Chase Your Greatness | Ultimate Motivational Film (HD)

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when I was 17 I read a quote that went something like if you live each day as if it was your last someday you'll most certainly be right it made an impression on me and since then for the past 33 years I've looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself if today were the last day of my life what I want to do what I am about to do today and whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row I know I need to change something remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life because almost everything all external expectations all pride all fear of embarrassment or failure these things just fall away in the face of death leaving only what is truly important remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose you are already naked there is no reason not to follow your heart the first step before anybody else in the world believes it is you have to believe it there's no reason to have a plan because it distracts from plan a [Music] I honestly believe that if you're if you're focused and passionate and driven you can achieve anything you want to achieve in life [Music] [Music] your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life don't be trapped by Dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking don't let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice and most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition they somehow already know what you truly want to become and ladies and gentlemen I started working on my dream and most people don't work on their dreams why for many years I did one is because of fear the fear of failure what if things don't work out and the fear of success what if they do and I can't handle it the other thing is that most people lives and gentlemen they get comfortable they stop growing they stop working on themselves they stop stretching they stop pushing themselves and they end up becoming very cynical about life and they throw in the towel on themselves and on their families and on their dreams the limitations exist only in our minds and if you start using imaginations then your your possibilities become limitless if you're passionate and driven and focused in what you do if you're really good at it people will take notice that's basically it [Music] see sometimes we can't say I can do that but what we can say that it's possible that I can have my tree as we run to want it as we work on its day in and day out working on my dream and I want you to think about whatever your dream is because I was willing to take a chance and most people won't do that most of the people that you talk to to try and bring them into the business these are not risk-takers most people have done all that they're ever going to do they raise a family they earn a living and then they died but people were running toward their dreams life has a special kind of meaning and here's what I will share with you that in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incur and incur a lot of disappointment a lot of failure a lot of pain a lot of setbacks a lot of defeats but in the process of doing that you will discover some things about yourself that you don't know right now what you will realize is that you have greatness within you what you'll realize is that you're more powerful than you can ever begin to imagine what you will realize is that you're greater than your circumstances that you don't have to go through life being a victim a redemptive power that making a choice has you know rather than feeling like you're at effect to all the things that are happening make a choice like you just decide what its gonna be who you're gonna be how you're gonna do it just decide [Music] the most important thing is this to be able at any moment to sacrifice what you are for what you will become and I'm here to tell you number one that most of you say you want to be successful but you don't want it bad you just kind of want it you don't want it bad and then you want a party you don't want it as much as you want to be cool you most of you don't want success as much as you want to sleep and I'm here to tell you today if you're going to be successful you've got to be willing to give up sleep when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and when you get to the point where all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful [Music] [Applause] [Music] the thing I really want to emphasize is I didn't have a choice I didn't have a choice when you have a dream and the dream isn't something you dream and then it happens the dream is something you never knew was going to come into your life dreams always come from behind you not not right between your eyes it sneaks up on you but when you have a dream it doesn't often come at you screaming in your face this is who you are this is what you must be for the rest of your life sometimes a dream almost whispers and I've always said to my kids the hardest thing to listen to your instincts your human personal intuition always whispers it never shouts very hard to hear so you have to every day of your lives be ready to hear what whispers in your ear it very rarely shouts and if you can listen to the whisper and if it tickles your heart and it's something you think you want to do for the rest of your life then that is going to be what you do for the rest of your life and we will benefit from everything you do thank you very much young people understand this young man made 10 15 20 short films before he got the opportunity to make moonlight so never give up without commitment you'll never start but more importantly without consistency you'll never finish it's not easy if it was easy there'd be no Kerry Washington if it was easy there'd be no taraji Henson if it were easy there'd be no Octavius pencil but not only that if it were easy there'd be no Viola Davis if or easy there be no Michael T Williamson no Steven McKinley Henderson no Russell Hornsby it more easy there'd be no Denzel Washington so keep working keep striving never give up fall down seven times get up eight I think one of my greatest inspirations or things that our feed off of basically was just obviously people not believing and you know the cloud of doubt they kind of I felt hung over my head and wanted to just prove everybody wrong you know what I mean I wanted to make it and I was gonna make it regardless of what anybody said first of all you have to make sure that this thing is for you and it's who you are and you're built for this you know and then you have to give it the passion that's necessary you know like I said I don't do it for the money the money is gonna come I do it because of the love that I have for it you know I'm saying if I was a plumber or something like that I still would make hip-hop records that's how much love I have for it you know I feel like right now I've been in the game close to 27 years and I've actually thought about this just recently out of the entire 27 my 27 year career there's only been two weeks that I've been out of the studio there's me I've never been out of studio longer than two weeks in my entire career that's how much love I have for this thing that I do so that's the thing just a passion that you have for it and really really put your all into it and make sure that your word is the last word that way you don't you know you don't play the blame game or anything like that if it comes out hot it's on you if it doesn't come out hot it's on you you know I'm saying that's all it is to it what you gonna do you gonna find something that you love to do and have a passion for it are you gonna stay you know making any streets until some so the moment I defined myself from freed myself what's the time I lacked myself from the studio they say you need to do music when I was 15 years old I had a very important person my life come to me to say who's your hero and I said I don't know I gotta think about that give me a couple of weeks I come back two weeks later this person comes up says who's your hero I said I thought about it you know who it is I said it's me in 10 years so I turned 25 ten years later that same person comes Mingo so are you a hero and I was like not even close no no no she said why I said because my heroes meet at 35 so he see every day every week every month and every