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there is one instinct you need to be wary of one that you must fight this one is a liar this one is a saboteur a backbiter and like the devil himself he's a shape-shifter this is the instinct that says you've had enough you've given it your best shot you can stand down you can back off you can take a knee you can rest now do not listen because that instinct is a liar and wants to bring you down you see this instinct is a defense mechanism for your ego it gives you an out a place to run to a place of sympathy and amnesty where all can be forgiven [Music] failures gather together in comfort and drown their sorrows in lies and deception they tell each other and they tell you that you did the best you could and the deck was stacked against you and it's not your fault i hate plan b every thought that you put into plan b you're taking away now that thought and that energy from plan a i've never ever had a plan b i made a full commitment that i'm gonna go and be a bodybuilding champion i made a full commitment that i'm gonna be in america i made a full commitment that i'm gonna get in the show business and i'm going to be a leading man no matter what it takes i will do the work i will do the work over and over and over until i get it they print money they don't print time they don't print opportunities you can lose money and get it back you can't get time back you can't get experiences back worship getting your time back with your family average people focus on money the great focus on time because i can't get my time back you've got to develop a sense of urgency aurelia said stop living your life like you have a thousand years to live in life you're either here today and you're gone today if there's something that you want to do and you can't do it all at one time do just a little bit of it i like what robert schultz says he said by the yard it's hard but inch by inch anything is ascension one of the most important lessons in life that you should know is to remember to have an attitude of gratitude of humility understand where the gift comes from it's not mine it's been given to me use what i have use what you have two help others you know on your last day you can't take it with you but you can leave it here you'll never see a u-haul behind a hearse you don't have to work hard you don't have to eat right you don't have to sleep right you don't have to do more than what's required of you you don't have to do anything that you don't want to do you don't have to win you don't have to be a success in life so the greatest things in life is sacrifice and discipline that's why so few people achieve great things because they don't want to sacrifice they don't want to discipline bring them to help yourself both of them say i've been working hard i'm all about being your own hero if i'm not about kissing your ass in life a lot of us believe that we're working much harder than we actually are we think if we got up early for four days we've earned something the guy dropped your entitled mindset is dead right we believe you work harder than we actually have trust me most of us have it the one thing in life you gotta realize is this learn to help yourself don't count other people to help you stay hard force yourself to do it say you're the general the brain is the general the troops of the body the troops don't want to listen but you go you you listen and you get up and you do it just do it make yourself do it and if you do that if you write down and do that you can change who the you are and so they tell you it's okay to stop it's okay to settle it's okay to give up and that is the instinct you need to fight to push back to smash into the ground do not take the easy way out do not give up based on instinct if you are forced to stand down to retreat so you can rebuild and re-attack so be it but make that decision based on logic replace it with the instinct that says get up go fight on [Music] identity is the governor on every single area of your life it literally sets the temperature for all of the conditions of your life because we know what we are but not what we may be and the who you may be is going to be dictated by your ability to alter your identity because you are going to always be consistent with what you believe you're worth and what you believe you deserve we're going through whatever as if it lasts forever and i want to say this yes moments happen seasons happen but how we respond to those things determines how long those things last in our life and so i want to just tell you this to remind you of this right the sun will shine okay and the storms will come i want you to understand that the sun will shine and the storms will come everything a man does for himself guess what he takes with him but everything he does for others he leaves behind so when you begin to say what is it that i want to leave what contribution that i want to begin to make what difference do i want to make in life what is it that i want to do with the rest of the life that i have left what what chances i need to take what risks do i need to begin to embrace you can either live your dreams or live your fears what are you willing to sacrifice in order to move forward you have to give up something that you love and you may have to give up the thing you love the best that's the fundamental sacrificial motif we all fall down in life guys the question is who gets back up do what is meaningful not what is expedient because meaning is an instinct meaning is the instinct that guides you in life across the totality of life right what's expedient that's what you might want to do right now in an impulsive sense right because you're