope the sound is working fine I just checked please please please check if it is working now no no just just a minute just a minute guys please check now I hope is it is it is it now visible okay okay okay okay okay cool cool cool cool no voice working okay so I believe Risha we will have to like uh you know speak again whatever we just covered in next last Okay cool so basically what I what I uh like spoke I I just repeat it once again so make this thing very clear in your mind that CH GPT is not there to take your jobs right it is just there it is there to help you raising your bars it is there to help you raising the industry free right right make this thing very clear in your right now now with this let us let us start the today's session right and since since the concept of prompt engineering the concept of prompt engineering right it is arise it is the base base of this concept is CH jpt so let us now discuss like what is chat GPT the introduction to chat GPT right let us first understand what is chat GPT and then we'll come to like what is prompt engineering right so when it comes to a chat GPT chat GPT is a model right it's it's a model right which is trained which is trained as per which is trained as per some data right and it is a model it is a model which is a conversational tool mark my words guys guys mark my words that CH GPT is something which is conversational tool right conversational tool is very important so when it comes to when someone ask you like what is chat GPT so just answer in simple words that chat GPT is a conversational tool right and now what do I mean by conversational tool right so by conversational tool I mean that chat GPT is something I mean that chat GPT is something uh okay by Audio and Video um Prasad prad is my is my audio video lagging no no I can perfectly hear I'll just check on the mobile as well is it is it fine now yeah is is it's it's fine I guess uh just a minute the problem with the video right I'll just give me a sec what I'm going to do is I'm going to so uh you can continue I'll just rearrange the video so that it is also not blocking the view of the students yeah cool cool cool so so chat GPT is a tool right chat GPT is a conversational tool which helps us which helps us in solving our problem which helps us in solving our problem just by making few convers ations just by exchanging few conversations right and when it comes to the Future like what is the future of chat GPT right so like this tool is like any other AI tool provides you the seamless integration with your computer smartphones your um each and every devices even with your editors as well right so when it comes to chat GPT to chat GPT right now I can say right now it is up to some extent it is limited right to certain um editors certain devices I can say but when it comes to the future of chat GPT so it would be like the Game Changer in the market right so when it comes to the future of chat GPT it would be acting as like seamless integrated seamless integrated thing between your computers smartphones your editors and like whatnot whatnot even even today also it's the plugins right the different different plugins from chat jpd is available right now right now the chat different plugins for CH GP is available right now as well and when it comes to Future it would be a massive Game Changer in the industry right right so so now now what are the benefits what are the benefits of your chat GP so benefits there's like a very important benefit that is saving the time saving the time now suppose how charity helps you in saving your time right so when it comes com to chat GPT so what can I say so if you're writing some uh logic if you're writing some logic then you have to use your brain you have to code it and then you have to test it like whether it's uh like working fine or not and stuff like that but but if you use chat GPT you just have to ask write prompt just have to give chat GPT the write information right and then chat GPT will give you the valid output and that's it you are done you are done yes it it reduces the human human efforts right it it reduces the human refers right so so when it comes to the complete introduction about chat GPD so chat GPD is a conversational tool right which helps you in solving your problems in very easy conversational Manner and when it comes to the Future it would be providing you the seamless integration between your devices computers mobile phones editors browsers and what note and then when it comes to the main benefits of chat GP the first and the foremost benefit of chat GP that it will be helpful in saving our time in saving our Manpower and like what not and reducing our effect as well efforts as right right uh okay cool cool now now when it comes to main types of output that chat GPT will provide us is synthesizing the information now what do I mean by what do I mean by synthesizing the information so as we know that as we know like when it comes to synthesizing the information so there is a huge amount of content that is there on the browser right there's a large amount of content that is there on the like browsers and the searches so what does chat GP do when you ask him when you ask him for certain Solutions what chat GPT will do chat GPT will give you the solution but in a summarized way it will it will not sound quality bad l l okay so um so it will it will it will provide you the summarized view of your information right then then content creation and like copy so as I already told you that in in in this session only we would be learning about how chat GPT can be used to create the content right not only the content creation we can use chat GPT to generate the uh that thing your CSV files your Excel files your PDFs your like uh anything anything that you want dog file PowerPoint chat GPD can do anything right so you you can create your own content by using the chat GPT then comes your learning and research part right learning and research part so when when it comes to learning and research part so if you do it if you do it on Google if you do learning and research on Google so what Google will do Google will Google will take you to a massive ocean of answers right Google will drop you in between of massive ocean right ocean of answers and you have to find out what is the correct answer for your problem that is that is something which you have to do on your own right but when it comes to chat GPT right that is not the case with chat GPT so chat GPT gives you the correct and one one short answer it will not take you in the ocean right it will not take you in the ocean it will take you to a one precise answer right it will get back to you with a one one answer and that will improve your learning and the research right how it can improve your learning and research since you are you are getting a valid answer as per a prompt that you have asked it will save your time and if it is saving your time then you can go more deep then you can go deep and and deep and deep right so so earlier earlier when it comes to Google your time was like I can say you are expending you're you're like spending more time on finding the right solution for you right and now you are spending your time in getting into the depth of the right solution right so that's how that's how chat GPD is there to make you uh like learn more and it will reduce your research thing right then comes coding part as I already told you that it is there for like debugging the code it is there for like generating the code and like whatnot right now now uh let us see let us see what is the difference between chat GP and Google so the first thing is purpose right so as we know that Google is