How I'd learn to be a DATA ANALYST in 2024 (IF I HAD TO START OVER)

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I know that there are so many of these how I'd learn data analytics all over again videos out there so I just want to assure you that in this video I will get straight to the point by detailing five actionable tips and advice starting with tip number one which is all about creating your own Strategic Learning path this might sound a bit vague but listen closely and you'll understand why this is so important I would really encourage you to set aside some time for a detailed self assessment identify your existing skills strengths and areas that need Improvement you can then use these notes as the foundations of your data analytics master plan you should also research current industry demands and think about the Core Concepts and skills that are crucial in the field remember there is no one-size fits-all path we all have different backgrounds and skills say for example I had absolutely zero technical skills when I first started my career even though I already had a master's degree in finance and economics I didn't know how to use Excel write SQL query create dashboards in bi tools like Tableau or powerbi not to mention code in Python but I did have an extremely strong economics Finance math and statistics background which certainly helped me a lot in working with large amounts of data within the financial services industry now your background and skills are probably completely different from mine which is why I already made a video on how you can get a data analyst job depending on how much educational and relevant work experience you have I'll put the Link in the description below make sure to check it out after you finished watching this video what I find helps me a lot is visualizing things so you could actually create the visual layout of your own Learning Journey whether it's mind maps learning platforms visual boards or good oldfashioned notebooks these visual aids can help you stay on track as it's right there in front of you kind of like how tracking macros works you tend to eat better just because you see exactly what you're eating now a great way to learn in a structured way would be to take the data analytics course from course careers for example the course is for people with all kinds of backgrounds whether you're looking for a college alternative or you're looking to make a career change you can actually take a free introductory course to find out what working in data analytics is like and whether it'd be a good fit for you before committing to spending your time and your hard-earned money on the entire course now I would like to highlight that course careers and I partnered on this video but just check out their trust pilot ratings and reviews they're good very good so if you want to go ahead and try the introductory data analytics course for free just use the link in the description below there are so many things to learn in the world of data analytics so mapping out your Strategic Learning path is all about breaking down your journey into manageable sections so you can continuously make progress this is exactly what I did on my data road map on my website where you get links to to resources covering technical skills like Excel SQL Tableau powerbi and python alongside a curated selection of the best certificates and resources covering how to develop and improve your soft skills like logical thinking stakeholder management and communication and one really important thing you should always remember you won't become a data analyst overnight it's about the time and effort you put in consistently it's about your commitment on a daily weekly monthly even a yearly basis a commitment to continuous Improvement and an understanding that the journey is just as important as the destination if you can enjoy the journey or at least have some fun in the process it'll be so much easier to get to your destination I promise you as you navigate the ever evolving data analytics landscape think of your well-thought out plan as the compass that will guide you through your data career now let me move on to tip number two which is all about embracing Hands-On project-based learning while while your customized Strategic Learning plan and your theoretical knowledge lay the foundations it's the application of this knowledge in real world scenarios that truly showcases your skills and expertise prioritizing a Hands-On approach immersing yourself in fun and unique projects that can simulate the complexities of actual data challenges is one of the easiest ways you can learn data analytics now you must be thinking where can I easily find some projects preferably ones that are free well you can go on kagle for example and look for some projects there for inspiration or you can simply check out my portfolio Project Playlist where I have end-to-end projects using tools like Excel SQL Tableau and python these projects are great because they require active engagement and practical application for example it's great that you know how to work with some Excel formulas like index match or vlookup but can you actually utilize these functions and apply them to an actual data problem or it's great that you know how to build a a bar chart a heat map or even a calendar in Tableau but can you actually find a use case to implement these visuals whether it's analizing data sets to extract meaningful metrics building interactive dashboards that tell compelling data stories or delving into complex code to derive actionable insights these Hands-On projects serve as a bridge between theoretical understanding and practical implementation creating a dynamic learning environment and an opportunity for you to experence expence to some extent what an actual data analyst would do and I say some extent here because being a data analyst is so much more than just coding creating dashboards and pulling data from various places soft skills like stakeholder management communication and data storytelling matter just as much if not more than your core technical skills for example I consider my greatest assets to be my ability to understand both the business and the data requirements my ability to connect with both Technical and and non-technical audiences and my ability to tell compelling data stories to drive engagement and influence decisions when it comes to your projects remember that it's not necessarily the most complex and sophisticated methods and code that make the best project in my opinion a unique data set something interesting and fun combined with a clear aesthetic and easy to follow writeup can make all the difference also make sure to choose diverse projects to create a well-rounded portfolio for example in My ultimate portfolio template I included skills like Excel SQL Tableau Python and cloud computing using various AWS services and tools but you know what the best thing about it is it's the fact that you can publish your entire portfolio to the web with zero coding involved I'll put the link in the description below make sure to check it out now we all know that you rarely do a whole project or a piece of work in isolation once you actually start working as a data analyst so here's a unique approach you could take you could collaborate with others engage with like-minded people participate in group projects and seek feedback from mentors to enhance your