driven forward by oh anger or anxiety or frustration or disappointment or despair some sort of one-eyed motivational monster that's got you in its grip that really isn't considering everything at once right like considering your life tomorrow or your life next week or maybe you're maybe even your well-being half an hour from now and the instinct for meaning seems to be a consequence of the integration of all of those underlying motivations and emotions with social being and then the manifestation of something like the proper pathway forward and you need that because you need to know how to move forward in life there is always something you can do differently and once you understand that you can always make a different choice and get a different reaction and that's the power in your life that's the power that you have is no matter what's going on you can choose to think differently believe differently see differently all of those things are a choice read man's search for meaning by victor frankl that if you have a y you can survive almost anyhow i can't afford to quit because i have a family depending on me i got a word that depends on me i understand what i'm fighting for do you what you fighting for what you living for what you're doing it for for some retweets on twitter are you doing it for something different are you doing it for legacy because regardless legacy is left whether you want to leave it or not either it's going to be left in a way you don't want to leave it or it's going to be left in the way you want to leave it legacy is left regardless but you right now have a chance here's the problem i find most people have they judge themselves to the lens of a moment they fail at something they miss the honor club they don't close that deal they thought they were going to they embarrass themselves they flub something and they think that defines who they are [Music] but i'm telling you right now you're not defined by who you are you're defined by who you want to become everything you're going through is preparing you for what you ask god for you just got to quit tripping while you're in the process [Music] when you see people bear their suffering nobly there's nothing in that but good and then when you see people take on more responsibility and decide that they're going to aim up and confront their suffering honestly and forthrightly that their lives get better and the lives of people around them get better too and so it's that's very strange as well because it also means that the pathway to less suffering is through suffering it is the thing that allows you to go the extra distance to dig a little deeper to push a little harder to get after it and it actually takes two opposing forces to bring it to life it takes both emotion and logic to reach your maximum potential to really give everything you have to go beyond your limits the process is necessary you may not see it now but when it gets you on the other side of it you're going to see exactly why it went that way and you're going to be okay with it adversity causes some cats to break and other cats to break records [Music] based upon what you're made out of [Music] the most important step we'll ever take in life is our next one the lava is gonna be stuck in concrete we better be stuck in concrete because we're afraid because we're afraid to make enemies we're afraid as people's mind [Music] one thing in life you can always have haters embrace them learn one thing shut the noise out embrace the fact that people don't like you it makes you do something right because when you think it's the beginning you behave differently than the end the meaning we associate to things controls our entire lives it's not that your mother or father died that's giving you suffering certainly that's painful it's the meaning you think it shouldn't have happened when we take control of the meaning it's the only thing we can control our lives we can't control events when it just doesn't make any logical sense to go on that's when you use your emotion your anger your frustration your fear to push further to push you to say one thing i don't stop nobody's going to believe in you until you've already done it nobody's going to come and celebrate with you until you've already done it the work is going to come before the belief [Music] when your feelings are screaming that you have had enough when you think you are going to break emotionally override that emotion with concrete logic and willpower that says one thing fight weak emotions with the power of logic fight the weakness of logic with the power of emotion i don't [Music] stop faith is the belief in things that you cannot see you can never lose faith that's the key you have to believe in something that you can't see you have to believe when you can't when you don't see no way how you have to buckle down and keep believing we're having a biological experience nature has those two levers pleasure and pain i think a lot of people make the mistake of thinking well as long as i don't do things that create a problem i don't do bad things i'll be fine what could possibly be wrong with sitting around in my apartment all day goofing off watching tv playing video games but when you put it together suddenly it does not give you the life you want and you start to feel diseased you don't feel good something's not right something's off but if you do all of the individual things that are fun it ends up where you feel like crap and if you do individually all the things that are hard and a struggle and are difficult you end up feeling awesome so get up before the sun be ready to attack yes that means get up early this will be hard at first but it will become normal and