something which is there Google is something which is there as a search engine right Google is there as a search engine and whereas chat GPT is a convers positional tool as I already told you right CH GP uh so there is Linkin fine fine fine fine so um Prasad can can you tell me like my voice and video is like okay now uh there there is some I guess issue in between like a bit lag it is stopping in between but it is getting normalized not I'm trying to find the issue but not quite getting it but because I am able to hear it clearly okay okay fine guys just just a minute so guys whoever is mentioning that we can just skip to advance please understand that there are a lot of people who are also learning it for the first time they need to understand how it works so we are not going to directly jump into the advanced part we have five days so let's understand the Core Concepts first and the below mechanics how it is built and how that works so that it becomes easy for you to you know use the advanced functionalities more efficiently right I hope that clears it and people are not able to mark the attendance it is fine you can mark it after the session just follow on the like just focus on the session right now the Links are going to be there right you can always come back and mark the attendance okay so that is fine all the links and everything will be working do not worry it is like to end after the session now let's just focus on the session right now right yeah we can start yeah you're right that chat GPT is a conversational tool perfect perfect answer so when it comes to Google when it comes to Google so as we know that Google is a search engine that helps you in finding your links in finding links mark my words mark my words Google is there that helps you in finding links right in finding links to the web pages but chat GPT is there which doesn't give you any link it gives you a precise answer it gives you a precise answer right it gives you a precise answer right now now what is the input that you give to the Google and what is the input that that you give to chat GPT so Google Google takes your input as a query right Google takes your input as a query but but chat GPT takes your input as a normal talk as a normal talk so now suppose let me give you example over here so when you talk to your friend and you say like I'm I'm having a problem in this particular code so can you please look into my code and can you please tell me like what what is the problem in my code right so so your friend will ask you like okay can you please tell me what do you want to achieve from this kind of code and then I can give you a like answer right so this is this is the exact way how chat GPT also interacts with you so so what chat GPT will say if you give some problem to chat GPT right and and and that problem which you have given to chat GPT if chat GPT is not getting the exact thing that you are trying to say chat GPT will ask you that okay my friend I I I have not got your point properly can you please give me some details of it can you please give me some details of it but this is the thing which Google will not do this is the thing which Google will not do right so so when it comes to the input type so Google takes your takes your words as a query and it will just throw the output based on your words right but when it comes to the chat GPT as I told you that chat GPT is a conversational tool right conversational tool right so what it will do it will take your query it will process your query and it will see whether your query is sufficient whether your query is sufficient for him to understand the problem or not if your query is sufficient enough for chart GP to understand your problem then it will give you the output otherwise chat GPT will ask you to give some more details on what your problem exactly is right so this is this is the difference between the inputs that we give to the Google and that we give to the Chart GPD right now come to the output points right now come to the output point so as I already told you that Google is something which takes you in the middle of the sea and you yourself have to find your answer you yourself have to find your answer but that is not the case with the chat GPT so chat GP gives you a precise answer right it will give you a answer as per The Prompt which you have given right so this is the difference this is the difference right between the outputs that chat GPT and Google does right if if I talk about the scope if I talk about the scope of this thing so the scope of chat GP of course is very large right the scope of chat GPD is of course very large but right now I can say that it is something it is something thing if I talk about the current point of time at current point of time Google is ahead Google is ahead of CH GPT when it comes to this SC why because chat GPT has a limited information right chat GPT has a limited information because it was trained on 2021 so it has a limited information as of now but when it comes to the Future when it comes to the future again chat GPT can easily beat the Google but as of now as of now scope is something where Google wins scope is something where Google wins but when it comes to the purpose input output everywhere chart GPT is the game change chart GPT is the game change is it fine is it fine till now anybody any doubts till now anybody any doubts yes or no yes or no yes or no uh guys guys if you have any queries till now like whatever we have discussed right about why CH GPT is like where it wins and where it loses with Google right and the introduction Parts just quickly answer yes or no so that we can move on to the next topic this is this is quite the basics so I hope everything should be very clear and fine right so yeah uh what about Google B so uh rishab what are your views on the B that Google has set up like how would you rate like what would you prefer basically see I I always prefer chat GPT as of now right I'm I'm not more comfortable with Google for now so of course of course like as of now I'm I'm again sorry sorry to say this thing but I'm I'm biased towards CH GPT maybe over here because because I have a like Pro [Music] of so of course like I may biased over here but yes I pref CH GP more like over the Google bar as of now okay okay guys whoever is mentioning the OT problem do not worry it is going to be sorted so as I mentioned just focus on the session right now the uh issues and everything that can be sorted okay attendance will be available even after you you know do the program so don't worry after the live session is done you can still Mark the attendance right do not worry uh I'll show at the end of the session again how you can go and mark the attendance do not worry about that so let's just focus on the class right and do not spam the technical issues right now in the chat because as we are now focused on the session nobody's going to solve those in the session after that it should be working uh mail us yeah and and yes if if it is some like recurring problem for you guys specifically just go and mail on a support ID and it should be cleared within 24 to 48 hours Max and yeah let's let's move on AJ AJ I'm I'm communicating in English only man what what are you saying okay fine so let's let's now go through the website and the layout and the interface how my chat GPT looks like and what what are the things that chat GPT offers to me so uh if if you you don't have any account you guys can uh you know go go to your account and you guys can create an account on chat GP first so so on this left hand side part you can see all your chats the previous history right the chat that you have done with the chat GP earlier