Become a Data Analyst using ChatGPT! (Full Guide)

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becoming a data analyst used to require four years in a classroom and fifty thousand dollars today all you need is chat gbt and 10 minutes of learning I am going to show you how to clean and interpret your data sets within chat GPT in order to help you solve problems and at the end I'm going to show you the best way to analyze your data within Chad gbt so let's get into it first we need to activate the Advanced Data analysis feature within jat gpt4 so as you can see you may have gpt4 already but there's nothing else to click on what you need to do is open up your sidebar head down to your settings click on settings in beta head over to Beta features and here you can activate plugins in Advanced Data analysis we are going to activate them both even though we won't need plugins for the rest of this video I'm going to close out of that and now we can close our sidebar and hover over gpt4 and we now have this Advanced Data analysis feature and we can activate it you can now see that there's a plus button down here that gives you the ability to attach files to chatgpt Step One is complete you have this feature are activated now let's move on to step two which is activating custom instructions now this step is optional but I do highly recommend it as it provides much better responses so in order to activate custom instructions once again you want to open up your sidebar and head down to your settings then you can click custom instructions and as you can see I have a professional roll of yoga instructor in here currently but that wouldn't be too helpful for data analysis so I'm going to delete all of the yoga instructor information if you've never used custom instructions before these are basically two boxes that you pre-fill and then chat gbt will answer accordingly so what would you like chatgpt to know about you to provide better responses and how would you like Chad gbt to respond you can turn these on or off and this will allow chat GPT to provide the information you want in the responses every single time and what I've done is I've made a database with over 300 different custom personas with these boxes pre-filled and ready to go so since we are analyzing some data today maybe I can head over to the tech technology section of my personas database and then I could look for something like data scientist I can click on that and then we can copy these sections to their corresponding ones in chat gbt and I can paste it in here and now Chad gbt is thinking like a professional data scientist and it's also responding like one too after we get that section paste it in here now these custom personas are for sale on my website I'll leave a link in the top pin comment or the description below there's over 300 different custom personas in here and over 10 different categories so you can do stuff with marketing business writing Finance technology and so on but for this video we are going to be using the data scientist profession and then we can hit save and now chat gbt's responses will be tailored as if it's a professional data scientist so that's how I set up my chat LGBT in order to help me clean and analyze my data next we actually have to upload our data to chatgbt and we have to understand what formats are available to upload clean analyze so right now I'm in my chat gbt Mastery course and I'm actually in the Advanced Data analysis section and this course is great for learning Chad gbt I will also leave this with the personas in the description or the top end comment we have over 80 plus members in here now everyone is loving it so far so let me dive into some of the files that are available to upload to chatgpt as you can see you can upload text files programming source files office documents PDF files image files data files audio files and archive files so the list goes on there are so many different files you can upload to chadgbt's Advanced Data analysis so this is very useful when trying to learn new things about your data and find Trends and analyzing great now we know all of those different source files we can actually put into chatgpt so let's do that let's upload a data set to chatgpt and to get cleaning this data because in this next step we actually have to have chat GPT do an overall look through of the data and make sure that it's clean and formatted in the proper way and I'm also going to give you some prompts you can type into Chad GPT in order to best clean your data as you can see I have this Google sheet for social network ads and it's a very simple Google sheet we have a user ID over here we have a gender age estimated salary and then this is a column to see if they purchased or not so we're going to actually try to find Trends between salary age and gender within chat gbt but first we need to see if this data is set up correctly can this be analyzed okay in chatgpt well that's what we need to find out so what you can do if you're using something like Google Sheets is you can hit file then you can hit download and you can download it as in xlsx or you can download it as a CSV anything really works as I was showing you earlier then once you have that downloaded to your desktop or your folders what you can do is you can actually hit this plus button to attach a file so that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to hit social network ads and then I'm going to hit open as you can see there's now this csvp spreadsheet within chat GPT and now I can start prompting and asking questions about this data I can tell chat GB to clean this data I can pretty much do anything and chatgpt is going to use its code interpreter to interpret this knowledge at my request so the first thing I'm going to ask Chad gbt to do is to clean this data first we want to tell chat gbt what this data is so we can understand what it's looking at and also what is the goal what's going to be our goal after cleaning this data and then we can tell Chad GPT to clean it when necessary so this is a very simple prompt with custom instructions enabled we don't need anything crazy we don't have to tell chatgpt to act like a data scientist since all that information is already pre-filled out we can just tell Chad gbt this data represents whatever your data represents which in my case it's advertising numbers and then give chat GPT your goal I tell it I want to eventually find Trends with this data first I need you to clean and format this data in order to get it prepared for analysis so this is the important step before data analysis we need to clean this data to get it ready for that step so now I can send this off and as you can see similar to plugins chat gbt will pop up with this box saying working it's looking over the sheet right now it's loading it in and now this is what I love so much about data analysis mixed with custom instructions is it's kind of asking for my permission in a way and it's just giving follow-up questions and recommendations based on what I've provided so as you can see it clearly read all of the columns user ID gender age estimated salary and purchased this gives more information on each column of what it stands for so for purchased a binary variable indicating whether the user made a purchase one or not zero so it's kind of explaining how this