once you are accustomed to it early rising is guaranteed to make your day better so get after it if you could identify how you could give more give more of your love give more of your belief give more of your time give more of your effort give more of your energy you will go to the next level if you're not feeling great about yourself or where your life is right now the pathway out of that is giving you said many of us never realize our greatness because we become sidetracked by secondary activity you are the star of your show you are the director you're writing the script and you will determine whether your life is a smash office hit or flop and it isn't enough to not do something bad you have to be pursuing something that matters meaning purpose that's it that's the game it isn't success it isn't wealth it isn't adoration it's not trophies it's not goals it's nothing other than fulfillment my biggest fear in life is if there is a final resting place in this world and there's a final judgment you talk to something much bigger than you i don't want to sit down and have a conversation with someone that says you're in heaven this is what you should have been on earth i want god to be up there right now we're speaking writing stuff down saying my god he exceeded even my expectations that's how i lived my life i now know that there is no cap on the human mind there's no cap we cap it ourselves 95 of our decisions are made by how you feel in the moment and that is the problem do you feel like making that cold call no you don't do you feel like doing that third set of reps no you don't and if you accept the fact that you may never feel ready and you may never feel motivated and you may never feel courageous and that's okay but you can still push yourself forward as you start to see yourself becoming the person that takes action guess what happens you build the skill of confidence and courage when you quit your mind does this when you quit your mind says we're done so it doesn't expand there's no expansion when you quit when you say you uh-uh this sucks i'm drowning i'm miserable i'm suffering i'm broken but i'm not going anywhere what happens to your mind is it does this it says he's not leaving so we got to expand we got to grow we got to figure this thing out so then these compartments in your brain they have to work and then you start to engage parts of your mind that you've never engaged before when you're in suffer mode and you say i'm not going to quit you're forcing your brain now to operate on a level it's not used to you but then it becomes used to it the people who go after this stuff what makes it worth it it's got to be your passion you got to love it it's got to be what you are supposed to do you want to sing even though they want to invite you to carnegie hall you're going to sing to anybody that listens to you including singing to yourself you got to write even if no one published your book right because that was given to you to do you do what it is you're supposed to you're supposed to build something you're supposed to create something i don't know how to do it learn do whatever is required it's you it's on you you've got to make that happen nobody's going to bring it to you on a civil platter then here's your dream manifested no it's hard yes it's hard it's difficult yes right and it's worth it but i also believe at the end of my life that the lord's going to go hey i want to introduce you to somebody this is the man you were destined to be this is the man you were born to be you have to start living your life in expectation you have got to start expecting great things to happen for you in order for it to happen if you live your life in despair that's what happens to you [Music] then i'll tell you something else it is never too late to make that choice you are never too old to decide where you are going to focus your efforts and push to make the most out of every situation so think not about what you've been through and where you were think about where you are going and choose [Music] choose to make yourself smarter and stronger and healthier [Music] what if if the what if i can pull off a miracle [Music] what if i can become someone that no one thinks i can be [Music] if you can just keep believing when nothing in you is working when all your external forces have given way if you can just manage to somehow keep hoping just hope you ain't really got to believe all you got to do is hope faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen you just got to hope sometimes you ain't strong enough to believe but you can always be strong enough to just hope man i hope god comes i hope i make it so i just want to tell you man that don't let those thoughts that are trying to kill you kill you for those thoughts they're telling you're not enough those thoughts that tell you things won't get better those thoughts that say that you are your mistakes those thoughts that tell you that you are your past those thoughts that tell you that you're worthless don't let those thoughts kill you they're lying to you because you're more than that you're more than a conqueror you're more than what you're going through you do have purpose you are awesome you are talented you are beautiful you are special despite what you've been going through most of us have been conditioned not to take a risk people ask me all the time what does it take to be happy and i always tell them it's really simple one word progress progress equals happiness if you keep growing you're going to feel alive and if you keep growing you're going to have more to give and when you're growing and giving is when life is magnificent you can't be successful if you say one thing