you can find that chat like for today yesterday like and earlier and whatnot right you guys can find your chats over here so this is the History Section you can create a new chat by clicking on this new chat function and over here you can see that we have certain options custom instructions settings and log out and all those things so when it comes to settings option as you can see so I can select my themes like what what type of theme I want I want Dark theme or light theme or like I want to go with my system default theme and all those things clear old chat if I do clear old chat it will clear my all the chat so yeah I I not clear my chat so data controls may you can you can see how many shared links do we have so you can share your link to the chat right so whatever chat you have done with the chat GPT if you want to share that particular chat to someone to your friend right then you can share the link to chat that chat to your friend as well and you can manage that shared links from here right that he can edit your link or he can just see your link and stuff not right if you if you have exported any data or you want to export any data you can do it and if you want to delete your account you can do it from here so in the settings part we have this thing currently I'm talking about 3.5 right currently I'm talking about 3.5 so CH gbt 4 we would be talking later on like on on some other day not right now because it's account that is in some different account so yeah and and you can see over here we can we can write our query so suppose I I I write my query as maybe uh what is chart GPD right what is chart GPT and if I press enter so it will it will show me like it will start giving me the output right you can press regenerate to regenerate this output and if you press regenerate then it will regenerate this output for me so it has regenerated the output for me right and and it will ask you whenever you press regenerate right so chat GPT is smart enough that it understands if you're asking him to regenerate your output means something was not good in the previous output something was not good in the previous output so when you ask him to regenerate it will ask you the feedback that my regenerated answer is it better is it worse or is it the same now why is it asking this thing because there is something called reinforcement learning right so here they have used the reinforcement learning or I can say feedback based learning right so you can you can always do this thing from here right and also also you want if you want want to say that okay I want to know what is chart GPT what is CH GPT or maybe uh explain what is Char GPT in 500 wats so it will explain you what is sh GPT in 500 words now see if I press enter now see it is explaining you what is Char GB in 500 Words see it's so beautiful it's so beautiful see what about chib 4 we will come to that part we'll come to chity 4 later on right not today we'll come to charj 4 later on not today right today today we'll go with chib 3.5 because I I believe that many of us like sitting over here would be using the free version so let us first explore the free version so that nobody is left around right uh right okay cool cool so as you can see over here that it has given the like what is chg in 500 words so I have just changed the prompt I have just changed the prompt to from what is shat GPT to what is shat GPT in 500 Words and and when I change the prompt the output is completely changed the output is completely changed right so this is how this is how my prompt engineering works and and this is how I can I can write effective prompt right so so I just all I need to do is just tell chat GPT what exactly you want what exactly you want right right and this is this is this is all about the interface and the I can say the UI part of chat GPD so from the left section you can see your history and you can create a new chat and From Below okay one more thing as you can can see over here custom instructions so you can customize your instructions as well see see there are two questions in your custom instruction it would be asking you two questions that what would you like about chat gbt to know and provide the better responsive conf pre I can say template like in this form I want my answers right so you can configure over here right how you want uh like chat GPT to respond you can configure all all the things over here right and you can you can change it on like whatever basis you want right so this is something which is very important for you to get a effective output over here what's going on so does chat GPT gives the latest information or it gives you till 21 right till 21 till 21 CH 4 maybe advanced level but Char 3.5 is something which is like 21 t right so uh will you teach us how to use GB of course man of course uh we we are going to see like how chat gbt is helpful in programming on the day third right on day third we would be seeing this thing right okay cool and how to use chat gbt H again again how to use chat gbt it would be like we would be seeing this thing on the day third itself right so so stay tuned for for that part also for not for only like coding purposes we would be seeing for non Tech part as well like how can you create your content how can you do like stuff not right okay uh it might summarize the thousand of H of course yeah you can make the summary of thousand work uh sir will to teach use chat GPD for programming h of course man I teach okay here are the comparison CH G and the Google okay fine fine fine cool so so this this was it for the I can say your uh that part which is the Website Layout and the interface of chat GPT it is quite like very user friendly kind of interface that we use on the chat GPD part like you can see each and everything very easily right so let us let us for digital marketing yes yes yes for digital marketing as well we we are going to do for digital marketing as well of course we we are covering that part as well so there's some Chrome extension to use CH GPT uh okay cool cool we'll do that as well some main difference in Cloud AI till the time data used with GPT yes your question is not clear to me please repeat that question sorry yes who is this positive your question is not clear to me uh I programmer and the live Creator content use games using chat GPT uh cool man cool cool stuff uh chat which one is better I have already answered this thing as for me chat GP as per me chat GPT as per me chat GPT uh no man no no not the project but we can we can make some small small projects like uh some some sort of content creation like uh we can create Excel files and we can create songs from that maybe maybe maybe uh chome extension we'll do later on uh guys uh just just a minute I'm seeing a lot of queries coming in and a lot of spam coming in again I'd like to repeat myself if you're putting something once in the chat that should be fine okay do not spam again I'm putting the link to the notes again everything is there just go and take your time and easily understand the notes right take your time and see and guys as we mentioned we are not going to do any advanc thing today we're just setting up the steps today tomorrow we'll start off with you can say a bit Advanced things so whoever is who whoever knows the basics can you know jump off the session right now and come back if you think it's boring but we have to also cover people who are also like there are 600 students who are still there and watching it because they are maybe new and want to learn the core to the uh you can say the very Basics right so please stay please have some patience we'll move on to the advaned up and we have some beautiful things