Chat GPT Can Do Your Job (Excel and Google Sheets with ChatGPT)

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chair GPT has exploded over 1 million users since being launched last month and it's still one of the most trending topics today many of us are familiar with how this AI tool is essentially replacing Google search as we know it and you've likely come across some pretty impressive applications of the tool some people are using chat GPT to perform actions like build websites and others streamlining complicated coding tasks there's no doubt it's a game changer for the world but how can the average person use chat gbt today there have been some life-changing add-ins that integrate chat GPT with everyday tools and one of the most impactful is GPT for Google Sheets this will revolutionize how we all work forever this video is intended to walk through the add-in and help you discover how AI can help you today we'll first take a quick look at how to actually enable GPT for Google Sheets then we'll see how to use it we'll walk through a few realistic examples of how you can actually use AI to improve your productivity make you money simplify your life and save you time let's get started the first thing you'll need is an account at this is the same account that you would get if you were just setting up a chat GPT account and this is a free step next you'll browse to account slash API keys this is a key that will be assigned to your openai account what we can see on this page is that we have an allotment of a hundred and twenty dollars of free credits and just for your reference most tasks that you perform in chat GPT or in this case GPT for Sheets will cost a fraction of a penny we're talking point zero zero zero one dollars you're going to have a hard time actually spending some money on this software so just know that for most people it will be free but it is something to consider down the line the next step will be to click extensions and access GPT for Sheets next click extensions add-ons get add-ons search for GPT for Sheets then just install after you have your API key go back to extensions GPT for Sheets and set API key this is where you'll paste your API key afterwards just click enable GPT functions and you're Off to the Races now that we have the extension let's see how to use it there's five aspects to this formula the first being prompt prompt is something you're probably familiar with it's pretty straightforward it's really just text that you want to actually use to instruct chat GPT next is value this is that spreadsheet cell you're going to actually be using in your prompt to instruct chat jbt the next one is temperature this might be a new one for most of us this number should be between zero and one with zero being the default zero would essentially be a more precise answer that you're looking for something that's a bit less creative whereas one is on the opposite side of the spectrum if you use one you might get more creative answers from chat GPT so this might be useful for certain prompts and something to consider the fourth is model this is a bit more complicated for the average user so we probably don't spend too much time on that one but something to consider as you get more advanced the last part to the syntax is Max tokens most people are not gonna have to pay a cent but it is something to consider in case you're running thousands and thousands of calls a day where you might actually face some pricing so now that we know how to use it let's see some clear examples that we can actually Implement in our own lives there's a number of different use cases here but the first prompt will be trying to categorize several different websites so the first thing I'll do is I'll set the formula chat GPT the pro prompt is in cell B5 comma C5 has the value temperature I'll leave that at default which will be zero same for model and same for Max tokens I'm going to drag this down but first I'm going to have to fix cell B5 because this is where I actually want the prompt to remain and that's the result Twitter being social media Netflix being streaming Reddit a social website Wikipedia information and Best Buy retail in this next example we'll see how chat GPT can classify sentiment into one word let's say you have a lot of customer reviews but you really just want to group them by sentiment this might save you time by focusing on the negative sentiment or highlighting the positive sentiments this can give you better understanding of your products and save you a lot of time from sifting through a lot of different information the formula is GPT in this case I don't actually need all those extra commas because everything else by default will just remain so I'm going to fix this cell B12 this is a prompt and what's the analyze the first line I am extremely satisfied with the product and customer service and chat gbt classified that as pleased that works for me Okay so we've got pleased positive positive satisfied and too disappointed let's take a look at those and see why the product is fine but I was disappointed with the lack of instructions included that might be helpful I might have to look into that the customer service was unhelpful I am disappointed with the experience let's see one more example of analyzing text in this case you've got a number of different addresses but it's not formatted correctly let's see what AI can do here it can be extremely annoying when you get raw data sets that aren't in great formats so this can save a lot of time and this can be used in a lot of different ways so now that we've seen that chat GPT can analyze text pretty well let's see how it does generating ideas I know we've seen a lot of examples on the actual browser of chat jbt but here if you can just copy and paste large data sets this can save you a lot of time and allow you to work seamlessly in your daily life so at this point I think we're all proved on the formula so here I want to generate three