Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER #5 - CHASE YOUR DREAMS - 30-Minute Motivation Video #6

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[Music] it may not happen in six months it may not happen in a year it may not happen in two years but at some point my dream is going to become a reality [Music] every single day we're not waiting for it to happen we just don't have sight sight is for people who live in the present we have vision we're going to make it happen before it happens you got to write even if no one published your book right because that was given to you to do everything in you is telling you to stop to give up every muscle is aching and you're saying to yourself you can do it where you are is temporary you will not be there for the rest of your life [Music] other people couldn't see it a lot of people didn't believe it you were attacked you were criticized people were opposing you but you kept on doing it it was hard it was rough it was difficult but to you it was worth it you have to know that this thing is going to work say this to yourself every day i can write my own book i can have my own business i i can take the trip and travel around the world it's possible i can bounce back from adversity and reinvent my life it's possible there's so many individuals out there that are so talented in different things and never accomplish anything the world is filled with talented people and they never accomplish anything the body has limitations the mind does not we focus so much on what goes on from the neck down that we forget it all starts from here if you're not mentally ready you're never really physically prepared [Music] why most people never achieve their goals while two or three percent really achieve a high level of success the people who took this one action every single day we're the ones who achieve their goals and dreams more often than anybody else finding your passion is also one of the biggest questions you just got to try everything you just got to keep trying yeah i mean that's the thing it's like you have to be motivated to at least try i firmly believe that everybody on this planet has a gift it's your job to figure out what that gift is then it becomes your job to decide whether you're going to act on that or not there is nothing we cannot do it's really a matter of setting a focused goal because without a target you'll miss it every time picking a target and then picking the steps along the way and realizing that all the resources all the capital all the expertise is there but ultimately it's only going to be tapped if that target is in your heart and your soul what changes our whole life is action why don't we take action fear what are we going to do to get ourselves to do it we got to make sure that we push ourselves through it by making a decision the point in which change happens is a decision every change in your life that you want will come from something simple a decision see a real decision is not like a preference it's not like when you say i'll try it and see that's not a decision decision comes from latin it means like incision to cut off from decision is when you cut off any possibility except the thing you committed to it's like that is it a decision is the first step decision is like a war i gotta do this or that all right i'm gonna make myself do this but commitment is when you now after you've decided you commit to do this for the long term whether it's hard or easy doesn't matter you're doing this it takes it from this moment and it carries into the future even when things are difficult decide commit and resolve don't wait until you're 25 or 35 or 45 years old start building that discipline right now to get what you want because there's seven billion other people on this planet trying to get it trying to get this thing called success see most people think success is a straight line i'm gonna get out of high school i'm gonna get a job and everything's gonna be fine that's not how it plays out folks okay this is how it plays out guy decides he wants something and the line gets all squiggly see that's really what success looks like discipline means taking hard road the uphill road to do what's right most people stop at failure we've all failed at things i'm going to continue to fail at stuff right it's the most powerful tool you can use but it all depends on how you use it and most people are just satisfied with ad there's always a next level your definition of greatness and what you want to achieve could be totally different than somebody else's you know we always say no one wants to be first okay because they're afraid of the consequences that come with doing something first can't be a failure you're the first to do something if you're the first to do something you can't be listed as a failure there's two types of people people that are going to get what they want and the life they want and people that don't two types of people folks people to get the life they want and everybody else a lot of people out there that are constantly trying to improve themselves by looking for the one change the one change right the one change in their life that's gonna make their dreams come true it isn't one thing and it isn't ten things and it isn't a hundred things it isn't a quick path and there are no shortcuts [Music] getting better isn't a hack or a trick or a one change that you need to make getting better is a campaign it's a campaign it's a daily a weekly it's an hourly fight an incessant fight that doesn't stop against weakness and against temptation and against laziness it's a campaign of discipline the campaign of hard work and dedication it's waking up early and going to bed late and grinding out every second in between every single day [Music] just start doing it take that first step and make it happen get after it and get after it here and now every one of us who's a gold achiever sets goals but very few people think about the obstacles that are there and them overcoming the obstacles and in order to become an amazing goal achiever you have to accept the fact that there will be obstacles but you also have to prime your brain to recognize the obstacles and to teach it that you can overcome it and you can do that in your mind first and you back it up with a plan and guess what you will start to become a goal achiever instead of just somebody who sets a goal if you don't like the way your career is or your business is change it if you don't like your body change it you don't like your relationship change you first because if you change it you'll bring you to the next one maybe it's time to change it too but change yourself first if you want to change in your life you have the choice so there is no right or wrong i just want to make you aware in this breakthrough session that everything in our life changes the