lined up in the prompt engineering right so do not rush and do not repeat the same thing again we'll go with the flow you're not going to rush things and go into advanced topic and again do not spam just put your query once in the chat and that should be helpful and we can I'm actually reading a chat right everything right and yes this video will be uploaded what is prompt enging so what is prompt enging exactly what are types of prompting that we do that is in tomorrow's session and okay fine fine fine some wow wow things okay let us let us do some wow things maybe maybe maybe you it would be a wow for you so let us let us create some effective and interesting prompts right right let us let us create some prompts now right the let us let us now create some effective effective prompts now so uh there there is something called uh act act as like act as something prompt right act like you are going to act like this so maybe maybe I can ask him maybe what I can ask him so I can ask him like uh you are a that uh you are and exercise and health trainer right so I'm I'm now writing a prompt that you are a health and exercise trainer right and what you have to do you have to do certain things that uh like for a age of 20 years old you need to tell that how that age group or like how the people of belonging to that age group can lose their weight right can can lose their weight so what what I have to do so you have to help you have to um help some people in losing their withs and those and that maybe and uh that g group of people would be can can vary between can VAR can vary between uh 20 to 25 uh okay you have you have to help some people in losing their weights and age of that group of people can vary between 20 to 25 so see how how I am I'm asking how I'm asking him right how I am asking so now I want to tell him like what exactly his task is Right exact task so I I would say that your task is to give the best advice right which is uh like which comes to improving the someone's Health right so your your task is uh come on task is to give a perfect and Val valid advice that can help someone in uh in what in maintaining m i n t i n i n g maintaining their health right so see this is a prompt that I have asked let me correct all these things losing the weight and the age so this is this is something which I can correct losing their weight give perfect advice to their he cool so this is a prompt which I have asked to like which I have given to chat GP certainly I can provide you some general advice for the individuals see this is the problem which CH gave me it is giving giving you some advices list of the advices and now you can read the answer certainly I can provide some general advice for individuals in the age group of 20 to 25 right who are looking to lose the weight and maintain their health keep in mind it's essential to consult the healthc care professional and the certified Fisher trainer okay fine cool I'm fine set real estate goals set real estate goals right okay start by setting and achieving it said that a variety of whole food like fruits vegetable lean proteins gr like what not fine cool and okay okay now regulars mean meals low up stay hydrated limit your sugar and refine carbonates right lean proteins low regular exercise Advocate sleep low stress manage and see point point manage stress you know why why this point is over here this point is over here because age group of 20 to 25 now Chad GPT smart enough Chad GPT smart enough to see to to to figure out that 20 25 age group people stress stress no it is not going to be chat gbt for the entire tool for the entire like this thing right so chat GB and man is really very important stress manage is really very important right so it it it it gives you this thing stay consistent track your progress schol seek support avoid extreme dietes see this thing again avoid extreme dietes right of extreme di stuff like that right need to Avid all this you need to avoid all this right and see celebrate small wins celebrate small wins again again this is something again this is something which is which is because of we have put in the age group that is 20 to 25 right now this chart GP is smart enough to tell you to to tell you these things why it is telling you these things because he know that this age group is suffering from stress right and if you celebrate your small small wins it would be beneficial for you to stay motivated it would be beneficial for you and you can decrease your stress level and now try writing this prompt try writing this prompt in very simple way you'll get a different answer see I'm just writing same prompt right I'm writing same prompt with some modifications now see the same prompt I'm writing but with some motiv so now what I'm doing uh you have to help someone losing their weight and uh you have to help some people in losing their weight and so in losing their weit your task is to give a valid advice that can help someone in maintaining their wait in someone maintain their weight or or suppose suppose if I remove this if I remove this as well so now I just s CH that you have to help some people in losing in losing uh their weight your task is to give a valid advice that can help someone maintaining their health fine cool cool let us try giving this prompt and see oh my God fine fine fine fine okay cool so so one thing now see so now what I have to do I will tell forget forget all my I N St r u c t i ns instructions till now and let's start fresh let's start fishh okay cool come on come on come on certainly I have to start fresh not like this see come on come on come on come on come on come on on okay CH now now let me now let me tell you a difference we were getting man stress as the output we were getting celebrate small wins as the output but but when I have not put that particular age group when I have not put that particular age group see are we are we getting that thing celebrate small wins celebrate small wins no we are not getting that thing right instead we are getting patience and persistence patience and persistence we are getting Stress Management for some reasons but not not that celebrate small wins also also avoid fat di avoid fat di right avoid fat di are there which was not present in your earlier thing now suppose now suppose if I write this thing if I write this thing as a new chat I'm writing the same question I'm writing same question as the new chat now see now see what is the output same question in the new chat enter is it is it giving me same same thing it is giving me same thing it is giving me same thing but but now it has given me some additional steps as well so same prompt same prompt can lead you to different different outputs as well same prompt can lead you to different different the reply of chat GPT changes with the change in prom exactly exactly exactly sorry sir try this prompt I just need a prompt which prompt which prompt I just type you wrong in oh my God fine man I don't want to play like this in Char will companies accept AI tools and yes of course man raes yes companies are accepting even companies are forcing their employees to start working with this AI tools why because it will save their time it will save their time right it save their time now let us try doing one interesting thing one interesting thing as as I already did dra one thing over here see let us let us try doing it I have a prompt over here right I have a prompt over here let me let me show let me write this prompt let me write this prompt I'll copy this and I I'll write this prompt over here see so what is the prompt I'm writing I'm writing I want you to act as a JavaScript console now I asking chat GPT to act as a