and you do another thing so i'm here to tell you all for real success number one starts with you like real real success is you say one thing and if you do what you say seventy percent of the time you're gonna be average if you do what you say you're gonna do eighty percent of the time you're gonna be real good and if you do what you say you're gonna do ninety percent of the time you're gonna be great because very few people do what they say they're gonna do it's all good coming off your lips when i finally discovered it's all risky [Music] the minute you were born it got risky if you think trying is risky wait till they hand you the bill for not trying but as you go through the challenges of life and you look at it and embrace whatever comes to you don't run from it step toward it don't try and duck it like most people do see most people want it easy see easy calm easy run easy go but if you can remain hopeful in spite of all adversity if you can just go to bed and just wake up tomorrow every time you wake up that's a sign from god that he ain't through with you [Music] i don't know what your future is but if you're willing to take the harder way the more complicated one the one with more failures at first their successes the one that has ultimately proven to have more meaning more victory more glory then you will not regret it whatever you choose for a career path remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose [Music] and don't let your mind control you it's not helpful to you to to to be envious if you know what you want then you know when you're failing if you don't allow yourself to know what you want you can keep that foggy if you don't set out the conditions for your success then you can avoid your responsibility because again that's not clear the problem with wanting something is that in all probability you're going to have to work for it you're going to have to make sacrifices and it's certainly possible that you want to avoid that failing to make any of that clear protects you right now but it's really hard on you over the medium to long term how can i wake up early in the morning wake up early how can i work out consistently every day work out consistently every day you have control over your mind you just have to assert it you have to decide that you are going to be in control that you are going to do what you want to do laziness doesn't get a vote sadness doesn't get a vote you go at what you're going to deal with and you deal with the difficult difficulties of it when you handle those hard things close at hand making those hard decisions right now that you don't want to make learning those things that you don't like to do but you know that in order for you to get where you want to go this is one of the hoops that you have to flip through like you know exactly exactly what you want you know exactly when you want it listen to you know exactly what it tastes like you know what it looks like you know what it smells like like before you really blow up blow up and you get success like you literally have it in the palm of your hand without having it so i'm not i'm serious guys you gotta know what it looks like [Music] don't ask for security ask for adventure if you fight with faith you fight with prayer eventually you'll realize everything that you went through had a purpose you have to learn what do you want in your life it's okay to sit in a room by yourself in a chair and just think about you [Music] people's lives aren't what they would like them to be and so then you ask why well forget about tragedy and catastrophe because that's self-evident but one of the main reasons that people don't get what they want is because they don't actually figure out what it is and the probability that you're going to get what would be good for you let's say which would even be better than what you want right because you know you might be wrong about what you want easily but maybe you could get what would really be good for you well why don't you because you don't try the thing that makes individuals really really special who are that great is they're always looking for that competitive edge so it's interesting to see how a champion in sports it's the same mindset it's about winning the battles continuing to improve learning news ways to stay ahead uh stay ahead of the game clarity is what gives you the idea of success when you can see and you can think and you can react with a clear mind he said if you worry about whether other people think about you you will always be their prisoner so unless you're prepared to be other people's prisoners at some point if they're hurling dirt on you if they're constantly trying to re-bury you under the earth that you're trying to claw your way out from then you're never going to get out you've got to just stop worrying about what they think so they can't actually affect you they can only try to influence your mindset you don't think okay here's what i would like if i could have it i don't mean in a way that you manipulate the world to force it to deliver you goods for status or something like that that isn't what i mean i mean something like imagine that you were taking care of yourself like you were someone you actually cared for and then you thought okay i'm caring for this person i would like things to go as well for them as possible what would their life have to be like in order for that to be the case no one will believe in you until you believe in you and so good people often become seduced by the chatter of their loudest fears [Music] do not let them you've got to understand who you're trying to become believe in your ability to get there to become that person to understand that to continue