is working when it comes to the way that the columns are formatted so then it says here are some typical steps to consider check for missing values data type verification unique identifier verification categorical data formatting and outliers and then it asks me if I would like to proceed with these steps or if I have any specific requirement and this is what I love so much about this feature is that you don't have to know all this stuff you know you don't have to know what to check when you're cleaning data Chad gbt will give you that information just ask would you like to proceed with it and then you can type in something as simple as yes and after this when Chad gbt cleans the data not only is it going to clean that data for you but it's also going to give you a downloadable copy of the new data that you can Import in and replace your current data and as you can see it went through step by step gave me nice headers and it just tells me what it found when running through each of these data cleaning steps this is giving me all of this information and it says that all of these columns were formatted in the right way there was no cleaning necessary so now we are ready to actually get on to analyzing this data when it asks me would I like to proceed to The Next Step such as exploratory data analysis otherwise known as Eda or feature engineering so these are things that I don't need to know all this stuff I don't need to know what this means I don't need to know what Eda means it's given me these recommendations and if I want to know further into what something is I can just ask chat gbt for example what does Eda entail I can ask it that question what does Eda entail and it gives me all of the components of Eda in a matter of 15 seconds things I never knew before and again with the custom instructions enabled it asks me would you like to proceed with Eda based on these components now this data cleaning process went very smoothly there was nothing that was really out of line and everything fell into place very well if you do have a data set that has a lot of missing values and that needs a lot of cleaning you can ask jgbt to give you a downloadable file and it will pop up with a link that when you click it it downloads it to your computer and from there you can actually import it to your new Google Sheets Microsoft Excel or whatever you use for your data now that we have all of the data cleaning out of the way and we have some recommendations on data analysis what we can do is analyze this data analyzing the data helps you find Trends or outliers in your content advertising even music sometimes and this way you can really start to pinpoint what works well what doesn't and what can I do in the future based on the trends within this data and chat gbt can help us step by step through this entire process which is amazing let's get into it so if you remember correctly first I asked Chad gbt to clean this data and then I said I want to get it prepared for analysis and before I have even typed in anything else it's already been giving me different analysis techniques such as Eda I asked what does Eda entail and it gave me all of these descriptions on different components of Eda and I'm going to make this as simple as possible I don't need to type out any fancy prompt I have my custom instructions enabled that's kind of giving me the tone the system functions that I need for chat gbt to properly respond to me but now I can just ask it to proceed with the Eda the Eda is the exploratory data analysis which it provided for me so I I can type in as something as simple as yes in order to start analyzing this data and data analysis doesn't have to just be yes no let Chad gbt give you recommendations you can ask chat jpt questions like identify the key trends over the past years or what influences people to make sales based on this data does gender play a role does age play a role does income player role how does this all tie in so when you're analyzing your data you're really just looking for outliers or Trends within your content or your CSV or any source file that you upload all you're doing is trying to find solutions to problems so when data analysis comes around what do you want to know the answer to the data has already been cleaned so now you can just ask Chad GPT questions about that data in order to further understand your situation whether that be financially in business marketing technology whatever it is I'm just going to go ahead and proceed with the Eda based on these components I'm just going to say use Eda on this data then I can send it off and now to LGBT will quickly get get this done for me and have all sorts of analyzation and components for me to review and it starts off with a couple of steps it gives me this fancy graph showing distribution by age and this is completely generated with chat gbt I don't have any plugins activated all I have is that Advanced Data analysis feature enabled but it's giving me graphs based on the data that I uploaded it gives me the distribution of estimated salary over here on the right zero represents those who did not purchase something and one represents those who did purchase something so a lot more people didn't buy anything from these ads rather than people who actually did buy something and it doesn't only give me the graph but it kind of describes what's going on here in the descriptive statistics and data visualization section so it gives me numerical features and it goes into age estimated salary then it goes into categorical features such as gender and purchased and I like how it's giving me this in manageable chunks it didn't just do all of the Eda steps all in one it says we have some more to go we actually have four more of these to do would you like to proceed with these next steps and this way I can kind of taken some information I can view what it's given me and then when I'm ready I can type in yes now it's working it's going through all of this information with us guys just take a look at this we have box plots correlation Matrix of numerical variables and they have these pair plots that are just super Advanced this has been how to become a data analyst in chat gbt if you enjoyed this video please drop a like And subscribe for more content like this again I have my custom personas and my course available for purchase and the top pin comment or the description below so if that interested you at all and you want to learn even more about chat gbt then I recommend picking those up if not that's okay too I have plenty of free content that you can learn from on this channel with that being said I will see you in the next video
Channel: AI Foundations
Views: 293,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, data analyst, data analytics, chat gpt data analysis, chatgpt data analysis, chatgpt code interpreter, chatgpt advanced data, become a data analyst in chatgpt, become a data analyst, chatgpt data analyst, chatgpt analyzing data, excel sheet chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt tutorial, what is chatgpt, chatgpt data tutorial, chatgpt data analysis tutorial, data analyzing chatgpt, how to analyze data in chatgpt, chatgpt data analyst 2023, chatgpt 4 data analysis
Id: 7afa7UZXyU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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