JavaScript control okay I will type a command and you will reply me with what it will look like in JavaScript control so I am asking him K now please act as a JavaScript console from me and I will write a command and you just have to reply to me that how that command will look like in JavaScript console right and also I'm asking him that don't write explanations for me m explanation right I just want you to reply with the terminal output my first command is Hello World my first command is console.log hello world if I write this prompt so see see he he has not given me any kind of explanation right simp simp like uh console not log hello world so it would have given me the explanation like like this command is something which belongs to the JavaScript and like it will do this thing it will do that thing it will do this not like and stuff like that and as I have written over here that okay I want you to act as a JavaScript console I am giving you some set of commands you need to tell me the output how it will look like in the console itself but but I don't want any kind of explanation that's it it has given me it has given me done right let's let's try something let's try generating a Excel right Excel generate let's try generating Excel from chat GP okay so uh hi chart GPT hi chart GPT right uh I want a sample Excel sheet which contains marks of uh students also also the also uh maximum marks should be 100 for each and every subject right sheet should contain five subjects which are which are maths comma English comma SS comma SST comma Hindi right if you have any doubts feel free to ask me and then give me ask me and when you are here with all your doubts then give me a s m sample EXC let's see let's see I understand the request here is sample Excel sheet see oh it's done see it's that easy is it is it so it understood it understood right what is the student name Ma marks in math English science SST and Hindi and none of the marks none of the marks are greater than 100 that's it that's it can't Char take huh it can take it can take it can take okay see it can take random subjects okay cool cool now I want you to take Su subjects of your choice and please don't include the subjects listed by me and please p l b please re generate the sample excent let's see now done is it fine avar is it fine is it fine yes you can do that thing over here as well ad you you can you can do that thing over here as well right but that is something which is in four chat gbd 4 so it has taken the subject of its own choice right and now you can do it fine cool cool let's let's do one interesting thing let's do one interesting thing let us let us search for an array containing containing stn student name array containing students name right let's let's let's see that maybe a sample do one thing do one thing do one thing okay okay okay uh cool now I want you to give me and to give me an array of array maybe array containing containing name of students maybe a sample array maybe a sample array containing name of students right see let's see no no see now I will modify it uh but chity has much limitation yes yes chity has much much like it has limitations right it has limitations uh how can I create sketches oh my God fine fine for that for that we have some different thing not that is not possible with ch okay one more point that I want to mention over here is chat GPT is something which cannot deal with your images and all right now right for that we have some different tools right that is that is not not with the chat gbt so we have Dal and all those things that deals with your uh this thing right so s uh in short you just prompt it name and random subject yeah yeah yeah for darling yes yes yes yes exactly darling words no chat GPT contains words and it can contain the files as well the files such as your Javascript file CSS files Excel csvs and IT can process data data out that as well right uh not specifically L see again again it's a crash course kind of thing more specified towards prompts right and prompt engineering so we are not going into llm and or like NLP and all those things so since it's a prompt engineering session so we would be seeing like how we can prompt in a better way to get our desired output right so we will be sticking like we will be stick towards the prompts Okay cool so now see since it has given me the student one student two right so so what I I'll say chart GPT uh no chart GP GPT no chart GPT not like this not like this please gave me some real names please give me uh please give me a s a m p sample array containing real world names real world names right let us see now done see now it has given me now it has given me the real world name now it has given me the real world name see now see now see cool cool cool cool cool cool now now I want you to plot now see see understand this thing very carefully now I want you to give me a sample CSV file which which contains marks of all the students um which contain marks of this see which contain marks of student names array let's let's give it like this only what what does it do yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah right CSV file right CSV file this is this is a CSV file okay so so so uh can you can you C VRT convert this CSV file in a St r u c t u r d structured Excel file let us see okay so basically it is it is it is given me uh can it create damic web page not completely not completely um I I I can't say it like you can you ask him to cre a dynamic page and it will do no but yes it can give you bits and pieces of the dynamic page that you want right it can give you bits and pieces of dynamic page that you want uh how to give short prompts better than long prompts yeah yeah that is something that is something which we are going to do right that is something which we do that is something which we do right uh so uh okay fine fine fine uh okay cool cool cool uh why is prompt engineering important to AI see see a a very important question why is prompt engineering important to AI right so now understand this thing very carefully understand this thing very carefully how I am answering to you guys right how I am answering to you see you are asking me some questions and I am answering you as per your that question which you have asked to me now just just understand this same scenario which Char GP how or or maybe AI or maybe AI right so when I say why prompt engineering is important for AI right why prompt engineering is important to AI see just relate it among us relat is among us see how I can answer you if I'm not understanding if I'm not understood your question if I if I if I not understood your question can I answer you no I cannot answer you I cannot answer you you need to ask the right question to get the right answer right you need to ask the right question to get the right answer if you are not asking the right question I can't give you the right answer and that's why that's why prompt engineering is very important since it's a artificial intelligence right it's artificial intelligence right so so if you want that particular thing to act in intelligently you need to ask the right question you need to ask the right question if you are asking the right question then only you can get the right and valid output and that's why prompts are so important for your artificial intelligence right is it is that answer your question is that answer your question who who asked me about like why prompt engineering what is the job opportunity and yeah man come on job opportunities and scope of prompt enging is like huge huge now opportunity B opportunity prompt engineering even even even please start mentioning in your series that you are a prompt