moment we make a decision i mean a real decision the decision is when you cut off any other possibility you commit to something with everything you've got and you take action but the big decisions start with little decisions like what am i going to focus on because whatever you focus on you're going to feel so instead of sitting in that job for the next 10 years go do your thing you've got plenty and plenty of time [Music] people want to know how to stop the laziness and they will know how to stop the procrastination they have some idea in their head you know some kind of uh a vision [Music] of what they want to do but they don't know where to start they don't know where to start it you know they don't know where to start where do i start and and when's the best time to start and i have a very simple answer for that here and now that's it you you want to improve you want to get better you want to get on a workout program or a clean diet you want to start a business [Music] you want to write a book or make a movie or build a house or a computer or put together some mobile application [Music] where do you start [Music] you start right here and when do you start you start right now because the idea isn't going to execute itself and the book isn't going to write itself and the weights out in the gym they're not going to move themselves you have to do it and you have to do it now [Music] you want to get better you want to self-improve stop looking for a shortcut and go find your discipline and find your guts and your passion and your drive and finding your will and then and then you will find your freedom [Music] we all have things that we're believing for dreams that we want to accomplish problems we're hoping will turn around maybe it's to see our family restored to lose some weight to break an addiction to start our own business but sometimes as it goes on month after month even year after year we don't see anything changing it's easy to get discouraged and think it's never going to happen this is as good as it gets i'll just learn to live with it we all go through disappointments setbacks loss pain is a part of life it's easy to get discouraged even bitter think why is this happening to me sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense the key is what we do in our times of pain pain will change us heartache loss disappointments they don't leave us the same every painful time even though you don't like it it's developing something in you that can only be developed in the tough times eventually that will pass you'll get through it but you will be different in those tough times when you're uncomfortable going through a loss dealing with an illness you could easily let it overwhelm you now how the pain changes you is up to you you can come out bitter or you can come out better you can come out defeated giving up on your dreams or you can come out with a new passion a new fire excited about the new opportunities in front of you [Music] i may not like it but i'm not a whiner i'm a warrior i know i can handle this don't complain about the pain without the pain we couldn't reach the fullness of our destinies sometimes we bring pain on ourselves we make poor choices get in a relationship we know is not good or maybe get over our head in our spending now it's painful we're having to deal with the consequences all of us experience pain my challenge don't just go through it grow through it that difficulty is an opportunity to get stronger to develop character to gain new confidence anybody can give up anybody can let it overwhelm you but you know what that's doing wasting your pain that pain is not there to stop you it's there to prepare you to increase you to develop you difficulties are a part of life now quit telling yourself you can't take it you're not weak you are well able eventually the pain will pass you'll give birth to new strength just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it's not going to happen [Music] there will always be forces trying to convince us to settle where we are life has a way of pushing our dreams down they can become buried under discouragement buried under past mistakes there are dreams buried under divorce buried under low self-esteem it's easy to settle for mediocrity even though we have all this potential buried on the inside what are you remembering the hurt the pain what didn't work out turn it around and remember your dream have you allowed any dreams to get buried in you at one time you believed you could do something great you believed you could lead the company in sales you believed you could break that addiction and it's been a long time had some bad breaks wasn't all your fault you could easily settle where you are nobody would fault you the enemy would love to deceive you into burying your dream thinking that it's never going to work out don't believe those lives it's not too late to become all that you were created to be every time you remember your dream you're removing some dirt you're digging it back out the true mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on your dream instead of letting it get buried you keep shaking it off you keep moving forward you wouldn't be having that opposition if you didn't have something great in you if your dream wasn't alive and on track right on schedule to come to pass you wouldn't have so many things coming against you that dream is still alive you may have tried a year ago five years ago or 40 years ago didn't work out nobody was there to help you go back and try again this is your time this is your moment your destiny is calling out to you can i tell you your dream is not dead it's just not in season your time is coming promotion is coming good breaks are coming promises you've been standing on dreams you've been praying about lack is not your destiny constantly struggling barely getting by is not the end of your story these light afflictions are for a moment the adversity is temporary the glory is eternal [Music] there are some dreams shut up in you light fire you're going to feel your destiny calling out may not have happened the first time the loan didn't go through you didn't get chosen for the part the medical report wasn't good that's okay it's still in you this is your time this is your moment shake off the doubt shake off the negativity you're at the right place you're at the right time now all you've got to do is get in the right frame of mind lord i believe this is my year to get healthy and whole this is my year to meet the people of my dreams this is my year to go further in my career to step into a new level of my destiny this is my year to accomplish dreams to break free from this depression this is my year to meet the right people this is my year to get healthy and home this is your year to see double this is your year for vindication for restoration for new