to beat yourself up for something in the past is not going to serve you and so for that very reason let it go [Music] we are good in our comfort zones but the moment we start to go blue ocean around our next level of mastery our fears come up the mind is an instrument don't let it play you so it's it's a really powerful thing to remember to be just just remember that you know that that is that's the job of the mind is to hold on to things into to kind of attach to things and it's your job to say i choose this thought and i don't choose that and i you know because whatever you give energy to is what grows you know where your energy goes is what grows and it's like we have to choose where we put our energy in because that's where we go into manifest so it's it's the more consciously and we can make those choices and where we're letting our mind go the better is going to be for us because we're going out into the unknown it's human you know if you look to look at the psychobiology of it and you were studying the pure biology there's a term called homeostasis human beings are hardwired for a steady state what happens is when we come up with a new idea and when we see a new opportunity and we start to leave our comfort zones into the zone of the unknown where greatness lives we get scared and so i think it starts with realizing your life is not random you are not here by accident when you arrive on whatever scene it is heaven touches earth your goodness your life your creativity is heaven touching earth and that perspective changes the way we show up in the world no nostalgia for catastrophe i think that's what that means is that when you leave what's not good you wash the dust off your feet and you don't look back and that's a very harsh lesson that there's no excuses whatsoever for not getting up and getting at it that's what it means it even means that when people are beset with a catastrophe like that they are prone to use that as an excuse for not going about the business that they should be going about because they can say to themselves well i would accept and accept there's always good reasons i mean believe me there's always good reasons for not doing what you should that's for sure the reasons pile up day after day to not do what you should especially because you're you're aiming at things in the future you can put them off indefinitely right because of the demands of the day when you leave somewhere terrible do not look back there's no nostalgia that's that's the letting the dead parts of yourself go [Music] to experience drastic positive change and here's the thing about running away from your problems running away from your past have you ever noticed that when you run away it tends to follow you and then if you're going to follow the good there's no excuse not to do it and that and it means no excuse whatsoever under any circumstances there's no excuse whatsoever for not getting at what it is that you should be doing imagine you could press pause on a thought imagine you could use that time to just reflect take a step back observe imagine you could fast forward to something in the past learn from it straight away and then press play again when you felt comfortable [Music] mindfulness really allows you to find that clarity time so that you can actually navigate your mind and not just be led by it [Music] let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream and that you could for example have the power within one night to dream 75 years of time or any length of time you wanted to have and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams you would fulfill all your wishes but now let's um let's have a surprise let's have a dream which isn't under control [Music] well something is going to happen to me that i don't know what it's going to be [Music] then you would get more and more adventurous and you would make further and further out gambles as to what you would dream and finally you would dream where you are now when you realize that every single day could be your last or when you appreciate that no matter how long you live life is a short ride you just sort of let go of the fears and you let go of the limits and you live full-on and you seize opportunities and you have real conversations with real people and you sort of wear your heart on your sleeve and you bring on the fullness of your authenticity and you do whatever it takes to get your loftiest dreams to get done the point is that there's some games you don't get to play unless you're all in and the other thing that's so interesting about being alive is that you're all in no matter what you do you're all in this is gonna kill you so i think you might as well play the most magnificent game you can while you're waiting because do you have anything better to do really why not pick the best thing possible that you could do why not do that maybe you could justify your wretched existence to yourself that way i think you could that's what it looks like you know people find such meaning in their responsibilities they adopt it stops making them ask questions about what life is for [Music] follow your passion first first first first first and you got to sit there and ask yourself okay what am i truly passionate about what do i enjoy doing and when you feel that way i honestly i mean you feel like you've never worked a day in your life it's the most fun thing in the world you get up in the morning excited about what you're doing and you got to be really honest with yourself about it if you wake up in the morning and you're dreading going to work dude do something else do something else and those are hard decisions to make but when you make those decisions it's a very