learning experience the diversity of perspectives in a collaborative setting not only Fosters Innovation but also mirrors the reality of working in a datadriven industry where teamwork is essential if you're unsure where to find data people to connect with look no further than my Discord server I created the whole space for you to share your stories skills and experiences whether you're a complete beginner to the field of data analytics or you've already been working as a data analyst for years all right let's move on to exploring tip number three and let's talk about the importance of community engagement this may not sound like an obvious one but immersing yourself in various forums attending meetups and becoming an integral part of online communities to not only stay updated on industry Trends but also to establish meaningful connections with like-minded individuals can really benefit you in both the short and the longer term future Community engagement goes above and beyond the traditional boundaries of networking solely for job opportunities think of it as a dynamic exchange where learning becomes a communal experience and knowledge flows seamlessly between individuals passionate about data the data community in essence can be somewhat of a gold mine not only of knowledge but also of support and camaraderie participating in forums dedicated to data analytics disc discussions provides a platform to pose questions share insights and engage in thought-provoking conversations these virtual meeting places promote diverse perspectives where professionals at different stages of their careers come together to contribute and learn attending meetups could be another vital component of your community engagement strategy beyond the digital world these gatherings offer a tangible connection with industry professionals allowing you to actually meet people share share experiences and connect on a different level as opposed to just sitting on Zoom calls you could also join online communities where you know members are all at least somewhat interested in data analytics like my Discord server that I mentioned before just from looking at the interaction on it people have been super nice and supportive of each other so I'm certainly happy that I was able to create a space for all of you to not just talk about data and learn about data analytics but also to connect chat and have a little fun now being an active participant in the community is not just about what you can gain but also about what you can contribute sharing experiences insights and even failures can become a part of the collective learning process creating a supportive environment where you can Empower each other to progress further I think if you can make Community engagement more than just a side quest in your Learning Journey and really immerse yourself within the data Community you can really benefit so much from it now OB obviously I'm not saying that you should go overboard and reach out to everyone and go to all the meetups and events but what I am saying is that it never hurts to have some like-minded people that you can talk to and engage with you'd be surprised how much you can learn and how much fun you can have moving on tip number four and I'm going to call this Mastery through mentorship seeking guidance from experienced professionals can really accelerate your career growth I mean learning from successful people who have been there and done it and are continuously doing it must be one of the best ways to learn right anyone who's had significant experience working in the field of data analytics can tell you that learning skills whether it's technical or soft skills at home by yourself is completely different from the day-to-day routines and tasks you need to carry out once you actually get a job mentorship goes above and beyond mere technical advice think of it as a partnership aimed at not just acquiring skills but gaining deep insights into the industry understanding best practices and navigating potential challenges with the wisdom of someone who has not only been there but conquered it so with all this said how can you actually find the right Mentor for you now you could just look no further and check out my mentorship programs or you could take the harder way and try to reach out to people you look up to if you know them personally just ask them you've got nothing to lose if they say no then you're just back to square one if you don't know them personally try your luck write a fun email try to get in touch on social media platforms like Instagram or LinkedIn I know you're thinking the chances of random people getting back to you is low but what if just one of them actually replies wouldn't that be amazing now I would like to emphasize that please do not harass and annoy people sending one or maybe two messages is more than enough if you don't hear back just leave it my fifth and final tip is to make yourself AI ready now this is ever so important with the rise of AI tools and services and this is something that I'm working on a lot myself as well I have no doubt that AI will change the way we work not just specifically within the data domain but everywhere there are so many AI tools and services out there already so knowing the right tools to use and how to use them efficiently can give you a significant Competitive Edge now I am 100% not saying that you should skip learning the basics whether it's core technical skills like Excel SQL bi tools or coding or fundamental math and statistics knowledge what I am saying is that you should complement the core skills and knowledge that you have with the use of the right AI tools and services given its popularity let me just use chat GPT as an example it's great at generating pretty basic code and it can do it well and fast probably better and definitely faster than if I were to code up the same thing from scratch but realistically thinking about it how many times do you actually code anything from scratch as in literally from nothing when you're at work very rarely right there's usually pretty complicated systems and code already implemented and you're there to debug issues or fine-tune the models and the code but to solve complex data problems such as fixing code issues in the data pipeline or fine-tuning a model you'd need significant business and data knowledge industry experience and the ability to think for yourself not to mention working with other teams and various key stakeholders and subject matter experts I use chat GPT as an alternative to Googling stuff now that's all using it properly can definitely speed up your workflow and can make boring and repetitive things like data cleaning and transformation much more efficient so that you can focus on adding real value which is to identify the most pressing data problems bring together the right data teams and smmes to solve business critical problems and to create actionable meaningful insights and there you have it these were my top five detail tips on how I'd learn data analytics if I had to start over right now if you enjoy content like this make sure to check out some of my other videos right here thanks so much for watching and I shall see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Mo Chen
Views: 56,499
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WtWnyCvJFWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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