subject lines for a cold email in this case I want to look at Instagram growth how to build a YouTube channel very ironic I know and Technology let's see what chat GPT can do here for Instagram growth we've got a few different options here grow your following quickly and easily on what the power of Instagram to grow your business boost your Instagram presence with proven strategies okay that might be pretty good for an email so like I mentioned before the zero is default for temperature which is a bit less creative so let's make this one and let's see how chat GPT can do maximizing your impact learn how to build a successful Channel secrets to unlocking your YouTube growth potential turn up the volume how to turn up your channel Revenue let's see technology unlock the power of Technology streamline harness maximum profits okay let's see if we can get any difference here if I make it more creative utilize the latest technology boost your business efficiency redefine your business with advanced technology it's a bit better okay not too bad in this next prompt we've got a number of different customer reviews and that's a lot to read we've already seen how chat CBT can handle categorize using customer sentiment but how will it do in simplifying a paragraph into just one sentence the customer service was unhelpful and the laptop had poor build quality I'm seeing uh the store is a scam and should be avoided let's see if that makes sense based on the prompt you order close it was in the wrong size and the build quality tried to return it but it was impossible and no refund the store is a scam and I warned everyone to stay away well that jumps off a page and I'm glad I was able to see it in a simple sentence so that I could actually digest what I was reading and let's look at the last one here I buy this expensive watch and after one month it stops working I send it for repair and they take forever to charge me extra this company has poor build quality grammar is a bit off here but this company have poor quality product and worst customer service I will never buy from them again well that was a little tough to read but chat gbt essentially said the customer had a negative experience with the product and customer service and will not be buying again some outputs were a bit better than others to be honest but at least we were able to read just one sentence as opposed to a few different sentences especially with some of the grammatical errors so this can save you some time and headache I think there's time for a bonus this one's a bit more challenging so let's take a look I thought it might be a good idea to see how we can actually Implement Chad gbt in the workplace so let's say for example you're dealing with some pretty complicated business scenarios and you're trying to develop a strategy to approach it let's see if we can get some inspiration from chat gbt AI is not perfect it can definitely be wrong and you know what they might save me some time maybe give me some good ideas and help me brainstorm for myself so let's take a look in this first scenario we've got a retail sector that's experienced decline in sales due to an economic downturn caused by an earthquake the company had a physical stores with a big foot traffic Decline and this really impacted sales however there seemed to be a pretty big increase in online shopping as a result so we've got some metrics here we've got some scenarios of what happened in the business I'm not really sure where I go from here but let's see what chat GPD thought to combat the decline in sales company should focus on increasing his online presence and leveraging digital marketing strategies to drive more online sales that actually sounds like it might be pretty good advice as we saw the foot traffic was down physical stores weren't operating that well the online was and chat gbt realized that that's actually pretty impressive the second example technology company with Revenue growth that was impacted by more competition skimming through here the company had International expansion strategies that paid off let's see what happened from chat gbt's perspective you just increased revenue and market share by focusing on International presence and investing in r d to create more products that differentiate from competition again it's not bad advice in this case and let's try that last one insurance payments decreased by 10 percent the company's revenue from out-of-pocket payments increased by 20 due to increased demand there are some investments in technology and telemedicine that helped improve efficiency let's see what chat CPT thinks for the future to maximize revenue and profitability the Healthcare Company should focus on increasing out-of-pocket payment the leveraging technology telemedicine and providing a more convenient and cost-effective healthcare service I think there's some good insights here from chat GPT there's a lot of use cases where AI can actually help us with work whether that's brainstorming sorting through data analyzing text developing ideas for us the list goes on and on don't forget to like And subscribe if you want more content when we reach a thousand subscribers on the channel we're gonna be doing some pretty big giveaways so you're not going to want to miss it
Channel: Simple Finance
Views: 8,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt walkthrough, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt how to, chat gpt how to, chat gpt explained, chatgpt explained, what is chat gpt, what is chatgpt, make money chat gpt, how to google sheets, how to chatgpt, how to chat gpt, chat gpt examples, chat gpt prompts, how to use chatgpt, how to make money online, chatgpt examples, chatgpt for excel, chat gpt for excel, chatgpt excel, chat gpt excel, Chat GPT Can Do Your Job, chatgpt can do your job, excel, chat gpt google sheets
Id: BKzvKEeofYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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