liberating experience and you find out that the rewards will come change is inevitable so here's what's going to happen no matter what's going on in your life is not permanent everything is going to change so there's two things you can do with change you can react to it or you can participate in it it's gonna change anyway so if you keep waiting around you're gonna have to react to the change and now you you're behind [Music] your best laid plans [Music] has changed so what you got to start doing is you got to start anticipating that it's going to change and just start living your life into preparation for change no matter what you're doing you could be doing more remember that it's 24 hours in a day you got to use as many of those hours to prepare stability for yourself as you can [Music] and internally if not this moment when right that if we're not going to speak up now i think going to be easier or better a year from now we wait for things to calm down we wait for it to be the right moment but this is the right moment that we we look back a year in our life five years ago and we rarely say uh i'm disappointed that i spoke up i'm disappointed that i did my art i'm disappointed that i connected to somebody we don't what we regret is not doing that that responsibility is never given it's taken and then if you choose to take responsibility all these doors open up because there is no right answer what there are are challenges we can sign up for and emotions we can experience [Music] and so what i'm suggesting to you is do whatever it takes to be in the moment and to stay positive and to stay on your game and to optimize your craft and to spend time with your loved ones and take care of your fitness and to learn something new every day and to enjoy the beauty of sunsets and star-filled nights and at the same time as much as possible please do not lose perspective stay connected to your mortality you are naked you have nothing to lose dreams is uh they should be pure and i think a lot of times when we're born into this world we actually wind up going backwards and it seems like the more we mature the more responsible our dreams become the more governors we put on ourselves and our ability to dream and to reimagine and it's always a fight for you guys to make sure that your dreams always stay pure so it's not a matter of of pushing beyond the limitations or expectations it's really a matter of protecting your dreams protecting your imagination that's really the key and when you do that then the world just seems limitless [Music] because you can't do this without commitment you have to commit to it first that's the act of faith that you have to say i'm going to act as if being is good i'm going to act as if truth is the pathway to enlightenment i'm going to act as if i should pursue the deepest meaning possible in my life and there's there's reasons to do none of those they're real reasons so it's really a decision but you you can't find out what the consequence of the decision is unless you make the decision that's the nature of life but god in the sense of being the self the deep down basic whatever there is and you're all that only you're pretending you're not [Music] it's time for you to be honest with yourself are you becoming the person you want to be is this the direction you want to take your life are the people around you in your circle really wanting the best for you you see most people don't know this but a lot of problems can be solved just by removing some foods some people and some habits in your life we think that small changes aren't significant but we forget that big changes are accumulations of small changes each and every day we plan for that elusive monday to start to change to do something different why you must start now right now the moment you decide is the moment you start don't forget what the ancient persian poet rumi said what you seek is also seeking you so what are you seeking what are you afraid of some people will not want you to change your change represents a willingness to become more and this makes some people around you insecure but remember this you never lose real friends opportunities or real relationships for standing up for yourself and wanting more from life you lose abusers manipulators narcissists control freaks attention seekers and mental health destroying leeches this journey is not an easy one to take remember that when you're in the middle of it it will always seem dark but it's always darkest before the dawn so what you dated the wrong person and learned a hard lesson so what you chose the wrong major and had to start over again so what you cherished a friend who turned their back on you it's called life we learn we hurt we love we cry we laugh and we do it all over again experiences make you unique embrace them don't be scared of them never be a prisoner of your past it was a lesson not a life sentence continue to learn continue to grow and embrace your mistakes for they make you who you are this is life and you can be sure it goes on and don't you forget this none of us are getting out of here alive so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought eat the delicious food walk in the sunshine swim in the ocean say the truth that you're carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure be silly be kind be weird there isn't time for anything else savor this life for it's all we have time for you to get after it
Channel: Absolute Motivation
Views: 786,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AbsoluteMotivation, #MotivationalVideo, #SelfHelp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Wed May 25 2022
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