year my life my heroes always ten years away I'm never gonna be my hero I'm not gonna attain that I know I'm not and that's just fine with me because that keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing for those of you that have experienced some hardships don't give up on your dream no one could have convinced me by holding on by continuing to push forward by continuing to run toward my dream it's very important as you hold on to that dream there are moments when you're going to doubt yourself they're rough times are going to come but they have not come to stay they have come to pass it's very important for you to know that don't say I'm having a bad day say I'm having a character-building day the people that are running after that dream know they're gonna have hard times they keep on running because they're saying within themselves I'm the one I'm the one no matter how bad it is or how bad it gets I'm going to make it the people that are running after their dreams of the people that are hungry if you want to make your dream become reality the people that are running at their dreams know that it's possible that you can live your dream that's it's necessary that you're relentless that you have a plan of action that you are creative the people that are living their dream of finding winners to attach themselves to the people that are living their dreams of a people that know that it's if it's going to happen it's up to them and they're resolving within themselves it's not over until I win but not only is it important that you believe and begin to know that it's possible for you to live your dream as you run toward it but I've done something that I want to share with you called choosing your future in fact I've develop a set of tapes talking about how to begin to create your own reality by choosing your future and not only is it important for you to know it's possible for you to choose your future but it's necessary that you work on yourself that you develop yourself it's necessary that you get the energy drainers out of your life people who don't want anything people are not striving people are not challenging themselves people who aren't growing people have stopped dreaming it's necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business who are hungry people who are unstoppable and unreasonable people who are refusing to life just as it is and who want more my mother used to say birds of a feather flock together if you run around with losers you will end up a loser it's necessary that you get the losers out of your life if you want to live your dream I love this one fail early fail often fail forward you know it's always a little bit frustrating to me when people have a negative relationship with failure failure is a massive part of being able to be successful you have to get comfortable with failure yeah you have to actually seek failure failure is where all of the lessons are you know when you go to the gym and you work out you're actually seeking failure you want to take your muscles to the point where you get to failure because that's where the the adaptation is that's where growth is successful people who fail a lot they fail a whole lot more than they succeed but they extract the lessons from the failure and they use that the energy and they used to come around to the next phase of success you've got to take a shot you have to live at the edge of your capabilities you gotta live where you're almost certain you're gonna fail that's the reason for a practice practice is controlled failure you're getting to your limit getting to your limit getting to your limit you can't lift that you can't do that you until you get to the point that all of a sudden your body makes the adjustment and then you can do it failure actually helps you to recognize the areas where you need to evolve so fail early fail often fail forward [Music] why do you want to be a champion or what do you want to accomplish why are your training and they will feel if a guy who get up and it would say well I want to train because I think that if I get muscular and you know I feel like I'm getting the kind of definition then maybe you can enter a bodybuilding competition as it sit down you see if you think this way you're gonna be a loser you're never gonna make it because there's no mate you got to get up and say I want to be a champion and nobody gonna get in shape until you go to the gym and do the work everybody want money but you ain't doing [ __ ] to go get it everybody want a better life with a career and a family but you ain't doing nothing to go go get it and I'm saying to you what if all of us took that attitude after we face a rejection and a no we have a meeting and no one shows up for somebody that you can count on me and they don't come through but if we have that kind of attitude the car's repossessed nobody believes in you you've lost again and again and again the lights are cut off but you still looking at your dream reviewing it every day and say to yourself it's not over until I win [Music] we didn't gonna believe this we used to fit right here I'd hold you up to say to your mother this kid's gonna be the best kid in the world this kid's gonna be somebody better than anybody ever knew and you grew up good and wonderful it was great just watching every day was like a privilege and the time come for you to be your own man and take on the world then you did but somewhere along the line you changed you stopped being you you let people stick a finger in your face and tell you you're no good and when things got hard you started looking for something to blame like a big shadow let me tell you something you already know the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows it's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it you me or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life but it ain't about how hard you hit it's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward how much you can take and keep moving forward that's how weird it is done now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth but you gotta be willing to take the hits and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him or her or anybody cowards do that and that ain't you you're better than that I don't know what that dream is that you have I don't care how far-fetched it might appear to be I don't care how disappointing it might have been as you've been working toward that dream but here's what I know that that dream that you're holding in your mind that it's possible [Music] greatness is not this wonderful esoteric illusive godlike feature that only the special among us will ever taste you know it's something that truly exists in all of us it's a very simple this is what I believe and I'm willing to die for [Music] [Applause] you'll come up with your own style that's part of the fun like many of you I was concerned about going out into the world and doing something bigger than myself until someone smarter than myself made me realize that there is nothing bigger than myself [Music] I love living I think that's infectious there's something that you can't fake [Music] and God place the best things in life on the other side of terror on the other side of your maximum fear or all of the best things in life I want my life I want my my work my family I want it to mean something and it's like it has if if you are not making someone else's life better then you're wasting their time so let me tell you as you prepare people walk into the world remember the six rules trust yourself break some rules don't be afraid to fail to what the naysayers look like hell and give something back I want the world to be better because I was here [Music] you you
Channel: Simon S
Views: 4,932,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Motivation, Motivational, Motivational Video, Motivational Music, Motivation for Students, Inspirational, Inspirational Video, Inspirational Soundtrack, Revival, Eminem, Will Smith Motivation, Will Smith Skydiving, Will Smith Vlogs, Denzel Washington Speech, Paul Walker Inspire, Motivational Speech, Inspirational Speech, Gym Motivation, Gym Motivational Music, Motivation To Study, Motivation Video, Inspirational Movie Scenes, Inspirational Movies, Influential People
Id: 5QH6puN65AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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