engineer start mentioning start mentioning right sir this prompt engineering concept is applicable yes yes yes and that's why I want to stick towards the prompt engine because this is the concept this is the base this is the ru this is a seed this is the seed right doesn't matter you are using chart GPT doesn't matter you are using bar doesn't matter you are going with thing doesn't matter you are doing like what not thing prompts are the most important thing the most important thing right prompts are the most important thing see see okay okay okay I have one sentence I have one sentence for you guys listen this sentence very carefully and S sentence if you know the problem then there is no problem if you know your problem then there is no problem right because if you know your problem if you know your problem right if you know your problem then you can you can ask your problem to someone and if you can ask your problem to someone then you can get the valid answer so always remember always remember not getting the solution is not a problem is not a problem if you are not getting your solution always remember you are not aware of your question that's it that's it if you're are not getting an answer that means your question is not clear to yourself and if you know the problem then there is no problem is it fine it's a good sentence if you know the problem there is no problem okay can we create dashboard using T yes we can do it good explanation thank you man if you are using Char for the company purposes no no no no man totally not totally not in my company in my company my company is forcing all the developers to go with chat GPT to go with chat GPT everyone is forcing see why is not the security threat see because because because why it's not security threat because because it is you are not uploading your complete code right you are getting bits and pieces so that bits and pieces anyone can do anyone what is copy paste limit for Char gbt okay okay see when it comes to your uh chat gp4 right I can I I guess you can you can do a lot more things but if if if it comes to your chat GPT 3.5 and things I guess 1500 or 3,000 words around push High I don't remember it properly right I I don't remember it properly but yeah yeah it's fine f is it NE yeah see see K if you are if you are going for the your code development and debugging then yes it is mandatory it is mandatory if if you're going with like all this is there no not not specifically like this S no no no how effectively to write the prompt like a pro okay okay we we'll come to that as well we'll come to that and let's let's carry forward like let's go on in the session so yeah this is how you can create your effective prompts and all those things so yeah these are some effective ideas of creating your prompt how can I add prompt engineering on my resume so just just just add it something like prompt engineer right in in your skill section you you can mention prompt Engineering in your skills you can mention prompt engineering uh okay cool um Google has come up with generative AI what's your stake how it affects your GPT see come on come on man chat GPT is chat GP no one no one knows who is second second first how can we show our prompt engineering skills to the recuiter see this is this is something uh which can uh you know tell in the interview itself like uh this is these are my some prompt enging skills and I can do this this this in the interview itself right cool fine so now now let's see what what other things that you can do with your like by by like to create some effective prompts so as you can see here you can write you can give your model task to complete like like your task is to describe XYZ in XYZ words as I have have already given if you remember in my that Health part that your task is to you know give some valid advice which can help others in like maintaining their health and stuff like that so so I have mentioned this thing right over there okay be specific be specific do not include XYZ remove this symbol right so if you want to uh like so we have written that thing over there that do not I don't want explanation right I have I have mentioned this thing over there that please don't give explanation to me I just want to be like I just want you to be specific with this part right so we have used the second and third point we have already seen the second and third Point ask question ask question I have I have done this thing as that further elaborate on on specific outputs from the previous answer so this is this is something that you you can ask chat GB you can always ask chat GB the questions right okay cool consider the output if you don't like the results refine The Prompt refine The Prompt right refine The Prompt again again that point right again that point that if you are not getting if you are not liking your result so by ch yes of course we can make money by using CH we can make money see I'm making money I making money by using ch gbtc right now sitting over here I am making money yes you can make money by chat gbt yes I'm making my money by using chat GPT it's really necessary to write no no no no no it's not necessary to write cool but yes it is necessary to give your feedback to chat gbt it is necessary to to give give Fe feedback so that feedback can be you are like you are correct it's perfect I I basically use pool I basically use pool right okay cool fine fine fine fine okay let's let's now move further so there are some more unique prompts there are some more unique prompts now suppose you want to get a answer you want to get answer that nobody can think of you want to get an answer that nobody can think of right so how you can do it what would I what would I not think of on this topic see isn't it an interesting prompt isn't it an interesting prompt that please give me please give me something that I cannot think of right cool what are some uncommon or less wellknown answers to this same question you can ask this you can ask this right you can ask this give me something original around this topic that some people believe to be untrue isn't these some interesting prompts same as asking cool man uh how to custom instruction we we'll do all these things we'll do all those things no worries no worries in the in the coming session chill chill chill chill no worries okay modifiers for the better output this is something also important modifiers see again again a again again again again I am asking you that this is something thing which is not the battle between chat GPT and B this is something how effectively you can write the prompts the session is not around bar and chat GPT session is All Around The Prompt engineering right so for prompt engineering I am using chart GPT you can do the same thing on B as right the whole motive but whole motive is to make you understand how chat GPT can do or maybe how prompt engineering can help you right how will we okay huh how will we how will this certificate are yeah come on guys you are you are you are taking it in the wrong way I have not said that this certificate will make your life easier by putting in it CV I have said that putting prompt in engor in your CV will make your life easier right certificate will make your life easier don't don't misunderstood my words okay cool cool yeah so we have we can we can use some modifiers for better output right we can use some modifiers for better output like like what what modifiers modifiers such as some few many most all right all these modifiers can make your result better it can result into some different outputs right if you are asking okay okay let us let us give the live example let us take the live example let's let's start a