beginnings now get your mind going in the right direction [Music] thank you some major goal you want or maybe it's one you're already working on and you have experienced a lot of setbacks a lot of defeats you've experienced a lot of disappointment maybe you've already given up and maybe you just need a little fire a little encouragement to get back in the game again they're winners they're losers and there are people who have not discovered how to win nothing is impossible the only thing that's impossible is what you make impossible so i need you to understand that it's not going to be an easy road but i'm telling you if you're willing to put in 120 if you're willing to go all in you can take that which was once impossible and make it possible not only is it possible for you to have your dream but it's necessary that you go for what is yours in the universe you do what it is you supposed to you're supposed to build something you're supposed to create something i don't know how to do it learn it's you it's on you you got to make that happen nobody's going to bring it to you on a silver platter and say here's your dream manifested no it's hard yes it's hard it's difficult yes right and it's worth it [Music] i want you to hold on it may not happen in the time that you think is going to happen but i want you to know something if you quit it's never going to happen if you quit if you give up if you stop if you do not persevere listen to me you will never see it [Music] the major key to your leeching your dream you're living up to your greatness you're making your contribution is you what do you need to know to be to do to have what you want that you don't know right now what do you need [Music] and so i'm asking you this question you got to get this one what do you need to know that you don't know right now what information what books do you need to read what mentors do you need what circles do you need to hang down [Music] see if you know what your life work is i encourage you to start working on it if you can't do it all at one time do just a little bit of it [Music] and you've got to actually go in a room close the door and you've got gotta see yourself doing it you gotta feel yourself doing it you gotta actually walk in it you gotta go in the future live it out come back in the present and start working toward it promise me this five to ten minutes that you will devote to seeing yourself being successful so i need you to do this for me like i don't care what happens in your life i don't care what it looks like i don't care where you are every single day you wake up if you're gonna have energy if you're gonna have passion if you're gonna have drive every day you wake up you gotta start with that vision warren buffett once said the more you learn the more you earn that is so true look at successful people like bill gates steve jobs elon musk oprah mark cuban and any other highly successful human they are successful because they use their time right they are successful because they are lifetime learners they commit to learning new things every single day warren buffett one of the wealthiest humans on the planet is famous for reading more than five hours every day bill gates reads one book per week mark cuban three hours a day oprah well she's just obsessed with books notice a common theme here successful people never stop learning think about this you have eighty six thousand and four hundred dollars to spend every single day but when the day is over the money disappears you can't get it back when you try to spend all of the money before they disappear when you try to use it wisely use it as best you could the sad part is we only have 86 thousand 400 seconds a day and most people take this time for granted most people let this time disappear without a second thought we never get this time back we must use it wisely we must be productive we must use our time to do things we enjoy or using to set up our life so we can spend our future doing more things we want to do instead of wasting your time on meaningless things use it to learn new things the time you spend playing video games or partying with your friends will never come back once you use that time it's gone forever use your time wisely read books study hard and learn as much as you can most people give up on their dreams because it gets too hard a lot of students stop chasing their dreams because of one failed test matter of fact most students don't even try their best when they take the test because in their mind they have already failed the test they stop believing in themselves and once the belief is killed the dream is killed if you have a dream you must do everything to make it into reality it doesn't matter how many times you fail a test never stop believing in yourself life itself is a test sometimes you will fail but the only way you can be a failure is if you stop trying whatever dream you have use all your energy to make it into reality push yourself to become the person you are destined to become if you want to get results you have never got before you are going to have to do things you have never done before [Music] the richest man in the world bill gates was once asked which superpower he would like to have the richest man in the world said that he would want the ability to read books faster success is not about the money the fame or the big house it's about becoming the best version of yourself you will fall down many times on the road to success but the most important thing is that you get back up get back up stronger and wiser than before create a mindset that does not allow you to quit or stop believing if you quit on your dream and give up you'll never know how great you can be never doubt yourself doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will small dreams will choke and suffocate the life out of you there's no money no fame no glory ever achieved with small thinking because it adds no value to the world you see small thinking is rooted in doubt and doubt is complained so i challenge you right now get a dream there's no money no fame no glory in small thinking because it doesn't add any value to the world a day of the dream [Music] you
Channel: Motiversity
Views: 3,308,872
Rating: 4.7117248 out of 5
Keywords: motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, motivational speeches, inspiration, best, motivation 2017, success, best motivational speeches, new, inspirational video, motivational speaker, compilation, best motivation compilation, les brown, eric thomas, motivation #5, chase your dreams, dreams, motivational music, motivational song, motiversity, long, bodybuilding motivation, studying, working out, winning mentality, be inspired, 2017, discipline motivation
Id: WsuCFbK4E_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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