new chart and let ask him let's ask him suggest me a see suggest me a few tourist places in Paris right suggest me a few tourist places in Paris prompt right I have WR a prompt okay so it is suggesting me a few tourist places in Paris cool let him let him do it work okay so see mention a few a few mention right let us let us mention suggest me most of the tourist places in Paris now see see it has given a huge list a huge list come on see see it has given me a huge list so when I have mentioned when I have mentioned a few a few tourist places it has given me a few places right when I mentioned most of the tourist places it has given me a huge list it has given me a huge list see this is how this is how these modifiers these modifiers can make your life easy this is the importance of using the right modifier right is it fine is it fine you can you can use these words as well like happy large exciting quick well loudly all those things you you can use these things right extremely totally very all these things all these things right all these things when it comes to negatives please use note never no all these things are really very important for your prompts for a good quality of prompts right for a good quality of prompts is it fine is it fine and and don't worry about these notes and PPS these all things you would be finding in with your like the links would be provided and everything everything will be sorted right by the end of the session so you would be getting all these things so just just be concentrated on like whatever I'm teaching over here so open a playground now now now now now you can you can create starting your own chat GPT prompts like if you want to right and so so we have like last four minutes okay okay fine guys so if you if you guys have any doubts so far you you can just ask me and sorry for the misou comments you can you can just rewrite your comments so if you have any doubts you can just ask me right now and then then we'll end this session maybe uh you you can try doing one bro you you can try doing one making your own chart G can J remember who are we and yeah yeah of course of course it can remember it can remember okay so guys I hope uh like I guess the last one and a half hours if we believe like see we have not as we mentioned we have not gone into the very details of chat GPD yet it it is just just scratching the surface so whatever we have learned today is basically overview of what we're going to go into deeper Dive Right uh so with whatever that we have learned today right so what is that we would like to do is uh whatever task you do in your daily like day-to-day activities right try to use what we learned like the modifiers the intensifiers like and to get your Excel thing done your project school projects and try to see how chat GPT with whatever you have learned for today right what all things can you s get solve for you right now right so please uh do that today at least right and from tomorrow like so what this is how like we' like to proceed so whatever we learn day by day try to try to implement and improvise right your experience with prompt engineering and as rishab mentioned it it is not a battle about what platform to choose because that is what let let let the industry decide okay like let those guys fight between those we are the end consumers and we should only focus on getting the output out of it right so we do not want to get into better right uh will you teach us about how you use content writing for blogging see uh okay let me let me do one thing see what see as we mentioned we not going to uh use no we are not going to make big projects using chat GP because that is not see if if that would have been possible you would you guys would really lose your jobs right so the job of chat GP is to make your things simpler in bits and pieces so what you're going to do is like there is some portfolios like resum how you can build your resume how to get your content for a blog or to create your own song so this is like small things that you would learn in this sessions and and this is the incremental session it is not like we're just going to jump into advance so as then when we progress with the concept you're going to learn those Pro small mini projects we can call them right uh yes you can call yourself uh you can say junior prompt Engineers like who are just learning okay not actual prompt Engineers uh see we are going to to stick to one GPT L like chat GPT because as you mentioned you can exactly use these Concepts and use this techniques on any prompt uh you can say any any any tool and in BCA Pro see it is not a sector agnostic thing it basically solves for all the I can tell you with my experience I use it in management I use it in Tech we use it in content we use it in marketing chat GPT literally helps us do things that we could have like we would have thought right human brain cannot like keep a lot of things together that is why AI is there and again uh yeah so a lot of queries that I have seen is on attendance and everything I'll just take you to a quick tour of what to do right so I'm just for a minute going to switch to a different screen and I'm going to show you so please and yes meanwhile what I'd like to do is uh if please go and rate the session if you liked it on a scale of 1 to 10 let's keep it right all the people around 400 people just quickly rate it from 1 to 10 so even like and I know like how AR rishab has done today and we can and any Improvement that you would like for us to follow for the next session please do that also so we are very open to feedback because we want to make sure that you get the best out of this session in the next 5 days quickly let's have a rating from 1 to 101 if you did not like the session at all and uh 10 if you like like if you loved it like uh yes we will summarize I'm just going to skip to another session and come back again right so uh rashab you can just look onto the chats and get your feedback right yeah I'm just going to switch the screen and yeah wait uh wait wait just wait just wait actually someone asked about the content creation let's let's see a small demo on like content creation right I just come back yes now you're live again yes okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah so so maybe maybe we can we can see a small demo on like content creation how we can do it right yeah so uh so am I am I is my screen visible yes yes uh you are you like we can see your screen oh yeah okay so see guys let's let's write a small content of like Moto blogging right let's let's write a script of moto blogging okay so see what I can ask C GPT so okay uh sad GPT uh I want to do a moto blog for YouTube and can you please help me by giving a script for this blog again it's a small prompt it's a small prompt and see how chat G responds to me yes it has given me something it has given me something right oh so so this type say we can write this thing also also we can generate the complete script all those things we can do even I myself it it does it does it very very beautifully right uh can I give my link yeah of course I can give my LinkedIn guys so you can you can take my LinkedIn so this is my LinkedIn unfortunately I can't uh you can you can you can later put in the group and I'll make sure that students are getting uh I'll pin in the chat and it should like if if you want to connect with rishab later you can also do that plus please make sure you're not spamming uh him so that okay so you can of course reach out to him for help and he'll be doing that okay uh you can yeah so okay so with that and yes I saw query where student was mentioning boss can I use it for trading purpose so see of course you can use but a disclaimer that trading works on day-to-day basis chat GPT works on a Model where it works on data set on 2021 if I'm not wrong right it has no clue what happened in the trading or the uh market right so if you don't want to lose money we suggest not using it and apart from that it's totally up to you you can of course get started with the techniques there but of course you please do not use chat GPD where it is related to real time things right or you you're going to get into a mess okay okay so let's quickly just go back uh to seeing how you can actually get started with your attendance notes and everything I hope my screen is now visible so okay so with the very first step is uh okay so do not worry all the attendance queries and everything I'm going to now answer the first step as I mentioned right where to get the link okay so this link right which right here is available in the chat if you are not able to see that I'm going to go very slow now right I'm going to again put that in the chat so if you can see the spam in the chat is the links that we have right the notes link you have to just open this come down so whatever rishab used right is available right here if you just go and click on it everything that rishab used today is available here you need to maybe sign up okay so you can easily see whatever that rabus is real it is available here for you guys of course it is a view only access because that is something trademark byab you cannot download and use it to you can of course come back and see it here now going down that you can see everything that we learned here is down here okay in the day one and at of course the topics will be updated day by day as we complete it so whatever we learned your like your battle that you guys are fighting about or how to write effective prompts or how to use the modifiers as I mentioned right the length the ideas and everything that that is available for here for you guys now for the people who are not able to register or sign in or enroll into the program the first step is go and sign in right and once and how to do that again go to go back to the main page scroll down find the step by-step process go to sign up and enrollment and if you would have directly come from YouTube you would be using this link would some like for example this kind of Link go this is Javascript but of course you yours would look like this let me show you how to do that go on to the program section click on enroll now again click on enroll now once you are in so I believe I am already enroll here so you can of course click on this my program section or you can go from here on your profile right top and go to the my program section the program card would be here click on it again now this is the page where you get all the information about your program your attendance and everything right so now first is the schedule how to mark your attendance if you see the session is live it is going on you will see an option to mark your attendance go here and Mark your attendance give the rating if you're interested in the program at Advanced programs give your if and put your things accordingly right now your attendance is marked and you can of course do this after the session is Ended as well but before the program ends basically right now this is the whole schedule if you can see down here right so what all things that you're going to make and everything will be updated here this is the link to directly go on watch watch it on YouTube right now for queries and everything you can join our LinkedIn uh sorry our Telegram and WhatsApp channels if you want to share this program with your friends and get Lu coins which is a virtual currency that you can uh going forward use for getting some swags or getting discounts on our paid programs you can do that but of course you will only get the benefit once the your friend completes it right now when do you get the certificate and how do you get the certificate so if you see if you read this right the question mark on the progress button attendance marking and assignment submission if any assignments are given is very important for you to get uh the certificate the certificate will be only available after 20th October 6:30 p.m. that is the last session and your progress is more than 50% So currently if I go and refresh since I have attended day one mine is 20 because we have no assignments right now so you'll have to attend two more assistants to be eligible for the certificate okay so I hope all the and if you are want to be a part of the student ambassador program if you have not maybe if they if they're still accepting invites you can just go and check that right I hope all the queries are okay all the queries are solved just let me know in the chat real quick anybody still having see how to open okay if you just go and click your description right you will see something know as allinone documentation prompt engineering that is the short link and I have again put the full link right here okay uh swasti do one thing please mail at support at let. in with a email and a screenshot of the thing that you the the error that you're receiving and that should be solved uh I hope all the queries are solved right now regarding the how to access and everything no assignment as of now for today right okay so now I am going to uh if you can Rish can you come back on the camera please of course right uh so what what is okay so I guess now so yeah so with that we'll close today's session but again what is that we expect tomorrow from you guys is see we we saw around 600 students let's aim for 750 or 800 students tomorrow how you can do that is get your friends along right uh tell them about some if if you because I saw a lot of people you liked uh the session so please get more students on the platform so that more people can get benefit from him right and if if if we reach thousand if we reach thousand students right we will build something amazing so that is something surprise but only if we did thousand like even if it touch thousand and come back we will do something special on uh chat GPT right yes uh so with that I again uh we can we can end today's session thank you everyone for being here thank you for being a lovely audience and thank you for actually listening to what you were saying right thank you rishab for being a wonderful host and uh educating students so tomorrow 6:30 guys start spamming the chat by 615 we'll be there while reading your chats right and we'll also give shout outs to the first 10 people who come to the session and yeah and yes we would like to know how you implemented chat GPT meanwhile for today session and if you guys do that you will get a shout out and we'll have some quizzes uh maybe going forward to keep you engaged and you guys are going to get shout out on our socials basically let's upgrade social platforms and also on the live video which you can share with your students right thank you thank you guys uh like with that we'll end today's session bye-bye take care and I will we'll see you guys tomorrow 6:30 right bye-bye bye everyone
Channel: LetsUpgrade
Views: 33,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: promptengineering, chatgpt, promptengineeringcourse, TextGeneration, LanguageModelPrompting, freebootcamp, chatgpttutorial, promptstarter, ConversationDesign, learnpromptengineering, prompting, Letsupgrade, codingforlife, promptips, AIEngineering, howtousechatgpt, DialogPrompting, reverseprompting, FineTuningGPT3.5, basictoadvance, #learnprompting, chatgpt4, engineering
Id: 8BqjFy7AHho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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